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Ruth 4

Chapter FourMarriage [of] Bo`ahZ and ROoTh  
-1. And Bo`ahZ ascended [to] the gate and sat there.
And behold, the redeemer passed by, that [of whom] had worded Bo`ahZ,
and he said,
“Turn [סורה, ÇOoRaH], sit here, so and so [פלוני אלמוני, PeLONeeY ’ahLMONeeY].”
And he turned and sat.  
Such a one (pelônî-’lmônî), like ‘Mr. So-and-So’ (I Sam. [Samuel] 21:2; II Kings 6:8).” (Smith, 1953, p. II 847)  
-2. And he took ten men from elders of the city,
and he said,
“Sit here.”
And they sat.  
Ten men: In later Judaism the least number possible for a synagogue (Sanhedrin 1) and the quorum necessary for the marriage benediction (Midrash Rabbah, Ruth 7:8).” (Smith, 1953, p. II 847)  
-3. And he said to [the] redeemer,
“A portion of the field that is to our brother, to ’ehLeeY-MehLehKh ["My God is King", Elimelech], sold, Nah`ahMeeY ["My Pleasure", Naomi], the returner from Field [of] Moab.  
“Num. [Numbers] 27:8-11 assumes that no land was held by a widow, but this law is obviously ignored here. Jer. [Jeremiah] implies that land was offered to the next of kin before it was put on public sale, not that it was bought back after it had left the family’s possession. Lev. [Leviticus] 25:25 implies the opposite. There is no easy way out of these difficulties.” (Smith, 1953, pp. II 847-848)  
-4. “And I said [to myself],
‘I will reveal [to] your ear’  
Advertise, ‘reveal,’ lit. [literally], ‘uncover thine ear,’ an idiom arising from the necessity of drawing aside the head covering in order to whisper.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
“to say,
‘Buy in the presence of [נגד, NehGehD, “against, opposite”] those sitting,
and in the presence of elders of my people.
If he redeeming redeems, and if he does not redeem, tell to me and I will know,
for there is none but you to redeem,
and I am after you.’”  
And he said,  
“I will redeem.”  
If thou wilt not: The Hebrew had ‘he,’ probably a copyist’s slip.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-5. And said Bo`ahZ,
“In the day you buy the field from [the] hand [of] Nah`ahMeeY,
and from [-את, -ayTh (indicator of direct object; no English equivalent)] ROoTh, the Moabitess, wife of the dead,
you [“I” in the text] buy to raise up [the] name [of] the dead upon his inheritance.”  
“The exact legal situation is difficult to determine… the end of the verse refers to the levirate law of Deut. [Deuteronomy] 15:5-6. This law, however, restricts the duty of marriage to brothers ‘under the same roof,’ and this is assumed in Gen. [Genesis] 38.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-6. And said, the redeemer,
“I am not able to redeem to me lest I corrupt [אשחית, ’ahShHeeYTh] [את, ’ehTh ] my inheritance;  
“Burrows… thinks… that Ruth preserves a combination of practices earlier than Deuteronomy. If the land alone is in question it will belong permanently to the estate of the purchaser; but if Ruth is also taken in levirate marriage the land will belong to her son, who is to be reckoned as the son of the dead. Boaz is willing to accept such a loss. The other kinsman is not, and this adequately explains why he is concerned for his inheritance…” (Smith, 1953, p. II 849)  
“redeem to yourself, you [את, ’ehTh] my redemption,
for I am not able to redeem.”  
-7. (And that sometimes in YeeSRah-’ayL ["Strove God", Israel], upon the redeemed and upon the exchange [התמורה, HahThMOoRaH],
to realize every word, removed [שלף, ShahLahPh], [each] man, his shoe, and gave [it] to his neighbor,
and that is the certification [התעודה, HahThe`OoDaH] in YeeSRah-’ayL.)  
-8. And said, the redeemer, to Bo`ahZ,
“Buy [it] to you.”  
And he removed his shoe.  
“In Deut. 25:9 the unwilling brother’s shoe is loosed by the widow who also ‘spit in his face.’ The purpose may be to shame him for his refusal. The present account differs at three points: a more distant relative is expected to marry the widow, he takes off his own shoe, and no one blames him.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-9. And said, Bo`ahZ, to [the] elders and all the people,
“Witnesses are you the day,
for I have bought [את, ’ehTh] all that is to ‘ehLeeY-MehLehKh and [את, ’ehTh] all that is to KheeLYON [Chillion] and MahHLON [Mahlon] from [the] hand of Nah`ahMeeY, 10. and also [את, ’ehTh] ROoTh the Moabitess, wife of MahHLON, I bought to me to wife, to realize [the] name [of] the dead upon his inheritance, and will not be cut off, [the] name [of] the dead, from with his brothers and from [the] gate [of] his place. Witnesses are you the day.”  
-11. And said, all the people that were in [the] gate, and the elders,
Give, YHVH [את, ’ehTh] the woman, the comer unto your house,
[to be] like RahHayL [“Ewe”, Rachel] and like Lay’aH [Leah],
that built, [the] two [of] them, [את, ’ehTh] house of YeeSRah-’ayL,
and do forcefully in ’ehPhRahThaH [“Patrician”, Ephratah],
and call [the] name in BayTh-LehHehM [“House [of] Bread”, Bethlehem].  
-12. And be your house like [the] house [of] PehRehTs [“Burst”, Perez],
that birthed ThahMahR [“Palm Tree”, Tamar] to YeHOo-DaH [“YHVH Knew”, Judah],
from the seed that gave YHVH to you,
from the youth [feminine] the this.”  
Tamar bore twin sons to Judah, and the tale emphasizes that although Pharez did not have the red cord marking the first-born, he actually ‘came out first’ (Gen. 38:29; I Chr. [Chronicles] 4:1), and Judah’s line therefore continued through him.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 850)  
-13. And took, Bo`ahZ, ROoTh,
and she was to him to wife,
and he came unto her,
and gave, YHVH, to her a pregnancy [הריון, HayRahYON],
and was born a son.  
-14. And said, the women, to Nah`ahMeeY,
“Bless YHVH, that did not fail [השבית, HeeShBeeYTh] to you [the] redeemer today,
and will be called, his name, in YeeSRah-’ayL.
-15. And he will be to you, to restorer [למשיב, LeMaySheeYB] [of] soul and to nourish [ולכלכל, OoLeKhahLKayL] [את, ’ehTh] your hoariness [שיבתך, SaYBahThayKh],
for your daughter in law, that loves you, has borne him,
that she is good to you than [מ-, Mee-] seven sons.”  
-16. And she took, Nah`ahMeeY, [את, ’ehTh] the boy,
and placed him [ותשתהו, VahThSheeThayHOo] in her bosom,
and was to him to nursemaid [לאמנת, Le’oMehNehTh].1  
-17. And called to him, the dwellers, a name, to say,
"Born is a son to Nah`ahMeeY,
and call his name `OBayD [“Slave”].”  
He was father of YeeShah-eeY [Jesse], father of David.  
Obed… is often combined with a divine name, e.g. [for instance], Obadiah [“Slave of YHVH”]… Perhaps the deity’s name of the original tale has been omitted purposely by the writer.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 851)  
-18. And these are [the] genealogies [תולדות, ThOLDOTh] [of] PahRehTs:  
PehRehTs begat HehTsRON [“Courtier”, Hezron] 19. and HehTsRON begat RahM [“Tall”, Ram], and RahM begat ahMeeYNahDahB [“My People are Noble”, Amminadab], 20. andahMeeYNahDahB begat NahHShON [“Brazier”, Nahshon], and NahHShON begat SahLMaH [“Robe”, Salmon (sic for Salma)], 21. and SahLMON begat BoahZ, and BoahZ begat OBayD, 22. andoBayD begat YeeShah-eeY, and YeeShah-eeY begat David.  
“The genealogy was added at a later time, since in the story the child of Ruth is reckoned as the son of Mahlon, not of Boaz. The introductory now these are the generations of is characteristic of P [the priestly redaction], and the regular repetition of begat is also P…  
“Since I Chr. 2:4-13 is identical, except for three minor variations in spelling, an easy assumption is that the verses were copied from Chronicles… the verses may have been inserted in Chronicles from the end of Ruth… If Chronicles received a thorough revision in the Maccabean period… the insertion with some rearrangement of material may have been made at that time.  
“The genealogy is probably artificial.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 851)
1 A curious note from Adam Clarke: “Naomi took the child] this might do for Naomi; but it was bad for the child. A child, unless remarkably healthy and robust, will suffer considerably by being nursed by an old woman; especially if the child sleep with her. The aged gain refreshment and energy by sleeping with the young; and, from the same means, the young derive premature decrepitude. The vigour which is absorbed by the former, is lost by the latter. It is a foolish and destructive custom to permit young children (which is a common case) to sleep with aged aunts, and old grandmothers. (Adam Clarke, 1831, p. II 102)  
Adam Clarke, L. F. (1831). The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testament... with Commentary and Critical Notes (first ed., Vols. II Jud-Job). New York: J. Emory and B. Waugh.  
Ali, T. M. Never Mind (2000, third printing 2002 ed.). (G. L. Peter Cole, Trans.) Jerusalem, Israel: Ibis.  
Dickinson, E. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson (21st printing ed.). (T. H. Johnson, Ed.) Little Brown and Company.  
Laffey, A. L. (1990). Ruth. in The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.  
Nabokov, V. (1963). The Gift (first English edition ed.). (M. S. Nabokov, Trans.) New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.  
Smith, L. P. (1953). The Book of Ruth. In J. K. George Arthur Buttick (Ed.), The Interpreters' Bible (1st ed., Vol. Two). Nashville, Tennessee, USA: Abingdon Press.  
Study Aids  
The New Bantam-Megiddo Hebrew & English Dictionary, by Dr. Reuven Sivan and Dr. Edward A. Levenston, New York, 1975. I had misunderstood my brother to say that he got through seminary Hebrew with just this (plus his fluency); in fact it got him through Hebrew in undergraduate school. I update it from the other dictionaries. Its pages have fallen away from the glue that bound them; this is my third copy. Part of my original plan had been to be able to go into Sunday School armed only with my annotated Hebrew Bible and a pocket dictionary. Unless you have a similar plan, forget this and use instead:  
Compendious Hebrew-English Dictionary, Comprising a Complete Vocabulary of biblical, Mishnaic, Medieval and Modern Hebrew, complied by Reuben Avinoam (Grossmann) in collaboration with H. Sachs, revised and edited by M. H. Segal, The Dvir Publishing Co. Tel-Aviv, 1950. Part of a three volume set (the others being English-Hebrew and a supplement). A hand me down from dad. It used to be my first recourse when the pocket dictionary fails me; nowadays I just go directly to it.  
ספר הבריתות, תורה נביאים כתובים והברית החדשה [ÇehPheR HahBReeYThOTh, ThORaH NehBeeY’eeM KeThOoBeeYM VeHahBReeYTh HeHahDahShaH] – “The Book of the Covenants: Law, Prophets, Writings, and the New Covenant”] The Bible Society in Israel, Jerusalem, Israel, 1991. Easy to read “Arial” type font. Will survive anything short of untrained puppies. My second copy, a gift from Joy; the one I read and annotate. The back finally broke so I had it re-bound in blue leather by Jim Strawn of Smythe Books, LLC – beautiful work.  
http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0.htm - A Hebrew - English Bible According to the Masoretic Text and the JPS 1917 Edition – Really useful for ensuring consistency in translation; it also has an audio feature.  
An Amateur's Journey Through the Bible
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the female Illuminati and other secret societies

The Female Illuminati and Other Secret Societies A Brief Introduction
There are numbers of these mystic Brotherhoods which have naught to do with "civilized" countries, and it is in their unknown communities that are concealed the skeletons of the past.
These "adepts" could, if they chose, lay claim to strange ancestry. H. P. Blavatsky
People establish and join secret societies because they seek power.
Once they've achieved great power as well as wealth, they sometimes want to brag about it and let others know about their special status. To further this desire, members of secret societies - from Jesuits to Satanists - make use of the media. Highly financed movies are made to communicate to us on a non-verbal level.
These movies are often ostensibly based on the books of commissioned writers, themselves lower-level agents of powerful secret societies.
Hollywood movies occasionally provide us with keyhole visions into what's going on behind the scenes; although not enough for laymen and symbolically illiterate people to decipher and understand. That's why so many people remain ignorant about secret societies and their ways. However if we do a little serious research, it becomes easier to see what is going on.
This process is occasionally helped by whistle-blowing movies from Hollywood and other media orgs, movies such as,
Brotherhood of the Bell To the Devil a Daughter The Devil Rides Out The Omen Bladerunner Freejack Judge Dread Fifth Element Tombraider The Formula James Bond The Da Vinci Code National Treasure Skulls Eyes Wide Shut Ninth Gate,
...and so on.
As I said, perhaps we are deliberately BEING TOLD what is going on by the elites themselves. It's an intriguing thought.
Of course the serious researcher does not simply base his work on media extravaganzas. My own work on secret societies is based on sources, and I strengthen my ideas with numerous statements and quotes from insiders and those who have made a deep study of secret society symbolism.
In other words, the existence of secret fraternities is documented fact. Happily, if paradoxically, secret societies publish their own works which provide us with key insights into their origins and agendas.
After reading and studying material of this kind I eventually gained greater knowledge about the workings of the world's major secret societies,
the Freemasons Knights Templar Rosicrucians Knights of Malta Jesuits Illuminati, etc.
Additionally, the artwork I decipher is that which hangs in their own clubs and lodges, and in famous shrines such as the House of the Temple in Washington DC.
Interesting artwork is to be found in plenty throughout the world's many Masonic halls that stand in almost every major town and city casually passed and ignored by most people as they go about their business.
A study of the friezes and reliefs outside Masonic structures also furnished me with insight into the subtle manner in which insiders nonverbally communicate with us.
I learned to go even further, and observe the many clock towers, statues, fountains, murals, floors and obelisks, etc, which exist in major towns and cities. I discovered that most cities are ritually laid out and have a more esoteric purpose than one might guess.
As to the power of secret societies, we must accept that it is considerable. After doing nearly thirty years of research into these matters, I realized the extent of their sociopolitical power. I also realized that most of their operations would not receive public approval. This is partly why they prefer anonymity.
Although their identities may not be secret, their rites, behavior and designs for world control are kept in the dark and out of sight to ordinary men and women.
They make good use of hierarchies and fixed degree ceremonies to ensure that only the "right" kind of person gets to be an insider. Their recruiting fraternities are found in every major university and college. Their lower and higher members surround us in every school, university, corporation, livery company and charity.
To uncover their existence you must not wait for them to come out into the open.
You must go into your streets with open eyes and ask yourself,
Who built Bath? Who built London? Who built Washington DC, Cologne and Paris?
You might not understand completely all the secrets of these fraternities, but you can eventually realize that something strange has been going from the year dot.
You'll realize the tremendous financial power that exists, out of reach of the common man. And you'll realize the time it took to attain such power. In the end you'll be more aware of the presence and prestige of the equestrian and chivalric orders that infest our world.
You'll understand how their many lower-level branches and fraternities work to filter out moral men and promote immoral and amoral ones.
Ask questions such as:
How can a small country like England, since the 16th century, successfully get its predatory talons into so many other far off lands, conquering, colonizing and "ruling the waves?"
How did a predatory exploitative organization like the Vatican (which is more than the center of the Roman Catholic religion) gain so much power?
Why does it still exist after the heinous historical crimes of which it is guilty - more than 500 years of the persecution of so called "witches," who were just ordinary women doing their thing - healing, learning about nature's ways, knowing the secrets of herbalism and agriculture?,
We are talking about nearly nine million victims of total deliberate slaughter.
And that series of atrocities is just a single instance of the pestilence of this Roman branch of the ancient Atonist "Black Lodge" that I expose throughout my works.
To get away with it, and remain above the law, takes considerable power doesn't it? Right! So what's different when it comes to the existence of even more elusive and deadly orders?
The Vatican is allied with numerous secret orders, such as the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Order of Christ, Knights of St. John, Opus Dei, and of course the Knights Templar - one of the most powerful organizations in the world.
Some of the top degrees of what we know to be Freemasonry are Templar degrees.
This is because agents of pro-Templar factions within the College of Cardinals have long taken over most Freemasonic orders throughout the world. Warnings about this surreptitious takeover went out from men in the know during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Observant insiders, such as Nicolas de Bonneville, Samuel Pritchard, Abbe Barruel and others, believed that ostensibly Protestant orders of Masonry had been completely undermined by Templar factions within the Italian Ring.
There is no doubt in my mind that the same is the case for the ostensibly Protestant Rosicrucian Order created in the seventeenth century. Suggestively, some chief Rosicrucian symbols, such as the cross and rose, are to be found on earlier Templar (Catholic) architecture and in their traditions.
Moreover, in Catholic dominated lodges, such as those of Grand Orient Masonry, degrees known as "Rose Cross" exist, clearly an impossibility if the Rosicrucians were truly a Protestant breakaway sect.
Around 1530, more than eighty years before the publication of the first manifesto, the association of cross and rose already existed in Portugal in the Convent of the Order of Christ, home of the Knights Templar, later renamed Order of Christ.
Three bocetes were, and still are, on the vault of the initiation room. The rose can clearly be seen at the center of the cross. Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia (Entry on Roscicrucianism) Documents available in France today contend that an Order of the Rosy Cross was founded in 1188 by a pre-Masonic Templar named Jean de Gisors, vassal of English King Henry II and the first independent grand master of the Order of Sion. Jim Marrs (Rule by Secrecy)
The Order of the Illuminati appears as an accessory to Freemasonry. It is in the Lodges of Freemasons that the Minervals are found, and there they are prepared for Illumination. They must have previously obtained the three English degrees. The founder says more.
He says that his doctrines are the only true Freemasonry. He was the chief promoter of the Eclectic System.
This he urged as the best method of getting information of all the explanations which have been given of the Masonic Mysteries. He was also a Strict Observance and an adept Rosicrucian. John Robinson (Born in Blood) The Rosy Cross derived from the Red Cross of the Templars.
Mirabeau, who as a Freemason and an Illuminatus, was in a position to discover many facts about the secret societies of Germany during his stay in the country, definitely asserts that, "the Rose Croix Masons of the seventeenth century were only the ancient Order of the Templars secretly perpetuated". Nesta Webster (quoting from Count Mirabeau's Histoire de la Monarchie Prussienne)
In France the Knights [Templar] who left the Order, henceforth hidden, and so to speak unknown, formed the Order of the Flaming Star and of the Rose-Croix, which in the fifteenth century spread itself in Bohemia and Silesia. Lecouteulx de Canteleu Templar graves have been found in several sites in Palestine which contain a carved effigy of a warrior's sword, which itself is a cruciform shape, around which are entwined roses. Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Warriors and the Bankers)
Clearly the Rosicrucians served as yet one more cover society behind which cunning, far-seeing Templars managed to conceal themselves.
The symbol of the red cross was bestowed on the Templars by Pope Eugenius III, but the symbol predates modern times. It was originally employed by the Arya. It is a goddess symbol par excellence. In Greek mythology the god of beauty, Adonis, was transformed into a rose by the goddess Venus.
The red color of the flower was thereby caused by his blood.
Venus is the tutelary deity of the Sisterhood. In this instance the rose symbolizes the power of the female goddess over the male acolyte who sacrificially offers his phallus (and sometimes his life) to her. It was in twelfth century, during the reign of King Stephen, that the Templar red cross first appeared as the chief heraldic emblem of England.
These largely Templaresque chivalric or equestrian orders own immense wealth and command titanic power.
They are the Alpha Lodges that don't accept you and I or any common man.
They are headed by extremely privileged individuals such as,
King Juan Carlos of Spain the Duke of Kent Queen Beatrix of Holland Queen Elizabeth of England,
...as well as those she appoints to her so-called Privy Council,
Order of St. Michael and St. George Knights of the Garter
Men from these illustrious bodies commission other important societies around the world, both secret and open, for the recruitment of loyal members whose job it is to interface with the "unwashed" masses.
These recruits come from the Catholic world as much as from the Protestant, which should have alerted interested parties long ago.
The various British, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese elite counsels serve even higher, more elusive concerns which I refer to as the "Black Lodge." This term refers to the superior counsel of Atonists whose own origins trace back to the time of Pharaoh Akhenaton, the Biblical Moses.
The all-powerful Atonist Black Lodge in turn authorizes the various societies and counsels mentioned above to vet and select the many other less-informed lieutenants who get to run the governments, institutes and think-tanks of countries throughout the world. These lower-level pawns are the common duplicitous politicians and functionaries we are all too familiar with.
These "opposames" certainly do not serve you or I. Nowadays, because of the unceasing work of researchers such as myself, many intelligent people realize this fact.
Indeed, the main reason why we tend to doubt the existence and power of secret societies is simply because we are not members of the club. It all goes on in the shadows and periphery of vision. You have to make a detailed lifelong study to uncover the roots of this pestilence.
You must learn to endure the ridicule of almost everyone you attempt to awaken on these controversial matters. You must also be able to keep track of the seismic changes and dynastic rivalries that have occurred within the world of secret societies.
Some of these feuds and purges are known to the public while others have been kept secret for centuries.
The role of women in regards the world's most powerful secret societies is one area neglected by mainstream historians, and for good reason. The Female Illuminati is second to none in authority, and their senior members have seen to it that knowledge of their existence does not leak out.
Most people are inclined to believe that women play no part whatsoever in Masonry or Templarism.
As I show in my Female Illuminati program, nothing could be further from the truth.
Not only did women birth, raise and marry male demagogues the world over, those who apparently established infamous secret societies, but women were in many cases top members of these societies.
Dudley Wright said in his book Women and Freemasonry, that, "there is evidence in days gone by that women were admitted into the Order of the Knights Templar," substantiated by the recent discovery of Templar gravestones for women. Tony Bushby (Secret in the Bible)
As to the origin of the Illuminati, you can look to two interesting men to gain understanding.
One is Ignatius Loyola of Spain and the other Adam Weishaupt of Germany.
Ignatius Loyola was the founder of the infamous Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuit Order. He was their first "General" or "Black Pope."
Curiously, the Jesuit Order (the only Catholic order ever to be officially suppressed and penalized) was temporarily abolished in the year 1773. Pope Clement XIV finally, with some reluctance, issued a Papal Brief (order) completely abolishing the Jesuit Order, supposedly for all time.
Now we ask,
are we to accept it as a coincidence that the Illuminati (under Weishaupt) come online, as it were, in the year 1776?
The Jesuits had been in trouble with numerous powerful monarchs in Europe and South America for over ten years before the ban was issued.
So they were well and truly aware of what was in store for them and their nefarious order.
Before the hammer came down in 1773, the Jesuits anticipated their dire predicament and fomented plans for a clandestine resurgence. In fact the Jesuits were already experienced at creating satellite orders throughout the world for their members to conceal themselves behind during times when local suppression occurred.
So it was easy for them to resurface under a new guise when the situation demanded it. After their worldwide ban, their new organ of concealment, infiltration and destruction, was in my opinion undoubtedly the Bavarian Illuminati.
But what further proof do we have other than the coinciding dates?
Well, the name "Illuminati" itself takes us straight to the door of Ignatius Loyola. As a young man in Spain he had been arrested and charged with membership and support of the notorious sect known as the Alumbrados, which may have originated in the 1490s.
Loyola was arrested, charged with heresy and imprisoned due to his affiliation with the sect. He lost his university position and was under strict surveillance for some time because of his open affiliation with the secretive illegal society. Suggestively, the Alumbrados were also known as "The Illuminati."
They referred to themselves as the Brothers of Light or Shining Ones.
So do we take it as a coincidence that the later Bavarian Illuminists just happened to adopt this title from the selfsame order favored by the founder and head of the Jesuits?
The rhetoric and propaganda released by the Illuminati and their agents, concocted to distance themselves from the Jesuits - and to give the appearance of being anti-monarchist - does not change the facts.
Adam Weishaupt was himself a Jesuit and in our opinion he remained so until the end. He was not anti-monarchy because some of his closest compatriots, such as Baron von Knigge, were nobles related to illustrious dynasties such as Stuart, Hesse, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Hapsburg, Bourbon, Lorraine, and others.
Moreover, Weishaupt languished in the homes of the nobility for the last forty years of his life, even receiving a lifelong pension from Ernest II, the Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, himself an Illuminati member.
Apparently the Lutheran Duke did not mind working alongside Catholic members such as the Count de Mirabeau and Duc d'Orleans, etc.
Another confederate and co-creator of the Bavarian Illuminati was Prince William of Hesse-Kassel, from the family which employed the Rothschilds as treasurers and investors.
Prince William's brother Karl was both an elite Mason and an Illuminist.
The merger of the Illuminati and the Masons occurred at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, in 1777, at a cozy retreat owned by Prince William.
The Weishaupt documents are incontestably authentic; the Bavarian government unwittingly forestalled any attempt to cry "Forgery" (in the manner made familiar in our century) by inviting any who were interested to inspect the original documents in the archives at Munich. Douglas Reed (Controversy of Zion)
The Duke of Brunswick (Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand), himself a senior Mason, sounded a worldwide warning about the subversive agenda of the Templar-Jesuit-Illuminati.
His address of 1794 informed the world as to the danger of the Illuminist infiltration of Masonry.
During his speech, the Duke warned:
A great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself.
This sect is known to everyone; its brothers are known no less than its name.
The Duke referred to the infiltrators and corrupters as a "Sun Order."
In our opinion this intriguing reference describes and leads us to the door of the ancient Atonist Order of Zadok or Melchizedek, that is of Pharaoh Akhenaton and his ideological descendants, i.e.,
the Knights Templar Strict Observance Grand Orient Jesuits,
...and other clandestine orders.
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity - an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect... the one visible and the other invisible.
The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic and humanitarian concerns.
The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of an... Arcanum Arcandrum (sacred secret) M. P. Hall
Weishaupt's order was partly financed by the Jewish Rothschild dynasty, but all is revealed when we remember that the Rothschilds were, and still are, Papal Knights.
In other words they are Templar-Luciferian-Masons directed by the Templar factions of the Vatican, such as the Knights of Malta, a super-wealthy order directly descended from the Templars and Hospitallers of old.
Indeed the Templars and Jesuits indulged in banking and tax-collecting before the Jews.
The Rothschilds began banking enterprises in the eighteenth century, whereas the Templars were involved in banking in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
...the Templars became bankers to every throne in Europe.
They lent money to hard-up monarchs at low interest rates and transferred money for merchant bankers.
Through a system of promissory notes they allowed money deposited in one city to be drawn in another. They became money-changers and powerful capitalists who conducted diplomacy between monarchs.
In England the Master of the Temple was soon given precedence over all other priors and abbots. Nicholas Hagger (Secret History of the West)
The Templars eventually became so rich that the monarchs of some of the kingdoms within which they operated were wholly dependent on their support.
Several kings of England actually lodged the treasury of the realm at the Templar headquarters in London, as surety against the massive debts they ran up with the order. This gave the Templars great power to influence decision-making, and they regularly acted as arbiters for warring monarchs. Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)
By the beginning of the thirteenth century the Templars had become the international bankers of Europe and were appointed treasurers to the French royal family and the Vatican. Michael Howard (Occult Conspiracy)
The Rothschilds, for all their colossal power and wealth, were and are servants of the more secretive and illustrious Gaonim or Order of Melchizedek that merely expanded its ancient order into what we know as the Templars and Bavarian Illuminati.
Once this is understood a lot of missing pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
The Jews have historically been used as a hidden order of the Catholic Church. They do the things that the Catholic Church does not like to be seen doing. Jews are perfect for the job…
As long as people rail at the Jews, and as long as they rail back at their attackers, no one will look beyond the Jews - and that is where the body is buried. Richard Kelley Hoskins (In the Beginning: The Story of the International Trade Cartel)
The Jews appear as abject servants of the Catholic Church...
To the 'Alpha Jews' the door of the Church corporation stands wide open. There are countless Jewish priests, scores of Jewish cardinals and bishops, and some like Anaclet II, Gregory VI and Gregory VII became Popes. ibid
...you hear of the Rothschilds in the world of finance.
They are not the originators of the control over finance and the practices therein. But they have been given a franchise to control the money aspect of the people of the world.
In return for their exercising this control and keeping their mouth shut they are given handsome privileges of money manipulation and of course increase their money wealth by leaps and bounds. Norman Dodd (Reese Commission Research Director)
The Jewish Illuminists not only included members of the infamous Rothschild family - agents of the Templar-Luciferians - but also Moses Mendelssohn, one of the five original members of the Illuminati.
Loyola, Francis Xavier, and other early Jesuits wrote that they were intentionally organizing their fledgling society along the lines of the Knights Templar, the renegade once Catholic order suppressed by the Church in the fourteen century.
So why would the situation have been different in the eighteenth century when the curtain was temporarily brought down on the Jesuits by higher authority?
I do not think it was different. I think the Jesuits simply adopted the structure of their parent order - the Templars.
I also believe it was Templar agents within the Vatican who, during the reign of Pope Pius VII, worked to overturn Pope Clement's ban and restore the Jesuits legally to their original prominent station.
Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) and Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830).
Both men were Jesuits and "Illuminists."
Loyola and his order were obsessively dedicated to the Virgin Mary while the members of the Illuminati referred to themselves as "Minervals," after the goddess Minerva.
One of Minerva's mascots was the owl, the bird that hunts at night and sees what is invisible to those who dwell in the light of day.
Mary and Minerva are both "virginal" icons. This is a reference not to sex but to the female Dragon Court behind the more conspicuous male orders.
Minerva is a "rebel" goddess who assisted Prometheus to steal the heavenly fire. Her origin lies with the most ancient Egyptian goddess Neith, the "Red Queen."
The red shield and arrows that appear on the Rothschild family crest allude to Neith, who was transmogrified into Pallas-Athena or Minerva.
The single eye is also a prime goddess symbol.
The Frankfurt branch of the Illuminati was entitled the "All Seeing Eye" lodge, once headed by the notorious Jacob Frank, head of the dionysian order of Frankists.
It is interesting and suggestive that both Loyola and Weishaupt were Jesuits. They may also have had Jewish ancestry. In any case, it is significant that they were Roman Catholics before they founded their secretive cabals.
This tells us that, after becoming Masons in their younger days, they were later recruited and indoctrinated by Templar agents.
As never before since our alienation, this battle for freedom can now be fought by all Germans, and virtuously ended in the clear perception of our enemies: Jews, Freemasons, Jesuits and the Roman Pope. General Erich Ludendorff (Destruction of Freemasonry)
Not only does the fraternity (Freemasonry) owe its existence to Templarism, the fraternity seems to loudly proclaim it in a number of ways. Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe
I have shown from authentic documents that, from its introduction into France by monks until the advent of the reign of James I of England, British Masonry was purely Roman Catholic, and that its Grand Masters, of whom I have provided the official list, were drawn exclusively from the Court, the Nobility or the Prelacy…
Despite the birth of the distinctive Masonry of William of Orange in 1694, the ancient British Masonry preserved its ancient statutes under the Protestant King and remained Roman Catholic: proof of this is to be found in the precious Masonic documents which I propose to publish, and which escaped the mad orgy of destruction at the hands of the innovators of modern Masonry in 1747. Brother Teder (L'irregularite du Grand Orient de France, 1909)
It is claimed that before his execution the last Grand Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, assigned Hugo von Salm, a canon of Mainz, the mission of smuggling important Templar documents into Scotland.
De Molay's hope was that the Templars could be reactivated there under another name. That name, according to the tradition, is Freemasonry. Strict Observance Masonry incorporated references to the Templars into its rites and degrees. Glenn Magee (Hegel & the Hermetic Tradition)
As your study continues you'll find that there are many lies told about these men and their orgs.
Adam Weishaupt's group is erroneously considered to have been anti-royalist. This assertion is blatantly false. Adam Weishaupt received additional support and funding from various nobles and royals, such as Baron von Knigge, and more significantly from Charles de Lorraine and the Duke de Orleans, that is by members of the Stuart, Hapsburg, Bourbon, Lorraine, Capet, and other powerful European dynasties.
Members of these royal families were seniors within other powerful secret societies such as the Rosicrucians, Strict Observance and Scottish Rite, etc.
Some sources believe it was Charles de Lorraine (working under the pseudonym Kolmer) who divulged esoteric secrets to Weishaupt and commissioned him to establish the Illuminati.
And the elusive Charles was no commoner. He was a true blue blood. So the idea that the Illuminati were against monarchy is laughable.
The only monarchs and nobles they were against were those not under their control and not members of their perfidious Brotherhood. Interestingly the highest grade attainable within the Illuminati bore the title REX meaning "King."
A strange title to bestow upon the highest initiate of a supposedly anti-royalist cabal, right?
It makes sense if your order is based on the Templar tradition, in which case the "King" in question is Lucifer, Lord of Light.
The man who is good for nothing better remains a Scottish Knight. If he is, however, a particularly industrious coordinator, observer, worker, he becomes a Priest...
If there are among these (Priests) high speculative intellects, they become Magi. These collect and put in order the higher philosophical system and work at the People's Religion, which the Order will next give to the world.
Should these high geniuses also be able to rule the world, they will become regents. Adam Weishaupt
Yes, by Weishaupt's own words we see that it is a matter of "ruling" the world, not "helping" the world. Nice that he was so explicit.
The Templar-Illuminists merely adopted an anti-royalist stance because it was an expedient ruse. It got them where they wanted to go. Societies of this kind are very chameleon-like. They know their enemies and how to subvert them. They know how to lure and win favor.
They know how to create and sustain faux rival groups to prevent authentic rival groups from moving against them.
This tactic has served the powers-that-be no end. The propaganda they dished out in the eighteenth century was cunningly designed to attract rebellious young men of wealth and intelligence from all over the world. After all, you don't want your secret society full of idiots.
The idea was to attract such men in order to prevent them forming or joining authentic opposition movements which were sprouting up throughout Europe and the Middle East.
In order to seduce the young idealistic freedom-loving sons of wealthy royals and nobles, the Illuminati cunningly professed to be politically progressive and morally libertine. New recruits inevitably fell under the control of their puppeteers. Susceptible types were successfully indoctrinated, whereas overly suspicious radicals who sensed they were being misled were professionally or even physically assassinated.
After generations of Machiavellian scheming, the Illuminati's agents ensconced themselves in every religious, political and corporate organization and institution, intent on changing the direction of world events to suit their sinister agendas.
It is only in relatively recent times that humanity has been made aware of these machinations, and there's still a ways to go before we can successfully subvert these blood-soaked crime lords and architects of control.
One of the biggest lies told about the Jesuits is that they are indelibly liberal. Nothing could be further from the truth. They adopted a liberal facade in the twentieth century to fool moderns. A study of their vile history shows how ultra-conservative or ultramontanist they are beneath the surface.
One reason for the facade has to do with their intention of moving the governments of Europe and America toward the creation of multinational organizations such as the United Nations, an impossible task until they adopted a more humanitarian and benign guise.
In any case, regardless of the Templar-Jesuit connection, it is not right to think that the perfidious Order of the Illuminati began in the 1700s. Nor is it correct to think of Masonry starting in the 17th and 18th centuries.
As we said, the Alumbrados date from the fifteenth century, and there are other orders that preceded them, such as the Templars, Hospitallers and Rosicrucians, etc.
Churches and monuments in France dating to the 5th century display Masonic emblems, and scholars have found Masonic symbols in the artwork and architecture of ancient Egypt.
Masonic-style aprons were certainly worn by early pharaohs and Phoenicians. Templar-like crosses can be seen on the regalia of Sumerian and Babylonian kings.
Moreover, there are many eminent Masonic writers who have emphasized their society's antiquity.
More importantly, the multifaceted symbolism employed by these societies - the coffin, triangle, pyramid, pentagram, hexagram, twin pillars, checked floor, compass, letter G, etc - is undoubtedly ancient.
This idiosyncratic symbolism conceals the "mysteries" to be uncovered and understood, mysteries that lead back to ancient Egypt and beyond.
Smith, in his chapter on the antiquity of Masonry in Britain, says that "notwithstanding the obscurity which envelopes Masonic history in that country, various circumstances contribute to prove that Freemasonry was introduced into Britain about 1030 years before Christ". Thomas Paine (The Origins of Freemasonry)
...it is seen that Freemasonry also existed in the 1300s, as shown by documents that are still in existence. These include the Regius and Cooke documents. Sanford Holst (Sworn in Secret)
The symbols of Freemasonry reflect much of its heritage, and reach back far into antiquity. ibid
...any person who has looked at the issues carefully must first come to the conclusions that not only did the Knights Templar, in one form or another, very definitely survive beyond 1307, but that Freemasonry, on one form or another, significantly predates the 18th century. Butler and Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)
It is also important to realize that the Illuminati is not an exclusively Western phenomenon.
Some researchers believe the Templars were heavily influenced by Middle-Eastern and Oriental occult societies and traditions, so much so that they willingly, if secretly, renounced Christianity.
According to some sources this accounts for why their parent order, the Priory de Sion, excommunicated the Templars in the year 1188.
It is also the reason the Templars were officially suppressed in 1314 by the reigning Pope and King of France. I prefer to believe that it was after their coffers were seized and their leaders arrested and tortured that the Templars became apostates.
The Eastern Illuminati include societies such as the,
Druze Ishmalis Assassins Sabbateans Seveners,
...themselves branches of the super-secret Order of Melchizedek (discussed in Chapter 6 of The Stargate Conspiracy) or Atonist Black Lodge that goes back to ancient Egypt.
Although the Sabbateans and Seveners (like later Frankists) were officially founded by Jewish and crypto-Jewish occultists, their true origins lie in ancient times with the elusive Gaonim or Gaonate.
Significantly, the Gaonim - themselves high-degree Atonists - referred to themselves as Exilarchs or Princes of Light. They and their many agents constitute the male family tree of the all too real Illumined Ones or Illuminati.
The famous letter "G" seen on Masonic emblems (and several corporate logos) signifies not only this illustrious patriarchal cadre, but the even more elusive and peculiar quorum they serve, those I refer to as the Serpent or Dragon Sisterhood, or Female Illuminati. (The lower case "g" signifies the serpent or dragon.)
submitted by livingstone666 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Wall Street 2.0: How Blockchain will revolutionise Wall Street and a closer look at Quant Network’s Partnership with AX Trading

Wall Street 2.0: How Blockchain will revolutionise Wall Street and a closer look at Quant Network’s Partnership with AX Trading
AX Trading LLC (AX), a technology-enabled registered broker-dealer and Alternative Trading System (ATS) operator, today announced a strategic partnership with Quant Network a pioneering technology company providing financial and regulatory technology as well as interoperability in financial services, payments and capital markets infrastructure. Through this partnership, Quant Network’s technology, Overledger a blockchain operating system, will enable universal interoperability for regulatory-compliant security tokens and digital assets to be traded on AX ATS, a regulated secondary trading market. AX intends to integrate Overledger to help foster the evolution of traditional capital markets infrastructure to facilitate the mass implementation of interoperable regulated digital assets. With the increased market adoption of digital assets and banking “coins” such as JPMorgan Coin, AX and Quant Network are at the forefront to enable the transferability and movement of digital assets. George O’Krepkie, AX CEO said: “we look forward to partnering with Quant. Their technology will allow our blockchain agnostic security token exchange to communicate seamlessly with issuers, traders, investors, and regulators across different blockchain protocols. This is a key technological breakthrough that will help us bring the benefits of security tokens to Main Street and Wall Street.” It is expected that the first interoperable digital asset offering may commence as soon as January 2020, and that the AX Trading ATS may be ready to enable and list interoperable digital assets and securities in 2020.
Let’s have a closer look at what that means to truly appreciate the significance of the partnership by covering the basics for those not familiar with wall street.

What is an Institutional Investor / Trader?

An institutional investor is an organization that invests on behalf of the organization's members. They consist of hedge funds, banks, investment banks, pension funds, insurance companies, endowment funds, or any other type of money management firm.
Institutional investors account for about three-quarters of the volume on the New York Stock Exchange (which alone handles more than $20 Trillion a year in volume). In the US, Institutional investors own about 80 % of the total market value of the equity (stock) market, which globally is worth more than $73 trillion.
Wall Street refers to the institutional investors I mentioned above whereas Main Street refers collectively to members of the general public who are not accredited investors and the overall economy as a whole.
Whilst the Equity Market is huge, Institutional investors also invest in other securities which are prime to be tokenised such as Real Estate Market (Globally worth $217 trillion), the Debt Market (Globally worth $215 trillion) and the Derivatives Market (Low end estimates at $544 trillion and high-end estimates at $1.2 quadrillion). All of which makes the current market cap for cryptocurrencies look like a drop in the ocean.

Who are AX Trading?

AX Trading is a SEC-registered broker-dealer and Alternative Trading System (ATS) Operator. They are a member of FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority)and SIPC ( Securities Investor Protection Corporation) regulated authorities. The SEC has some of the most stringent regulations in the world for listing securities and there are fewer than 50 SEC-registered Alternative Trading System Operators in the United States, of which only a handful are currently implementing Digital Assets. Others are awaiting regulatory approval with Coinbase, Circle etc are all looking at getting into this huge market.
AX Trading have investors and sponsored brokers including the likes of Credit Suisse, (a multinational investment Bank and Financial services company worth $27.5 billion). AX currently have over 800 Institutional traders (these are not individuals, but corporations such as hedge funds, banks, investment banks, pension funds, insurance companies, endowment funds etc).
AX Trading have also partnered with Euronext, the largest Stock Exchange in Europe with a market cap of $4.65 trillion as of 2018, in the creation of Euronext Block which utilises AX Trading.

What is an Alternative Trading System?

An Alternative Trading System (ATS) is an SEC-regulated trading venue which serves as an alternative to trading at a public exchange. ATS account for much of the liquidity found in publicly traded issues worldwide. They are known as multilateral trading facilities in Europe, electronic communication networks (ECNs), cross networks, and call networks
AX is the world’s first “Electronic Trading Network” (ETN) where institutional traders can proactively connect and trade with other counterparties in a secure environment. Unlike traditional stock exchanges/ECNs that show orders to everyone and traditional dark pools/crossing systems that show orders — presumably — to no one, AX allows institutional traders to pick and choose WHOM they want to notify and also WHAT information they want to share with them.
Institutional investors may use an ATS to find counterparties for transactions instead of trading large blocks of shares on national stock exchanges. These actions may be designed to conceal trading from public view since ATS transactions do not appear on national exchange order books. The benefit of using an ATS to execute such orders is that it reduces the domino effect that large trades might have on the price of an equity.

How does AX Trading Work?

The AX Trading process begins when one trader sends an “initiated” order to AX. The order can be routed to the AX ATS via one of our broker sponsors such as Credit Suisse. The initiated order triggers a “Call Auction” on AX, a period of time when the order will rest in AX to be matched against other orders from auction responders.
The Initiator of an AX auction decides who they want to invite to participate in the auction, whether they be all 800+ institutional members or targeted to specific ones, as well as how much info they want to disclose about the order. Based on these instructions, the AX ATS then notifies the members inviting them to participate in the trade.
The invited members can then participate in the trade by either placing buy orders of their own or placing sell orders. At the end of the AX auction period, all orders are brought together, and a match is performed.
In the traditional, continuous market with displayed bids and offers, traders are often chasing liquidity. In other words, the price may move away from them the more they buy or sell to what is commonly called “market impact.” On AX, the advantage of their call auction model is it brings liquidity — in the form of participant orders to the buyer rather than them chasing liquidity.

What is a Security Token?

Security Tokens are different than Utility Tokens or Cryptocurrencies. A security token is a digital representation of a traditional security. It may represent shares in a company, interest in a fund, real estate, art collectables, or essentially any asset a party can own. Anthony Pompliano wrote an article explaining tokenised securities in more detail which you can see here
Security Tokens are digital assets subject to federal security regulations. In layman terms, they are the intersection of digital assets (tokens) with traditional financial products — a new technology improving old things. If cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are considered “programmable money” then you can consider Security Tokens a version of “programmable ownership.” This means that any asset with ownership can and will be tokenized (public & private equities, debt, real estate, etc).
Quant Network community member David W also wrote an excellent piece on the benefits of tokenisation of assets in a lot more detail than what I will briefly cover here and strongly recommend you check it out.
The Tokenisation of assets is therefore inevitable, because it is a better way to record, exchange and monitor asset ownership for all parties involved. The amounts at stake represent many hundreds of trillions of US dollars

What are the benefits of a security token?

  • Lower Fees — having Smart Contracts and compliance programmed into the token itself removes the need for middlemen, reducing costs. Post Trade businesses such as clearing houses would also no longer be required further reducing costs.
  • 24/7 markets — Currently the major US stock markets trade between 9:30am and 3pm during weekdays only. Trading can be done 24/7 and globally whilst remaining compliant.
  • Fractional Ownership — This greatly increases liquidity for previously illiquid assets. Real estate, Artwork, even assets such as Oil Refineries are already in talks about being tokenised through Overledger. If you have an asset such as an oil refinery worth billions of dollars, then naturally this limits the market should you ever want to sell it. However with fractional ownership you could own a tiny percentage of it and receive profits from the oil refinery based upon the percentage you own, which exponentially increases the number ofpotential buyers, increasing liquidity.
  • Rapid Settlement — Currently it takes 3 working days to settle a securities trade, this can be reduced to minutes by having the asset and fiat represented on a blockchain and handled through smart contracts.
  • Automated compliance — Security tokens are programmable, and rules and regulations are hard-coded into the architecture of the token to ensure they always remain compliant. This means that they can be traded globally and still ensure they respect the relevant countries regulations that the participants are located in.
  • The benefits that a blockchain provide such as transparency, security, immutability, high availability. Regulators can also run a node and verify compliance in real time.

Security Token Issuance Platforms

Security token issuance platforms allow issuers to issue Security tokens that represent the security such as Shares in their company etc in return for capital. This is known as a Primary Market. Importantly it’s not just the issuance that they look after, it’s the whole life cycle of a digital security to ensure they remain continuously in compliance as they are traded etc. They also provide reporting to the issuer so they can see who owns the tokens and what dividends to pay out.
Securitize are one of the leading security tokens issuing platforms. They have created the DS Protocol, a blockchain agnostic protocol for security tokens which manages the whole lifecycle of a digital security, ensuring it remains continuously in compliance. They have issued a number of security tokens on the Ethereum network as well as recently working with IBM to tokenise the Corporate Debt Market (worth $82 Trillion). On the back of this they joined Hyperledger, an open source project which includes Enterprise blockchains such as Hyperledger Fabric which IBM is heavily involved with.
They recently also became the first SEC-registered transfer agent, which means Securitize can now act as the official keeper of records about changes of ownership in securities.
There are many companies in this sector which are utilising various blockchains, Other examples include:
  • Harber — R Token protocol for Ethereum
  • Polymath — ST20 protocol for Ethereum
  • Blockstate — a security token issuance platform recently announced plans to migrate a number of ERC-20 tokens from the public Ethereum blockchain to the permissioned blockchain R3 Corda
  • Dusk — Uses the Dusk blockchain
  • Own — Uses the Own blockchain
And many more such as Nefund, Bankex, Capexmove, Swarm, Symbiont, Tokeny etc


Trading Venues

Whilst the issuance platforms above generally also include their own exchange where the token can be traded on, secondary markets such as those offered through traditional stock exchanges and Alternative Trading Systems provide significantly more liquidity.
Traditional Stock Exchanges have been very active in blockchain with some going through proof of concepts, to those like SIX SDX Digital Exchange which is due to launch later this year. They are using various blockchains and cover the full process from Issuance, Trading and Post Trade / Settlement services. I have briefly outlined which blockchain they are using / testing with along with source to read more about it below:
  • Switzerland’s Stock Exchange — SIX Digital Exchange issue, trading, settlement, custody — Corda — Source
  • Largest Stock Exchange in Germany — Deutsche Borse Franfurt Stock Exchange — Corda — Source and Source
  • South Korea’s Stock Exchange — Korea Exchange — Hyperledger Fabric — Source and Source
  • Japan’s Stock Exchange — Tokyo Stock Exchange — Hyperledger Fabric — Source which the consortium has now grown to 44 companies. Tokyo Stock Exchange are also testing JP Morgan’s Quorum for voting on the blockchain — Source
  • London Stock Exchange Group — Hyperledger Fabric — Source . They are also invested in Nivaura which utilises Ethereum — Source
  • Largest Stock Exchange in Europe — Euronext — Permissioned Ethereum via Liquidshare — Source as well as recently investing in Tokeny a blockchain based project based on public version of Ethereum — Source
  • Singapore Stock Exchange — Ethereum — Source

Post Trade — Central Security Depositories

Situated at the end of the post-trading process, CSDs are systemically important intermediaries. They thereby form a critical part of the securities market’s post-trade infrastructure, as they are where changes of securities ownership are ultimately registered.
CSDs play a special role both as a depository, involving the legal safekeeping and maintenance of securities in a ‘central depository’ on behalf of custodians (both in materialised or dematerialised form); as well as for the issuer, involving the issuance of further securities by issuers, and their onboarding onto CSDs’ platforms.
CSDs are also keeping a number of other important functions, including: dividend, interest, and principal processing; corporate actions including proxy voting; payment to transfer agents, and issuers involved in these processes; securities lending and borrowing; and, provide pledging of share and securities.
Blockchain technology will enable real-time settlement finality in the securities world. This could mean the end of a number of players in the post-trade area, such as central counterparty clearing houses (CCPs), custodians and others. Central Security Despositories (CSD) will still play an important role according to reports:
“CSDs could have an important role to play in a blockchain-based settlement system. As ‘custodians of the code, CSDs could exercise oversight of, and take responsibility for, the operation of the relevant blockchain protocol and any associated smart contracts.” Euroclear Report
Another group of 30 central securities depositories (CSDs) in Europe and Asia are researching possible ways to “join hands” in developing a new infrastructure to custody digital assets. The CSDs will attempt to figure out how to apply their experience in guarding stock certificates to security solutions for crypto assets.
“A new world of tokenized assets and blockchain is coming. It will probably disrupt our role as CSDs. The whole group decided we will be focusing on tokenized assets, not just blockchain but on real digital assets.”
You can read more about how blockchain will affect CSD’s here
Examples of CSD’s in blockchain
  • SIX Digital Exchange and Deutsche Borse are utilising Corda as explained in the trading venues section
  • DTCC the largest in the US process 1.7 Quadrillion US Dollars of securities every year and are planning on moving their Trade Information Warehouse to Axoni’s AXCore Blockchain (Based on permissioned version of Ethereum) later this year — Source
  • Canada CDS are using the Quartz blockchain from Indian IT Services Company Tata Consultancy Services — Source
  • Euroclear in collaboration with the European Investment Bank (EIB), Banco Santander, and EY are developing a blockchain solution — Source
  • French CSD’s too soon go live on Setl Blockchain — Source and Source
  • Russia’s National Settlement Depository is launching a blockchain project using D3ledger (based off Hyperledger) — Source

The Importance Of Interoperability

The evolution of DLT and the wide adoption across industries and across different market segments is resulting in many different ledgers networks, but the ultimate promise of DLT can only be realized when all ledger networks can seamlessly interoperate. — from the recent DTCC whitepaper with Accenture
Some challenges and constraints related to the market infrastructure ecosystem remain open and will need to be addressed in the future to sustain the development of DLT platforms for trading and the post-trade process. At this stage, the questions of interoperability and standardization across these DLT (probably permissioned) platforms remain open and we may see a list of platforms offering no scope for interconnection. This will prevent them from fulfilling the key “distribution” criterion of DLT. Another related challenge that may determine whether or not the technology is adopted is the ability to provide Delivery versus Payment (DvP) settlement, in particular in central bank money. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that settlement can also be facilitated in commercial bank money. — https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/lu/Documents/technology/lu-token-assets-securities-tomorrow.pdf
It’s clear from the above that interoperability will be crucial in order to unlock the true potential of Distributed Ledger Technology. Issuance platforms will seek to interoperate with as many secondary exchanges as possible to provide maximum liquidity for issuers. Issuance platforms and secondary exchanges are each using a wide range of different blockchains that all need to interoperate as part of the trade process. CSD’s will also need to have interoperability between other CSD’s as well as to the secondary exchanges (again each using different blockchains).

Enter Quant Network’s Overledger

Quant Network’s blockchain operating system, Overledger, provides interoperability between any current and future distributed ledger technology as well as easily connecting Off Chain / Legacy networks as well as plans to connect directly to the Internet. Within 10 months it has proven it can provide interoperability with the full range of DLT technologies from all the leading Enterprise Permissioned blockchains such as Hyperledger, R3’s Corda, JP Morgan’s Quorum, permissioned variants of Ethereum and Ripple (XRPL) as well as the leading Public Permissionless blockchains / DAGs such as Bitcoin, Stellar, Ethereum, IOTA and EOS as well as the most recent blockchain to get added Binance Chain. All without imposing restrictions on connected chains, being Internet scalable and able to easily integrate into existing networks / infrastructure.
Overledger a blockchain operating system, will enable universal interoperability for regulatory-compliant security tokens and digital assets to be traded on AX ATS, a regulated secondary trading market. AX intends to integrate Overledger to help foster the evolution of traditional capital markets infrastructure to facilitate the mass implementation of regulated digital assets. With the increased market adoption of digital assets and banking “coins” such as JPMorgan Coin, AX and Quant Network are at the forefront to enable the transferability and movement of digital assets
Overledger enables Universal Interoperability where digital assets can move across blockchains so that they can interact with smart contracts on different blockchains. It does this by locking the asset on one blockchain and then representing it on another blockchain either by creating a representing token or representing it via metadata. This will enable all of these different parties such as Issuance platforms, Exchanges, CSD’s, traders etc to move the digital asset from their respective blockchain onto AX Trading’s platform for secure, immediate and immutable trading to take place. Potentially it would even allow Digital Assets / Securities to settled on a public permissionless blockchain such as the recently connected Binance Chain in a completely safe, secure and compliant way.
Regulators would be able to run a node and view transactions in real time ensuring that compliance is being kept. Potentially they could also benefit from using Quant Networks Multichain Search capability http://search.quant.network/ to be able to fully track assets as they move across blockchains.
George O’Krepkie, AX CEO said: “we look forward to partnering with Quant. Their technology will allow our blockchain agnostic security token exchange to communicate seamlessly with issuers, traders, investors, and regulators across different blockchain protocols. This is a key technological breakthrough that will help us bring the benefits of security tokens to Main Street and Wall Street.”


AX Trading have also partnered with Securrency (who have previously tokenised over $260 million in real estate assets). Securrency provide a protocol that enables security tokens to remain in compliance regardless of what blockchain the token is on. Due to the layered approach that Overledger has adopted from the learnings of TCP/IP, this protocol can be easily integrated on top of Overledger to enable security tokens to move across blockchains as well as ensuring they remain in compliance with regulations programmed into the token.

Delivery vs Payment (DvP)

A DvP transaction involves the settlement of two linked obligations, namely the delivery of securities and the payment of cash. DvP avoids counterparties being exposed to principal risk, i.e. the risk that the seller of securities could deliver but would not receive payment or that the buyer of securities could make payment but would not receive delivery. Following this requirement, a DvP securities settlement mechanism has to ensure that the delivery of securities and the payment of cash are linked in a way where one leg (obligation) of the securities trade is conditioned to the final settlement of the other leg (obligation) of the trade. Thereby final settlement is defined as “the irrevocable and unconditional transfer of an asset or financial instrument, or the discharge of an obligation by the FMI or its participants in accordance with the terms of the underlying contract”. — STELLA — a joint research project of the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan
We have seen how Overledger can provide interoperability for the securities to move across Issuers platforms, integrate with Stock exchanges, Central Security Depositories and AX Trading. Now we need to be able to ensure that payment is guaranteed and in a way that offers immediate settlement which is irrevocable. To do this we need to represent FIAT on the blockchain so that it can interact with smart contracts and settle transactions on the blockchain.

J.P.Morgan’s Coin

J.P.Morgan is the largest bank in the United States and ranked by S&P Global as the sixth largest bank in the world by total assets as of 2018, to the amount of $2.535 trillion.
J.P. Morgan was the first U.S. bank to create and successfully test a digital coin representing a fiat currency. The JPM Coin is based on blockchain-based technology enabling the instantaneous transfer of payments between institutional clients.
With J.P.Morgan’s $2.6 trillion balance sheet, expertise in blockchain and global payments network, J.P. Morgan can seamlessly and securely transfer and settle money for clients around the world. J.P. Morgan are supervised by banking regulators in the United States and in the international jurisdictions in which it operates.

How does JPM Coin work?

A Buyer purchases JPM coins in advance which get represented on the Permissioned Quorum blockchain ($1 =1 JPM Coin). Quant Network’s Overledger could then provide interoperability to lock those tokens on Quorum and represent those onto another blockchain / AX Trading’s Network. By being able to represent securities and FIAT on the same blockchain (even though the underlying assets are on different blockchains) this provides instant finality / settlements to occur.
Once the seller receives the JPM coin in exchange for the securities they have sold they will be able to redeem them for USD. It also doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to have a JP Morgan account to redeem them, you could imagine in the future that the Bank instead redeems the JPM Coin and credits the users account. Similarly the buyer of the security token redeems the represented token and unlocks the security token on the original blockchain.
You can read more about JP Morgan’s Coin here as well as its use cases
J.P Morgan is betting that its first-mover status and large market share in corporate payments — it banks 80 percent of the companies in the Fortune 500 — will give its technology a good chance of getting adopted, even if other banks create their own coins. “Pretty much every big corporation is our client, and most of the major banks in the world are, too,” Farooq said. “Even if this was limited to JPM clients at the institutional level, it shouldn’t hold us back.”
Overledger enables different securities tokens / digital coins representing FIAT currencies to be brought together from the various permissioned / permissionless blockchains onto one platform where trading / settlement can take place. Overledger is the only technology that can do this today across the leading permissioned and permissionless blockchains as well as existing networks, all in a secure, scalable and easy to integrate way.
Quant Network are working with AX Trading to bring more digital assets, securities and tokenised assets to their existing 800 institutional traders in an already live and connected FINRA and SEC regulated exchange. AX Trading is not just about trading securities but other digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and potentially even Quant in the Future.
This is a multi-trillion dollar market with huge global enterprises, traditional exchanges and global banks are all adopting DLT at a rapid pace and going into production at scale in a matter of months, examples include the NYSE Bakkt launching Bitcoin futures later this month, Swiss Stock Exchange ($1.6 Trillion market Cap) is due to launch their digital exchange running on Corda (SDX) by the end of the year. The DTCC are due to launch their Trade Information Warehouse which processes $10 Trillion of cleared and bilateral derivatives by the end of the year. JP Morgan who transfer $6 Trillion every day are due to launch their JPM coin at the end of year and AX Trading is due to offer their first digital asset by January 2020.
Quant Network’ Overledger enables the bridging of traditional finance infrastructure with the new decentralised finance infrastructure DeFi of the future, helping to redefine Wall Street and Capital Markets.
submitted by xSeq22x to QuantNetwork [link] [comments]

[Results] A bunch of completely random questions

Q1: Gender

Lots of males, I see. Some of the other responses included:
And my personal favorite,

Q2: Age

mmmm sexy skewness

Q3: Country of Residence

USA! USA! USA!...was a pretty good summary of the responses. A big thank you to the one Estonian who completed the survey, these results would be incomplete without you. Some of the rarer results were Zimbabwe, Iceland, Croatia, Awesome Land, and Equestria.

Q4: Are you an American? Is English the only native language you speak?

Lots of Americans monolinguals.

Q5: Please list all the languages you speak

Got a lot of English, Spanish, French, German. There was an ASL speaker, Hungarian, Japanese, Dovahzul, Esperanto...
My favorite responses were these two:

Q6: Describe your education

Although there's not much to say here I just want to point out that earlier on, the % of people who reported having a degree was nearly 60%, and it seems to have dropped significantly since then. I'm almost curious why, but not quite.

Q7: Please check all the vowels in your given name

A big fuck you to the two people with Ys in their name who ruined the alphabetical order of the list. If I wanted a bunch of random letters I'd open up a can of alphabet soup. Please shadowban yourselves. Thank you.
On a more serious note, I'm surprised E wasn't larger than A...

Q8: Please write the last word you hand-wrote which included the letter "Q"

Lots of "question". Some of the more interesting responses included virumque (Found the Roman), quantitativ (Found the German), My password (Which you should probably change now), and OPQRST (EMS Mnemonic).

Q9: What Color is Germany?

For some reason I have always known it as Grey. I suppose I'm in the minority.

Q10: What color is Russia?

Evidently Russia's past is still embedded into people's minds.

Q11: What color is Scotland?

Sadly, only 37% correctly answered the question.

Q12: What are these called: :) ;D :P

So I recently started noticing people using the word "emoji" in place of "emoticon", so I added this question to see how pervasive this is. And it turns out that a lot of people are starting to use the word 'emoji' for both concepts.

Q13: Which of these countries is best?

For those not familiar with eu4, please enjoy this post explaining why Denmark would not be considered the best country.

Q14: Who do you shoot?

16.8% of respondents realized the only way to surely kill the alien is to kill both people, which was possible. Or maybe they just really like killing people.

The "Easy" level

Q15: Please translate the phrase "I see you" to the language.

Most people correctly translated the phrase, which was Hento toso yohe te. Some other responses included:
And from a person who thought wayyyy too hard about the question:
And from a person who though wayyyy too little about the question:

Q16: Please translate the phrase "Yono yono weke te" from the language

Again, most got this. "She knows her.". I also accepted "She knows herself." since it could really be either.
Some other responses included:
And my personal favorite:

Q17: Please select the verb.

78.1% of people got this. In theory, te could also be acting as a verb, but who knows, really. The other two are definitely wrong.

Q18: Please describe the function of the word "te"

Most people correctly identified it as "End of sentence", "Punctuation".
Now, to give this next response a little bit of background, I originally created this language to test something out a while back, and never published it. Since I had already made it, I figured I should just use it for this quiz instead of making a whole new language. So when I read this response:
Which was the original intended meaning of the verb, I got curious about what this person marked as the languages they speak, which ended up being English and Cantonese. I now have to wonder if this is how Cantonese marks tense.
Another person also submitted the same response:
However, their languages are English and French.
Very intriguing.

The "Medium" Level

Q19: Estimate the PROTO word for "four"

Most got pretty close, but only a single person got the word right:
The key was realizing two separate sound changes:
was more likely than
Especially when I also left evidence of a systematic sound shift tʰ>t>d in addition to kʰ>k>g>ɣ the same languages. (Note that the same languages which use /k/ also use /θ/.
The second trick was realizing that the /h/ in the beginning of some languages was a separate sound change specific to those two languages. Note also that these same languages also have {t,k}>ʔ. The third language with this sound change later lost the initial glottal consonants.
Or perhaps I poorly designed this question. Who knows, really?

Q20:Estimate the PROTO word for "seven"

More people got this, but still only a small fraction. The correct response was:
If *sas were the proto-word, then how would you explain those languages which have ʃ-es, where they are distibuted seemingly at random? D F and G palatalize /s/ before /i/, perhaps? Except that's not true for the word sis...
And a palatalization of /s/ before /t/? Sound like something a nazi would do!
So the "correct" explanation is a sound change of /ʃ/>/s/ which affected most languages.

Q21: Estimate the PROTO word for "you"

Technically the correct response was:
But there were not enough data to show how any other schwas may have shifted in sound, so it could very well have been *aln or even *uln or another vowel.
Despite this handicap, this was the question answered correctly the most.

Q22: Estimate the PROTO word for "tongue"

If you realized the sound shift I noted in Q19, this should be a piece of cake:
Nothing much else to say here. One person got it right (probably the person who got Q19) and the rest were fairly close.

The "Hard" Level

I basically designed this section to be nearly impossible to guess correctly. The language I used had so many grammatical quirks I thought it would surely take a fucking mastermind to even remotely get close to the true function of these words.
Nevertheless, a few people got some of these questions right, whether by sheer luck or sheer genius.

Q23: Hypothesize about the function of the word "i"

Most of the answers to this can be summed up as follows:
I suppose I'll start with the furthest-from-the-truth correct answers and progressively move to more detailed answers.
Although it's not used to mark the object, it does have a similar use.
Although I didn't intend for this use to be in these sentences, this is indeed one of the meaning of the word.
This person parsed the second sentence almost spot on, and is definitely the closest to guessing its true meaning. How I would translate the second sentence literally would be:
Where i is translated as "As for", or "With regards to", "With respect to", "Speaking of", etc.
This is used in certain verbal constructions such as those above.


Unfortunately I fucked up the wording and most people seemed to misinterpret the question, so unfortunately the data here're kinda useless.

The "Cooldown" Level

Q27 Hypothesize about what the glyphs might (31 glyphs)

The "correct" response was "phonemes", "sounds", etc. It is likely an alphabet due to the low number of unique characters.

Q28 Hypothesize about what the glyphs might (192 glyphs)

The "correct" response was "syllables". 192 phonemes is far larger than any language on earth (at least, to my knowledge), but too small for a logography (1 word = 1 symbol).
However, for a syllabary, it is fairly reasonable - for example, it could represent CV clusters with 6 possible vowels and 32 possible consonants.
Note also that 192 is evenly divisible by many numbers, so it is far more likely than, say, 193.

Q29 Hypothesize about what the glyphs might (2,007 glyphs)

The "correct" response was "words" or "logograms". 2,007 glyphs is fairly excessive for an alphabet or even a syllabary.
Alternatively, it could be a logography augmented with an alphabet, but it would still be using logograms.

Q30 Hypothesize about what the glyphs might represent (Symbols)

Hey, finally an open-ended question! No right or wrong answers here!
A lot of people thought B looked like a plant or a person.
Most thought C looked like an eye.
There wasn't really a consensus on A or D.
Some of my favorite answers were:
I think I have the KKK after me now... O_O

Q31 Please describe the medium where this writing system is likely written

"Correct" answers: "paper", "parchment", etc.
Some of the reponses even explain why this is correct:

Q32 Please describe this writing system

The "correct" answer is alphabetic due to the fact that so many characters repeat themselves.

Q33 Thoughts?

Hall of Fame:
I don't even post much there... that's kinda impressive then XD
I think someone else recognized me
What...? My homework...? uh... no... this isn't homework...
runs off into sunset
From top to bottom, all of the Proto-Words were:
(From top to bottom)
submitted by Mocha2007 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

Ruth, the 4th, last chapter

Chapter Four – Marriage of Bo`ahZ and ROoTh  
-1. And Bo`ahZ ascended [to] the gate and sat there.
And behold, the redeemer passed by, that [of whom] had worded Bo`ahZ,
and he said,
“Turn [סורה, ÇOoRaH], sit here, so and so.”
And he turned and sat.  
Such a one (pelônî-’lmônî), like ‘Mr. So-and-So’ (I Sam. [Samuel] 21:2; II Kings 6:8).” (Smith, 1953, p. II 847)  
-2. And he took ten men from elders of the city,
and he said,
“Sit here.”
And they sat.  
Ten men: In later Judaism the least number possible for a synagogue (Sanhedrin 1) and the quorum necessary for the marriage benediction (Midrash Rabbah, Ruth 7:8).” (Smith, 1953, p. II 847)  
-3. And he said to [the] redeemer,  
“A portion of the field that is to our brother, to ’ehLeeY-MehLehKh ["My God is King"], sold Nah`ahMeeY ["My Pleasure"], the returner from Field [of] Moab.  
“Num. [Numbers] 27:8-11 assumes that no land was held by a widow, but this law is obviously ignored here. Jer. [Jeremiah] implies that land was offered to the next of kin before it was put on public sale, not that it was bought back after it had left the family’s possession. Lev. [Leviticus] 25:25 implies the opposite. There is no easy way out of these difficulties.” (Smith, 1953, pp. II 847-848)  
-4. “And I said [to myself],
‘I will reveal [to] your ear’  
Advertise, ‘reveal,’ lit., ‘uncover thine ear,’ an idiom arising from the necessity of drawing aside the head covering in order to whisper.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
to say,
‘Buy in the presence of [נגד, NehGehD, “against, opposite”] those sitting,
and in the presence of elders of my people.
If he redeeming redeems, and if he does not redeem, tell to me and I will know,
for there is none but you to redeem,
and I am after you.’”  
And he said,
“I will redeem.”  
If thou wilt not: The Hebrew had ‘he,’ probably a copyist’s slip.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-5. And said Bo`ahZ,
“In the day you bought the field from the hand of Nah`ahMeeY,
and from ROoTh, the Moabitess, wife of the dead,
you bought to raise up [the] name [of] the dead upon his inheritance.”  
“The exact legal situation is difficult to determine… the end of the verse refers to the levirate law of Deut. [Deuteronomy] 15:5-6. This law, however, restricts the duty of marriage to brothers ‘under the same roof,’ and this is assumed in Gen. [Genesis] 38.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-6. And said, the redeemer,
“I cannot redeem to me lest I corrupt [אשחית, ’ahShHeeYTh] my inheritance;  
“Burrows… thinks… that Ruth preserves a combination of practices earlier than Deuteronomy. If the land alone is in question it will belong permanently to the estate of the purchaser; but if Ruth is also taken in levirate marriage the land will belong to her son, who is to be reckoned as the son of the dead. Boaz is willing to accept such a loss. The other kinsman is not, and this adequately explains why he is concerned for his inheritance…” (Smith, 1953, p. II 849)  
““redeem to yourself my redemption,
for I cannot to redeem.”  
-7. (And this sometimes in YeeSRah-’ayL ["Strove God", Israel], upon the redeemed and upon the exchange [התמורה, HahThMOoRaH],
to raise every word, removed [שלף, ShahLahPh], [each] man, his shoe and gave [it] to his neighbor,
and this is certification [התעודה, HahThe`OoDaH] in YeeSRah-’ayL.)  
-8. And said, the redeemer, to Bo`ahZ,
“Buy [it] for yourself.”
And he removed his shoe.  
“In Deut. 25:9 the unwilling brother’s shoe is loosed by the widow who also ‘spit in his face.’ The purpose may be to shame him for his refusal. The present account differs at three points: a more distant relative is expected to marry the widow, he takes off his own shoe, and no one blames him.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-9. And said, Bo`ahZ, to [the] elders and all the people,
“Witnesses are you today,
for I have bought all that is to ‘ehLeeY-MehLehKh and all that is to KheeLYON and MahHLON from [the] hand of Nah`ahMeeY, 10. and also ROoTh the Moabitess, wife of MahHLON, I bought to myself to woman, to raise [the] name [of] the dead upon his inheritance,
and it will not be cut off, [the] name [of] the dead, from with his brothers and from [the] gate [of] his place.
Witnesses are you today.”  
-11. And said, all the people that were in [the] gate, and the elders,
Give, YHVH the woman, the comer unto your house,
[to be] like RahHayL [“Ewe”, Rachel] and like Lay’aH [Leah],
that built, [the] two [of] them, the house of YeeSRah-’ayL,
and do worthily in ’ehPhRahThaH,
and call [the] name in BayTh-LehHehM ["House of Bread"].
-12. And be your house like [the] house of PehRehTs [“Burst”, Perez],
that bore ThahMahR [“Palm Tree”, Tamar] to YeHOo-DaH [“YHVH Knew”, Judah],
from the seed that gave YHVH to you,
from this youth [feminine].”  
Tamar bore twin sons to Judah, and the tale emphasizes that although Pharez did not have the red cord marking the first-born, he actually ‘came out first’ (Gen. 38:29; I Chr. [Chronicles] 4:1), and Judah’s line therefore continued through him.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 850)  
-13. And took, Bo`ahZ, ROoTh,
and she was to him to woman,
and he came unto her,
and gave, YHVH, to her a pregnancy,
and she bore a son.  
_14. And said, the women, to Nah`ahMeeY,
“Bless YHVH, that did not fail [השבית HeeShBeeYTh] to you [the] redeemer today,
and will be called, his name, in YeeSRah-’ayL.
-15. And he will be to you, to restore [למשיב LeMaySheeYB] soul
and to nourish [ולכלכל, OoLeKhahLKayL] your hoariness [שיבתך, SaYBahThayKh],
for your daughter in law, that loves you, has borne him,
that she is good to you than seven [משבעה, MeeSheeB`aH] sons.”  
-16. And she took, Nah`ahMeeY, the boy,
and placed him [ותשתהו, VahThSheeThayHOo] in her bosom,
and was to him to nursemaid [לאמנת, Le’oMehNehTh]1 .  
-17. And called to him, the dwellers, a name,
to say, “Born is a son to Naomi.”
And she called his name `OBayD [“Slave”];
he was father of YeeShah-eeY [Jesse], father of David.  
“Obed… is often combined with a divine name, e.g. [for instance], Obadiah [“Slave of YHVH”]… Perhaps the deity’s name of the original tale has been omitted purposely by the writer.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 851)  
-18. And these are [the] genealogies of PahRehTs:  
PehRehTs begat HehTsRON 19. and HehTsRON begat RahM, and RahM begat ahMeeYNahDahB, 20. andahMeeYNahDahB begat NahHShON, and NahHShON begat SahLMaH, 21. and SahLMON begat BoahZ, and BoahZ begat OBayD, 22. andoBayD begat YeeShah-eeY, and YeeShah-eeY begat David.  
“The genealogy was added at a later time, since in the story the child of Ruth is reckoned as the son of Mahlon, not of Boaz. The introductory now these are the generations of is characteristic of P [the priestly redaction], and the regular repetition of begat is also P…  
“Since I Chr. 2:4-13 is identical, except for three minor variations in spelling, an easy assumption is that the verses were copied from Chronicles… the verses may have been inserted in Chronicles from the end of Ruth… If Chronicles received a thorough revision in the Maccabean period… the insertion with some rearrangement of material may have been made at that time.  
“The genealogy is probably artificial.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 851)   FOONOTES   1 A curious note from Adam Clarke: “Naomi took the child] this might do for Naomi; but it was bad for the child. A child, unless remarkably healthy and robust, will suffer considerably by being nursed by an old woman; especially if the child sleep with her. The aged gain refreshment and energy by sleeping with the young; and, from the same means, the young derive premature decrepitude. The vigour which is absorbed by the former, is lost by the latter. It is a foolish and destructive custom to permit young children (which is a common case) to sleep with aged aunts, and old grandmothers. (Adam Clarke, 1831, p. II 102)  
Adam Clarke, L. F. (1831). The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testament... with Commentary and Critical Notes (first ed., Vols. II Jud-Job). New York: J. Emory and B. Waugh.  
Laffey, A. L. (1990). Ruth. in The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.  
Smith, L. P. (1953). The Book of Ruth. In J. K. George Arthur Buttick (Ed.), The Interpreters' Bible (1st ed., Vol. Two). Nashville, Tennessee, USA: Abingdon Press.  
Study Aids  
The New Bantam-Megiddo Hebrew & English Dictionary, by Dr. Reuven Sivan and Dr. Edward A. Levenston, New York, 1975. I had misunderstood my brother to say that he got through seminary Hebrew with just this (plus his fluency); in fact it got him through Hebrew in undergraduate school. I update it from the other dictionaries. Its pages have fallen away from the glue that bound them; this is my third copy. Part of my original plan had been to be able to go into Sunday School armed only with my annotated Hebrew Bible and a pocket dictionary. Unless you have a similar plan, forget this and use instead,  
Compendious Hebrew-English Dictionary, Comprising a Complete Vocabulary of biblical, Mishnaic, Medieval and Modern Hebrew, complied by Reuben Avinoam (Grossmann) in collaboration with H. Sachs, revised and edited by M. H. Segal, The Dvir Publishing Co. Tel-Aviv, 1950. Part of a three volume set (the others being English-Hebrew and a supplement). A hand me down from dad. It used to be my first recourse when the pocket dictionary fails me; nowadays I just go directly to it.  
ספר הבריתות, תורה נביאים כתובים והברית החדשה [ÇehPheR HahBReeYThOTh, ThORaH NehBeeY’eeM KeThOoBeeYM VeHahBReeYTh HeHahDahShaH] – “The Book of the Covenants: Law, Prophets, Writings, and the New Covenant”] The Bible Society in Israel, Jerusalem, Israel, 1991. Easy to read “Arial” type font. Will survive anything short of untrained puppies. My second copy, a gift from Joy; the one I read and annotate. The back finally broke so I had it re-bound in blue leather by Jim Strawn of Smythe Books, LLC – beautiful work.  
http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0.htm - A Hebrew - English Bible According to the Masoretic Text and the JPS 1917 Edition – Really useful for ensuring consistency in translation; it also has an audio feature.   An Amateur's Journey Through the Bible
submitted by bikingfencer to BibleExegesis [link] [comments]

Ruth Chapter 4

Chapter Four – Marriage of Bo`ahZ and ROoTh  
-1. And Bo`ahZ ascended [to] the gate and sat there.
And behold, the redeemer passed by, that [of whom] had worded Bo`ahZ,
and he said,
“Turn [סורה, ÇOoRaH], sit here, so and so.”
And he turned and sat.  
Such a one (pelônî-’lmônî), like ‘Mr. So-and-So’ (I Sam. [Samuel] 21:2; II Kings 6:8).” (Smith, 1953, p. II 847)  
-2. And he took ten men from elders of the city,
and he said,
“Sit here.”
And they sat.  
Ten men: In later Judaism the least number possible for a synagogue (Sanhedrin 1) and the quorum necessary for the marriage benediction (Midrash Rabbah, Ruth 7:8).” (Smith, 1953, p. II 847)  
-3. And he said to [the] redeemer,  
“A portion of the field that is to our brother, to ’ehLeeY-MehLehKh ["My God is King"], sold Nah`ahMeeY ["My Pleasure"], the returner from Field [of] Moab.  
“Num. [Numbers] 27:8-11 assumes that no land was held by a widow, but this law is obviously ignored here. Jer. [Jeremiah] implies that land was offered to the next of kin before it was put on public sale, not that it was bought back after it had left the family’s possession. Lev. [Leviticus] 25:25 implies the opposite. There is no easy way out of these difficulties.” (Smith, 1953, pp. II 847-848)  
-4. “And I said [to myself],
‘I will reveal [to] your ear’  
Advertise, ‘reveal,’ lit., ‘uncover thine ear,’ an idiom arising from the necessity of drawing aside the head covering in order to whisper.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
to say,
‘Buy in the presence of [נגד, NehGehD, “against, opposite”] those sitting,
and in the presence of elders of my people.
If he redeeming redeems, and if he does not redeem, tell to me and I will know,
for there is none but you to redeem,
and I am after you.’”  
And he said,
“I will redeem.”  
If thou wilt not: The Hebrew had ‘he,’ probably a copyist’s slip.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-5. And said Bo`ahZ,
“In the day you bought the field from the hand of Nah`ahMeeY,
and from ROoTh, the Moabitess, wife of the dead,
you bought to raise up [the] name [of] the dead upon his inheritance.”  
“The exact legal situation is difficult to determine… the end of the verse refers to the levirate law of Deut. [Deuteronomy] 15:5-6. This law, however, restricts the duty of marriage to brothers ‘under the same roof,’ and this is assumed in Gen. [Genesis] 38.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-6. And said, the redeemer,
“I cannot redeem to me lest I corrupt [אשחית, ’ahShHeeYTh] my inheritance;  
“Burrows… thinks… that Ruth preserves a combination of practices earlier than Deuteronomy. If the land alone is in question it will belong permanently to the estate of the purchaser; but if Ruth is also taken in levirate marriage the land will belong to her son, who is to be reckoned as the son of the dead. Boaz is willing to accept such a loss. The other kinsman is not, and this adequately explains why he is concerned for his inheritance…” (Smith, 1953, p. II 849)  
““redeem to yourself my redemption,
for I cannot to redeem.”  
-7. (And this sometimes in YeeSRah-’ayL ["Strove God", Israel], upon the redeemed and upon the exchange [התמורה, HahThMOoRaH],
to raise every word, removed [שלף, ShahLahPh], [each] man, his shoe and gave [it] to his neighbor,
and this is certification [התעודה, HahThe`OoDaH] in YeeSRah-’ayL.)  
-8. And said, the redeemer, to Bo`ahZ,
“Buy [it] for yourself.”
And he removed his shoe.  
“In Deut. 25:9 the unwilling brother’s shoe is loosed by the widow who also ‘spit in his face.’ The purpose may be to shame him for his refusal. The present account differs at three points: a more distant relative is expected to marry the widow, he takes off his own shoe, and no one blames him.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 848)  
-9. And said, Bo`ahZ, to [the] elders and all the people,
“Witnesses are you today,
for I have bought all that is to ‘ehLeeY-MehLehKh and all that is to KheeLYON and MahHLON from [the] hand of Nah`ahMeeY, 10. and also ROoTh the Moabitess, wife of MahHLON, I bought to myself to woman, to raise [the] name [of] the dead upon his inheritance,
and it will not be cut off, [the] name [of] the dead, from with his brothers and from [the] gate [of] his place.
Witnesses are you today.”  
-11. And said, all the people that were in [the] gate, and the elders,
Give, YHVH the woman, the comer unto your house,
[to be] like RahHayL [“Ewe”, Rachel] and like Lay’aH [Leah],
that built, [the] two [of] them, the house of YeeSRah-’ayL,
and do worthily in ’ehPhRahThaH,
and call [the] name in BayTh-LehHehM ["House of Bread"].
-12. And be your house like [the] house of PehRehTs [“Burst”, Perez],
that bore ThahMahR [“Palm Tree”, Tamar] to YeHOo-DaH [“YHVH Knew”, Judah],
from the seed that gave YHVH to you,
from this youth [feminine].”  
Tamar bore twin sons to Judah, and the tale emphasizes that although Pharez did not have the red cord marking the first-born, he actually ‘came out first’ (Gen. 38:29; I Chr. [Chronicles] 4:1), and Judah’s line therefore continued through him.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 850)  
-13. And took, Bo`ahZ, ROoTh,
and she was to him to woman,
and he came unto her,
and gave, YHVH, to her a pregnancy,
and she bore a son.  
_14. And said, the women, to Nah`ahMeeY,
“Bless YHVH, that did not fail [השבית HeeShBeeYTh] to you [the] redeemer today,
and will be called, his name, in YeeSRah-’ayL.
-15. And he will be to you, to restore [למשיב LeMaySheeYB] soul
and to nourish [ולכלכל, OoLeKhahLKayL] your hoariness [שיבתך, SaYBahThayKh],
for your daughter in law, that loves you, has borne him,
that she is good to you than seven [משבעה, MeeSheeB`aH] sons.”  
-16. And she took, Nah`ahMeeY, the boy,
and placed him [ותשתהו, VahThSheeThayHOo] in her bosom,
and was to him to nursemaid [לאמנת, Le’oMehNehTh]1 .  
-17. And called to him, the dwellers, a name,
to say, “Born is a son to Naomi.”
And she called his name `OBayD [“Slave”];
he was father of YeeShah-eeY [Jesse], father of David.  
“Obed… is often combined with a divine name, e.g. [for instance], Obadiah [“Slave of YHVH”]… Perhaps the deity’s name of the original tale has been omitted purposely by the writer.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 851)  
-18. And these are [the] genealogies of PahRehTs:  
PehRehTs begat HehTsRON 19. and HehTsRON begat RahM, and RahM begat ahMeeYNahDahB, 20. andahMeeYNahDahB begat NahHShON, and NahHShON begat SahLMaH, 21. and SahLMON begat BoahZ, and BoahZ begat OBayD, 22. andoBayD begat YeeShah-eeY, and YeeShah-eeY begat David.  
“The genealogy was added at a later time, since in the story the child of Ruth is reckoned as the son of Mahlon, not of Boaz. The introductory now these are the generations of is characteristic of P [the priestly redaction], and the regular repetition of begat is also P…  
“Since I Chr. 2:4-13 is identical, except for three minor variations in spelling, an easy assumption is that the verses were copied from Chronicles… the verses may have been inserted in Chronicles from the end of Ruth… If Chronicles received a thorough revision in the Maccabean period… the insertion with some rearrangement of material may have been made at that time.  
“The genealogy is probably artificial.” (Smith, 1953, p. II 851)   FOONOTES   1 A curious note from Adam Clarke: “Naomi took the child] this might do for Naomi; but it was bad for the child. A child, unless remarkably healthy and robust, will suffer considerably by being nursed by an old woman; especially if the child sleep with her. The aged gain refreshment and energy by sleeping with the young; and, from the same means, the young derive premature decrepitude. The vigour which is absorbed by the former, is lost by the latter. It is a foolish and destructive custom to permit young children (which is a common case) to sleep with aged aunts, and old grandmothers. (Adam Clarke, 1831, p. II 102)  
Adam Clarke, L. F. (1831). The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testament... with Commentary and Critical Notes (first ed., Vols. II Jud-Job). New York: J. Emory and B. Waugh.  
Laffey, A. L. (1990). Ruth. in The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.  
Smith, L. P. (1953). The Book of Ruth. In J. K. George Arthur Buttick (Ed.), The Interpreters' Bible (1st ed., Vol. Two). Nashville, Tennessee, USA: Abingdon Press.  
Study Aids  
The New Bantam-Megiddo Hebrew & English Dictionary, by Dr. Reuven Sivan and Dr. Edward A. Levenston, New York, 1975. I had misunderstood my brother to say that he got through seminary Hebrew with just this (plus his fluency); in fact it got him through Hebrew in undergraduate school. I update it from the other dictionaries. Its pages have fallen away from the glue that bound them; this is my third copy. Part of my original plan had been to be able to go into Sunday School armed only with my annotated Hebrew Bible and a pocket dictionary. Unless you have a similar plan, forget this and use instead,  
Compendious Hebrew-English Dictionary, Comprising a Complete Vocabulary of biblical, Mishnaic, Medieval and Modern Hebrew, complied by Reuben Avinoam (Grossmann) in collaboration with H. Sachs, revised and edited by M. H. Segal, The Dvir Publishing Co. Tel-Aviv, 1950. Part of a three volume set (the others being English-Hebrew and a supplement). A hand me down from dad. It used to be my first recourse when the pocket dictionary fails me; nowadays I just go directly to it.  
ספר הבריתות, תורה נביאים כתובים והברית החדשה [ÇehPheR HahBReeYThOTh, ThORaH NehBeeY’eeM KeThOoBeeYM VeHahBReeYTh HeHahDahShaH] – “The Book of the Covenants: Law, Prophets, Writings, and the New Covenant”] The Bible Society in Israel, Jerusalem, Israel, 1991. Easy to read “Arial” type font. Will survive anything short of untrained puppies. My second copy, a gift from Joy; the one I read and annotate. The back finally broke so I had it re-bound in blue leather by Jim Strawn of Smythe Books, LLC – beautiful work.  
http://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0.htm - A Hebrew - English Bible According to the Masoretic Text and the JPS 1917 Edition – Really useful for ensuring consistency in translation; it also has an audio feature.   An Amateur's Journey Through the Bible
submitted by bikingfencer to bikingfencer [link] [comments]

The failure of the Annual General Meeting and why we need an Annual Assembly

Hey there, a friend of mine told me there was some buzz about the latest AGM, so I figured I'd post our latest pamphlet as its in regards to just that. I'm a member of RSM and the General Assemblies Now committee is something we initiated; although you don't need to be a dirty commie to help us put a stop to the YFS bullshit.
2017's Annual General Meeting (AGM) went just as well as any other year’s had; that is to say it accomplished nothing and added to the York Federation of Student’s (YFS) long list of ineffectuality and blunders. For those who attended this year’s AGM, we have no doubt you share a common sense of disdain at the events that transpired, as entertaining as they may have been. Although, we’re sure the vast majority of you reading this weren’t even there! You probably don’t even know what an AGM is! Now this of course is no fault of your own, after all, how can you know about something that the YFS has failed to ever bring to your attention? This pamphlet will explain what an AGM is and why they are so important, as well as recap the events most of you missed this time around.
So to put it simply, the AGM is the one time a year students are afforded a platform where they can voice their concerns and have them addressed by the student body, as well as hold the student governing body (YFS Board of Directors/Executives) accountable in order to effect prescribed change. This is done in the form of motions (proposals formally made to a deliberative assembly), which are proposed via email to the president of the YFS prior to the AGM. In a motion: the student will detail their proposed concern, why it should be addressed, and how. Once a motion is submitted, it will be brought up at the AGM where the student who proposed it must have another student second (express formal support as a necessary preliminary to further discussion or to vote) the motion before making their case for why it should proceed and be enacted. Those who are eligible to propose/second motions are any undergraduate student enrolled in York University, and all undergrads are eligible to vote; all they have to do is show up to the AGM. The only other option for having your concerns addressed is to vote for the YFS electoral candidate whose promises align with what closest resembles the change you wish to see; even then their promises have no binding accountability once elected. In all effect and purpose, the AGM allows students to “be the change they want to see,” as the YFS is bound to administering motions passed in these AGMs.
Yet of the over 53,000 undergraduate students the YFS claims to represent, is it not strange that only around 120 students showed up to this year’s AGM? Now is that because only around 120 students care about the happenings and mishappenings of the school and campus, or is that because only 120 students know about the AGM? Don’t you yourself find it odd that there was so little an effort made by the YFS to advertise this event, especially when in their constitution they claim one of their purposes is, “to bring together undergraduate students from across the campus to discuss and take common, democratic positions affecting students”?1 If this is true, then have they not failed completely in their legislated duty? How many posters advertising the AGM did you see? How many announcements? How many emails? What better medium “brings together undergraduate students from across campus for discussion” than the AGM? Meanwhile, how many posters do you see come election time? How many announcements, emails? How many resources are put into elections ($78,475 this year, $69,368 last year)?2 The posters literally line the walls like wallpaper every election, to the point where there are clear rules and limitations to how many posters candidates can actually put up in the YFS bylaws.3 This is quite telling, wouldn’t you say, that the YFS acts more in accordance with the purpose that follows after the one mentioned previously: “to represent York University undergraduate students at the administrative level of decision-making and to do so by speaking on their behalf with one united voice”.4 Perhaps this is why the YFS is so shy and timid about the one time a year the student body is given a platform to speak for itself!
So what transpired at this latest AGM? Same as always: students voted on whether to approve or deny motions proposed by their peers and same as always; there was a very clear pattern of how votes tended to split. It quickly became apparent that the front rows of the lecture hall, where the AGM was held, would vote almost unanimously with the YFS executive members; there seemed to be a block of YFS allies and affiliates who were voting in coordination with each other! This allegation, as anyone who sat behind this block can attest, is further supported by the fact that the Chair (YFS representative who directs / leads the AGM) spoke to many of these individuals with a familiar manner and referred to them by first name without ever procuring it within the meeting. These individuals would often propose amendments to motions that challenged the YFS, “pulling the teeth” of many proposals as to make them benign. One of these fellows even successfully passed an amendment controlling how long people were allowed to talk at the mic, capping it at one minute! What’s further problematic is that individuals from this block made up just over one third of the votes and acted as a powerhouse, pushing for or against motions depending on how they aligned with the interests of the YFS. As the AGM continued, there was a defined fissure where almost every vote would be between the block at the front and the assorted affiliated students behind them, with small anomalies and rogues scattered throughout.
The YFS executives also blatantly abused its position of power as organizers of the AGM. Student organization Socialist Fightback had proposed three motions far in advance of the AGM: “Motion On Access To Free Student Housing”, “Motion On Fighting The Far Right”, and “Motion To Organize The Fight For Free Education And Cancellation Of Student Debt”. However, when the agenda was released, the YFS had proposed three of its own motions that would be resolved before anyone else's: “Motion To Organize Against White Supremacy And Fascism On Campus”, “Motion To Continue The Fight For Free Education”, and “Motion To Endorse The Affordable Housing Committee At York University”. Sound familiar? Also, where Fightback proposed relatively clearer and more direct actions to be enacted within their motions, such as: “that the YFS organize a one-day student strike in the upcoming term, that it set up mobilization committees to allow rank-and-file students to organize towards building the movement, and that it establish monthly democratic assemblies so that students can participate in building and strengthening their student union” and “that the YFS use the initial strike to escalate towards a week-long national student strike for free education”, the YFS proposed vague promises in comparison; with abstract goals and abstract means to reach them: “that the YFS commit to more consistent Education Coalition Meetings to ensure increased membership engagement”, “the YFS commit to hosting several lead up actions before and after the February 1st Day of Action” and “the YFS continue to escalate the fight for free education”. These proposals, that the YFS brought forward, meant nothing and would amount to nothing as they essentially say, “The YFS promises to try harder next year”. Moreover, when Fightback voted to amend the agenda so as to have their motions attended to first, the Chair used their position of power to essentially shut the amendment down. When Fightback had proposed this amendment, they accidentally asked to have motion D, E, and F moved before the YFS’ clones, not realizing that their own motions were E, F and G! Upon realizing their mistake immediately and before anything new had transpired, they asked the Chair to amend their motion for revisal and were denied! The whole point of the AGM is to allow students to have their concerns heard and discussed among the student body, and this shameful power play against Fightback was clearly outside of the “spirit of the AGM”.
For those who did not attend the AGM, I’m making a joke here; for there was an incident where the Chair denied a proposed amendment to one motion “as it was outside of the spirit of the motion”, and would not allow the amendment to go to a vote. How very democratic and very expected of the YFS to act so dictatorially and disallow the students a voice on the one day it’s afforded to them; after all its their job to speak for us, remember! The whole event eventually began to devolve as it went on, the blights of YFS’ management growing more apparent and more frustrating. This catalyst eventually climaxed in a rather shocking scandal that further diminishes any faith in the honesty and integrity of our student governing body.
The way in which votes were taken was suspect enough to begin with: each student was given a red card and a black card; and upon the calling of a vote, the Chair would ask for all those “For” the motion first. Students “For” the motion would then raise their red card, after which the YFS chair would count the votes and then ask for all those “Against”. Students against would raise their black cards and then the chair would count those too. Abstentions were rarely ever called and the record of “For” and “Against” was rarely ever revealed; that is to say, it would be very very easy for the Chair to simply decide whether any close vote passed or failed upon her own decision. This means of conducting the AGM, is reliant then upon faith alone in the honesty and integrity of the Chair; and as the AGM continued, students’ faith dwindled continually as previously mentioned events unraveled. This exploded as one vote seemed clearly in favor of a “For”, but the Chair claimed the motion was denied. The entire lecture hall began to buzz with confusion and people began demanding to know the tally of the votes. The Chair claimed that it was “44 For” and “60 Against”, but when pressed further by confused, frustrated and increasingly angry students, something incredibly shocking was revealed. The Chair claimed that the vote was taking proxies (persons who are represented without being there in person) into account! She claimed that proxies were taking part in the voting process three clear times, the final one being in an exchange where one student asked: “so you are telling me that the last motion was denied because of proxies”, and the Chair responded, “yes”! At that point, however, the Chair claimed to the tempered crowd of students, growing vocal with their disdain and distrust, that this was completely within their rights and covered in the bylaws. This statement was immediately followed up with every student pulling out their phone or laptop and checking these bylaws. Surprise, the bylaws claim proxies may only be used to meet quorum, a conundrum to be brought up next! Upon this knowledge coming to light, the Chair then backpedaled and claimed proxies were never taking part in the votes to begin with! However, with the vehement distrust by the students still burning hot, they demanded a re-vote, for which final numbers came out to “54 For” and “56 Against”. Funny how the numbers changed, and funnier how this verdict is still reliant upon faith in the Chair’s honesty and integrity.
So to continue with how proxies contradict the supposed democracy of the AGM; why is it that the bylaws even allow proxies? Well, the bylaw pertaining to AGMs reads: “Two Hundred Fifty (250) members present either in person or by proxy shall form a quorum (the minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid) at the annual, or any other meetings of the members of the Federation. If no quorum is present the meeting shall be adjourned until the next regular meeting of The Board”.5 Well that’s strange, isn’t it; about 250 people have to be present in order for quorum to be met and only about 120 people showed up, 1/3rd of them YFS affiliated/allied! What else does it say in the AGM bylaw? “Any error or omission in giving notice of an annual general meeting or any adjourned meeting, whether annual or general, of the members of the Federation shall not invalidate such meetings or make void any proceedings taken thereat and any member may at any time waive notice of any such meeting and may and may ratify, approve and confirm any or all proceedings taken or had thereat”. To translate that into English, should the YFS hold the AGM and not tell anyone, that is compliant with the bylaws and does not invalidate that AGM. That along with the prior clause, means that to all extents and purposes, the YFS can run an AGM that no one shows up to and validate it with proxies so as to deny the students of York their single chance a year of having their concerns met. Consider this along with the way in which the AGM was handled this year and every year before it: how the YFS barely advertised it and filled the seats with as many of their own people as possible, then validated the AGM with proxies when they had a minuscule student turnout. The YFS clearly see this AGM as a pleasantry afforded to us students and nothing more, detoothing it of any ability of enacting real change.
We at the RSM know that the problem with the YFS is not corrupt individuals within their ranks, but rather the rotten system as a whole. We know that it is not the people in power that need to change, but the structure of power itself. With that in mind, we brought forth two motions of our own to the AGM, the first demanding that “the Annual General Meeting be held at minimum biannually, with each AGM being announced and promoted at least two months in advance as well as the agenda being publicly released at least two weeks in advance”. Now to the surprise of everyone, when it was our time to present this motion, the Chair stopped us and claimed we could not actually present this at an AGM! It came to light that, as our motions pertained to changing the bylaws they were invalid, as only the bylaw Committee (a committee made up of YFS executives who make the decision behind closed doors) has the power to change these bylaws! The Chair refused to allow the motion to go to a vote, despite overwhelming protest from the entire lecture hall, and denied all further discussion on the matter. This reveals that the YFS didn’t even look over their own agenda for this AGM beforehand as to give the RSM fair notice so that we could change our motions, completely denying us a chance to press our concerns at the one event a year available to us. If the YFS truly believed in listening to the voices and concerns of the student body, they would have put the time and effort into this event as to advertise it to the students, encouraging them to partake in the democratic process, and have actually prepared beforehand by reviewing their own agenda and letting us know in advance that our motions were unfit for the AGM. However, it is clear that the YFS does not respect the AGM, and they do not want you to show up and participate. After all, once you begin representing yourself, you’ll soon realize that it’s not you that these elected YFS executives are representing!
Again though, the problem is not the people within the YFS, the problem is the structure of the YFS itself. This pamphlet has shown direct legislation that reinforces an anti-democratic system that keeps the power in the hands of the few elected to the top positions. Changing out those people would not fix the issues of students growing more disenfranchised from their university and being unable to resolve their own issues; only changing the structure of power itself can do that! So that is why we, the RSM, presented a second motion: “that the YFS support instituting General Assemblies (GA) as the highest decision-making power within the YFS, and begins to replace the AGM with this GA model”. What are General Assemblies? GAs work in a similar format to the AGM system, wherein students bring forward motions to be voted on by their peers at an assembly with regard to distributing resources / activism / support / legislation. The major difference is that it would not be run by those put into power by some clique, but rather a committee of elected administrators who are all subject to recall upon the calling of a vote. These administrators would be in no way or form “representatives” who’d speak on your behalf, for the GA would be your place to represent yourself! They would also be assembled whenever an issue is faced, wherein a petition would call the committee to prepare an assembly. GAs are beginning to assemble all over Canada, finding success at the University of Ottawa and across universities throughout Quebec. It is directly through these GAs that Quebec students have achieved the lowest tuition rates in Canada (with many more accomplishments in tow) whereas every year we have to pay more and more and more. Our issues and concerns as students continue to go unheeded, they continue to be ignored, we continue to be stepped on and over. Most of us just want to keep our heads down and get a degree and get out without ever looking back, but that is the exact mentality that has set a precedent that allowed the state of things become what they are today. Even if you aren’t having a bad time at all, and in fact are cruising through university without a worry in the world, you must know of many who aren’t. Just walk through the halls at night and see how many homeless students we have on campus! Only by coming together and organizing as a true “student body”, and not under another separate organization of “representatives” who only represent their own self interests, can we begin to build a brighter future for ourselves and those less fortunate than us.
That is why we at the RSM have not allowed the YFS to simply deny democracy and stomp out the motions we presented. That is why we now are in the works of holding a referendum to allow the institution of another bylaw, one that validates the formation of a GA committee and the establishment of General Assemblies; which will be the highest decision-making power of the student body and whose decisions must be respected and upheld by the elected clique of the YFS. However, it is up to you, the undergraduate students of York University, to come together to form this. We need the signatures of 10% of the student body, or approximately 5000 students, to hold the referendum and your support once that’s accomplished. If you believe in positive change, in upholding the democratic process, in making this university a place of progress and community, then sign our petition and get in contact with us at [email protected] or check out our General Assemblies Now Facebook page for more information and updates on when and where the General Assemblies Now coalition will begin holding its meetings. If you are interested in the RSM in general, you can email us at [email protected] or drop by our meetings held every Wednesday between 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM in the OPIRG office (Student Center, Room 449C).
  1. Article 2; Clause 4 of the York Federation Of Students Constitution.
  2. York Federation of Students Statement of Operations - Operating.
  3. Bylaw 10 of the York Federation of Students ByLaws.
  4. Article 2; Clause 5 of the York Federation of Students Constitution.
  5. Bylaw 8.i of the York Federation of Students ByLaws
submitted by Ovid_Blood to yorku [link] [comments]

Transcript of "Evening with Elder M. Russell Ballard"

Here's the video, several people have downloaded copies incase it gets removed. Ballard starts about 20 minutes in. I'm gonna bold the parts I think are important.
This is only 23 minutes of transcript there is about another 10 minutes or so that needs transcribing. If anybody wants to finish it, I left off at 43:26, and make sure you turn the subtitles on. SensadeevMarman provided the rest of the transcript. You rock dude.
20:00 I’d like to thank the choir for all of you staying in the boat. That’s a great song with a great message. As Elder Clark was talking to you, about being 6 years old in our old ward, I started thinking “you must have been one of those little ones that brought great joy to the nursery leader”.
My dear brothers and sisters, thank you for your extraordinary efforts to bless the lives of our young members of the church. I recently reviewed the new book “by study and also by faith: one hundred years of seminaries and institutes of religion”. It’s a remarkable story. As I browsed through it, I noted the roles of my great grandfather Joseph F. Smith and my grandfather Melvin J. Ballard had in the creation and expansion of church education. Today, I am serving where they once served because of my own association with you. Since 1985, I have had the privilege of serving for the fourteen years on the board of education, seven years of which I was on the executive committee; and almost four of those years I served as chairman. During my time on the board I developed great appreciation for the Church Educational System. Tonight, I speak for all of the parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents in the church when I thank you teachers and administrators and your families for your faithful service.
What CES has accomplished in the last one hundred years is amazing. However, I’m more interested in the next one hundred years and how you can help your students face the ever changing challenges of the twenty-first century. In a general authority training meeting, president Gordon B. Hinckley taught on the subject “Keeping the gospel pure, and the church on the right course”. He said “We cannot be too careful. We must watch that we do not get off course in our efforts to be original and fresh and different, we may teach things which are not entirely in harmony with the basic doctrine of this the restored church of Jesus Christ. … we had better be more alert. … we must be watchmen on the tower.”
As church education moves forward in the twenty-first century, each of you needs to consider any changes you should make in the way you prepare to teach, how you teach, and what you teach of you are to build unwavering faith in the lives of our precious youth. Gone are the days when a student asked an honest question, and the teacher responded, “don’t worry about it!” Gone are the days when a student raised sincere concern and a teacher bore his or her testimony as a response intended to avoid the issue. Gone are the days when students were protected from people who attacked the church. Fortunately, the lord provided this timely and timeless counsel to you teachers: “and as all who have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another these words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books the words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and faith”. This is a especially applicable because not all of your students have the faith necessary to face the challenges ahead and because many of them are already exposed through the internet to corrosive forces of an increasingly secular world that is hostile to faith, family, and gospel standards.
The internet is expanding its reach across the world into almost every home and into the very hands and minds of your students. You can help your students by teaching them what it means to combine study and faith as they learn. Teach them by modeling this skill and approach in class. President Harold B. Lee observed “we would remind you that the acquiring of knowledge by faith is no easy road to learning. It will demand strenuous effort and continual striving by faith. … In short, learning by faith is no easy task for a lazy man or woman. Someone has said, in effect, that such a process requires the bending of the whole soul. The calling up of the depths of the human mind, and linking them with God – The right connection must be formed. Then only, knowledge comes by faith.” Knowledge by faith will produce a pure testimony, and a pure testimony has the power to change lives, as illustrated in these three brief stories.
First, Phoebe Carter, who left her home in Maine to gather with the saints in Ohio. In the 1830’s. She recalled “My friends marveled at my course, as did I, but something within impelled me on. My mother’s grief at me leaving was almost more than I could bear. And had it not been for the spirit within, I should have faltered at the last”. Phoebe followed the prophet, and gathered with the saints in Ohio, and eventually to Utah where she died a faithful Latter-day Saint and equally yoked as the wife as the wife of church president Wilford Woodruff.
This next story comes from Marion G. Romney’s biography. As a college student, Marion had decided that he could not serve a mission because of the financial situation. On one occasion he heard Elder Melvin J. Ballard speak. The biography notes “Little did Marion know that the course of his life, in one very short moment, was about to be completely changed.” The story continues: “Marion’s father had told his children … that there was as much difference between a man who lived under the inspiration of the spirit and who didn’t as there was between a growing tree and a dead stump. For the first time Marion … fully understood what it was like to be under the influence of the inspiration. A piercing, tingling sensation filled his soul. … He never had been so touched as he was now, listening to the words of this newest of the apostles. … young Marion … was electrified. The glow of the apostle’s countenance and the sincerity of his testimony filled him with in irresistible desire to go on a mission. … He knew his plans for further education must be postponed.” Soon Marion was on his way to Australia where he served faithfully. Later he became a might apostle and a member of the first presidency.
The final story was told by president Boyd K. Packer about the impact of an aged teacher on William E. Berrett. The teacher, a convert from Norway, had imperfect English language skills. Despite the teacher’s limitations, president Packer recalled that “brother Berret testified on more than one occasion, ‘we could warm our hands by the fire of his spirit’”. Later William became the head of Seminaries and Institutes of Church Schools.
Now for Phoebe, Marion and William, hearing a pure testimony became the catalyst that changed their lives forever. The same can be true for your students. However, given the realities of today’s world, pure testimony may not always be enough. Phoebe, Marion, and William were clean and pure and were free from pornography and worldliness as they sat at the feet of inspired missionaries, teachers and leaders. The spirit easily penetrated their soft and pure hearts. Today, this story is much different, as some of your students have already been infected by pornography and worldliness before they ever reach your classes.
It was only a generation ago that our young people’s access to information about our history, doctrine, and practices was basically limited to materials printed by the church. Few students came in contact with alternative interpretations. Mostly, our young people lived a sheltered life. Our curriculum at that time, though well-meaning, did not prepare students for today, a day where students have instant access to virtually everything about the church from every possible point of view. Today what they see on their mobile devices is likely to be faith challenging as much as faith promoting. Many of our young people are more familiar with Google than they are with the gospel, more attuned to the internet than to Inspiration, and more involved with Facebook than faith. In light of these challenges in the board of education recently approved an initiative in seminary called “Doctrinal Mastery” , building on what has been done in scriptural mastery. This new initiative will focus on building and strengthening our students’ faith in Jesus Christ, and fortifying them with increased ability to live and apply the gospel in their lives. Drawing on the scriptures and the words of the prophets, they will learn how to act with faith in Christ to acquire spiritual knowledge and understanding of his gospel. And they will have opportunities to learn how to apply the doctrine of Christ and gospel principles to the questions and challenges they see every day among their peers and on social media.
This initiative is inspired and timely. It will have a wonderful influence on our young people. However, the success of Doctrinal Mastery and of all other programs of study and CES, will depend to an important extent upon you. In the face of these challenges, what are your opportunities and responsibilities as CES teachers in the twenty-first century? Obviously, you must love the lord, his church, and your students. You must also bear pure testimony sincerely and often. Additionally more than at any in our history, students need to be blessed by learning doctrinal or historical content and context by study and faith accompanied by pure testimony, so they can experience a mature and lasting conversion to the gospel and lifelong commitment to Jesus Christ. Mature and lasting conversion means they will “stay in the boat and hold on” throughout their entire lives.
For you to understand the doctrinal and historical content and context of the scriptures and our history, you will need to study from the best books. As the lord directed, the best books include the scriptures, the teachings of modern prophets and apostles, and the best LDS scholarship available. Through your diligent effort to learn by study and faith, you’ll be able to help your students learn the skills and attitudes necessary to distinguish between reliable information that will lift them up and the half-truths and incorrect interpretations of doctrine, history, and practices that will bring them down. Teach them about the challenges they will face when relying on the internet to answer questions of eternal significance. Remind them that James did not say “if you lack wisdom, let him Google!” Wise people do not rely on the internet to diagnose and treat emotion and mental and physical health challenges, especially life-threatening challenges. Instead, they seek out health experts, those trained and licensed by recognized medical and state boards. Even then, prudent people seek a second opinion. If that is a sensible course to take in finding answers, for emotional, mental, and physical issues, it is even more so when eternal life is at stake. When something has the potential to threaten our spiritual life, our most precious family relationships, and our membership in the kingdom, we should find thoughtful and faithful church leaders to help us. And if necessary we should ask those with appropriate academic training, experience, and expertise for help.
This is exactly, brothers and sisters, what I do when I need an answer to my own questions that I cannot answer myself. I seek help from my brethren in the quorum of the twelve, and from others with expertise and fields of church history and doctrine. You should be among the first outside your students’ families to introduce authority sources on topics that will be well-known or controversial, so your students will measure whatever they hear or read against what you have already taught them. You know, we give medical inoculations to our precious missionaries before sending them into the mission field, so they’ll be protected against disease that can harm or even kill them. In a similar fashion, please, before you send them into the world, inoculate your students by providing faithful, thoughtful, and accurate interpretation of gospel doctrine, the scriptures, and our history, and those topics that are sometimes misunderstood. To name a few such topics that are less-known or controversial, I’m talking about polygamy, of seer stones, different accounts of the first vision, the process of translation of The Book or Mormon or the Book of Abraham, gender issues, race and the priesthood, or a Heavenly Mother. The efforts to inoculate our young people will often fall to you CES teachers. With those thoughts in mind, find time to think about your opportunities and your responsibilities.
Church leaders today are fully conscience of the unlimited access to information. We’re making extraordinary efforts to provide accurate context and understanding of teachings of the restoration. A prime example of this effort is the eleven gospel topics essays on LDS.org that provide a balanced and reliable interpretations of the facts for controversial and unfamiliar church related subjects. It is important that you know the content in these essays, like you know the back of your hand. If you have questions about them, then please ask someone who has studied them and understands them. In other words, “seek learning, even by study and also by faith” as you master the content of these essays. You should also become familiar with the Joseph Smith Papers website and the church history section on LDS.org and other resources by faithful LDS scholars.
The effort for gospel transparency and spiritual inoculation through a thoughtful study of doctrine and history, coupled with a burning testimony is the best antidote we have to help students avoid and/or deal with questions, doubt, or faith crisis they may face in this information age. As you teachers pay the price to better understand our history, doctrine, and practices -- better than you do now – you will be prepares to provide thoughtful, careful, and inspired answers to your students’ questions. One way to know what questions your students have, is to listen attentively to them. Our little daughter, little girl, when she was five, climbed on my lap while I was reading the newspaper. She was telling me something important to her, and I was not paying attention. So she reached up her little hands, pulled the newspaper down, clasped my face in her little hands, looked me squarely in the eyes, and said “daddy, you are not listening!” She was right -- I was wrong in not listening to her. All good teachers must be good listeners. In addition to listening to your students, encourage them in class or in private to ask you questions about any topic. When of the most important questions your students may ask is “Why?”. When asked with a sincere desire to understand, “why?” is a great question. It is the question missionaries want their investigators to ask. Why are we here? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why should we pray? Why should we follow Christ? It is often the why questions that lead to inspiration and revelation. Knowing our Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation will help to answer most of the why questions. I’ll speak more about this in just a moment or two.
Here is one final note about answering questions: It is important to teach your students that although the gospel provides many if not most answers to life’s most important questions, some questions cannot be answered in mortality because we lack the information needed for proper answers.
As we learn in Jacob, “Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of Him. And it is impossible that man could find out all his ways, and no man knoweth of his ways, save it be revealed unto him.”
Now a word of caution, please recognize you may come to believe, like many of your students do, that you are a scriptural, doctrinal, history expert. A recent study revealed that the more people think they know about a topic, the more likely they are to allege understanding beyond what they know, even to the point of feigning knowledge of false facts and fabricated information. Identified as “over claiming”, this temptation must be avoided by you CES teachers. It is perfectly alright to say, “I do not know.” However, once that is said, you have a responsibility to find the best answers to the thoughtful questions your students ask.
In teaching your students and in responding to their questions, let me warn you not to pass along faith promoting or unsubstantiated rumors or outdated understandings and explanations of our doctrine and practices from the past. It is always wise to make a practice to study the words of the living prophets and apostles, keep updated on current church issues, policies, and statements through Mormon Newsroom.org and lds.org, and consult the works of recognized, thoughtful, faithful LDS scholars, to ensure you do not teach things that are untrue, out of date, or odd and quirky.
The authors of the “over claiming study” noted that, “A tendency to over claim, especially in self-perceived experts, may actually discourage individuals from educating themselves in precisely those areas in which they consider themselves knowledgeable. BYU’s academic Vice President observed, “being the expert on a subject can be so exhilarating, with students and colleagues hanging on our every word. However, without a deep commitment to continued learning, we will fall victim to over claiming. And no one likes a know-it-all.”
I repeat Pres. Hinckley’s warning, “We cannot be too careful. We must watch that we do not get off-course.” In addition to becoming life-long learners, you must also be doing those things in your personal life that allow the Holy Spirit to work within you. Such things include sincere daily prayer, faithful fasting, regular study and pondering of the scriptures and the words of the living prophets, making the Sabbath day a delight, partaking of the sacrament with humility, always remembering the Savior, worshiping in the temple as often as possible, and finally, reaching out to the needy, poor, and lonely—both those close by and across the world.
To properly fulfill your opportunities and responsibilities, you must practice, my dear fellow teachers, what you preach! Be courageous by seeking counsel and correction from those you trust: a spouse, priesthood leaders, or supervisors. Ask them where you can improve your personal discipleship. This is especially important for our full-time employees, those supported by the sacred tithing funds of the Church. You must avoid anything that drives the spirit away. Additionally, may I suggest that you hold a personal interview with yourself on occasion and review 2 Nephi, the 26th chapter, 29 through 32, Alma 5: 14-30, and Doctrine and Covenants 121:33-46. That will help to identify the kinds of temptations we all may face. If something needs to change in your life, then resolve to fix it. Avoid the temptation to question the motives of your co-laborers. Instead look deeply into your own heart and search your own desires and motives. Only then can the Savior change your heart and align your own desires with motives—his motives.
The rising generation needs to know, understand, embrace, and participate in God’s plan of salvation. Understanding the plan will give them the divine insight through which to view themselves as sons and daughters of God which provides a lens to understand almost every doctrine, practice, and policy of the Church. As CES teachers today, you need to accept the opportunity and the responsibility to teach the 21st century young people correct principles about the plan, including the divinely sanctioned doctrine of marriage and the role of the family as defined in the Proclamation on the Family. The doctrine of eternal marriage and family is a crucial part of God’s plan of happiness. It includes our own temple-sealed families as part of Heavenly Father’s own eternal family in the celestial kingdom, because it related directly to his own family and to his own spirit children. We are taught in Genesis that “male and female created he them” and commanded Father Adam and Mother Eve to multiply and replenish the earth. It has been said that the plan of happiness begins and end with family. Indeed, the beginning of the family was in the premortal world where we lived as members of our Heavenly Parents’ family. And in the end familial commitments and loving relationships will not only continue exist, but also proliferate through the process of procreation.
The hinge point that connects it all, on which God’s plan and out eternal destiny depends and on which all else pivots is our Savior Jesus Christ. His atoning sacrifice makes all things possible, including but not limited to a loving, caring and eternal marriage and family. The Lord teaches us that no single person regardless of his or her righteousness can obtain all our heavenly father provides for his children. A single individual has half of the equation, unable to dwell in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. Your students need to understand that. The purpose of morality is to become more like God, by gaining physical bodies, exercising agency, assuming roles that previously belonged only to heavenly parents, roles of husband, wife, and parent.
The prophets have assured all those who are worthy and who rely upon Jesus Christ, but have not been able to be sealed to a companion, or have children in this life, may have those opportunities in the world to come. Teach our young people that in the Lord’s church there is room for all to worship, serve, and grow together as brothers and sisters in the gospel. Remind them what Lehi taught God’s goal and hope for all of his children can be. It’s summed up as follows. ‘Adam fell that men might be. And men are that they might have joy.” Heavenly Father wants us to accept his definition of marriage and obey his first commandment to multiply and replenish--not only to fulfill his plan, but also to find the joy that his plan was designed to give his sons and daughters. Church members are not the only ones to recognize this principle. New York Times columnist David Brooks observed, “People are not better off when they are given maximum personal freedom to do what they want. They are better off when they are enshrouded in commitments that transcend personal choice—commitments to family, god, craft, and country.”
As church educators, help our youth to have a clear understanding of God’s plan of happiness wherein real joy comes to his children. Help them to know it, embrace it, participate in it, and to defend it. From my 40 years of experience as a general authority, Brothers and Sisters I’m concerned about the large number of our church members young and older that simply do not understand the plan for their eternal and divine destiny. So my fellow teachers, we should look for and relish these opportunities to explain doctrinally and spiritually why we believe that knowledge of God’s great plan of happiness will answer most of the “why?” questions we may be asked. Expressing our belief in a pre-mortal life where we lived as the spirit children of our heavenly father and heavenly mother allows us to explain why this earth was created. One essential purpose of mortal life is we can replicate that family experience ourselves, only this time, as parents rather than just as the children. Treasure your basic understanding of the doctrine and purpose of our heavenly Father’s plan for our eternal happiness and continue to teach it. So to conclude and to summarize, from Elder Kim B. Clark’s comments earlier this evening, we learned that you are teachers sent from God, filled with faith, hope, humility, and love. The points I have shared with you are:
Now my beloved fellow teachers, may God bless each and every one of you. Whatever burden you may be carrying, may it lifted. May you find the joy and the peace that comes from knowing through your teaching, you’ve touched a life, you’ve lifted one of Heavenly Father’s children on his or her journey to one day be embraced in their Heavenly presence. I leave you my witness and my testimony that we have the fullness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ as restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. The fullness of the gospel is in our hands. We must get it into our minds and into our hearts and teach it with power. May god so bless each and every one of us is my humble prayer and blessing in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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Definition of quorum. 1 : a select group. 2 : the number (such as a majority) of officers or members of a body that when duly assembled is legally competent to transact business. 3 : a Mormon body comprising those in the same grade of priesthood. quorum - a gathering of the minimal number of members of an organization to conduct business. assemblage, gathering - a group of persons together in one place. organization, organisation - a group of people who work together. Definition of 'quorum'. (kwɔːrəm ) singular noun. A quorum is the minimum number of people that a committee needs in order to carry out its business officially. When a meeting has a quorum, there are at least that number of people present.enough deputies to make a quorum. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. A quorum is a term that defines the minimum number of people required for an assembly or organization to conduct business. It allows people to ensure that financial and legal decisions are always reviewed and voted on by a good percentage of the members. According to Robert’s Rules, a quorum is the minimum number of voting members who must be present at a properly called meeting in order to conduct business in the name of the group. A quorum should consist of “as large as can be depended upon for being present at all meetings when the weather is not exceptionally bad.” quorum. [ ( kwawr-uhm) ] The minimum number of members of a committee or legislative body who must be present before business can officially or legally be conducted. In the United States Congress, for example, either house must have a majority (218 in the House of Representatives, 51 in the Senate) to have a quorum. quorum definition: 1. the smallest number of people needed to be present at a meeting before it can officially begin…. Learn more.

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