Gambling Addiction: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

what is considered gambling addiction

what is considered gambling addiction - win

Would you consider a 1min Bullet Chess as Gambling? Its addicting and you never know how time flies. What started as usual couple of hours Bullet lichess ended up going all day Saturday for 17 hours straight. This is my weakness as well as in poker. I just couldn't quit when I want to.

Would you consider a 1min Bullet Chess as Gambling? Its addicting and you never know how time flies. What started as usual couple of hours Bullet lichess ended up going all day Saturday for 17 hours straight. This is my weakness as well as in poker. I just couldn't quit when I want to. submitted by SSSupermanSS to chess [link] [comments]

Would you consider a poker as Gambling? Its addicting and you never know how time flies. What started as usual couple of hours Bullet lichess ended up going all day Saturday for 17 hours straight. This is my weakness as well as in 1min Bullet Chess. I just couldn't quit when I want to.

submitted by PayDaPrice to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

[serious] Can a person who doesn’t care about money but might have what is considered an additive personality become addicted to gambling?

submitted by latamvapor to AskReddit [link] [comments]

1year+ WSB member, please protect yourself

Listen guys I'm not your mom nor your financial manager.
+ Mods don't delete
I'll take my negative karma bomb as well....
okay listen, it will be quick and brutal but if it saves 1 life, it will be worth it.

The number of people
- asking how to create a trading account
- how to pass an order
- when to invest / if its too late / if its ok to all-in your life savings
- says / post screens of leveraged positions using borrowed money / students loan / maxed out credit cards & so on
This place used to be full of educated people "who didn't know what they were doing". Now , it's just full of UNEDUCATED PEOPLE.
but guess what ? nobody will help you on that.
Some lives are about to be ruined. I'm not saying GME is gonna tank, I'm just kindly asking you to NOT PLAY WITH YOUR LIFE SAVINGS / BORROWED MONEY.
in the past, lots of topics / comments / threads in this sub ended up with suicidal declaration, ruined life, people that lost their cars, their work, their wife and family, their home, and even their LIFES. You need to understand SOME PEOPLE ARE NOT ABLE TO MANAGE A LOSS AND ITS A LIFE THREAT TO THEM.

Now back to buying GME.


one of us.

Edit 1 :
ugly loss porn for the sceptical :
people here used to be gambling addict, I'm not saying you are going to be, but please , young /first time investors/traders, analyze your emotions and keep BOTH EYES ON IT. IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELINGS, CHECK THIS. PLEASE BE CAREFUL.
Edit 2 : to the retards making money in the process. Do not forget that you will most likely have to pay TAXES. Do not forget it. Don't re-gamble everything you won out of it.
Edit 3 : with the ongoing situation (-35% on $GME since open), please do not forget to share your loss porn and go fuck yourself.
submitted by jfkah to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

The Sacred Grove and Grod's Law: How Path of Exile's fundamental itemization design conflicts with its own crafting system

Edit: Actual TL;DR - There is none. It's a complicated issue and I'm hoping you will take the time to read the post if you want to engage in the discussion. That's why the post is tagged 'discussion'.
I made a lengthy comment after reading this post yesterday. What a crazy helmet! But it was the top comment chain in that thread that caught my attention, particularly this comment:
Annoyance leads to a group that is willing to put up with it getting all the rewards but hating the game because it's annoying and a second group that doesn't put up with it but hates that they're missing out on the stuff the first group is getting. Everyone loses.
My thoughts on this subject probably merit its own discussion thread, so here it is.
This reminds me of Grod's Law:
Grod's Law: You cannot and should not balance bad mechanics by making them annoying to use
Years ago on the Giant in the Playground forums (a community for the D&D 3.5 edition tabletop roleplaying game), an argument broke out when a user recommended balancing the absurd power of magic using classes by making them meticulously track their material components for each spell.
For those unaware, material costs for spells that didn't have an explicit monetary cost listed were generally just flavorful; holdovers from Gary Gygax's day at the helm, basically little Easter eggs in the game. Like Detect Thoughts required you to use 2 copper pieces to cast, e.g. 'penny for your thoughts?', and Fireball required you to use bat guano (known to be high in sulfur content) and saltpeter (chemically combined they create an exothermic reaction IRL).
Anyway, your wizard or whatever was expected to buy a spell component pouch for a few gold and that pouch was assumed to have all the basic material components they'd need for most spells in limitless quantity. Spells in D&D can be incredibly powerful and versatile in their use, and the most powerful builds in the game all involve casting magic. Well, this user suggested balancing those spells by making wizards have to spend time gathering their individual material components. Want to cast Fireball? Spend a few days scraping bat shit off the cave floor, etc.
The problem with this rationale is that it doesn't really solve any problems. Wizards are still just as powerful, but now the player has to go out of their way, detracting from the campaign and story, so they can scrape their spell juice off the dungeon floor. Grod argued the following:

Tie this back into PoE already!

Yes, sorry. Thanks for putting up with my rambling.
I kinda feel like harvest is like this - A terrible implementation of a mechanic that GGG (i.e. Chris Wilson) hates (i.e. thinks is 'bad' for the game). It highlights a massive problem with itemization and crafting in this game.
Way too much character power is tied up in gear as compared to skills and passives. And Harvest crafts are so powerful because other crafting tools in PoE are are way too random, but the power creep in items over the years has made it way too appealing (various influence mods for example). Crafting most items is a gamble, plain and simple. Gambling is just not appealing to many people, and it can get expensive very fast. It's layers upon layers of RNG for even the chance of getting a decent item, some of which can be build-enabling, and there are very few deterministic methods of getting what you want. It's far easier to just buy a powerful item like that from someone else. Of course, that can't be done for SSF players, but even in trade league it can be problematic when GGG balances the game around meta-builds (supply and demand means you might not get to enjoy playing your build because upgrades are too expensive).
GGG wants the game to be like this. They want you to engage in the skinner box of gambling RNG they've designed. Harvest just doesn't jive with how they want you to build your character, but it's immensely popular for anyone who hates gambling and wants to build their character in a predictable and targeted way. Their solution was to leave it in the game but make it as cumbersome and obnoxious to engage with as possible, so it becomes a massive opportunity cost to do so.
You find a grove in a map. Cue 20 to 30 minutes of reviewing your stash and gear for possible upgrades and reviewing craft options for valuable ones that might be sold on TFT, etc. It completely disrupts the flow of the game and you can barely save enough valuable crafts for one or two side builds. When you finally do get one of the few good craft options, you might not even have something to use it on! Ultimately it's far more time-efficient to sell your good crafts (using 3rd party mechanisms, of course) and just keep playing the game.

How does this affect me, SaneExile?

The system affects the game exactly how Grod proposes:
The inappropriate powergamer figures out how to circumvent the restriction. His power remains the same.
PoE isn't a collaborative tabletop game like D&D, so "inappropriate powergamer" is, well, an inappropriate name for this group. Optimizing gameplay in PoE is perfectly reasonable and encouraged. But people who trade crafts in large volume on TFT or are in massive guilds throwing around thousands of exalts are not your average optimizer, and are not affected by this cumbersome barrier to entry. They find the optimal solution and just incorporate it into their gameplay and profit off it massively.
The reasonable player either figures out how to circumvent the restriction (rendering it moot), avoids the class (turning it into a ban) or suffers through it. His power remains the same and/or his enjoyment goes down.
Reasonable player -> average PoE player. The distinction between these two groups can get fuzzy, but it's hard to argue that someone playing 40 hours per week and someone playing 10 hours per week can achieve the same levels of effectiveness. Practice makes perfect, and practice takes time. Those in large communities are, likewise, not really playing the same game as the solo players (e.g. aura-bots, trade groups, etc.). For some, efficiency is measured in chaos per hour. For a few, it can be exalts per hour. This group is very much the former.
The new player avoids the class or suffers through it. His enjoyment goes down.
Class -> game mechanic. In this case, I'm sure a lot of people just pretend the Sacred Grove doesn't exist. Harvest is a thing that other people do. And if they do choose to engage with it, its cumbersomeness and complexity means their overall enjoyment of PoE is diminished. I couldn't even begin to explain the system to someone new to the game, at least in a reasonable manner that doesn't sound like a college economics lecture.


So, average people either suffer through harvest's implementation because it's so damn useful, or they avoid it and suffer FOMO or other gambling-induced psychological issues because the power-players in the community are cranking out incredibly OP gear on the trading market. Lose-Lose. This isn't unique to harvest, it's just the most obvious with this crafting system in the game. Crafting in general is fucked up, when you really consider how it's designed to prey on gambling addiction.
This might not be a problem in the short term (obviously you don't need the helmet posted above to make specters work), but in the long term it throws off the balance of the game through power creep. The Raise Specters gem was meganerfed this league, but it's definitely still playable, and with items like this, it's not even that much weaker than before. Essentially, the power of the skill was offloaded from the gem to PoE's itemization system, and the barrier to OPness is that much higher. The rich get richer and the average market has one less meta build.
GGG really fucked up Harvest, but it's only because Harvest highlighted just how fucked up crafting in this game is. Super powerful crafts have always been something only the PoE rich engage with regularly and with any significant profit. Harvest, for its league at least, let more casual players engage with that system. And the power creep ended up being so massive that they hamstrung it every chance they got.
Ultimately, GGG's implementation ends up hurting the whole game because of Grod's Law - the benefits of it are minimized while the annoyance is maximized. It's possible we can benefit from some stopgap solutions, like more horticrafting station space, tradeable crafts (like beasts), etc., but many of these come with their own host of issues. They're just bandaids on the crafting mechanic as a whole, which is a product of the itemization design.
TL;DR, thanks for coming to my TEDTalk. General disclaimer that this is my personal opinion of the state of the game, one that I've put way too much time into. It's still fun in a lot of ways, but the more I play the more I see problematic design features creeping their way into the game.
Edit: Well this took off. I've been trying to address arguments from you all as best I can, but there's one I noticed in particular keeps coming up and I think my main post didn't clarify my stance as well as it could've:
I'm not against the idea of RNG. Randomness in itself is not a problem for this genre or most games in general. I am however very much against the argument that, 'well the entire game is randomness so more randomness is fine.' I've tried to address that in this comment, which I'll link instead of reiterating.
submitted by ecstatic1 to pathofexile [link] [comments]

How to spot a cheating man

I read some of your responses with tears. Thank you to everyone who said something encouraging! I tried to answer some questions and hope I didn't miss any. I am not able to respond very fast; I still feel some emotional hangover just from sharing what I wrote. I initially made this as a one-and-done throwaway, but now I will keep this account active and hopefully share some more in the future, since some of your responses really got me thinking. I am truly grateful that this space exists. I still received some harassment (which I blocked), but I know the mods / automod filter out a lot more, and that level of safety was what encouraged me to speak up. Thank you!!
(TW for self harm and abuse.)
I am a FDS membeposter. I made an alt to tell my story as a former sugar baby. I understand this might not go through because sex work is fundamentally anti-FDS. I am now anti-sex work and I hope this post has value here.
I won't go into childhood details, but I suffered from abuse and poverty from a very young age, so everything about luxury and having a sugar daddy appealed to me. I was also raised very patriarchal, and was told since birth that certain things were only achievable via a man, even if I was deeply ambitious when young. My own family tried to "match" me at age 15 with an adult family friend they felt was wealthy. Thanks to FDS, I now realize I was groomed and it was statutory rape. It was a major breakthrough when I told my therapist for the first time two weeks ago, and what sparked my motivation to write this post.
There was no clear "beginning" to my sw journey. I have always slept around casually. I also have always had rough/kinky sex. I was exposed to porn at a very young age. Eventually I happened into sleeping with richer men. But I became successful as a SB after I unknowingly implemented very strict FDS-like ground rules and demanded more. The irony was, after I started earning more, I got banned from several sex work/sugar baby forums. People thought I was lying about my standards and earnings. Even in the sw community, you had to be a deferential pickme to be accepted. Any high standards must be a lie. I was unknowingly lifting myself out of the sw fog, becoming more outspoken, and I was alienated.
I eventually managed to make a lot of money (bought my family a house). I had strict requirements that men provide verification of their identities (passport / work profile), and ability to provide. At my peak (financial peak and self-delusion peak), I abandoned my own career to do it full time, and even considered outsourcing the admin side of vetting + marketing myself like a product, to maximize earnings.
This was also a time when my self esteem was so chipped that I only knew one avenue of building it up: male validation and monetary reward.
Looking back now, even if money was there, everything else was bad. I traveled all the time. I was burned out. I still experienced FREQUENT sexual assault and rape without recourse, which I treated as "occupational hazard." I suffered emotional damage, extreme guilt and shame, loss of sense of self, loss of friendship, loss of sense of value regarding money and life. I spiraled to a point of being constantly suicidal. I was a shell. I drank a lot.
Finally, the most prominent of all: despite what I was telling everyone in my circle, I never could fully feel pride about my "work." I had a nagging sense that I was meant for something else, something not this, except who knows what though. It was like the part of myself I locked away was knocking from its cage. So I became more and more split psychologically. I dissociated a lot, where I literally floated up to the ceiling and "saw" my body going through the motions, even if it's not sexual and just a dinner at a nice restaurant. I was potentially losing my mind. I often imagined ending my life during a dissociated phase so I wouldn't "feel' it.
Yet, I continued to justify that all that was just normal work stress, because "sex work is work." My feelings must be wrong. I must have internalized slutshaming. This is the danger of that kind of rhetoric. Even if I entered it voluntarily as an adult, seemingly benefitted financially, I gaslighted myself about leaving and delayed it for far too long. My pickme self felt I was not like the others who were traumatized, and I was fine. In reality, I was in danger mentally and physically. I still feel this eerie brush with death when I try to imagine if I had never left.
I still have a very small circle of friends in the lifestyle and I make a point of talking to them about leaving whenever possible. I don't know if some of them will ever leave, though. I have to rebuild my social life as well.
Welp, that got long. I originally wanted to share some cheating red flags here, since many of my sugar daddies were married. I hope these help confirm everything FDS already says in the handbook. So here it is:
That's all I can think of for now. I don't know if a healthy relationship with an age-appropriate man will ever happen for me. I have tried to date normally since my exit, but found that I struggle to vet as strictly as I did when I was a sugar baby. I have stopped dating. I do know I am now a radfem working on spending a life with myself if a man doesn't happen. I genuinely believe men, as a whole, abuse women, and we cannot categorically escape it, and must always watch our own backs. I am working up the courage to become more outspoken against sex work, and hopefully help younger girls out of the trap I fell in myself.
It's been 1 year since I last had a drink, and 1.5 years since I broke up with my last SD. My wish for 2021 is to rebuild my career and friendships. I start to feel low when I think of the last 5 years of a black hole, and how to explain that. I am working up the strength. When I was a young girl, I wanted to be a lawyer. I don't know if I have the gumption to follow through, but I can fantasize. I also have a couple of other fields I have interest in. I only need my self worth to catch up and open my eyes that I can achieve my dreams.
I wish you all a happy 2021.
submitted by taxthrowaway00 to FemaleDatingStrategy [link] [comments]

Ridiculous Fan Theory: Davey Went to WitSec

Davey called it. He knew the plane vouchers were too far and would result in criminal charges. Tony dismissed the concern and then gets himself arrested when he hands off a voucher to Livia and she gets picked up at the airport for trying to fly with a "stolen" voucher.
Mink even says that if all they have on Tony is the vouchers in his car then they have nothing. But they didn't necessarily have nothing. They had Davey. Davey was criminally liable for those tickets and all of the fraud associated with the liquidation of his store by Tony and Richie. This guy lost everything and he likely blamed Tony for it. What motivation does Davey have to keep his mouth shut for Tony knowing the paper trail leads right back to him and he could end up in prison as well?
Davey's trip to Nevada makes very little sense. Not from a writing standpoint but from a "wait, you're going where for what?" standpoint. One possibility I had considered is that Davey was never going to "work on a ranch" at all. He was going to Nevada specifically to admit himself to a gambling addiction program. It could be based on a ranch. Go and pet the horses instead of gambling. That sort of thing. I would have to believe that there are some decent gambling recovery programs in and around Nevada for obvious reasons. Ranches do not hire 40 something year old guys, site unseen, to come and work for them when their last experience was running a sporting goods store even if they lived in Colorado as children. You know what you can do from afar? You can enroll in a treatment program.
But even that would do you no good if the feds are going to come knocking a week later to lock you up for wire fraud. Davey's family is under the impression that Davey is in a "psychiatric hospital" though this could be a recovery program as noted. Tony is left to believe that Davey is about to go land flat on his face in Vegas. No one has any reason to doubt Davey. He clearly makes poor choices in the interest of his addiction. We can only imagine that his wife and son are not exactly on regular speaking terms with him. Yet they know he is in some form of treatment and there is no mention of him, or his ex wife, being in trouble for the plane tickets. The airline flagged those vouchers as stolen. The feds are clearly watching. Yet we never hear of a raid on the Scatino house. We never hear from Meadow her shrill and indignant cry because Eric's room got tossed by Agent Grosso. The line from the stolen vouchers to Davey and his family is much clearer and has a solid and unbroken paper trail. The line from the vouchers to Tony is very slim. Let's also consider, how did the feds get probable cause to search Tony's vehicle? Sure, Livia uses a stolen voucher. However, that does not give the feds probable cause to search Tony. Livia and her house? Sure. Her adult son? Not at all. They had to have something else in order to get that warrant. Livia using the voucher plus Davey's testimony would be more than enough. Then they find the voucher's in Tony's car and we have the makings of a pretty strong RICO case.
Davey is the perfect candidate for a fresh start. He tells everyone he is heading to Nevada. They all believe him because he's a gambling addict. He loads up his car and proceeds directly to the Newark Field Office of the FBI and they turn him over to the US Marshal Service to go into hiding under a new name until it comes time to testify against Tony.
Davey isn't on a ranch. Davey is living in Oklahoma or Montana under a new name and trying to get a clean start.
submitted by TheFire_Eagle to thesopranos [link] [comments]

The status-quo bias that keeps people loyal to capitalism.

A common status-quo bias is judging anything new by much higher standards than the status-quo itself is ever held to. This is practically a hallmark of trying to discuss things with conservatives: their dismissal of anything they're not used to for being imperfect, despite what they're used to not being perfect either.
In posting about alternate ways to plan production, inevitably do I get some replies insisting any method but our current one is surely implausible because they can't imagine precisely how it might address some contrived problem they just thought of. The shortcomings of capitalism are meanwhile swept under the rug. In general, they act like capitalism is some gold standard of efficiency, and so any conceivable problem of an alternate is a net loss.
A defense enjoyed for its veneer of academic prestige is the idea that nothing but the capitalist price system could possibly create enough information to plan things by. There's no particular reason to believe this – it's just something they say – but let's take a step back and acknowledge what may well be an even more important point, which is that's not a high bar. We just have to do at least the job capitalism is already doing?
Letting rich people plan the economy is already terribly inefficient and fails all the time. It's not a gold standard just because it's the thing we're currently stuck with (and I do mean stuck).
To consider:
  1. The information gleaned from prices is very limited in scope to begin with, concerned only with demand that can be fulfilled in existing market conditions in a way that's profitable for the rich. The homeless, or those people who need healthcare they can't afford, are effectively invisible. Forget about any sort of public work or utility. The externalities of your actions can likewise be dismissed. (This alone is sufficient reason to demand a different system, since the externalities capitalists disregard are what's destroying us. The environment is only the most obvious form of this; it's a multifaceted problem that echoes throughout society. A conservative may appreciate the detrimental affect it has on culture: capitalists have no respect for you, your people, or your traditions; they just want you to consoome. The 'externalities' understanding is here applicable.)
  2. The information implicitly created by our purchases isn't as useful as you've been led to think. Most consumption is pretty far from 'rational,' and what choices we make (within the limited range of choices capitalists choose to present us with) is more predictable than either planners or consumers seem comfortable to admit. We don't stop and do research before every purchase we make; shopping is (and is designed to be) compulsive; we react well to emotional manipulation, branding, flashy packaging, bullshit 'deals,' and our own addictions. This is what I talked about in my previous thread, 'Let's plan production': giving people actual control over their economy would be far more accurate and meaningful than just observing how they act inside a system that's designed to manipulate them in certain ways to begin with.
  3. It's not like capitalists aren't constantly mismanaging resources, even with all this information they supposedly have. Economic crises are just a fact of life in capitalist society, and the price system is constantly tainted by things unrelated to any actual demand. The average person has to endure a shoddy housing market because of the extent to which housing prices have come to reflect rich people's penchant for investment, gambling, and tax evasion more so than they are a measure of how many people actually need housing. And the next time the system collapses on itself, it'll again be the poor who suffer while the rich make off like bandits. (And of course, workers losing their jobs and homes and savings is tolerated where it's acknowledge at all, because the operational definition for 'efficiency' for conservatives is 'whatever makes rich people the most money.')
submitted by Hheaut to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

AITA for not sharing money I have saved for my niece with my wife's nephews?

Back in 2000, I had the fortune of winning a lottery. It wasn't millions or anything, but I paid off my college loans, bought a house, and was able to be comfortable even through the recession in '08. When my niece was born three years later, I immediately loved her like my own, and decided she would have the same head start I did.
Now, my niece will be 18 next year, and I've saved enough for her college and for her to outright buy a decent sized house whenever she's ready. My living expenses have only been a few thousand a year, and my job pays very well, so I've saved most of my pay for this. This will hopefully allow for her to pay it forward to the next generation and always be comfortable.
The issue is my wife. We've been married 8 years, together 13. We've had multiple talks, and have agreed to keep our finances mostly separate, mainly because she had a financially abusive relationship before we got together. We have a shared bank account for our few expenses, vacations, and buying gifts for loved ones. Otherwise, savings, retirements, everything is separate, to the point where she didn't even want me to add her name to the house. Neither of us wanted kids, so that's not an issue. I'm happy with my niece, and my wife is happy with her 3 nephews.
However, one nephew is the same age as my niece, and is freaking out about what he's going to do since he didn't get a scholarship he was hoping for since he's graduating after next semester. My wife and I were discussing it, and I asked if she had saved up anything. She was surprised by this idea, and asked what I meant. I told her what I had saved for my niece, and now she's demanding I split it. There would still be enough for her to go to the college she wants, just not buy a house.
I'm not happy with this. My wife has also had very low living expenses, and hasn't saved anything for her side of the family. I'm happy to give the kid gifts, but I want my niece to never be scared of debt or being homeless. Am I the asshole for refusing?
Edit: Quick edit to clarify some things. My wife moved in with me after 2 years of dating. Ever since then, the only expenses she's had to pay are half of utilities, half of groceries, and half of our fun money. Both of us contribute about 10-15k a year to the household depending on what our vacationing plans are, and the rest of the money is ours to do with as we want. I know she had some debt when we first got together, but she finished paying that off years ago.
Other then those combined finances, no, we really don't talk about money. Her request to keep things separate, and so long as neither of us are gambling addicts, we didn't really need to know what the other does.
Finally, I really don't consider her nephews mine. I've met them all of 2 times, while I see my niece multiple times a week. The difference in living on different sides of the country, I guess, and my wife doesn't really talk to them on the phone. Her and her family text all the time, but since theyre not big phone callers and I haven't been added to the group chat, I'm ok with not having a relationship with them. My wife has, before, expressed liking the fact that I'm not close with her family, since her abusive ex was friends with a lot of them and it was hard to separate her life from him once they broke up. So these people are pretty much strangers, so I don't consider them family, but my wife's family.
submitted by Moneysavedformyniece to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

The Trash Taste Gacha Game Survey Results: Part I

The Trash Taste Gacha Game Survey Results: Part I
Hi all,
Two weeks ago, The Boys published their video on gacha games. This inspired me to conduct a survey on this subreddit on your thoughts and experiences with gacha games. Thanks to your support, there is a lot of data to sift through and a lot of interesting results so far. Due to IRL deadlines, I wasn't able to examine the data in full capacity, so I will be posting results in two or more sections.
This first section will primarily deal with the surface-level headline data. I will also cover some of the reasonings and inner workings of what went into the survey and results (for those interested in the data scientist portions of things). A subsequent post/posts in the near future will cover topics I wasn't able to get to as well as more technical analysis of the data (regression, model-building, etc.)
These posts will be presented in a semi-formal fashion, i.e., I'll lay out the posts like a research paper but I'll add personal interjections from time to time. (If you want to really get into the meat and potatoes, you can just skip to the "Results and Discussion" section.) With that said, allow me to introduce my initial findings:

Our Trash Taste in Gacha Games: An Informal Community Survey Analysis on the Nature of TrashTaste's Experience Regarding Gacha Games

The recent rise of "gacha games" has been bolstered by a number of intersecting trends. These include the mass popularity of anime or anime-like products, the increasing ubiquity of smartphones, and introduction of lootboxing mechanics by game publishers as a means of profiting off "free to play" or "freemium" games in the digital sphere. A recent episode from the anime-centric podcast "Trash Taste" explored their experiences and opinions regarding such games. This post intends to further explore the general sentiment of gacha games through the podcast's official subreddit, TrashTaste, and discuss the results.
A little bit about my background. Anime, anime-like products, and manga have been a huge part in my life. I remember watching Detective Conan, Pokemon, and Keroro Gunso and being introduced to Gundam and MapleStory when I was young. Since it seems to be a trend on this subreddit, I'll throw my hat in the ring and show my 3x3:
[If you want further discussion about these and other related series, feel free to comment below or DM me]
From left to right, up to down: Ah! My Goddess, Hayate the Combat Butler , The World God Only Knows, Carnival Phantasm (+ Fate franchise), Pastel, Q.E.D.: Shoumei Shuuryou, Yandere Kanojo, Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter, The Gamer
As I mentioned in my first post about the survey, I am a graduate student working on my masters for data science. I also completed a bachelors in economics. All of this combined made me not only interested in gacha games as an avid consumer, but also as a research subject. The Boys simply were the catalyst for spurring this project.
Data Collection and Survey Construction
Data was collected via Google Forms on the TrashTaste subreddit. The post that contained the survey was released several hours after the video was posted. Survey responses were collected for a period of 1 week from January 22 to January 28 (though there was a massive decrease in the rate of respondents after the fourth day).
The survey was constructed based on my own experiences with gacha games as well as general demographics that would be useful to examine on a macro scale.
Regarding demographics: asking respondents on several aspects of demographics is a tricky subject since not only does it mean divulging a group of variables known as protected classes, these could be markers that could reidentify anonymized people; thus, I stuck to "safer" questions (age and gender). I then asked which otaku material was preferred.
The next set of questions dealt with those who were currently playing gacha games. I asked the number of currently played games, which ones (with an open-ended aspect since I knew I would miss some) and the top 3 games.
For each of the top 3 games, I asked how long they have played, which server, how long the game was around, how consistent did they play, how far they were, their current level of commitment, how much they spent (open-ended), spending title, whether the game had PVP, hype moments (some open-ended), and why they play (some open-ended).
Finally, based on the central theme of The Boys' video, I asked whether games should be regulated and what their policy recommendation would be (open-ended).
Limitations and Oversights
This survey is, obviously, limited by the research environment and my experiences. Academic papers have pondered about the effectiveness regarding survey reliability using subreddits, which may be interesting and impactful from a statistically-minded formal research. In addition, there were a total of 678 respondents which, while certainly plenty in any regular volunteer statistical number crunching, pales in comparison to the 104K members in this subreddit alone; this is going to affect the power analysis of these results. Submitting the survey hours after the video was posted (when the user activity likely peaks) likely limited user exposure. Therefore, this post will be much closer to the next video.
Then there are questions I didn't ask due to oversight on my part - I'm only human.
  1. The biggest oversight, pointed out by u/Mareek, was
Welp I answered that I don't play any gatcha games, but it didn't give me a chance to say why I don't play them or if I played any before.
There should at least be a question for why/why not play them.
I probably would have asked something like:
If you responded "no," why do you not play gacha games?
- Not interested
- Not trying to get addicted
- Trying to stop gambling addiction
- Bad luck/greed sensor
- Used to play, but lost interest
2) As pointed out by u/Paoda and u/gzavwunt, I forgot to add visual novels into the "primary source of otaku source material" question! As a Fate fan, this was a massive oversight I regret (don't worry, I did at least watch the full visual novel playthroughs of Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Hollow Ataraxia).
3) There were a few questions that were open-ended that in hindsight definitely backfired. The biggest ones were the "how long has the game lasted" ( u/ShinyMilo ) and "how much you spent" questions. They are a mess to deal with, even with all the regex expressions I know, so I ultimately had to throw them out. The former in the end was merely a curiosity and the latter was somewhat salvaged by the "spending title" questions, so I'm not too bothered by it, but something I'll keep in mind in the future.
Results and Discussion
Here are the initial results, and I think there's some interesting trends we can look at.
First, let's look at the demographics.
  1. Let's start with age distribution:

Figure 1
There were 678 respondents. There appears to be a considerable right skew (aka a skew towards a younger audience). There are a lot of zoomers among the respondents, though there are a considerable number of millennials as well.
2) Next, take a look at gender distribution:

Figure 2. Male: 87%, Female: 9.3%, Nonbinary: 1%, Prefer not to say: 2.7%
Well, somewhat not surprisingly, of the 678 respondents, an overwhelming 87% identified as males. Connor as "the 93%"? More like the survey as "the 9.3%."
3) For the final aspect of demographics, let's look at the distribution of answers for "What is your preferred consumption of otaku source material?"
Figure 3. (to the nearest tenth of a percent) Anime and Manga Equally: 33.8%, Anime: 32.4%, Manga: 16.7%, Anime, Manga, and Light Novel Equally: 9.7%, Manga and Light Novel Equally: 4.1%, Anime and Light Novel Equally: 2.2%, Light Novel: 1.0%
Of the 678, respondents, 32.4% prefer to watch anime, 16.7% prefer to read manga, and 33.8% prefer to consume anime and manga equally. Light novel readers (either as the preferred choice or read it equally with other mediums) amount to about 17%.
Hot take here: I am one of the 16.7% that prefer to read manga/manhwa (pitchforks in the comments), but only because there are so many series that I like that either have only become adapted recently (Horimiya, HameFura) or haven't been adapted yet (Shuumatsu no Valkyrie).
Next, let's look at gacha by the numbers.
  1. First, let's look at the number of gacha games people play:

Figure 4
Of the 678 respondents, 232 did not currently play and gacha games, 194 did currently play 1 game, 117 did currently play 2 games, and so forth. The most surprising finding was that there are a few people that currently play at least 10 games, with one even playing 17!
2) Next, let's look at the top 20 games that were the favorite, second favorite, third favorite, and overall most popular:
"...Yet in most companies, the so-called “80/20 rule” applies: 80 percent of a data scientist’s valuable time is spent simply finding, cleansing, and organizing data, leaving only 20 percent to actually perform analysis." - IBM

Figure 5
Holy cow, the quote above really hit for this particular question. There were about 75 replacements I had to do to make the game title uniform, with 15 related to Princess Connect alone!
As for the analysis: you read that correctly. There are a whopping 103 total gacha game titles that the 446 respondents play. Genshin Impact comes as the clear frontrunner for the most favorite game, second-most favorite game, third-most favorite game, and overall most popular game. However, the top 5 games in each category are the same: Genshin Impact, Fate/Grand Order, Arknights, Azur Lane, and Fire Emblem Heroes.
Garnt is certainly attracting his Fate peers here, including me.
As a side note, I have to give props to respondents who were honest about their stances. There were a few that put 'H***** Gacha Game,' 'Taimanin,' and 'AGA' (Anti-Gacha Army).
3) Next, let's look at the distribution of how each person categorizes themselves terms of spending:

Figure 6
This is a very interesting finding. For their most favorite game, about half of the respondents were free to play, a third were minnows, about a sixth were dolphins, and the small bit left were whales. As we move towards less favored games, the number of F2Pers increase and the number of whales decrease until there's none left for the third-most favorite game. It's an important lesson for natural resources and gacha game publishers alike: overfishing can lead to less species diversity.
As an aside, I am personally a dolphin for Fate GO. I have no qualms sharing that I spend some cash rolling for (ironically) Gilgamesh and NP5ing Sheba during Gilfest 2018 or even spending some New Year's allowance on Spishtar last month. fite me
4) Next, let's look at what aspects made the gacha game most "hype:"

Figure 7
The top answer was the introduction of new characters, anniversary events, and animation/art. It seems that many go for the "Anni is the Planni" strategy.
5) Next, let's look at the reasons why respondents play or continue to play their gacha game(s) [Note: I aggregated the numbers from favorite/second favorite/third favorite, so some users are double or triple counted, so numbers may look a little inflated. I will work on this for a future post]:

Figure 8. Top 15 answers.
The top answer for why respondents play or continue to play their gacha game was for "the waifus/husbandos" followed by "I enjoy this as a standalone game" and "I love the source material." The 114 of you who chose "Because jokes are the deepest lore," I see you Fate fans.
Probably the most interesting and concerning reasons that were not shown here are the sizable number of people who responded with either learned helplessness of their situation or frustration with the gacha-industry complex. These include "Sunk cost fallacy" (shown on the graph), frustration over rerolling, feeling like it's "a second job," stating that they're "addicted and can't quit," or flat out "dunno, it's kina there."
The Future of Gacha Games
Learning about these trends are good and all, but how do we consolidate these opinions into actionable thoughts? This is where the last half of The Boys' video about what to do comes in. Here's the community's reaction.
  1. First, it was asked "In your opinion, should gacha games be regulated?" 678 respondents responded:

Figure 9
83.8% of respondents said "Yes," 5% said "No,", and 11.2% said they need to do more research to come a conclusion.
2) Finally, I asked respondents an open-ended optional question that "If you could have a serious discussion about gacha games with a gacha game developer or lawmaker, what is the one policy recommendation you would suggest?"
Surprisingly, 473 people responded to the question. In the given timeframe, I could not read through all of the suggestions made; I will make sure to point out the most salient ones in the next post. In lieu of this, I decided to resort to a "quick and dirty trick" in natural language processing: n-grams! Simply put, I first removed common stopwords such as "you," "have", etc., and tokenized each response (i.e. separated each response into a list of word "units"). I then counted the frequency that each set of consecutive words appeared in each response. I counted frequency of the top 20 unigrams (one word), bigrams (2 words) and trigrams (3 words). Here is the result:

Table 1
This is incredible stuff. The top two unigrams are "limit" and "spending," and other frequent unigrams include "gambling," "amount," and "time." Bigrams tell a broader story, with the top bigram being "(spending, limit)." There are other bigrams that expand upon policy recommendations such as "(hard, limit)", "(gambling, addiction)", "(drop, rates)," and "(pity, system)." Finally, looking at trigrams, we get an even fuller picture: the top trigram is "(limit, much, spend)." Other prominent trigrams include "(hard, limit, spending)," "(thing, connor, said)," and "(treat, like, gambling)."
While the suggestions of limiting spending are quite frequent (following the footsteps of Connor), this is a fairly well-researched topic in the realm of behavioral economics. In particular, it looks at the encompassing topic of intertemporal choice. This is a pretty complex and field-specific topic that is too long to discuss in entirety in this post, but I'll boil down the critical points relevant to gacha games. [WARNING: some math ahead]
First, say that you have a set budget that you're going to spend over several periods of time. When we spend money in a time period, get gain joyfulness (called "utility" or simply "U") at that time period.
Second, we typically discount the amount of utility we get in the future. We usually assign this as a set rate called the discount factor ( δ ) . Thus, we get the following equation:
(U_t) * (δt-1) = U_1 + δU_2 + δ2U_3 + ... + δT-1 \) U_T
This simply means the total utility we get over a time period is the sum of all utilities of all periods based on today. All the above is considered in "classical economics" as exponential discounting. This assumes that
  • people have a constant discount factor and are impatient (δ < 1),
  • that people treat amounts as "bursts" of consumption," and
  • that utility is linear in amount.
However, economists that study behavioral economics show that some of these assumptions are flawed through though experiments and empirical results.
One way this has manifested into policy action is the concept of "nudge theory" by Richard Thaler. This suggests that consumer behavior can be influenced by small suggestions and positive reinforcements; the argument is that it reduces market failure and encourages desirable actions. However, this is hotly debated ethically as being paternalistic and may not even work.
Another theory brought about via behavioral economics is the idea of "present-bias preferences" by Ted O'Donoghue and Matthew Rabin. The idea is that when people consider tradeoffs between two future moments, present bias gives more weight to the earlier future moment. In this scenario, we have two types of people: naifs and sophisticates. Sophisticates know that they'll have self-control problems in the future, so they plan ahead while naifs do not see the self-control problems. Depending on if there is a cost or a reward, these two types of people will "cave in" at different times.
In general, the utility function (called β-δ preferences) is as follows:
For all t, Ut (u_t, u_(t+1),...,u_T) = δt u_t + β δτ + u_τ |t+1 < τ < T
where 0 < β, δ <= 1
β is the present bias, and β=1 makes equation exponential discounting.
How do these relate to gacha games? Well, the former (nudging) is like the third party (iTunes store, Google Play) directly intervening on your behalf saying that you can only spend so-and-so this month. The latter (present bias) puts the self-imposed limit in your own hands, which a third party adds as a restriction.
Consider these aspects in future discussions regarding regulations surrounding gacha games.
[it's been a year since I've been fully immersed in this stuff, so econ folks please check if the explanations are suitable]
Ending Remarks
I hope these initial results illustrated some fascinating aspects of how our subreddit has viewed gacha games. I know that there are a few questions that I haven't covered here due to lack of time, so look forward the next part of the survey results!
Let me know if there are specific statistical analyses you would like for me to examine in the comments.
If you want to put friend requests for the gacha games I'm playing [Fate GO (JP), OPTC (JP) Dokkan (GBL)], DM me.
In addition, I'm thinking about releasing a clean and anonymized version of the data in csv form not only as a measure of transparency, but also if you want to do your own data manipulation. If you (the community) approve at over 75%, then I will publish it in the next post.
submitted by kami4226 to TrashTaste [link] [comments]

I wrote a long reply on why gambling, and loot boxes in particular, are bad...

So, inside some other post, I was asked why gambling is bad... My reply ended up being really detailed, so I'll promote it to a post of its own (just copy-pasting it here; no new words)... [Note: list of 3 points about loot boxes at the end...]
(I work at a company that sells gambling services... I see how the sausage is made...)
By the way, I love PoE and GGG. Still, loot boxes are bad.
I personally get to see the statistics side of oddsmaking. It's always about suckering you out of your money, because by definition all you are doing is paying more money as the price of getting less money (on average), but you also need to feel like you have a chance at getting the upper hand, even though in the long run you don't.
For example, sometimes, if you're really "good" at betting, you just end up working for the oddsmaker on a bad deal. It's really hard for them sometimes to get the odds perfectly right (although the profit margin still takes care of 99.9% of punters). So, if you're a professional gambler making a regular profit, what's basically happening is that you are investing an enormous amount of time and expertise to try and make tiny profits at the margins, and the bookmaker monitors your activity and learns about the market from you, at what ends up being a lower cost than if they hired experts to give them the same info on a salary. Plus you constantly run high risks! Which is why my company is full of ex-gamblers who were able to make a profit for a while, and intelligent enough to realise that they were still getting a bad deal, and come to the company and offer their services directly. (For another way gambling companies guarantee their own profits by passing on the risk to gamblers, research "balancing the books": yes, a professional gambler could make some profits this way, but if you're possibly making profits by taking on a risk that a large gambling corporation wants to get rid of, do you really think you're getting a good deal, especially considering how much time and expertise you sink into the activity? EDIT: more info)
The only way I know of to make a consistent and considerable profit off gambling is when a pro gambler is allowed to make a profit off other gamblers, in a move that a company makes to increase total amounts played. So, for one person to profit, many others are being seriously scammed, and the company is safely skimming its percentages off the top.
There are many different ways a gambling company presents bad deals to you, hoping that your intuition misfires about one of them and you decide to throw away your money. Examples... There are single bets, of course. But then there are also combinations, and these screw with your intuition--you can convince yourself based on a narrative (e.g. team 1 wins first half, team 2 comes back in second half), where in fact the actual hard cold odds are against you. There is "cash out" where you take a fraction of a likely-seeming win early (but at a loss), which of course simply taxes you for your risk aversion. There are "systems", creating more and more complex bets, until you convince yourself you've set up the perfect deal, and yet the company's profit margin keeps growing the more complex you make it.
Anyway, those are the parts I work on as a software guy. (By the way, this isn't the worst thing in the world, it's not as bad, as, say, the military industry or the military itself, or say religions or banks, because at some level gambling is voluntary. And making gambling illegal is a terrible idea-we should fight it through education, not prohibition. Still, I only work there because I'm currently a completely non-creative software grunt (and currently satisfied with that). If I get to the point of pursuing higher-level jobs, I'll look elsewhere.)
But the most nefarious part of all is the psychological work they pull on you. That's not my area of expertise, so if you want it explained you need to look elsewhere (recommended book: Thinking Fast and Slow--it's not about gambling, it's about psychology). They are constantly doing things to 1) give you false hope and 2) artificially trigger some pleasure response in you.
E.g. most people are naturally risk averse and loss averse, e.g. losing $10 brings more pain than winning $10 brings pleasure. In reality, a gamble is about paying, say, $10 to win an average of, say, $9, so that's a terrible and painful deal. In addition to all the advertising and bright colours and encouraging sounds and making you read success stories and all the other psychological manipulations, they can also straight up befuddle you with numbers. So, losing $10 brings more pain than winning $10 brings pleasure, but what if you pay $10 but you're not really at a risk of losing that much, because on average you win $9 back, so you're only really risking a single $, and yet if you get lucky you won't win a mere $10 but millions? Suddenly that sounds good, right? Risk $1 to win $10000000? Of course not: you're still risking $10 and taking $1 losses on average each time you play, and the high rewards are vanishingly rare and built into that average.
That's it about gambling for money. On loot boxes I'm no expert, but, beyond the basic problems (encouraging addiction, exploiting minors who beg money from parents and don't understand how they're throwing it away, generating gambling "pleasure" while giving you "bits" instead of any real value, etc), I can point out a couple of extra scummy aspects:
  1. They can say "the box costs 30 points but all the possible rewards are worth at least 50, the average reward is worth 70 and the best is worth 400"... really??? Those prices are completely arbitrary... Who says the footprints are "worth" 50 or some random hideout decoration is "worth" 200? Talking about average microtransaction point values in a loot box is completely misleading.
  2. Either you (a) lose on the statistics of getting complete sets or you lose on (b) being psychologically manipulated into buying extra stuff you didn't actually want so much (or (c) you just lose by getting useless stuff). Let's say you decide to pick up a couple of boxes and see what you get before buying more stuff. You might just get useless stuff, of course (case c). But what if you get the body armour or wings? Now you might say "I'll get more boxes to complete the set". But the chances of getting any one part of a set are not anywhere near as bad as your chances of completing a set (like map lab trials, but much worse because loot boxes contain many more items), so you are getting totally fleeced (case a). Alternatively you could go "oh look, I got x in the box, I'll buy matching items y and z from the shop later" so you think you got x cheap and y and z at normal prices. But you are being manipulated into buying y and z. Would you really have bought x and y and z from the shop if there had been no loot box? Only rarely. The rest of the time you are overspending (case b).
  3. Loot box gifts are another scummy behaviour, considering people don't have good intuitions about statistics. Most of us get bad results from the gifted boxes, but some will get lucky. Those of us who are already gambling on loot boxes won't be affected by the outcome of a few extra boxes. Those who wouldn't ever buy them normally, and get bad results, who cares. But those who wouldn't normally buy them but get lucky a few times in a row might decide it's a good deal after all. So, it's manipulating us psychologically in a way that is statistically designed to fail at no cost most times and succeed sometimes, which makes money. (While also giving everybody holiday presents or race prizes, making the company appear generous.)
submitted by sesquipedalias to pathofexile [link] [comments]

Day 70 of SR

Some of you may know me from my previous posts, many of which are among the most upvoted of all time on this subreddit. Just kidding, I’ve never posted here. I’m coming up on day 70 of SR and I figured I would make a post detailing what I’ve discovered.
I began whacking off when I was 12. The negative effects were immediate. I went from a popular and liked individual to a member of the untouchable class. Never knew what caused that. Now I do.
At 13, I started working as a blackhat internet marketer. In other words, I was a scammer or con artist. I had immediate success and became “kid rich” in high school. From there, I continued ripping people off until I was 24. (You can read about all of my various scams and schemes in a 255-page book I wrote about my life, and how I changed my life, here. It's free.)
And we're back. Along the way, I became a drug addict. At 14, I discovered weed. At 16, I discovered psychedelics. At 17, I discovered MDMA and other stimulants. My home life sucked (divorced and depressed parents), so I dove straight into the world of drugs.
Overall, from the time I became a teenager, my life revolved around drugs, video games, and scamming people. I also whacked off very generously, considering it to be normal and healthy. I thought it was a waste product. Not an uncommon story.
Accidentally Discovering SR
About a year ago, I hit rock bottom, which you will read about if you decide to read my book. In essence, I was completely broke and living at home, with no friends, and my girlfriend had just dumped me. Coincidentally, I was also whacking off a ton during this time. Go figure.
A string of wild synchronicities led me to read the book Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich was the catalyst that led me to get “kid rich” in high school, so I basically just followed Mr. Hill’s recommendations on how to outwit the devil to the letter… and it worked. I became genuinely happy for the first time in my life. I was crying tears of joy every morning when I woke up.
Frankly, at the time, I was not convinced that lust was a bad thing, because getting attention from women made me feel so good. Still, since the rest of the formula for outwitting the devil was working so well, I decided to completely repress my lust. I even managed to quit drugs under the guise of considering them to be gluttonous.
Life was good. The results were unbelievable. I moved to a new city. After being antisocial my entire life, people were going out of their ways to converse with me. I had tons of friends. Very attractive women were going out of their way to make themselves known to me. I didn’t know what on earth was happening, but my life was better than it had even been before, despite the fact that I was more broke than I had ever been before. Turns out money doesn't equal happiness. Who knew?
After about two months of completely repressing my lust, I decided to have sex. With all of this new attention from women, my lust then spiraled out of control. Repression doesn’t work. Knowledge is the key. Knowledge allows you to want to retain. At the time, I had the belief, but not the knowledge behind the belief, which inevitably led to a lack of faith.
Fast forward a couple months and I was back to where I was before: scamming, doing drugs, etc. Lust truly is the root of all sin. Lose control of your lust and you’re probably going to lose control of the rest of your life to some extent.
I once again hit rock bottom in October 2020. I took a big gamble on a big adventure, and it failed. In fact, I came within a minute or two of certain death, and my plans were ruined. Now, I had $300 to my name, no car, no housing situation, and no more possessions than I could fit into a large backpack.
I crashed at a friend’s house and spent two months mostly moping around. At the end of November 2020, I read a random Reddit linking to montalk dot net and had a bout of gnosis.
Here is where things get interesting.
Randomly, I messaged a random Reddit user, and he linked me to The Practice of Brahmacharya. I was sold. I started doing SR, controlling my passion, and being careful to remember that pleasure comes but never stays, the human body is only clay, and everything will pass away. This was the knowledge I needed to WANT to control my lust. Before, after reading Outwitting the Devil, I was doing it almost against my will.
Magnetism. The point of SR, to me, is not to attract women. But there’s no doubt that doing SR will attract women. In fact, it will attract everything and everyone. But the attraction is mostly mental. People subconsciously sense your high vibration and they look at it curiously. You’ll get a lot of love, but also a lot of hate if people are comfortable enough to confront you. Your thoughts begin to influence reality more than ever before.
Invisibility. This is mostly a joke, but I swear it’s real. When you’re vibrating at a very high level, you become invisible to others. Not literally. But I’ll give you an example. I’m walking down this road and the air is completely still. Two women are approaching, gossiping in a negative tone. As they pass, I say hello. They jump, completely startled, and looked at me as if I had just appeared out of nowhere. I was in their field of vision for, like, a minute. They should have noticed me. This has happened a couple times. I’m aware this bullet contradicts the previous one.
Calm. I used to be an explosively angry person. In fact, I used to get violent fantasies. I used to really hate the sheep. I didn’t understand how they couldn’t see through the lies! May as well exploit them. Now, I love the sheep, even though they still chirp at me occasionally, especially with all of this asinine /\/\@$K usage. (I’ve taken a hardline stance and will not put one on for even a second. Since I’m still self-employed as a copywriter, it’s possible to do since my workplace (read: bedroom) doesn’t require it. I’d recommend doing the same if you are sick of the bullshit. We need your help.)
Ability to disconnect emotion from thoughts. Emotions come and go. The error is when you let external influences affect your thoughts. There will be times when you are tense or sad. For example, it’s hard to feel totally good emotionally if you are tired. In the past, I let these emotions go straight into my neural network, which would lead to entire days full of bad emotions, which I masked with drugs. Now, I relax into the emotions, meditate on them, and they pass quickly. I usually learn something in the process. The thought of being able to control my emotions without drugs is awesome.
Ability to heal trauma. If you are not powered by your semen (lol), you’re not as strong and solid as you could be. This makes it nearly impossible to face the trauma of your past, before you woke up. Now that I have healed my trauma, at least to an extent, my life is just wonderful. I’m a complete stranger to my past scammer self, which is fantastic. IMO, the point of life is to realize your trauma, heal it, then link up with the Holy Ghost, Sophia, and help others heal theirs, too. If you’re doing SR but still not loving life, consider reflecting on uncomfortable moments from your past. Don’t repress them, just like you don’t repress your lust.
Loving life, man. If you ignore the ethics of my blackhat marketing, I was always rich in comparison to my peers, and I barely worked. I was also pretty jacked. I happened to be born with a conventionally attractive face and am quite tall. Despite these intrinsic advantages, life always sucked. Now, life always rocks, no matter what is happening. Do I still get down sometimes? Sure. You can’t feel euphoric always. But now I realize that stumbling blocks are part of the equation, and I take them in stride. I get excited for bad moments because I realize I’m about to learn something big which will make my life even better in the long run.
Difficulties / Relapse
I have not yet physically relapsed. But I have definitely let my mental state get out of control before, to the tune of looking at Instagram models, etc. This has happened twice. It SUCKED! Felt crappy for days afterwards.
When I feel it bubbling up nowadays, I take a deep breath straight into my cranium and hold it for a few seconds. It dissipates. I also channel it into my third eye if it’s a lesser urge and I feel like I can actively control it. Learned these two tricks from posters on here.
If I'm out in public, I straight up look away. I never really looked, considering it to be disrespectful. But man, don't feel bad about looking off to the side if there's an attractive woman walking in front of you.
IMO, the mental leads to the physical, and not the other way around. It’s the same as any other addiction. You can’t physically force yourself to stop if you don’t want to stop, because your mind controls your body. So, work on your mind instead of putting all of this effort into repression. Books can provide the knowledge you need to want to stop. Once you want to stop, it’s easy to do so.
As far as other aspects of my life go, the past two months have been a wild ride, as I’ve healed an absolutely massive amount of trauma in that time. One night, I did the karma meditation on ascensionhelp dot com and ended up screaming at the top of my lungs for two hours, uncontrollably, almost involuntarily. Scamming people for a decade, then realizing all of that karma in a short span of time, will do that to you!
This post has been all over the place, but I just wanted to let everyone know that SR is a very key part to living a good life. Better financial circumstances? SR can help with that. You want peace? SR. Happiness? SR. You want to stop scamming people, even though you’re damn good at it, it’s easy, and there’s no one to stop you? SR. (Side note: I did get sued by Perkins Coie when I was 17 due to one of my early scams, and I was also visited by a 3-letter agency for a particularly illegal scam, but nothing ever came of either of those instances. I’d like to say I talked my way out of them, which I did, but looking back, it was blatant intervention from my Higher Self which allowed me to talk my way out of them in the first place. Thanks, dude!)
SR is not the end-all-be-all to success in your chosen realm, but damn does it ever help. I really like this community because you guys understand the physical, but a lot of you are well-versed in the metaphysical realm too. If you want to do SR to get ahead in the physical world, that’s cool, but understand that the real power of SR is allowing yourself to access the metaphysical and spiritual concepts of this world that are hidden to the masses. Many posters here can give me a run for my money, which I very rarely experience in real life. Peace!
EDIT: Turns out I can't reply to comments on this post since I have no less than 25 karma on here. To u/UniqueUsername203: Fair question. This is an epic trollzor account, minus this post. I've had to branch outside of poker since I'm banned there for 30 days. If I really wanted to scam people again, I know of better avenues than spamming and pretending to be a girl, though I did that in an automated fashion circa 2010. Didn't work that well, only made like $20 - $40 per week and it was weird as fuck (even though I never directly talked to any of my victims).
submitted by ExpertPokerStrategy to Semenretention [link] [comments]

A Practical Guide to 💎🙌

TLDR; taking on huge risk and betting everything makes you more prone to paper handing your position at the slightest red. Be smart about your position and your profits. 🦍🦍 💪💪, GME 🚀 🚀 🚀
Alright retards, put on your helmet and take that crayon out of your nose because it's time to get serious.
Diamond handing is important. It's been the most important part of our strategy, no doubt. The concept's easy, but this volatility is enough to age us all 40 years. Not everyone, especially the newer people, are capable of stomaching these drops, so I'd like to offer a more practical (more realistic maybe) guide to diamond handing. At the very least, this guide will help you be more confident in your positions and greatly decreasing your odds of being a little bitch that sells at the first sign of red.

If you're just joining us now and bought any of the hyped stocks at current prices or higher:
  1. Educate yourself. You bought a stock, which is ownership of a company. Understand the fundamentals behind what your company. DD is not something WSB is lacking in. You have a searchbar. You have eyes. (I mean, unless you don't. That's cool too. Have someone read you DD out loud like a bedtime story. :) ) I really like this DD on Gamestop if you want to learn some more about Gamestop. I don't know (and don't care) about any of the other stocks, so you're on your own. Educate yourself on the company you own a portion of and you'll be less prone to paper hand.
  2. Don't sell at a loss. It's just retarded. Fear is one of the worst human emotions and you'll never make money in the market if you're scared of a little red. So if you can't stand that you're down 10% on a stock that swings 50% a day, why did you buy it in the first place? Similarly, if you're down 50% on a stock, it makes no sense to sell it when it pretty much can only go up from there. This isn't to say that stop loss isn't important but I feel like I'll do more harm by trying to explain to you retards on when to use it. So for now, while the hype is still there, just hold.
  3. Only invest what you can afford to lose. Don't overleverage. Don't use margin. Seriously, if you're struggling to put food on the table and your last $10 are in AMC like a retard, this game really isn't for you. The reason is that you're so scared for your money that you will make the worst possible decisions at the worst time and lose that money. Don't underestimate fear and desperation. This isn't just a get rich quick scheme.
  4. When you're up bigly, congratulations! You win. Follow the advice for OGs.

If you're an OG and bought Gamestop when it was double digits:
  1. Congratulations you big chad! :)
  2. Consider taking a little bit of profit. If you bought Gamestop at like $12, you are up bigly, no doubt, but it can be extremely nerve wrecking to watch your portfolio erase three years of your Wendy's salary in an hour and so you can be prone to paper handing. It will really be much easier if you sell a tiny portion of your shares to at least cover the initial deposit. That way, if Gamestop goes down to $0 (when hell freezes over, but you never know), you at least break even. It'll be easier to sleep at night. I mean, even Deepfuckingvalue does it. Be smart about it.

Anyway, it's hard to diamond hand consistently if you have trouble sleeping at night due to how overleveraged you are. It's like a diet fad. The chad that limits himself by 100 calories but sticks to it consistently will do better than the retard trying to fast 72 hours when he's never gone 30 minutes without a sugar donut.
Be realistic and take care of yourself. It's far easier to stay consistent by doing that.
If anybody has any questions on Gamestop, stocks, or options, feel free to ask in the comments. My DMs are open too if you're shy 😳 👉👈.

Positions: A fuckton of GME, bought both at $14 and at $300. I buy every dip and hold, I've sold my entire portfolio to feed my GME gambling addiction but I've also sold 8% of my shares to cover my initial investment so it truly doesn't matter anymore if it goes tits up.
Not investment advice. I have one braincell.
submitted by itsleis to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Ten genuine suggestions on how to improve Pokemon go

As an avid Pokemon Go player since July 2016 I have made this list of ten genuine suggestions on how I think the player experience can be improved within the game.

The style UI of Pokemon Go is one of the only areas of the game that has never received an update. I would propose updating the 'Style' to a 'Wardrobe' button and have only contain parts of outfits that have already been unlocked or purchased behind it. To counter-balance this, I would add another tab to the Shop which would contain all of the outfits and cosmetics that can be purchased. Why? Having to scroll through endless purchasing options to find the items you own is annoying and impractical, it also means that we are limited to exactly what items we already own and have the option to browse the store if we feel the need to.

Due to the introduction of remote raiding, players such as myself find themselves with multiple lucky friends who future trades with will be near impossible (I'm UK and have 4 lucky friends in Singapore). I would propose that Niantic introduce the rule that Lucky Trades are able to circumvent all distance and allow players to undergo international lucky trades. While this may be extreme, from Good friend to Best is 90 days with a 1/60 chance of going lucky post-best friends, this means that all lucky friends represent a long-term investment and cannot possibly be abused.

Many people will manipulate the giving/receiving of gifts so that they are in control of when they go ultra/best friends so that they can lucky egg and receive 2x the experience. While this is the norm, it can leave players wondering "Why isn't X opening my gift and going best friends?". While this can be easily organised with people you know, it can be hard with people who you are not in contact with, my suggestion would be to add a notification option that can be sent to other players. If i received a notification going "Player X has suggested going Best friends now, please click Yes if you are ready". While this relies on player kindness, without re-doing the whole friendship/gift system if is the best we are going to get.

Soloing a one-star raid will now take me a maximum of 20-30 seconds. Standing around and waiting for this two-minute countdown to finish can sometimes be extremely mundane, especially when you plan on soloing it anyway. I would suggest adding a "Player Ready" option, once all players have stated themselves as ready, the countdown can jump to 10 seconds. This would mean faster raids for players and more playtime/raids/money for Niantic.

It is about time that the daily raid pass we get be turned into a remote pass. Not only would this help with the current global Coronavirus pandemic but isn't it about time? This would help vastly with rural players, players who lack pokemon go playing friends and would encourage people to get involved more with local communities knowing that they do not have to travel twenty miles to join the raid. It would again encourage people to purchase more passes during raid hours, events etc.

When starting pokemon go, the original pokemon box size is 300. Consider that there is now 600+ pokemon in the game, if a player simply wanted to catch one of every pokemon they would have to expand their box six times just to reach this level. Whilst this may seem unfair for existing players who are into the 2k+ box sizes, my suggestion would be to globally increase all pokemon box size by 300 for free. If this seems extreme, remember that the maximum pokemon box size is now 3000 and to go from 300-3000 will cost a player $100+ or 10,800 pokemon coins.

There is no argument to be made against the fact that taking parts in raids should be considered a form of gambling and needs addressing. While many of us are happy to do one raid, get the dex entry and be done with it, many more do not feel this way. Freemium games make more money off the top 1% of players than the other 99% combined. I met an individual who undertook 200+ raids when the raid rotations switched to Darkrai, although he had 3 hundos, he was simply unlucky and was actually after the shiny, he had no other way to accomplish this as Darkrai is mythical and cannot be traded. My suggestion would be to add an in-game limiter that can be self-configured by the player to how much time or money can be spent daily.

This feature within pokemon go was one of the most hyped, the idea that players can suggest pokestops and have them approved or denied was brilliant. The problem is that we as players are not notified if the pokestop is confirmed or denied AND the timeline that it takes is absolutely ridiculous. I have been told by reliable sources that a pokestop nomination can take up to six months to take effect, in the modern and digital world this is just laziness by Niantic. This process needs to become streamlined, during the data entry it states that there are reviewers who will review your entry, but why not place a temporary stop and ask players that spin it if is acceptable stop or not.

I would suggest that an update be made so that shinies with pokemon go follow the rules of Pokemon: Let's Go or Pokemon Sword & Shield. This would require a code change that would roll for the shiny pokemon on appearance of our screen instead of when the pokemon is clicked. This sytem would be better I feel than finding a nest of a particular pokemon and walking around clicking every single one without catching it.

I can't have been the only person that got extremely annoyed with the jump that Niantic made between Gold and platinum medals?
Gold Backpacker - 2,000 Pokestops, platinum 50,000.
Gold Gym Leader - 1,000 hours (41.6 days), platinum 15,000 hours (625 days).
Level 40 - 20 Million Exp, Level 50 - 176 Million.
Whilst we all know that Pokemon Go is not simply a game that you can 'finish' these increases all throughout the game show that Niantic is actively leaning into the addiction side of their game and not really caring for the benefit of their players, if you still doubt this, please remember the introduction of Mega Evolutions. My suggestion would be to cap the EXP limits needed for leveling post 40 at 5 Million (39-40) and still leave the level-based tasks that need to be done. In terms of medals, i would suggest looking at the requirements for a gold medal and simply doubling it instead of x15, x10 or x5 respectively.
All of this also applies to XL Candy as well, to get enough XL Candy to get Mewtwo to level 50 would require an insane amount of raids, luck & money. I would suggest lowering the exchange rate from Candy to XL candy from 100 to 20.
I know that no one at niantic will actually read any of these suggestions and perhaps that is part of the problem, they genuinely do not seem to take any player feedback onboard unless outrage happens in the hundreds of thousands such as when Mega Evolutions were introduced.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading, please let me know what you think of these suggestions, if you hate/support them. I just wanted to say that i still genuinely love Pokemon Go and have encouraged multiple friends to play, i just think that the game definitely has space for improvement.
submitted by cam_the_iron to pokemongo [link] [comments]

Some observations on WSB and the future of trading

Hello autists. I'm sitting here in my retard palace reflecting on how my idea of the market has changed since I dove into this sub right around the beginning of last year. I first visited WSB a couple years ago but was quickly overwhelmed with all the abbreviations and inside jokes. At the time I dismissed it as a nihilistic financial-prank hellhole where people with nothing to lose YOLO'd their money away and that it was encouraged and that everyone was just trying to throw away their money. While that does happen obviously, I think there's a much bigger macro-vision of this sub that is changing things forever in the market.
In my opinion, nothing demonstrates this macro-vision better than the narrative surrounding GME. To have a talking head that my dad would watch when I was a kid continue to reference this sub on TV and say that we're in control is insane. At the same time, this exposure could be a death sentence. We are in a precarious situation now where the volume of users here really makes us a stupidly strong retail entity if we all choose to rally behind something. It's cool, but it's also a liability. The number of braindead questions that have flooded the daily threads since the GME rally began has been immense, and that's only counting the comments that made it through whatever automatic filters the mods set up here. Because of this volume, it's going to increase our exposure to the media exponentially. There have already been tons of articles written about WSB, but none of them have gotten to the point of putting on the blame for something financially devastating. With the influence we have over the market (at least when there's an agreed upon general sentiment here) it's only a matter of time until we upset the wrong suit on Wall Street and they try to see what they can do to fuck up the operation here.
I hope it doesn't come to that because I really do think the camaraderie here is something special. On first visit it seemed like a mean, uninviting place, but what I've realized is that people do look out for each other here. When someone does something 'retarded' like take every cent to their name and put it into weeklies, they get called retarded (because they are), but they'll also get comments like 'no one has ever lost money taking a profit' when it's time to go. There's a bond over degenerate lack-of-financial-responsibility, but it's all in the name of pursuing financial independence in a brute-force manner and attempting to stand up to a system that has never shown much care for those not deemed worthy to be a part of it.
I know there's a flip side to all of this. There's the idea of gambling addiction, the idea that you see a lot more people post about their wins than losses, confirmation bias, and that a lot of people won't make it out the other end with a profit, but that goes for most systems in life. It still feels great to see someone here find the life they never thought they could have, buy that car, provide for that family member, etc. And maybe it doesn't last or they test their luck and lose their gains, but no one ever said we weren't retarded.
Point is...All eyes are on us, especially after all the TSLA gains last year. We will see how the GME chapter unfolds this year, but it is undeniable that the media exposure and influence this sub holds is only going to increase, and with that there's a lot to consider amongst ourselves as to what the primary tone and function of this space is. To not anticipate hordes of normies and suited wall-streeters continuing to infiltrate the space is to underestimate the growth that will take place whether we want it to or not. I believe, when we look back on it in the future, that this chapter of WSB began last year around the crash in March, but there's no denying it's a new chapter nonetheless. It's only gonna get crazier.
WSB to the moon.
submitted by stopearthmachine to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

You should know about the tricks gacha games use to get you addicted/make you spend money!

I administrate a small gacha community myself and feel like these are information that need to be shared. I'm not telling you that you shouldn't or can't spend money on Genshin Impact, but the least you can do is being aware of these things.
Whether you are already caught in the trap or not, simply knowing about these tricks, traps and fallacies will help you. Games use them to lure you in, keep you engaged and tempt you to spend money. I'll try to keep these points as short and condensed as I can.

0. Am I genuinely having fun?

Since this one is not really a trap and thus something of an outlier I marked it as 0., but it's a great question to keep in mind: "Do I still have genuinely fun playing this game, or does it feel like a chore? Is this worth my limited time?" You should regularly ask yourself that question.

1. The monthly pass (Blessing of the Welkin Moon) has a great price-performance ratio and is cheap so it can't hurt... can it?

The monthly passes in games are more dangerous than you think:

2. It's free to play and I enjoy(ed) it, so spending some money can't hurt.

While technically not wrong, be aware of the consequences this can have. Similar to the points above it might also be a trigger to incentivize for further purchases. Especially considering the next point:

3. Guilt-tripping the player into playing after they spent money

The game doesn't even have to do much for this since it usually happens by itself. Once you paid money you feel like you now have to play, even when you're not even really having fun.

4. The daily routine of work and chores

Just like with the monthly pass, by rewarding daily engagement with the game (daily quests/battle pass/rotating dungeons) you get conditioned to make the game part of your daily schedule/life. Once logging in and playing becomes a habit it can be difficult to stop, even if you don't really enjoy it and are literally just doing in-game work/chores.

5. The first time is free - veiling the distribution of currencies/gems

Also known as the honeymoon phase. You get a lot of free stuff in the beginning, tempting you to roll and get a taste of what rolling feels like - especially if you're lucky and get a rare characteitem. By slowly decreasing the distribution of these currencies you feel tempted to spend money to get more of that initial high you had. This hits especially bad when new content is shown/announced while you are out of gems.

6. Overwhelming the player with a lot of different currencies/gems

Genesis Crystals, Primogems, Intertwined Fate, Acquaint Fate, Starglitter, Stardust, there are so many (more or less) premium currencies that it's almost confusing - and not by accident.

7. The carrot and the stick - New content and changing the meta

"Now that I have the best/meta character I will never need to spend money again." is sadly a trap a lot of people fall for, but what is currently considered "the best" will definitely change.
This is an investment into something that will not last, and even worse is that since you already spent a lot of money in the past you feel pressured to get the new "best" thing to not lose your place on top of the player-base.

8. "It's okay, I only spent $___, some other people spent waaay more."

If you're telling yourself something like this then you already walked further into the gacha trap than you might think. Denial in the form of rationalization is a crucial and dangerous sign for gambling addiction.

9. Gambler's Fallacy and Sunk Cost Fallacy - A dangerous combination

Well known classics, but I still felt like including them.
Gambler's Fallacy: "Gambler's fallacy refers to the erroneous thinking that a certain event is more or less likely, given a previous series of events."
Sunk Cost Fallacy: "Individuals commit the sunk cost fallacy when they continue a behavior or endeavor as a result of previously invested resources (time, money or effort)."
While already dangerous on their own, in combination these two reach a whole different level. Even with the pity system, just because you were unlucky a lot doesn't mean that you are guaranteed to become more lucky in the future. This in combination with spending a lot of money without getting what you want can tempt you to spend even more.
"I already spent $200 and didn't get what I want. If I stop now those $200 will be wasted!"
This is a highly dangerous train of thought!

10. The Sunk Cost Fallacy strikes again

You don't have to spend actual money to fall for this fallacy. If the only thing that keeps you playing is the amount of time you already spent, the items you own and the characters you unlocked, then maybe you should reevaluate your decision. "If it's not fun, why bother?"
There are a lot more techniques that are used to trick people, from flashy pull animations to making you aware and jealous of other people's characters/pulls (Why do you think phone players are incentivized to take a screenshot of their pulls and share it?), but I wanted to keep it to the most common/obvious ones.
Edit: If you're still curious and want to know even more tricks and traps, Dokuganryu linked a great and informative video. Definitely worth a watch if you have the time.
I genuinely hope everybody is enjoying Genshin Impact, but keep in mind how this company makes their money.
submitted by d3on to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

I am 35 years old, make $56,000 ($231k combined), live in Seattle, and work in higher ed administration

Note: I was technically supposed to post this earlier this week, but noticed that no one was signed up for today (plus I was super busy earlier), so I'm posting a bit late, under a throwaway account! Fair warning: I'm VERY verbose, so this will be long!
Section One: Assets and Debt
As I mentioned above, I make $56k per year as an administrator in higher education. My husband (K) just got a raise to making $155k per year. He works as a lawyer, has been in the workforce for about 12 years. I won't get into too many details but he works for a small boutique firm, not Biglaw. He also sometimes gets a yearly bonus of around $10k-20k but it's not guaranteed or anything like that. K and I have totally combined finances, so the below numbers are for both of us. I have a humanities PhD but I decided to leave academia and find an alt-ac job. My current position has good work-life balance (I never work past 5 pm), but pays terribly and my university is very badly run. I'm hoping to leave higher education all together in the future and am currently enrolled in a certificate program to try to make a career transition to instructional design.
The big elephant in the room is that my husband, K, makes a lot more money than me. When we first met, he was paying off massive amounts of student loans and making much less, and I was debt free with a lot of savings, so we both spent about the same amount. Now he makes 3x what I make and we are both debt-free, so the difference is much more noticeable. We do argue about money sometimes (more in the past), but the reality is that I have a humanities PhD and will likely never out earn him, and he knew that when I married him, lol. Because of all the labor I do around the house and in our lives to support him as he works a much more intense job, I was very clear that I believed we should split our finances equally as soon as we got married. We don't have separate accounts and we generally check in with one another whenever we are planning to spend more than $100. This system works for us for now.
I also want to address the question about parental or family support. Although I technically paid all of my own bills since I got my Bachelor's degree, my parents supported me a lot by paying for my flights home to visit at Christmas or in the summer as Xmas presents/birthday presents. My parents also paid for my undergraduate degree (and K's parents paid for his undergraduate degree as well). They also gave us about $15k to pay for our wedding.
Finally, my parents recently gave me $20k as an "early inheritance." They told me they plan to do this every year (depending on the stock market). We put this money into a brokerage. I don't consider my parents rich, as they both worked hourly jobs in health care my entire life (as a nurse and respiratory therapist - both with only associate's degrees). We never owned a new car, when we went on vacation we stayed in hostels , and shopped almost exclusively at Goodwill. But they scrimped and saved and now they have over $1 million in a retirement account. So I want to acknowledge my financial privilege in that I came from this kind of background. K's parents are similar.
Retirement Balance: $186k (combination of 401k, 403b, 457, 2 Roth IRAs, and taxable brokerage account).
Equity: None, we rent.
Savings account balance: Approximately $45k.
Checking account balance: Right now, around 8k.
Credit card debt: Right now, around $3k. But we pay it off each month with our checking account balance.
Student loan debt: $0. We finally paid off my husband’s law school loans (around $130k), last year. I didn’t have any student loans from undergrad (parents paid) and my MA & PhD were fully funded.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I’ve been working in my current field for 3 years. I started off making about $53k and got tiny 2% “merit increases” twice. Then in July my payroll title was changed, which triggered a required raise of about $2k. (I am dramatically underpaid).
Before my current position, I was in academia. I worked as a visiting assistant professor for one year at my alma mater (made $50k for 9 months of work) and before that I was a graduate student for 7 years. I was paid $18k-21k in stipends each year and my tuition & benefits were covered. Luckily, I lived in a very low cost of living area and this was enough for me to live on without going into debt. I got my PhD in 2017. Before I was a graduate student, I taught English in Japan for three years and made around $36k per year. In high school and college, I had random jobs that provided grocery/spending money, but I was lucky enough to have parents that paid my tuition and my rent in college.
I’m currently trying to make a career change (as you will see in my diary) and enrolled in a certificate program which runs from Autumn 2020 to Spring 2021 in order to help with that.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $7,634. This probably seems low relative to our joint income, but we max out our 401k (K) and 403b (me). I work for the state government, which means I’m also eligible for something called a Deferred Compensation Plan (457b). This is basically the same as a 401k but you can withdraw contributions and gains from the account at any age without penalty (of course, you still have to pay taxes). I also max this out, and the limit is the same as a 401k/403b - $19.5k. Also this number is before K’s raise is accounted for. It won’t increase until his end of February paycheck.
Other deductions - I have health insurance taken out (about $80 a month for me, K’s firm covers his premiums) and taxes. WA has no state taxes, so it’s only federal taxes. I used to have to pay $50 / month for a bus pass (K's was free), but I don’t pay any longer because I’m working from home during COVID.
Final note - the sum I mentioned in the headline includes a variable bonus my husband gets. My base pay is $56k and his is $155k (as of February 1). This year he also got a bonus of $20k, which is set up a bit strangely. About $4k of this was structured as a 3% matching contribution to his 401k and the rest was taxable income. In small law firms, it’s unusual to get any 401k match so this was nice.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: None.
Any Other Monthly Income Here: We get some interest from our savings account… like $25 a month.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent: Rent comes to approximately $2,050 total for a one-bedroom apartment. Rent itself is $1886, then we have pet rent ($25 per month), bicycle parking ($15 a month) and water / sewage / gas, which is usually $120-150 (variable cost).
Renters insurance: $157.76, paid annually. $13 a month.
Retirement contribution: In addition to the 401k, 403b, and 457, which all come out before taxes, we max out our Roth IRAs. That means $500 each per month per person (for a yearly total of $6k each). As I noted up top, we match out our 401k and 403b (19,500 each) and our 457. My employee also offers a 7.5% match. K's employee offers a 3% match but it is included in his yearly bonus so it's not guaranteed (confusing).
Savings contribution: We put $500 per month into our emergency fund. We also put about $860 a month into our “sinking fund,” which covers large and small annual or sporadic purchases such as vacations, gifts, Amazon Prime renewal, car insurance and renters insurance, etc.
Investment contribution: $875 per month into a taxable brokerage at Vanguard.
In total, we save about 47% of our gross income. We can do this because we keep our housing cost low relative to our high income, we don’t have any debt remaining, we don’t have any kids or parents who need financial support, and we’re very privileged in a lot of ways. We are hoping to FIRE within 10 years.
Debt payments: None.
Donations: We budget $100 per month for donations, which includes one-time donations as well as some reoccurring donations. My husband does pro bono work as well. I would like to increase this by quite a bit, but I still have a hard time budgeting for donations because I spent 7 years living on approximately $20k a year. To go from that to making more than 10x that amount within 3-4 years is obviously something that I am very privileged for, but it is still hard for me emotionally to comprehend at times.
Electric: ~$50-100 (billed every other month)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: An extortionate $87.12 for slow internet that only works for Zoom calls about half the time. Do I really live in one of the tech cities of the future?
Cellphone: $170 (This includes both service and paying off two new iPhones. We could have paid them off up front, but it was actually cheaper by like $50 to go on a payment plan.)
Subscriptions: BritBox ($7.70), Spotify ($16.50), HBOMax ($16.50), We Hate Movies Patreon (my favorite podcast - $8.81). My parents pay for Netflix and my sister pays for Hulu, and we all share.
Gym membership: None. K and I both run and do yoga with YouTube videos. Before the pandemic, we went to yoga classes pretty frequently in person. I’d like to do some online synchronous yoga classes but find it hard to make time.
Pet expenses: Varies, but I budget $50 per month and also include an emergency fund for my cat’s vet bills in our sinking fund. She’s 11 years old and probably asthmatic, so I know her vet bills are going to increase over time.
Car payment / insurance: We own our car outright. Insurance billed yearly is $2,097, about $174 per month.
Regular therapy: $0
Paid hobbies: Nothing regular, sporadic language classes and art supplies.
Other expenses: Right now I’m doing a certificate to hopefully help with a career change. The total cost for tuition is about $5k and we already saved it up (included in our 'sinking fund') basically through spending less during the pandemic. I’ve paid two quarters so far, and the last quarter (due in March) will be a bit more - about $2.3k.
Day 1
Morning: I wake up at 5:30 am. Ever since the pandemic, my sleep schedule has been shot. At first, I was so happy not to have to leave the house at 7:15 for my 45 minute bus commute and I slept in a lot. But the stress (and maybe getting old?) has made me an early riser, no matter how much I try to sleep in. I do value my early mornings with just me, my cat, and my coffee, though.
I start work at 8 am and begin by triaging my emails. I have a bunch of deadlines this week, so it’s busier than usual. My job tends to be very seasonal, and sometimes I have a ton of work and sometimes I have none and can work on other longer-term projects. I have a piece of toast for breakfast and place a Whole Foods delivery order for the following day at 10:30 am. We made a meal plan and put everything in the cart the day before ($117.36, including tip).
Afternoon: I have my lunch break from noon to 1 pm. It doesn’t really matter when I take my lunch break, since I’m salaried, but the others in my office are hourly so in the before times we used to always close our office during the same time. I have a piece of leftover delivery pizza and some spinach risotto that I made a few days earlier. I also have half a brownie – the last one from a batch I made a few days ago (K gets the other half). He also has leftovers for lunch.
I should say at this point that both K and I are lucky enough to have been working almost entirely from home since early March. An area near Seattle was one of the first places to get hit by COVID-19, and my state and both of our employers have been taking it very seriously ever since. Working from home hasn’t always been easy since we live in a 600-square foot apartment. Also, there is a three-story townhouse being built directly next door to us and I can hear the pounding in my dreams at this point.
Around 2 pm, I go for a 2-mile run. I feel like some money diarists tend to toss off things like “oh, I went for an easy 7 mile run,” at the drop of a hat, so I want to be clear – running for 2 miles isn’t easy for me; it’s exhausting, annoying, sweaty, and generally gross. Also I am very slow. But it has kept me sane during quarantine.
Meanwhile, my husband goes to our local pet store to get an enzymatic cleaner (our cat peed in one of our suitcases… I think it’s probably a lost cause, but it was basically brand new, so worth a try) and special weight-loss cat food. Our cat is an 11-year-old rescue from the Humane Society and she is a chonky girl. We had to sign a waiver when we adopted her, saying that we understood that she was very overweight, lol. Our vet recommended a special diet food, rather than just restricting her intake as we have been doing, so we will give it a try ($78). My husband also stops buy our local wine store and picks up two bottles. We’ve been doing a dry January, so this will be our first drink for a while ($27.53).
I have a phone interview scheduled for 4 pm – just a preliminary interview with an internal recruiter. It’s the first ‘corporate’ job interview I’ve ever had, since I’ve been in academia my entire life. I’m trying to make a pivot into instructional design / training and development. I’m just excited to get an interview. It seems to go pretty well, but who knows. They tell me they will probably get back to me by the end of this week.
Evening: My husband whips up a random meal of fridge remnants – pesto pasta with sausage and a fridge salad with feta and bell peppers. It’s pretty tasty with a little Sauvignon Blanc. During dinner, we play a card game we call gin rummy, although it bears no resemblance to the actual game. After dinner, I make a chocolate cake with orange buttercream frosting and we watch Cobra Kai.
Daily total: $222.89
Day 2
Morning: Up early again, a piece of toast for breakfast (very exciting). We’re out of eggs until our Whole Foods order arrives. I’m working on creating some tedious but necessary spreadsheets this morning.
Noon: Our Whole Foods order arrives around noon. Excitement! They’ve given us a half-rotten bag of romaine lettuce and substituted pecans for hazelnuts. I should probably just double mask and go to Trader Joe’s myself (our regular spot, only a 5-minute walk from my apartment). I’m just getting anxious about these new variants.
I have leftover meatloaf and spinach risotto again for lunch. Lots of meetings and more organizing spreadsheets in the afternoon. Around 3 pm, I go for my daily ritual - a 20-minute walk around my neighborhood. It’s still raining slightly but I need to get out. Halfway through the walk, I get an email from my apartment manager telling me the apartment will no longer accept debit card payments, direct deposit, or credit card payments for paying rent. In other words, only checks or money orders (?!). Ugh. Our lease is up in 4 months and we will not be renewing our lease. Our last apartment manager was a gambling addict who may have been stealing people’s identities, but by God, he kept things working. Ever since they fired him, this place has been going downhill.
Evening: I check my bank statements to update my budget spreadsheet and realize that I have been billed the wrong amount of rent. They actually charged me less than they should have. I don’t trust my apartment manager not to start charging me a late fee or something for this, so I call them up. They are baffled by how to fix this, which you would think would be the one thing you would want to get right, if you’re renting out apartments.
K cooks dinner – steak with a Roquefort sauce and glazed brussels sprouts. It’s from a French cookbook we recently bought and it is delicious. I work on classwork for my certificate program while he cooks. After dinner, I do the dishes and buy the 13th season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. I watch the first episode – lots of shocking twists and turns! I’m planning to watch the rest of the episodes together with my younger sister, M ($22.01).
Daily total: $22.01
Day 3
Morning: K has an 8 am dentist appointment, so he takes off early. He already paid for the work last month, so there’s no charge. I have a piece of toast for breakfast and get to work checking my emails. It’s 8:20 am and the construction crew building a townhouse next door is blasting mariachi music. I’m glad someone is having fun. At least the sun is coming out.
Someone at work has made a critical error, but it wasn’t me, thank God. I was the one who found out about it, but it’s still going to cause a big old headache for me. I’m ready to be done with this job. K and I go for a run so that I can exhaust myself enough to no longer be furious about said careless error.
Noon: I have leftover spinach risotto and meatloaf again – exciting. I’m busy at work but frankly, not a lot going on other than that. Still no word about fixing my rent payments. I’m not really willing to pursue this any further at this point.
Evening: I start making chili (Turkey Chili from the NY Times) and cornbread (from my new cookbook, Jubilee). K is doing some work on our investments when he announces that, somehow, a transfer was scheduled from our checking account to our savings account of $55k (?!) We obviously don’t have $55k in our checking account, so we start frantically trying to figure out what’s going on. Numerous phone calls later, we still don’t know if that was a hack, if my husband somehow mistakenly scheduled the transfer himself, or if the bank messed it up. Either way, it doesn’t seem like any harm was done since the bank with our checking account just declined the transaction. But it seems really strange and worrisome. We get to work changing the passwords on all of our accounts, just in case it was some kind of hack.
After dinner (and chocolate cake), I have a Zoom happy hour with a local friend. We occasionally see each other outside but it’s nice to have a longer chat from the comfort of our living rooms. We both love murder mysteries, so we signed up for a service where a company sends us letters with clues and we try to solve the mystery together. It’s a fun way to stay connected and look forward to something during the pandemic. The service costs about $15 per month, but I paid for it in lump sum for 3 months, so it’s not included in my budget above. I drink some wine and we vent about work (we work at the same place) before getting started on the puzzle.
Daily total: $0
Day 4
Morning: I sleep in a bit, which is nice. Get up around 7 am. My parents are both getting their 2nd vaccine today – they’re both in their 70s and I am so relieved. I send my mom a “congratulations on being vaccinated!” text and we chat for a bit. I have leftover cornbread with honey and butter for breakfast – soooo good.
Work is not particularly exciting today, but someone sends me a last-minute request for something that does not need to be so urgent. I feel annoyed. Still no word from the interviewers on Monday, and I’m beginning to suspect I wasn’t selected to move forward. Too bad. K pays for a Wordpress website for the year (it’s a work-related website, but sadly his work doesn’t reimburse him). It costs $92.48.
Noon: The mariachi music is particularly loud today. I stand out on my balcony in the sun for a while and watch the workers. It’s been interesting seeing a house go up next door in real time, especially since I’m at home all the time. The workers are balancing on the top of the third story wall without, as far as I can see, anything like a safety line. It seems unsafe, but I presume they know what they’re doing.
We booked a cabin for the upcoming weekend in the Hood Canal region of Washington to do some hiking and birdwatching. I want to be as safe as possible and not go to any grocery stores or risk spreading COVID in any way while I’m there, so I place another grocery order with Whole Foods just for some special treats for the weekend. The cabin has a small kitchen and a grill, so we’re planning to make a fancy steak salad on Saturday. I order chips and hummus, some fancy cheese and meats, Tate’s cookies (I’ve heard a lot of good things about these), a baguette, and the ingredients for the steak salad. I also order a few staples I forgot in our last order, like sweet potatoes, more coffee, and half and half. It comes to $87.41, including tip, but that does include like $30 worth of steak. For some reason, I can’t order a small amount of steak online, so I’m planning to freeze half of it for later. (I include this purchase in our vacation fund budget, rather than under our regular grocery budget).
Around 2 pm, K makes a quick trip to our local wine store to buy an Oregon pinot noir and some port to enjoy at the cabin ($59.45). This store has an outdoor walk-up counter where you can tell the owner what you’re looking for, and he brings you some options (the store is way too small to allow customers to enter during Covid). It’s fun to chat with another human being, even briefly.
Evening: After work, we spend a little time rebalancing our investing and retirement accounts. We decide to put more money into bonds and a little bit into REIT’s as a hedge against a potential crash or recession in the future. Then I start making dinner – Broken Eggs (Huevas Rotas) from the NY Times cooking site. You basically cook the potatoes in a skillet in water, spices, and olive oil, and then sauté them to crisp them up once the water evaporates. Then you add onion, lots of garlic, and finally some eggs. It is delicious. I eat it with leftover cornbread while watching RuPaul’s Drag Race season 13 with my sister – we watch the first two episodes. It’s full of twists and turns. A note about this – we have an elaborate procedure for watching shows together developed during quarantine whereby we start the show at the same with an earbud in one ear, while FaceTiming. I also have chocolate cake, of course.
Later, I get an email that I’ve signed up for HBO on Amazon Prime. I definitely have not. I text my mom, who shares my account, and she tells me she signed up by mistake. I cancel right away and luckily they won’t charge us for it.
Meanwhile, K is doing an online Japanese language class over Zoom. He’s been interested in learning ever since we went to Japan last January. I lived in Japan for 3 years so I was able to take us around to a lot of more obscure places and he really enjoyed the trip – it was a blast.
K starts a YouTube yoga class (from Do Yoga With Me – my favorite channel) and I join him for part of it before bed around 10 pm.
Daily total: $239.34
Day 5
Morning: I get up around 7 am and we go for a run first thing. I prefer running early in the morning because there are fewer people to avoid during COVID. We do a different route today – it’s longer (3 miles) but has fewer hills. It’s a slog, as always, but I feel good when I get back right around 8 am. I jump straight onto my computer to start checking work emails and my husband makes us avocado and egg toast for breakfast - it is absolutely delicious.
We talk about how our bathroom smells distinctly mildewy (yay for being a grown-up because I guess this is what we talk about now) and we buy two big buckets of DampRid on Amazon ($26.60). I’ve found this to be a necessity in Seattle. Mid-morning, I take a break from work and start packing for our trip to the cabin.
Noon: I have leftover potatoes and cornbread for lunch, and my husband has the leftover chili. We finish getting ready to leave and head out right after lunch, taking a half day. The only problem is that I have attend a meeting at 3:30 pm, so we head out hoping to get there in time. Our cabin is near Quilcene in the Hood Canal region of Washington, about a 2 hour drive or a 2 hour ferry ride + drive. We are initially planning to take the ferry both ways, but realize that we mistimed the ferry departure, so we drive the whole way instead. Luckily, there’s little traffic mid-day, and we arrive at our Airbnb around 3:00 pm.
The Airbnb is beautiful! It’s a small cabin handmade by the owner, whose house is next door. It’s very rural, with a beautiful view. It’s tiny, but has a little kitchen and a waterfall-style shower with river rocks on the floor. It’s a great place to get away for a short time. Luckily, it also has good reception and I’m able to sit in on my meeting with no problems. My husband also does a little work, and then at 5 pm we’re free!
In our planning, we decided to get takeout on Friday night, since the little kitchen isn’t designed for any serious cooking. We call ahead to a local restaurant to order burgers (one of only 2 restaurants in the whole town). It’s around 5:30 pm and the place is deserted. It’s a microbrewery, but they tell us they haven’t been making beer since COVID-19 hit. None of the workers are wearing masks when I walk in, but they put them on when they see I’m wearing one. I pick up our order - a few bottled beers and burgers and fries ($49.52 including tip).
Back at our Airbnb, we watch Big Trouble in Little China and enjoy our very messy, but delicious, burgers (it costs $4.39 to rent). The movie is very campy but fun. I love silly action movies, as you will see with my other viewing choices. We wrap up the night in a very exciting fashion, eating chocolate cake and watching old episodes of the original Star Trek.
Daily total: $80.51
Day 6
Morning & noon: When we wake up around 8 am, the weather is looking thankfully clear and even sunny! We were expecting rain, so we’re really glad. We decide to go hiking today, and we head out before even having breakfast, with snacks and lunches packed. Our first destination is a hike called Mt. Zion, but unfortunately, we run into enough snow 2 miles before the trailhead that we decide to turn back. We don’t have any traction for our Subaru and don’t want to risk getting stuck on a very narrow mountain road. Instead, we drive another hour or so to the Lena Lake trailhead, a very popular and less strenuous trail. It’s about 7.5 miles roundtrip with 1200 feet of elevation gain.
By this time, it’s around 11:30, but luckily there is still parking. It’s a great hike up, and we run into relatively few people. We always mask up whenever we pass anyone, as does about 50% of the people we meet. The others… not so much. Around a mile from the lake, we start to run into snow. It’s turned into a beautiful sunny day, and I’m loving seeing all this snow! It’s a bit slippery, but not too bad. We make it to the lake mid-day, and it’s super jammed – there’s only a small viewpoint accessible, so everyone is crowded in there. I feel a bit uneasy with all the unmasked people, but we manage to find a spot away from the crowd and sit down to eat our lunch of apples, chips, and energy bars. There are a ton of robber jays there (Canada Jays) which try to eat our chips. It is fun watching them, but I’m annoyed to see some kids feeding them – it’ll just make them that much more aggressive. Bad trail manners.
On our way back down, we get stuck behind a group of 5 unmasked adults, who refuse to cede the narrow trail to faster hikers. I’m a slow hiker myself, so, to be clear, I’m not angry at slower walkers being on the trail but have some self-awareness and let people pass! especially if you’re going to go hiking in a big group during a pandemic! We finally get back down and head back to our Airbnb.
Evening: Back home, we explore some of the trails our Airbnb host has set up around his extensive property, and then relax on the deck. The sun is breaking through the clouds and it feels wonderful to sit out in nature and feel the sun on my back. We open up a bottle of wine and have a few pre-dinner snacks (more chips and hummus). For this night, we brought ingredients to make a steak salad. Our Airbnb host has kindly set up a charcoal grill for us, so we grilled the steak and toast some bread on the side.
We eat dinner while watching the truly terrible Jean Claude Van Damme movie Bloodsport and finish up the very last of my chocolate cake. It’s amazing that anyone ever let Van Damme act… or should I say ‘act.’ I also have a Tate’s chocolate chip cookie or two, accompanied by a little port. My husband and I are truly very old people at heart, so we finish up the night watching a few episodes of Columbo.
Daily total: $0
Day 7
Morning: Unfortunately, K had insomnia last night, so he sleeps in pretty late. I drink coffee in bed and enjoy looking at the view out our big windows. Once he’s up, we get packed up and write a thank you note for our host. It was a great stay.
One of my big hobbies is birding and K enjoys wildlife photography, so we go out to look for some lifers! (The first time you see a new species of bird). Did I mention we are very old people in (relatively) young bodies? We first go to Dosewallips State Park and see some bald eagles, great blue herons, lots of various ducks, and a flock of Canada Geese, which, strangely, includes a domesticated gray goose. He’s much larger than the Canada Geese and seems to be watching over them. It’s kind of cute. Unfortunately, a lot of the birds are too far from shore to be seen clearly.
Our next stop is Point No Point (I love all the sad & disappointed names that early Westerner explorers gave places in the Washington/Oregon coast), a popular birding spot. We see a ton of birds here, and I can understand why it’s so well-known - Red-Breasted Mergansers, Western Grebes, Common Goldeneyes, Pacific Loons, and a few others I can’t identify yet. Most excitingly though, we see a whole pile of otters! They’re lounging around together on a rock just offshore and a ton of people are watching. We watch as they all slip off the rock and go hunting in the shore. It’s my first otter sighting in the wild, and it’s so cool! We also see some seals and possibly a sea lion. It’s a great spot for wildlife. We eat some snacks (hummus, chips, some sliced meat & cheese) before we head out.
I really want to come back to this area another time and explore further, but K has decided that we need to get back home in time for the Big Game. We take the 3:00 pm ferry back to Seattle ($16.40) and get home around 3:45 pm. I veg out at home while my husband watches football. He’s a Patriots fan but he still loves Tom Brady (??) so he’s happy to see Florida win. I don’t understand sports team loyalties at all, but whatever, I’m glad he’s happy. We order from a new Indian place called Spice Box and get vindaloo, roganjosh, and vegetables pakora – so tasty ($53.96). Happily, there’s enough left over for lunch the next day, since I have no plans for what we will eat yet!
I’m really dreading work the next day, as I know that it will be obnoxious. I want to get out of my job so badly, but it doesn’t look like I’m going on to the next interview stage for the job I interviewed no back on Monday. I’m feeling kind of down about it. I try to stay positive and promise that I’ll apply for at least 2-3 new jobs next week. I bake up some frozen cookie dough I had in the freezer and feel sorry for myself. We end the night by watching another episode of Columbo.
Daily total: 70.36
Food + Drink: $395.23
Fun / Entertainment: $26.40
Home + Health: $26.60
Clothes + Beauty: $0
Transport: $16.40
Other: $170.48
Grand Total: $635.11
I think this week was pretty normal for us. Obviously we spent a bit more than usual due to the weekend cabin trip, but nothing outrageous. Our largest consumer spending category is definitely food and drink – we live in a very busy area of Seattle with tons of restaurants and bars so believe it or not, we actually used to spend even more on eating out. We still try to support our local places by getting takeout or delivery during the pandemic and even occasionally getting a few drinks outside. I spent more than usual on groceries due to stocking up for the weekend away.
submitted by SupermarketWinter203 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Update 8: 5 days since i served my STBXW (30F) of 7 years, now everyone is piling on me to talk to her.

Previous post

Its been an interesting week. This is a long one, but i have gotten so much help from here i feel obligated to share the current status and what i have learned so far.

I have moved back to my house with the kids. Sue also moved back inn a few days ago. Mom and Dad is with us during the day and helps out a lot.
Kids are doing well considering everything but they are naturally shaken up.
Their parents basically disappeared for 2 weeks while they where parked with their grandparents.
I wish i handled the 2 first weeks better for the sake of my kids but i just couldn't. I was totally lost and Its been very hard to get back out of the hole i got stuck in.
Getting back with the kids has helped me find a lot of strength i didn't even know i had.
I am doing well, i am happy to inform everyone that i am in control of my faculties.
There is still a shitt load of pain and trauma to work through but i manage it very well now.
I am more sure of myself, i feel confident and positive for the future.
I am systematic and very detail focused by nature. It helps me to maintain a detailed journal. Actually for the both of us at the moment, Me and Sue. It helps us dig deep into one and one issue.
We have a dedicated 1 hour session where we talk every day. During this we try to understand and prioritize the issues we need to discuss. We also put things on ice for dealing with later if we cant find a good solution or resolution for now.
This 1 hour allows us to have some energy left to spend with the kids watching tv, playing schoolwork, etc. 1 hour is pretty exhausting, when we are brutally honest, so we limit it for the moment. It allow us to disconnect after the session and We have made some good new memories, all of us together.
This has helped us so much! I highly recommend this if you are working with a partner in a difficult situation like this.
It naturally creates a plan of attack and allows us to fully work through issues with determination and a little bit of emotional distance. If we don't finish we just continue the discussion the next day.

Me and the kids have also talked a lot and we have been to IC for each of them plus family therapy with me and the boys. The last session also included Sue.
Sue struggled with the session. She is drowning in shame and guilt at the moment so i guess we need to be patient.
Sue has been out of the hospital for a few days and is better off living at the house with the rest of us. Before you guys pile on me to kick her out,,,. I will not kick out the unemployed mother of my children in the middle of a pandemic.
I think about it this way, when my kids are grown and they ask me about this period i want to be able to be proud of most of my behavior.
I find its also very helpful to think about things long term. It helps me see past the overwhelming immediate pain and lets me set targets to aim for.
Sue is in daily therapy and has been diagnosed with mild PTSD. Her therapist is sure she is no longer at risk of terminating herself.
Kids have enjoyed having her at home, they missed their mother of course. She seams stable and i think staying together is the best option for her and everyone at this point.

Lets get one of the main issues out of the way, I have decided that the divorce will go through.

The Deciding argument actually came from a PM dialogue i had with a self proclaimed lesbian feminist. The discussion included a lot of nonsense about patriarchy and historical oppression, but she had some good arguments about my wife being a grown woman and therefor having agency.
She praised me a lot for allowing my wife to make her own choices actually. ??? Even if those choices where stupid...
I actually regret not confronting Sue harder earlier, but i wasn't in a good place mentally and i didn't make all the best choices. Its easy to se a better path in hindsight.
The talk with the feminist was at times confusing, but the closing argument was: If this was a married gay couple with 2 males would anyone question the agency of the partners? The ws or the bs? The answer to that is no so i will treat my wife like she has agency to make her own choices and let her face the consequences from those.
I have accept that my wife made a choice to do this, it made perfect sense to her, its what she wanted at the time.
It was a stupid choice but people make stupid choices every day, they drink and drive, they commit stupid acts and in all cases. If they are exposed, there will be negative consequences of such bad choices.

I have looked hard into myself and here is what i have accepted.
I cant reconcile Sues actions with the woman i believed her to be.
The hard truth is, I dont know this woman that used to be my wife. I just dont trust her anymore and i cannot remain married to a person i dont feel i know or trust.
Its absolutely devastating to Sue but she accepts and understands my decision.

She has offered everything to me in the divorce. All our assets, house, cars full custody.
I have said a hard no to that. We will divide assets fairly and she will automatically regain 50/50 custody once she is ok with it, and is declared ok for this by her psychiatrist.
She has also insisted that i find some woman and have an affair with her, i will not do that. I am not really interested in getting into another relationship. I feel i have enough on my plate.
Secondly i think Sue wants this, primarily because she believes this will easy her guilt.
I on the other hand don't see how bringing more pain and confusion into this situation will help anything.
Also i don't have the right to bring an innocent third party into this painful mess.

She has also offered full access to everything, complete transparency, and to not do anything without my permission.
But i dont want to be her warden or her jailer. If she wants to show me, fine she can, but i will not monitor her like i have done. Building trust is on her now.
I don't want to hate Sue, i am angry with her. But i know i need find a way past that.
I want our kids to have their mother in their life. Regardless of the final outcome of this.
We had a good life up until recently. I am grateful for the time we had, and we both love our children.

The day after the meeting in the hospital, me and the wife started communicating electronically.
We agreed that the best way to open the dialogue was for Sue to author a letter for me.
The letter would detail everything she has done while we have been together. Everything about her friends, how it started with Frank. Everything up until the day she sat down to type this all out. Her desires, wants, fears, needs, drives, etc.

Oh before i forget... We found out Frank has left the country. He has transferred money back, or at least the half that belongs to his wife. So Franks wife is ok.
Turns out Franks own mother hired a PI to track him down Monday. She was worried about him, plus very angry. His mother will not tell us where he is, only that he is in a different country.
Frank has agreed to a uncontested divorce, and will not be back any time soon.
From what i have been told, one of the betrayed husbands apparently threatened Frank on Saturday. But i don't know, its mostly hearsay and rumor at this point.

Sue's letter shows the process Sue went through to get to a point where she could justify to herself having an affair. I was surprised to learn that It actually started over 3 years ago.
It was incredibly hard for me to read, but it felt honest, very honest.
A woman from their school friend group, lets call her Betty, that moved away at 18 had moved back to the area around 4 years ago with her family.
Betty started an affair with an ex from school. She would wax on about how great it was. How they would sneak off to spa hotels, bla bla. How nobody got hurt because they didnt know bla bla. How she deserved it, bla bla. How the cheating actually made her a better wife, bla bla.
Basically every cheating excuse in the book. I have learned that a total of 4 women in the group have cheated on their husbands in addition to Sue. 2 of them each had short affairs that terminated after the first physical meeting. Betty had multiple long term affairs over the years. One other woman had a 7 month affair that just ended. She joined Betty in the promotional efforts for the benefits of affairs when she started hers 7 months ago.
From what i hear 3 husbands have already decided to file for divorce.

I have been trying to understand my wifes actions to see if there is something i missed.
Its been hard to accept, but her actions in regards to the affair seams to have nothing to do with me.
She has explained how Life became monotone and the affair became a fantasy that grew over the years. A fantasy escape of sorts from day to day life. When Frank showed an interest she got trapped in it. The rush, the excitement.
She never really considered the consequences, or that it would hurt me or her family. It was never her intention. She got obsessed with getting her fix and it took more and more risk to get it.
Her cheating friends egged her on while her loyal friends spoke against it, but didnt insist.

I have talked a lot to Sues and her therapist. I have understood that i need to think a little differently about this. its not black and white. There are many additional variables and nuances to consider, not just my own perception, hurt and ego.
Once i realized that i need to take time to fully reflect on this before i decide anything my stress levels have gone way back, almost back to normal.
Several therapists have explained it to me in the mental framework of this type of compulsive, addictive behavior.
I have also talked to a lot of WW and BS, (thank you so much for answering all my stupid questions.) I am starting to better understand this now.
This does not excuse Sues actions but it makes it a little understandable in some ways. I can comprehend it. This doesn't mean i forgive or forget it though.
Like everyone knows, smoking is bad, drinking is bad. Exorcising regularly is important, junk food hurts you etc.
People know these things, still they do them all their lives. Look at the lung cancer ward with dying patients still smoking outside.
I understand Its a similar reaction in Sues brain in relation to this affair. An affair became a fantasy, the excitement of it became an addiction. Like a kind of adrenaline junkie.

At the hotel Frank had just started to give her oral after some initial touching/kissing and they where only a few minutes into it when i crashed reality into her fantasy world.
Sue has confessed that she was going to go all the way.
After reality hit, she became desperate to fix it, it was all she could think about. It explains her behavior a bit after D-day.
When she read the reddit posts and lost hope that she could fix anything she just couldnt deal with it. she tried to end it. S
he has admitted that if the shoe was on the other foot she would leave me. So at least i know she is being honest.
I seriously doubt she would cheat again. She got scarred for life. Now she just cannot understand herself, why she did this.
Now I see Sue as i would look at someone with a gambling addiction. I don't respect that kind of weakness, but i believe people can change.
I am no quire boy myself and experimented with drugs back in the day. I got out of it when somone gave me chance, so i will see if Sue can deal with her issues with my help.
To be honest I think the shock of it cured her of that vice.

That brings me to the future. I will give Sue an opportunity to first re-gain my respect and then maybe, just maybe my trust.
If she re-gains my respect and trust i will consider starting to date her again.
Sue seams to be very motivated by this and is clearly putting inn a lot of effort.
I have made it clear that this is on her to do this, she will have to prove it to me.

She has already had one of the betrayed husbands over and explained everything to him. Then she invited his wife over. Her former friend. And told her that she had explained everything to her husband.
Lots of yelling ensued, but she stood firm and admitted her role in it. That took guts. She did the right thing.
She has also apologized and talked to Franks wife, they sort of hit it off actually, they where joking about Franks weaknesses over several glasses of vine. It was all kind of strange to me, Bizarre even... I listened from the hallway. Frank was not painted in a flattering light to put it that way.
Is this something women do? Bond over ripping into a common x?

Sue has asked the remaining betrayed husbands if they want the same information for them.

We had Betty at our door yesterday begging Sue not to tell her husband. Betty wanted Sue to agree to a "light version" or she was sure her husband would leave her.
My wife refused her request, Bettys husband is coming over for dinner this evening. Sue promised he will get the full unfiltered truth. Its safe to say Sue and Betty are no longer friends.

She has been flooded by messages from the other cheaters, and she has refused them as well.
The loyal wives have made requests for Sue to meet their husbands to reassure them and she has agreed to this as well. I guess she knows who her friends are now.

I actually made a big spreadsheets of my choices and options. Its a gigantic mess, measuring the pros and cons.
What is best for the kids, what is the benefits of this and that. What is the negative side of this and that.
For example there is no guarantee that a new girlfriend would be any more faithful, there is no guarantee i would find a new partner compatible with my kids, ect, etc, etc.
All in all i come to the conclusion that my best choice for now, especially for the kids, is to take my time and see if Sue makes any progress. I need to see that she can get to a point where we can try to build a new relationship. The one we have is dead. Still it was a good one on so, so many levels. Maybe we could have that again? Maybe it will fail? Who knows?
I am not in a rush and if i think its futile I will act. Until then we can practice co-parenting and find ways to remain at least cordial.
I am not a perfect husband or human be any stretch. I have many flaws just like everyone else. I will keep this in mind whenever i feel i am in a position where i have to judge Sue moving forward.
So this is probably my last activity here, maybe i will do another update in a year or 2. I cannot thank the reddit community enough. thank you for all your help.
I know that in the end its up to me to decide and thankfully you all set time aside to help me reflect more broadly.
submitted by throwaway-cleanbreak to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

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2.1% of adolescents are addicted to gambling, and 6.5% are considered at-risk for developing a gambling problem Adolescents with gambling problems are two times as likely to use illegal drugs and binge drink, and three times as likely to get into trouble with fights, gangs, and the police. Defining addiction. Saying gambling is addictive but not a medical disease begs for definitions of "addiction" and "disease." The essential element of addiction to gambling is that people become completely absorbed in an activity and then pursue it in a compulsive manner, leading to extremely negative life outcomes. The U.S. National Library of Medicine describes a gambling addiction as an impulse-control disorder. Like most every impulse-control disorder, a person’s inability to control the behavior is the deciding factor. Symptoms of gambling addiction play out in the same areas of life as an alcohol or drug addiction would. The addict’s behavior becomes excessive to the point where gambling, or the thought of gambling becomes the focus of his or her world. A gambling addiction is a progressive addiction that can have many negative psychological, physical, and social repercussions. It is classed as an impulse-control disorder. It is classed as an If you have a gambling addiction, you may display some or all of the following behaviors: obsessing over any type of gambling; gambling to feel better about life ; failing to control your gambling Pathological Gambling aka Gambling Addiction, Compulsive Gambling Gambling is defined as playing a game of chance for stakes and, for most people, gambling isn't a problem. For others, pathological gambling is a progressive disease that devastates not only the gambler but everyone with whom he or she has a significant relationship. Gambling is everywhere. (Image: Gambling is one of the most popular recreational activities to be enjoyed by adults across the world, but sometimes people can become addicted to it. When gambling goes beyond harmless fun and begins creating serious problems in someone's life, they may be showing signs of gambling addiction. Gambling addiction is classed as a mental health Gambling addiction can occur when a person feels that they are in financial ruin and can only solve their problems by gambling what little they have in an attempt to get a large sum of money. Unfortunately, this almost always leads to a cycle in which the gambler feels they must win back their losses, and the cycle goes on until the person is for gambling disorder have been met for at least 3 months but for less than 12 months. In sustained remission: After full criteria for gambling disorder were previously met, none of the criteria for gambling disorder have been met during a period of 12 months or longer. Specify current severity:

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Hidden Secret Women Gambling

Pitching pennies led Michael Mooney down the dark path of a gambling addiction. Mooney is not only in recovery (21 years,) he's also dedicated his life to he... What is ADDICTION? What does ADDICTION mean? ADDICTION meaning - ADDICTION pronunciation - ADDICTION definition - AD... In this raw and honest video i talk about my 2-3 year gambling addiction where i lost many many thousands of dollars and how i managed to get myself out of t... What happens inside the brain of a gambling addict when they make a bet - and can the secret to their addiction be found within the brain itself? BBC Panoram... This is a follow up to a video I released called:Life As a VIP High Roller At the Casino: What It's Like, Why I Gave It All Up and Gambling Addictionhttps://... What really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthan... MINNEAPOLIS - Compulsive gambling among women is often called the hidden addiction. While men are considered "action" gamblers, it's estimated that 95 percent of women prefer solitary options like ... Professor Marc Potenza, Yale University: "What are the boundaries of addiction - on pathological gambling". A Stockholm Psychiatry Lecture held August 24 201... Gambling can be just as addicting as many recreational drugs! What makes it so addicting, and are there any factors that make you more susceptible to being a...

what is considered gambling addiction

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