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Lost in the Sauce: Barr's DOJ shut down investigations of Trump and admin officials

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.


On Saturday, Trump announced on Twitter that he has put his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani in charge of his campaign's long-shot post-election legal challenges. Other people on the team include Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis.
  • Giuliani worked with a Russian agent to smear Biden. diGenova and Toensing tried to get the Justice Department to drop charges against corrupt Ukraine oligarch Dmytro Firtash. Powell represents Michael Flynn and champions "deep state" conspiracies. Ellis said gay marriage leads to pedophilia.
NYT: Mr. Trump turned to Mr. Giuliani earlier on Friday in reaction to the latest setback he faced in court, this one relating to votes in Maricopa County, Arizona… A half-dozen other Trump advisers have described Mr. Giuliani’s efforts as counterproductive and said that he was giving the president unwarranted optimism about what could happen… In an Oval Office meeting with aides on Thursday, Mr. Trump put Mr. Giuliani on speakerphone so the others could hear him. He angrily accused the aides of not telling the president the truth
Giuliani’s conspiracy-riddled rant at Four Seasons Total Landscaping was so disastrous that it “scared off many of the lawyers” recruited to argue election-related lawsuits. Politico: “Campaign officials described the episode as disastrous...there are widespread concerns within Trumpworld and GOP circles that Giuliani’s antics are thwarting the president’s legal machinery from within.”
Two major law firms have withdrawn from Trump campaign cases as his legal challenges crumble. Arizona’s largest law firm Snell & Wilmer dumped the RNC and Trump campaign effort to challenge votes in Maricopa County. Porter Wright Morris & Arthur is abandoning Trump’s attempt to block Pennsylvania's popular vote for Joe Biden.
  • In one day (Friday), nine cases meant to attack President-elect Joe Biden's win in key states were denied or dropped - seven in Pennsylvania, one in Arizona, and one in Michigan.
The new federal chief information security officer, Camilo Sandoval, has already taken leave from his day job to participate in a pro-Trump effort to hunt for evidence of voter fraud in the battleground states. The group, Voter Integrity Fund, is a newly formed Virginia-based group that is analyzing ballot data and cold-calling voters. Sandoval was officially appointed on Nov. 4, 2020, but lists his starting date at October on his personal LinkedIn page.
WaPo: Sandoval is part of a hastily convened team led by Matthew Braynard, a data specialist who worked on Trump’s 2016 campaign. Another participant is Thomas Baptiste, an adviser to the deputy secretary of the Interior Department who also took a leave to work on the project. Braynard said in an interview that several other government officials on leave are also assisting the effort, but he declined to identify them.
Media’s role:
  • Facebook Cut Traffic To Leading Liberal Pages Just Before The Election: Liberal page administrators who spoke with BuzzFeed News said that their reach declined by as much as 70%, and still hasn’t recovered.
  • Facebook Live Spread Election Conspiracies And Russian State-Controlled Content Despite Employee Fears: The social network’s live video tool has recommended videos featuring misinformation and the hyperpartisan views of Trump allies leading up to and following election day in the US.
  • In the week after the election, Trump’s postings dominated Facebook, accounting for the 10 most engaged status updates in the United States, and 22 of the top 25. “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!” was his top post.
  • YouTube Is Doing Very Little to Stop Election Misinformation From Spreading
  • Social media app Parler receives financial backing from conservative hedge-fund investor Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, The Wall Street Journal reported. Parler turned into a kind of de facto home for conservatives’ protests against the election— including the persistent “Stop the Steal” campaign— after the race was called for former Vice President Joe Biden. Several high-profile conservative social media personalities encouraged people to abandon Twitter and Facebook because of their moderation policies, and instead follow them on Parler.


Emily Murphy, the head of the General Services Administration, still hasn’t signed the official letter that would allow the incoming Biden team to formally begin the transition. House Democrats are assessing options to force the GSA’s hand, which could include summoning Murphy to the Hill to testify or suing her. “Obviously, Congress could file suit against the GSA administrator for failing to do her duty. We could seek to get a court to, in fact, issue an order
Her ascertainment is the legally necessary precursor to the government’s assistance to the Biden-Harris Presidential Transition Team. It releases $6.3 million dollars to the team, which is funded by public and private money; a loan of expanded federal office space and equipment; access to government agencies that will begin sharing information and records about ongoing activities, plans and vulnerabilities; national security briefings for the president; and other support.
  • The Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently confirmed that it is not providing national security briefings to the president-elect. The Defense Department has also reportedly indicated that it will not meet with the Biden-Harris transition team until Murphy formally affirms the apparent winner.
One of the officials fired in Trump’s latest purge was helping prepare for the transition to the new administration. USAID Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick was removed abruptly to make way for a Trump loyalist after she had been supportive of transition planning, including the preparation of a 440-page manual for the next administration.
The GSA’s refusal to enact the transition has locked Biden’s team out of crucial Covid-19 pandemic data and government agency contacts. The president-elect’s Covid-19 task force has been trying to work around the federal government by connecting with governors and the health community.
  • The head of Operation Warp Speed, Moncef Slaoui, called on the White House to allow contact with the Biden team, saying “It is a matter of life and death for thousands of people.”
White House’s Office of Management and Budget is considering 145 new regulations and other policy changes they could enact before Biden’s inauguration - rules that will be challenging to undo once they are finalized. Critics and supporters of the administration say they expect a final burst of regulations to be finalized in the weeks before Jan. 20.
The rules under development include policies that the incoming Biden administration would probably oppose, such as new caps on the length of foreign student visas; restrictions on the Environmental Protection Agency’s use of scientific research; limits on the EPA’s consideration of the benefits of regulating air pollutants; and a change that would make it easier for companies to treat workers as independent contractors, rather than employees with more robust wage protections.
Last week, both Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said they’re preparing for a second Trump term. “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo said during a news conference Tuesday afternoon (clip). Pompeo then doubled down on Fox News (clip). “We are moving forward here at the White House under the assumption there will be a second Trump term,” Navarro said on Fox Business Friday (clip).

DOJ interference

Attorney General William Barr stopped career prosecutors in DOJ’s Public Integrity Section from investigating whether President Trump broke any laws related to his conduct with Ukraine last year. The section was initially given the green light to pursue “a potentially explosive inquiry” into Trump, but after the Senate acquitted the president during impeachment proceedings, Barr sent the case to the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn.
Prosecutors in DOJ’s Public Integrity Section were also prevented from bringing charges against former interior secretary Ryan Zinke by political appointees atop the Justice Department. Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen told prosecutors that they needed to gather more evidence and refine the case against Zinke for lying to Interior investigators.
  • The investigation into Zinke stemmed from his decision to block two Native American tribes—the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan—from opening a casino in Connecticut. Zinke’s office had been lobbied heavily by MGM Resorts International, which had been planning to open its own casino very close to where the tribes intended to break ground.
Sixteen assistant U.S. attorneys specially assigned to monitor malfeasance in the 2020 election urged Barr on Friday to rescind his memo allowing election-fraud investigations before results are certified. "It was developed and announced without consulting non-partisan career professionals in the field and at the Department. Finally, the timing of the Memorandum's release thrusts career prosecutors into partisan politics," the prosecutors wrote.
An internal Justice Department investigation found that federal prosecutors who oversaw a controversial non-prosecution deal with Jeffrey Epstein in 2008 exercised “poor judgment” but did not break the law. “They just say he used poor judgment, and that's their way of basically letting everyone off the hook while offering some sort of an olive branch to the victims that we acknowledge weren't treated perfectly,” said Brad Edwards, who sued the DOJ in 2008 on behalf of Epstein accusers.

Immigration news

Eastern District of New York Judge Nicholas Garaufis (Clinton-appointee) ruled that Chad Wolf was not legally serving as acting Homeland Security secretary when he signed rules limiting DACA program applications and renewals. Therefore, in a win for Dreamers and immigration activists, Garaufis said the changes were invalid.
The judge described an illegitimate shuffling of leadership chairs at the Department of Homeland Security, the agency responsible for immigration enforcement, for the predicament of Wolf's leadership and that of his predecessor, Kevin McAleenan.
"Based on the plain text of the operative order of succession," Garaufis wrote in the Saturday ruling, "neither Mr. McAleenan nor, in turn, Mr. Wolf, possessed statutory authority to serve as Acting Secretary. Therefore the Wolf Memorandum was not an exercise of legal authority."
  • There's a renewed push to get Chad Wolf confirmed as Homeland Security secretary -- a position in which he's been serving in an acting capacity for a yearr -- before Inauguration Day. In the past week, Homeland Security officials spoke to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office about bringing the nomination to a floor vote in the coming weeks.
Within the last six months, as the coronavirus pandemic gripped the US, the Trump administration filed 75 lawsuits to seize private land along the US-Mexico border for the border wall." People right now are having to choose between their health and their homes," said Ricky Garza, a staff attorney at the Texas Civil Rights Project, a legal advocacy group.
After a series of price increases, Trump’s border project will cost taxpayers $20 million per mile of border fence. A review of federal spending data shows more than 200 contract modifications, at times awarded within just weeks or months after the original contracts, have increased the cost of the border wall project by billions of dollars since late 2017.
DHS has expelled unaccompanied immigrant children from the US border more than 13,000 times since March, using the coronavirus as an excuse to deny children their right to asylum. Previously, unaccompanied children were sent to government-run shelters as they attempted to pursue their asylum cases.
Migrant children from Central America are being expelled to Mexico, where they have no family connections. The expulsions not only put children in danger - the policy violates a diplomatic agreement with Mexico that only Mexican children and others who had adult supervision could be pushed back into Mexico after attempting to cross the border.
The House Judiciary Committee released a report on the Trump administration’s policy of separating families at the border, revealing that the federal agency that cares for migrant children was not told about the policy. The chaos contributed to the inability to later reunite parents and children.
The Trump administration is trying to deport several women who allege they were mistreated by a Georgia gynecologist at an immigration detention center. Hours after one detained woman spoke to federal investigators about forced hysterectomies at a Georgia detention center, she said ICE told her that it had lifted a hold on her deportation and she faced “imminent” removal. Six former patients who complained about Dr. Mahendra Amin had already been deported.
Northern District of Illinois Judge Gary Feinerman (Obama-appointee) blocked a key Trump administration policy that allowed officials to deny green cards to immigrants who might need public assistance Advocates who had feared that the policy would harm tens of thousands of poor people, particularly those affected by widespread job loss because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Microsoft said it has detected attempts by state-backed Russian and North Korean hackers to steal valuable data from leading pharmaceutical companies and vaccine researchers. “Among the targets, the majority are vaccine makers that have COVID-19 vaccines in various stages of clinical trials.”
Two census takers told The AP that their supervisors pressured them to enter false information into a computer system about homes they had not visited so they could close cases during the waning days of the once-a-decade national headcount.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday signaled it’s unlikely to tear down Obamacare over a Republican-backed lawsuit challenging the landmark health care law. Chief Justice John Roberts and Trump appointee Justice Brett Kavanaugh strongly questioned whether the elimination of the mandate penalty made the rest of the law invalid. Kavanaugh appeared to signal on several occasions that he favored leaving the rest of the law intact if the mandate is struck.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) was sued last week by four whistleblowers claiming that he abused his office to benefit himself, a woman with whom he was said to have had an affair, and the wealthy donor who employs her before retaliating against the members of his staff who reported him to the FBI.
The Trump administration is rushing plans to auction drilling rights in the U.S. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before the inauguration of Biden, who has vowed to block oil exploration in the rugged Alaska wilderness. Biden’s efforts could be complicated if the Trump administration sells drilling rights first. Formally issued oil and gas leases on federal land are government contracts that can’t be easily yanked.
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Side notes:
Special -
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HD iTunes — $6 or less
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Ted 1 $5
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i4K titles - 4K iTunes titles are $6 or less
47 Ronin $6
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Sing $5
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Split $6
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Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $4
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $4
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X-Men Logan $6
XXX Return of Xander Cage $5
4K iTunes - Redeem directly in your iTunes account (HD titles are marked with ***)
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Aladdin - 2019 $6
Aladdin - Animated *** $7 (possibly 4K)
Ant-Man $7
Ant-Man and the Wasp $7
Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron $7
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Avengers 4 - Endgame $5
A Wrinkle in Time $5
Bambi 2 *** $7
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Beauty and the Beast - Animated $7
Big Hero 6 $6
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Captain Marvel $5
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Cars 3 $7
Cinderella - 1950 *** $7
Cinderella - 2015 $7
Coco $5
DisneyNature - Born In China *** $6
Doctor Strange $7
Finding Dory $5
Finding Nemo $7
Fox and the Hound 2 *** $7
Frozen $5
Frozen 2 $6
Good Dinosaur $6
Guardians of the Galaxy V1 $7
Guardians of the Galaxy V2 $5
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Incredibles 1 $7
Incredibles 2 $5
Into the Woods *** $6
Iron Man 3 $7
Jungle Book - 2016 $6
Jungle Book 2 *** $8
Lady and the Tramp 1 *** $7
Lady and the Tramp 2 *** $7
Lilo and Stitch 2 - Stitch Has A Glitch *** $8
Lion King - 2019 $6
Lion King - Animated $7
Little Mermaid 1 $7
Lone Ranger *** $7
Maleficent 1 $7
Moana $7
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Monsters University $8
Mulan 2 *** $7
Peter Pan - 1953 *** $8
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Queen of Katwe *** $6
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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs *** $7
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Thor 3 - Ragnarok $7
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Toy Story 1 $7
Toy Story 3 $7
Wall-E $8
GooglePlay HD — Redeem directly in GooglePlay — $5 each or marked price
Aladdin - 1992
Aladdin - 2019
Aladdin 2 $7
Aladdin 3 $7
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ant-Man $6
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Aristocats $8
Avengers 1
Avengers 2 - Age Of Ultron
Avengers 3 - Infinity War $4
Avengers 4 - Endgame $4
A Wrinkle In Time
Bambi 2
Beauty and the Beast - Animated
Beauty and the Beast - 2017
Black Panther $4
Bolt $8
Call of the Wild
Captain America - Civil War
Captain America - First Avenger
Captain Marvel $4
Cars 1
Cars 2
Cars 3
Christopher Robin
Cinderella - 2015
Disney Nature - Born In China
Doctor Strange
Dumbo - 2019
Dumbo - Animated $8
Finding Dory $3
Finding Nemo $7
Fox and the Hound 1
Fox and the Hound 2
Frozen 1
Frozen 2
Good Dinosaur
Guardians of the Galaxy V1
Guardians of the Galaxy V2 $3
Hercules - 1997 $8
Hocus Pocus
Incredibles 2
Inside Out
Iron Man 3
Jungle Book - 2016
Lady and the Tramp 1
Lilo and Stitch 1 $8
Lilo and Stitch 2 $8
Lion King - 2019
Lion King - Animated $8
Little Mermaid 2
Little Mermaid 3
Maleficent 1
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh $8
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins Returns
Mickey’s Christmas Carol
Million Dollar Arm
Monsters University $7
Mulan 1
Mulan 2
Nightmare Before Christmas
Nutcracker and the Four Realms $4
Onward $6
Peter Pan 1 $7
Pete’s Dragon - 2016
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Planes 1
Pocahontas 1 $7
Pocahontas 2 $7
Princess and the Frog $6
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Robin Hood - Animated $7
Rogue One - A Star Wars Story $3
Santa Clause Trilogy $10
Sleeping Beauty $7
Spies in Disguise $8
Sword in the Stone $7
Tangled $7
Thor 2 - Dark World
Thor 3 - Ragnarok
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 4
Up $7
Wall-E $8
Winnie the Pooh - A Very Merry Christmas $6
Wreck-It Ralph $7
SD titles — $3 each or marked price — iTunes titles do not have quality shown on slip, assume SD
Adventures of Tintin - iTunes
All Star Superman - iTunes
Alpha - MA
Angry Birds Movie 2 - MA
Appaloosa - iTunes
Arthur Christmas - MA
Call Me By Your Name - MA
Chappie - MA
Cowboys and Aliens - iTunes
Bad Boys For Life
Brave - iTunes
Due Date - iTunes
Equalizer 2 - MA
Fast and the Furious 1 - iTunes $3
2 Fast 2 Furious - iTunes $3
Fast and the Furious 3 - Tokyo Drift $3
Fury - MA
Gran Torino - iTunes
Hall Pass - iTunes
Hangover 1 - iTunes
Heaven Is For Real - MA
Hotel Transylvania 2 - MA
Interview - MA
Jake and the Never Land Pirates - Peter Pan Returns!
Jonah Hex - iTunes
Miss Bala - MA
Paul - iTunes
Perfect Guy - MA
Rambo - 2008 - iTunes
Roman J. Israel, Esq - MA
Sausage Party - MA
Season of the Witch - iTunes
Sicario 2 - Day of the Soldado - MA
Slender Man - MA
Star Trek 1 - iTunes
Taken 1 - iTunes
Up - iTunes
Other stuff
2 Guns - CA iTunes $4
Bate’s Motel - Season 1-3 - $35 - this is for Vudu UK accounts only
Book Of Life - CA GP $4
Call of the Wild - MA $5
Equilibrium - GP $9
Guardians of the Galaxy V1 (6FV4) - $6 MA
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 2 - GP $3
The Thing - 2011 - CA GP $4
X-Men Origins Wolverine - CA GP $4
submitted by Mafnas22 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

(SELLING) Lots of codes for MA + Vudu + iTunes. Many 4K titles for iTunes + MA. Lots of Collection Sets. 4K Fast and the Furious + Alfred Hitchcock + i4K Iron Man + Hannibal + Star Wars Saga + more. 4K MA titles + HDX Vudu titles + 4K iTunes titles

All prices are firm. I’ve priced them at the lowest I will accept.
Venmo / CashApp / PP Friends Family
All codes verified seconds before sending your way
Side notes:
Special -
Bug’s Bunny 80th Anniversary Complete Collection $45 * Lot’s available but check Vudu, currently on sale for $39.99
Tremors 6-Movie Collection - MA $45 (x3 sets available but only one is priced at $45) * $5 more to add Part 7
Xbox One code - I have been approved in the past to sell these and have sold multiple bundles of this. I have another bundle available. This will be verified on Microsoft/Xbox right before sending to you.
Dark Vertex Skin + 500 V-Bucks - $100 — Exclusive Skin for Xbox One
Collection Sets + TV Shows
007 Daniel Craig 3-Movie - Casino Royale + Quantum Of Solace + Skyfall - Vudu $15
4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + The Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - MA $20
i4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + The Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - iTunes $20
Annabelle 3-Movie - MA $22
4K Apocalypse Now 3-Movie - Final Cut + 1979 Original + Redux - 4K Vudu or i4K $15
Ash vs Evil Dead - Complete Series - Vudu $20
Batman Complete Animated Series + x2 Bonus Movies - Vudu $40
Big Little Lies - S1 - GooglePlay $8
Bug’s Bunny 80th Anniversary Collection - Vudu $45
Daddy’s Home 1 + 2 - Vudu $10
i4K Daddy’s Home 1 + 2 - iTunes $12
i4K Despicable Me 1-3 - iTunes $15
Divergent 3-Movie - Vudu $15
Eddie Murphy 4-Movie - MA or Vudu $15 (possibly SD)
Entourage - Complete Series - GooglePlay $25
4K Fast and the Furious 8-Movie - MA $45
Fifty Shades Of Grey 3-Movie - MA $15
Game Of Thrones - Season 1-7 - GooglePlay $40
Game Of Thrones - Complete Series - iTunes $55 - Note: I have many available and you could get 1 code or 8 codes.
Game Of Thrones - Complete Series - Vudu $55 - 1 code or 8 codes
Hannibal - Complete Series - Vudu $20
4K Hobbit Trilogy, The - Theatrical + Extended - 4K MA $45
Hobbit Trilogy, The - Extended Set ONLY - HD MA $25
Hotel Transylvania 3-Movie - SD MA $12
i4K Iron Man Trilogy - iTunes $35
Jack Reacher 1 + 2 - Vudu $9
i4K Jack Ryan 5-Movie - Hunt For Red Oct + Patriot Games + Clear and Present Danger + Sum Of All Fears + Shadow Recruit - iTunes $35
Jurassic Park 5-Movie - MA $25
4K Jurassic Park 5-Movie - MA $40
i4K Kingsman 1 + 2 - iTunes $14
Leprechaun 8-Movie - Vudu $20
4K Lord of the Rings - Theatrical + Extended - 4K MA $45
Mama Mia! 2-Movie - MA $7
Maze Runner Trilogy - MA $20
The Mummy Trilogy - MA $10
Outlander - S1 V1 + S1 V2 + S2 + S3 - Vudu $50
i4K Pet Sematary 1989 + 2019 - iTunes $14
i4K Planet of the Apes 3-Movie - Rise + Dawn + War - iTunes $20
Rambo 5-Movie - Vudu $20
4K Rambo 5-Movie - Vudu $25
Rick and Morty S3 - Vudu $9
i4K Santa Clause Trilogy - iTunes $12
Saw Collection - Vudu $12
Scorpion King Collection - PART 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 - MA $20 — PART 2 is not available on digital
Secret Life Of Pets 1 + 2 - MA $12
The Smurfs 3-Movie - 1 + 2 + Lost Village - MA $17
The Sopranos - Complete Series - GooglePlay $30
Spider-Man 3-Movie (sam raimi) - Spider-Man 1-3 + Ex 2 + Editor’s Cut 3 - MA $20
Spider-Man 4-Movie - Homecoming + Into The Spider-Verse + Far From Home + Venom - MA $25
Star Trek 10-Movie Universe Collection - All x10 original films - Vudu $50
i4K Star Trek Kelvin Timeline Trilogy - iTunes $20
Star Wars Complete SAGA Collection - All x9 films + Rogue One + Solo - GooglePlay $55
Supernatural Season 10 - Vudu $8 (possibly SD)
Supernatural Season 11 - V
Supernatural Season 12 - V $10
Supernatural Season 13 - V $12
i4K Toy Story 1-4 - iTunes $35
Transformers 6-Movie - 1-5 + Bumblebee - Vudu $15
i4K Transformers 6-Movie - 1-5 + Bumblebee - iTunes $35
Tremors 7-Movie - Complete sci-fi creature comedy collection - MA $50
True Blood - Complete Series - GooglePlay $35
True Blood - Complete Series - iTunes $40
Twilight Complete Saga Collection - Vudu $25
Universal Monsters 6-Movie - MA $25
Vice Principals - Complete Series - iTunes $25
4K Birds Of Prey $8
4K Charlie’s Angels $9
4K Deadpool 2 - SDC $9
4K Despicable Me 3 $5
4K Ferdinand $9
4K Goonies, The $8
4K Jumanji - Welcome To The Jungle $9
4K LEGO Movie $7
4K Mad Max - Fury Road $8
4K Midway $8
4K Meg, The $9
4K Mortal Kombat Legends - Scorpion’s Revenge $9
4K Pacific Rim $9
4K Parasite $9
4K Rampage $10
4K Scoob! $8
4K Venom $9
HDX Vudu — $6 each or marked price
2 Guns
Annihilation $4
Book Club $3
Crawl $5
Death Of Me - 2020 $8
Deepwater Horizon $5
Despicable Me 2 $3
Despicable Me 3 $3
Divergent 1 $5
Divergent 2 - Insurgent $5
Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Ex Machina $7
Expendables 2 $3
Fighter, The
Ghost In The Shell - 2017 $5
G.I. Joe Retaliation $5
Girl On The Train, The - $5
Gods Of Egypt
Gone Baby Gone
Grace Unplugged $5
Hercules - rock
Hugo $5
Hunger Games 1 $3
Hunger Games 2 - Catching Fire $3
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 1 $3
I Am Wraith $5
Last Witch Hunter, The
Legend Of Hercules, The - 2014 $5
Magnificent Seven, The
MI4 - Ghost Protocol $3
MI5 - Rogue Nation $3
MI6 - Fallout $3
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mummy, The - tom cruise - $4
My Little Pony - Movie
Oblivion $5
Pitch Perfect $5
Playing With Fire $5
Red 2 $4
Serenity - 2005 $5
Single Moms Club $5
Split $5
Star Trek Beyond $4
Star Trek Into Darkness $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 2014 $4
Terminator 5 - Genisys $5
Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $3
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $3
Transformers 5 - Last Knight $3
Transformers 6 - Bumblebee $4
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 $3
Unbroken - 2014
Uncle Drew
Vivarium $7
Warm Bodies $5
Winchester $7
World War Z
XXX Return Of Xander Cage
HD MA — $7 each or marked price
5th Wave $6
A Dog’s Way Home
A Good Day To Die Hard - Extended $5
American Sniper $5
Argo $4
A Star Is Born
Blockers - 2018
Book Of Life
The Call $5
Crazy Rich Asians $5
Deadpool 1 $5
Deadpool 2 - SDC $5
Doom Annihilation - $8
Drive - 2011 $6
Fast Five $3
Fast and Furious 6 $3
Fate of the Furious 8 $3
Final Destination 5 $5
Furious 7 $3
Gallows $5
Game Night
Get Smart
Godzilla - 2014
Good Boys
Green Lantern + Emerald Knights $8
Grudge Match
Hangover 2 $5
Hidden Figures
Hobbit 1 - Theatrical $6
Hobbit 1 - Ex $9
Hobbit 2 - Theatrical $6
Hobbit 2 - Ex $9
Hobbit 3 - Ex $9
Horrible Bosses $5
House With A Clock In Its Walls $6
Huntsman - Winter’s War - Ex $5
Jack and the Giant Slayer
Jackie - 2016
Jumanji - Welcome To The Jungle
Jurassic Park 3 $5
Jurassic World $4
Just Mercy
Justice League Doom
Justice League Throne Of Atlantis
Justice League vs Teen Titans $8
Kidnap $6
King Kong - from Ultimate Edition set
Kong Skull Island
LEGO Batman Movie $6
LEGO Movie - Second Part $10
Les Miserables
Little Stranger, The
Live. Die. Repeat. / Edge Of Tomorrow
Longest Ride $5
Lucky One
Man Of Steel
Max $5
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Murder on the Orient Express
Nun, The
Other Side of the Door, The $9
Pacific Rim 2 - Uprising
Pitch Perfect 3 $6
Queen and Slim $8
Ready Player One
Rio 2
Rise of the Guardians
Searching $9
Slender Man
Smurfs - Lost Village $5
Sorry To Bother You $8
Sound Of Music, The
Superman Unbound
Taken 2 $5
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies
Teen Titans Judas Contract
Terminator 4 - Salvation
Tremors 6 - A Cold Day In Hell
Truth or Dare?
Turning, The $11
Us $6
Warcraft $5
Wrath of the Titans
HD iTunes — $7 each or marked price
2 Guns
Aliens - part 2 $6
Bad Grandpa
Cult Of Chucky $5
Death Of Me - 2020 $8
Fast Five $3
Fifty Shades Of Grey - Unrated $4
Fifty Shades Darker - Unrated $4
Fighter, The
Flight $5
Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York
Hugo $5
I Feel Pretty $5
Killer Elite
Mama $5
My Little Pony - Movie $5
Noah - 2014 $5
Pain and Gain
Pulp Fiction $8
Second Act $5
Sisters - Unrated $5
Sound Of Music, The
SpongeBob Movie - Sponge Out Of Water
Unbroken - 2014
World War Z
i4K titles - 4K iTunes — $7 each or marked price
47 Ronin - $8
007 Quantum Of Solace $5
2 Fast 2 Furious $5
Addams Family - 2019
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Road Chip
Annihilation $5
A Quiet Place $5
Book Club $3
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Deadpool 1
Deepwater Horizon $5
Despicable Me 3 $5
Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Ender’s Game
Expendables 2 $5
Fast and Furious 6 $5
Fate of the Furious 8 $4
Furious 7 $5
Ghost In The Shell - 2017 $6
G.I. Joe Retaliation $6
Girl On The Train, The $5
Hercules - rock
Hidden Figures
Hitman’s Bodyguard $8
Home Alone 1
Hunger Games 1 $5
Hunger Games Mockingjay 1
Instant Family $5
Jackie - 2016
Jack Reacher 1 $5
John Wick 1 $6
John Wick 2 $6
Let’s Be Cops $5
Longest Ride $5
MI4 - Ghost Protocol $5
MI5 - Rogue Nation $5
MI6 - Fallout $5
Mountain Between Us $6
Night At The Museum 3 - SOTT $5
Oblivion $6
Overlord $6
Pet Sematary - 1989
Pitch Perfect $5
Playing With Fire $5
Rambo - Last Blood $8
Revenant, The
Robin Hood - 2018
Secret Life Of Pets 1 $6
Serenity - 2005
Sherlock Gnomes $5
Sicario 1 $6
Sing $5
Sonic The Hedgehog $8
Split $6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 2014 $5
Terminator 2 - Judgement Day $8
Terminator 5 - Genisys $5
Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $4
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $4
Transformers 5 - Last Knight $4
Transformers 6 - Bumblebee $5
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 $3
Uglydolls $6
Uncle Drew $6
War for the Planet of the Apes
Warm Bodies $6
Wonder Park $5
X-Men Apocalypse $6
X-Men Days Of Future Past $6
X-Men Logan $6
XXX Return Of Xander Cage $5
GooglePlay HD — Redeem directly in GooglePlay — $5 each or marked price
Aladdin - 1992
Aladdin - 2019
Aladdin 2 $7
Aladdin 3 $7
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ant-Man $6
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Aristocats $8
Avengers 1
Avengers 2 - Age Of Ultron
Avengers 3 - Infinity War $4
Avengers 4 - Endgame $4
A Wrinkle In Time
Bambi 2
Beauty and the Beast - Animated
Beauty and the Beast - 2017
Black Panther $4
Bolt $8
Call of the Wild
Captain America - Civil War
Captain America - First Avenger
Captain Marvel $4
Cars 1
Cars 2
Cars 3
Christopher Robin
Cinderella - 2015
Disney Nature - Born In China
Doctor Strange
Dumbo - 2019
Dumbo - Animated $8
Finding Dory $3
Finding Nemo $7
Fox and the Hound 1
Fox and the Hound 2
Frozen 1
Frozen 2
Good Dinosaur
Guardians of the Galaxy V1
Guardians of the Galaxy V2 $3
Hercules - 1997 $8
Hocus Pocus
Incredibles 2
Inside Out
Iron Man 3
Jungle Book - 2016
Lady and the Tramp 1
Lilo and Stitch 1 $8
Lilo and Stitch 2 $8
Lion King - 2019
Lion King - Animated $8
Little Mermaid 2
Little Mermaid 3
Maleficent 1
Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh $8
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins Returns
Mickey’s Christmas Carol
Million Dollar Arm
Monsters University $7
Mulan 1
Mulan 2
Nightmare Before Christmas
Nutcracker and the Four Realms $4
Onward $6
Peter Pan 1 $7
Pete’s Dragon - 2016
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Planes 1
Pocahontas 1 $7
Pocahontas 2 $7
Princess and the Frog $6
Ralph Breaks The Internet
Robin Hood - Animated $7
Rogue One - A Star Wars Story $3
Santa Clause Trilogy $10
Sleeping Beauty $7
Spies In Disguise $8
Sword In The Stone $7
Tangled $7
Thor 2 - Dark World
Thor 3 - Ragnarok
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 4
Up $7
Wall-E $8
Winnie The Pooh - A Very Merry Christmas $6
Wreck-It Ralph $7
SD titles — $3.50 each or marked price — iTunes titles do not have quality shown on slip, assume SD
Adventures Of Tintin - iTunes
All Star Superman - iTunes
Alpha - MA
Angry Birds Movie 2 - MA
Appaloosa - iTunes
Arthur Christmas - MA
Call Me By Your Name - MA
Chappie - MA
Cowboys and Aliens - iTunes
Bad Boys For Life
Brave - iTunes
Due Date - iTunes
Equalizer 2 - MA
Fast and the Furious 1 - iTunes $3
2 Fast 2 Furious - iTunes $3
Fast and the Furious 3 - Tokyo Drift $3
Fury - MA
Gran Torino - iTunes
Hall Pass - iTunes
Hangover 1 - iTunes
Harold and Kumar 2 - Escape From Guantanamo Bay - iTunes
Heaven Is For Real - MA
Hotel Transylvania 2 - MA
Interview - MA
Jake and the Never Land Pirates - Peter Pan Returns!
Jonah Hex - iTunes
Paul - iTunes
Perfect Guy, The - MA
Rambo - 2008 - iTunes
Roman J. Israel, Esq - MA
Sausage Party - MA
Season of the Witch, The - iTunes
Sicario 2 - Day of the Soldado - MA
Slender Man - MA
Star Trek 1 - iTunes
Taken 1 - iTunes
Up - iTunes
Walk, The
Other stuff
2 Guns - CA iTunes $4
Bate’s Motel - Season 1-3 - $35 - this is for Vudu UK accounts only
Book Of Life - CA GP $4
Equilibrium - GP $9
Guardians of the Galaxy V1 (6FV4) - $6 MA
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 2 - GP $3
The Thing - 2011 - CA GP $4
X-Men Origins Wolverine - CA GP $4
submitted by Mafnas22 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: RedditDayOf top posts from 2019-12-31 to 2020-12-29 15:54 PDT

Period: 364.05 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 3465
Rate (per day) 2.75 9.48
Unique Redditors 235 1337
Combined Score 44480 12132

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 4310 points, 85 submissions: Superbuddhapunk
    1. Margaret Hamilton, NASA's lead software engineer for the Apollo Program, stands next to the code she wrote by hand that took Humanity to the moon in 1969. (252 points, 15 comments)
    2. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Geocache in Northern Italy (241 points, 10 comments)
    3. Cleaning tips from CleaningTips (194 points, 3 comments)
    4. Cheesy Origins - The etymologies behind the names of some of the world's most popular cheeses. (169 points, 45 comments)
    5. Around the World in 50 traditional breakfast dishes (155 points, 30 comments)
    6. Roosevelt dime 10c coin Mint error, off center strikes (142 points, 7 comments)
    7. President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House Correspondents’ Dinner (2011) (138 points, 30 comments)
    8. Beautiful elderly Common Snapping Turtle just coming to say Hello. Spring Lake, San Marcos, TX (137 points, 6 comments)
    9. Christmas tree in the main hall of the Galleries Lafayette department store in Paris, France. (124 points, 5 comments)
    10. Not open during a CAT 5 hurricane? 1 star for you! (119 points, 7 comments)
  2. 3607 points, 135 submissions: 0and18
    1. The final Calvin and Hobbes strip ran on Sunday, December 31, 1995 (170 points, 6 comments)
    2. ‘The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved,’ by Hunter S. Thompson (85 points, 3 comments)
    3. Between 1995 and 2000 music companies were found to have used illegal marketing agreements such as minimum advertised pricing to artificially inflate prices of compact discs in order to end price wars by discounters such as Best Buy and Target in the early 1990s. (81 points, 1 comment)
    4. Yuki-toKori discovers his new jeans have a hidden inside pocket for a condom (80 points, 12 comments)
    5. Geof Darrow’s Hard Boiled (77 points, 2 comments)
    6. His Face All Red by Emily Carroll (73 points, 4 comments)
    7. American Public School teachers do not get paid over summer break. (68 points, 45 comments)
    8. The Pervert Who Changed America: How Larry Flynt Fought the Law and Won (66 points, 0 comments)
    9. This chart shows the most common display resolutions, makes zero sense to me. (64 points, 17 comments)
    10. Two Michiganders arrive in hell (64 points, 3 comments)
  3. 2511 points, 38 submissions: InvisibleLemons
    1. The House of Slaves in Gorée Island, Senegal, is a museum and memorial dedicated to the Atlantic slave trade that some believe served as a major trading port for slaves captured from Africa. It's argued that up to 15 million people were put through the “Door of No Return” and shipped off as slaves. (175 points, 2 comments)
    2. Anna Bērzkalne was the first Latvian to earn a degree in Folkloric Studies. She purposely wrote her thesis in English rather than German as a form of non-violent resistance against the Nazi occupation of Latvia during World War II. Her degree was not recognized by the Soviet authorities. (138 points, 2 comments)
    3. Losing a language means more than the disappearance of words. This six-part film and multimedia experience follows four Indigenous communities who are revitalizing their languages and cultures. (136 points, 5 comments)
    4. Hilma af Klint belonged to "The Five", a circle of women who shared her belief in the importance of trying to make contact with what she called the High Masters, often by way of séances. Her paintings, which sometimes resemble diagrams, were a visual representation of complex spiritual ideas. (129 points, 7 comments)
    5. Stephen Duneier, aka Yarn Bomber, has the world record for the largest crochet granny square made by a single person. The granny square measures 1,311 square feet, weighs over 60 pounds, took two years to make, and has over a half million stitches. (120 points, 7 comments)
    6. Fictional Map from one of my favorite book series as a child, Dinotopia (117 points, 7 comments)
    7. The indigenous city of Cahokia, across the river from St. Louis, is thought have had at most 40,000 people living there. Cahokia was large enough to have suburbs and had an equal pop. to London in the 1200s. No city would have surpassed it's pop. in north America until Philadelphia in the 1780s (112 points, 8 comments)
    8. Rand Paul was the national debt for halloween in 2015. He said it was a very scary costume. (104 points, 23 comments)
    9. World's Largest Rubber Stamp in Cleveland, Ohio (104 points, 7 comments)
    10. In 1949, Warren Buffett, the most successful investor in the world, was infatuated with a young woman whose boyfriend had a ukulele. In an attempt to compete, he bought a ukulele and has been playing it ever since, often at stock meetings. (93 points, 3 comments)
  4. 2256 points, 58 submissions: sbroue
    1. A successful slave rebellion against the French made Haiti the second independent nation in the Americas. (118 points, 2 comments)
    2. Rare 300-Year-Old 'Beard Tax' Coin Discovered in Russia (112 points, 4 comments)
    3. The song Funiculi Funicula was composed to celebrate the opening of a Funicular railway up Mt Vesuvius (87 points, 5 comments)
    4. Wave Rock West Australia (87 points, 4 comments)
    5. Internet trolls are not who I thought — they're even scarier (77 points, 2 comments)
    6. Ethiopian 18th Century crown returns home (75 points, 1 comment)
    7. The Shocking True Tale Of The Mad Genius Who Invented Sea-Monkeys (75 points, 6 comments)
    8. When America Despised the Irish: The 19th Century’s Refugee Crisis (71 points, 0 comments)
    9. Blue Weevils "wrestling" (70 points, 8 comments)
    10. Step Inside the World's Most Dangerous Garden (If You Dare) (70 points, 4 comments)
  5. 1879 points, 49 submissions: tillandsia
    1. What do you mean we, paleface? (128 points, 4 comments)
    2. In the myth of Narcissus, Nemesis, goddess of revenge, decides to punish Narcissus. She lures him to a pool, where he leans upon the water and sees himself in the bloom of youth. Falling deeply in love with his reflection, and unable to leave, he melts away, eventually turning into a flower. (112 points, 2 comments)
    3. Fragment of a Queen's Face, possibly either Queen Nefertiti or Tiye, Egypt, New Kingdom, Amarna period, ca. 1353-1336 B.C. (97 points, 4 comments)
    4. Pumpkin Spice Latte Tiramisu (81 points, 17 comments)
    5. 1970s Key West (76 points, 12 comments)
    6. The garbage pickup on my street, before covid, was always sometimes a minute before 8 am, sometimes a couple of minutes after. Sitting in the house, drinking my coffee on Monday and Thursday mornings, I'd always know what time it was when I'd hear the truck. (74 points, 3 comments)
    7. How to make spaetzel, a pasta made with fresh eggs (68 points, 6 comments)
    8. ‘The Death of Marat’: A Powerful Painting of One of the French Revolution’s Most Famous Murders (66 points, 8 comments)
    9. Color Aid Paper, used in art school to teach Josef Albers' theory of color (62 points, 5 comments)
    10. Not a lizard nor a dinosaur, tuatara is the sole survivor of a once-widespread reptile group (62 points, 1 comment)
  6. 1857 points, 26 submissions: Mr_Caterpillar
    1. Diane's NPR ringtones [Bojack Horseman] (227 points, 15 comments)
    2. The Hulk throws a bear into space (173 points, 15 comments)
    3. Bryan Cranston tells the story of an ad-libbed joke as dentist Tim Whatley on Seinfeld (133 points, 3 comments)
    4. There's something about holding a good, solid mace in your hand (124 points, 8 comments)
    5. Side-by-Side scenes from Ghost in the Shell and the original animated film (107 points, 7 comments)
    6. Twilight in Prague (97 points, 2 comments)
    7. Roller Derby Fact [SLAM #1] (91 points, 3 comments)
    8. Tracer Bullet - Calvin and Hobbes' hardboiled detective parody (89 points, 4 comments)
    9. Mapping out the evolution of Rock Music from the film School of Rock (88 points, 24 comments)
    10. Ronald Jenkees started his career by making music in his bedroom and posting to youtube. This is his song "Try The Bass" (77 points, 10 comments)
  7. 1120 points, 27 submissions: coiso
    1. a high school football coach got half the fans of his own team to cheer for the other team, because the other team was from a maximum-security juvenile correctional facility and didn't have any fans of their own (157 points, 5 comments)
    2. Animals see more colours than humans. Here's a chart. (135 points, 16 comments)
    3. If a beta male mandrill wins a fight, it physically morphs into an alpha male over time, gaining facial coloration, bigger testicles, and the ability to breed.) (95 points, 6 comments)
    4. Urinetown - a 3 times tony award winner musical about a town where private toilets are outlawed... (68 points, 5 comments)
    5. Stormtrooper hits his head (63 points, 4 comments)
    6. The story of grindcore: "This isn't metal, it isn't punk, I don't know what the f**k these guys are doing" (61 points, 1 comment)
    7. the longest single set at the laugh factory lasted 7h and 34m (by Dane Cook in 2008). (58 points, 64 comments)
    8. 5 Ways to Spot Greenwashing (51 points, 1 comment)
    9. Jeffrey Dahmer’s Childhood Friend Talks About His Graphic Novel "My Friend Dahmer" and Its Movie Adaptation (41 points, 3 comments)
    10. Daily life in Russia – gallery by The Guardian readers (38 points, 1 comment)
  8. 1097 points, 23 submissions: gorditasimpatica
    1. “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” (126 points, 3 comments)
    2. The First Labor Strike in History: In 1159 BCE, the tomb-builders and artisans at Set-Ma’at refused to wait any longer for their wages and marched toward the city shouting “We are hungry!” (125 points, 2 comments)
    3. Get the feel of a winner, 1978 Sears Catalog (104 points, 6 comments)
    4. Polls are not always right (90 points, 38 comments)
    5. "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism..." (84 points, 4 comments)
    6. The Sonoran Desert is thought to have the greatest species diversity of any desert in North America, including 60 species of mammals, 350 bird species, 20 amphibians, 100 reptiles, 30 species of native fish and more than 2,000 species of plants (77 points, 5 comments)
    7. They took away our land, our language, and our religion; but they could never harness our tongues..." Brendan Behan (76 points, 6 comments)
    8. "Lafayette We Are Here" (59 points, 2 comments)
    9. The Wuppertal Suspension Railway is the oldest electric elevated railway with hanging cars in the world. Designed by Eugen Langen, it opened in 1901 and is still in use as public transport, moving 25 million passengers annually. (56 points, 2 comments)
    10. Mugshot model Jeremy Meeks continues his topless runway streak (44 points, 1 comment)
  9. 1062 points, 18 submissions: eladarling
    1. Ways the Great Lakes try to Murder Ships - illustrated (219 points, 17 comments)
    2. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: the least competent are more likely to overestimate their ability (123 points, 4 comments)
    3. Before video games, Nintendo sold a variety of other products including playing cards depicting nude women, and by-the-hour sex hotels. Their first big customer was the Yakuza, who used their cards in illegal casinos. (106 points, 6 comments)
    4. Earl Grey tea is black tea flavored with oil of bergamot, a green citrus fruit grown mostly in Italy (105 points, 9 comments)
    5. "At Last," Etta James's signature song that most people today associate with her (75 points, 3 comments)
    6. One of the largest piñatas on record was a 65 ft tall donkey filled with 8000 lb of candy. It was smashed open with a wrecking ball to release the sweets inside. (74 points, 3 comments)
    7. World Islands, a cluster of man-made islands in Dubai, was supposed to be a lavish multicultural paradise. Most are still undeveloped or abandoned due to economic, climate, and construction issues. (62 points, 3 comments)
    8. What If God Was One of Us - Joan Osborne (56 points, 2 comments)
    9. GonzoVR was a short lived VR app where users could drive an rc car around my living room and buy treats for my dog Gonzo (40 points, 4 comments)
    10. Hysteria High: How Demons Destroyed a Florida School (35 points, 1 comment)
  10. 1024 points, 22 submissions: ShimataDominquez
    1. The head of a tapeworm under an electron microscope (256 points, 19 comments)
    2. What happens when you have heated tile flooring (150 points, 4 comments)
    3. Jon Stewart Deep Dish Rant (84 points, 14 comments)
    4. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida The Simpsons take on a Psychedelic Rock classic (82 points, 4 comments)
    5. Ewoks should have met a terrible fate, scientists say (46 points, 0 comments)
    6. Robocop Commercials (38 points, 2 comments)
    7. Green Onions (32 points, 1 comment)
    8. The Jetsons! (32 points, 0 comments)
    9. Frank Lloyd Wright, a narcissist and control freak. (31 points, 8 comments)
    10. Why is smiling being frowned upon in the Russian culture? (31 points, 11 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. 0and18 (659 points, 466 comments)
  2. jostler57 (145 points, 40 comments)
  3. Otterfan (139 points, 19 comments)
  4. Superbuddhapunk (124 points, 43 comments)
  5. astronoob (110 points, 7 comments)
  6. anotherkeebler (101 points, 23 comments)
  7. Goyteamsix (94 points, 21 comments)
  8. goofballl (85 points, 14 comments)
  9. thespaceghetto (84 points, 20 comments)
  10. swizzler (81 points, 21 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. The head of a tapeworm under an electron microscope by ShimataDominquez (256 points, 19 comments)
  2. Margaret Hamilton, NASA's lead software engineer for the Apollo Program, stands next to the code she wrote by hand that took Humanity to the moon in 1969. by Superbuddhapunk (252 points, 15 comments)
  3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Geocache in Northern Italy by Superbuddhapunk (241 points, 10 comments)
  4. It's Dangerous to go Alone... by yankee4357 (228 points, 11 comments)
  5. Diane's NPR ringtones [Bojack Horseman] by Mr_Caterpillar (227 points, 15 comments)
  6. Ways the Great Lakes try to Murder Ships - illustrated by eladarling (219 points, 17 comments)
  7. How a deep sea blobfish looks with and without the extreme water pressure by Imaginary-Cow (216 points, 10 comments)
  8. How to Talk Minnesotan: The Power of the Negative by SteelWool (203 points, 5 comments)
  9. Cleaning tips from CleaningTips by Superbuddhapunk (194 points, 3 comments)
  10. All movies on IMDB are rated on a ten-point scale. All except one. by anotherkeebler (188 points, 9 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 48 points: jesseaknight's comment in In the show St. Elsewhere, a character in the finale is shown to have thought of the whole series, which means he also made up all the shows that had crossovers with St. Elsewhere. This expands into the shows that were mentioned in the shows. There is at this point 419 shows in this universe
  2. 44 points: Derosa6037's comment in the longest single set at the laugh factory lasted 7h and 34m (by Dane Cook in 2008).
  3. 43 points: astronoob's comment in Margaret Hamilton, NASA's lead software engineer for the Apollo Program, stands next to the code she wrote by hand that took Humanity to the moon in 1969.
  4. 42 points: rus_reddit's comment in Rand Paul was the national debt for halloween in 2015. He said it was a very scary costume.
  5. 40 points: thejesiah's comment in Close Encounters of the Third Kind Geocache in Northern Italy
  6. 38 points: electro_hippie's comment in Why is smiling being frowned upon in the Russian culture?
  7. 37 points: SlideNERD's comment in The head of a tapeworm under an electron microscope
  8. 37 points: wtfisthisnoise's comment in Is U.S. income tax invalid because Ohio wasn’t legally a state when the 16th amendment was ratified?
  9. 35 points: Otterfan's comment in President Obama Roasts Donald Trump At White House Correspondents’ Dinner (2011)
  10. 35 points: _Foy's comment in Ways the Great Lakes try to Murder Ships - illustrated
Generated with BBoe's Subreddit Stats
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[NYTimes] Sources describe horror stories of young and inexperienced investors on Robinhood, many engaging in riskier trades at far higher volumes than at other firms
Richard Dobatse, a Navy medic in San Diego, dabbled infrequently in stock trading. But his behavior changed in 2017 when he signed up for Robinhood, a trading app that made buying and selling stocks simple and seemingly free.
Mr. Dobatse, now 32, said he had been charmed by Robinhood’s one-click trading, easy access to complex investment products, and features like falling confetti and emoji-filled phone notifications that made it feel like a game. After funding his account with $15,000 in credit card advances, he began spending more time on the app.
As he repeatedly lost money, Mr. Dobatse took out two $30,000 home equity loans so he could buy and sell more speculative stocks and options, hoping to pay off his debts. His account value shot above $1 million this year — but almost all of that recently disappeared. This week, his balance was $6,956.
“When he is doing his trading, he won’t want to eat,” said his wife, Tashika Dobatse, with whom he has three children. “He would have nightmares.”
Millions of young Americans have begun investing in recent years through Robinhood, which was founded in 2013 with a sales pitch of no trading fees or account minimums. The ease of trading has turned it into a cultural phenomenon and a Silicon Valley darling, with the start-up climbing to an $8.3 billion valuation. It has been one of the tech industry’s biggest growth stories in the recent market turmoil.
But at least part of Robinhood’s success appears to have been built on a Silicon Valley playbook of behavioral nudges and push notifications, which has drawn inexperienced investors into the riskiest trading, according to an analysis of industry data and legal filings, as well as interviews with nine current and former Robinhood employees and more than a dozen customers. And the more that customers engaged in such behavior, the better it was for the company, the data shows.
Thanks for reading The Times. Subscribe to The Times More than at any other retail brokerage firm, Robinhood’s users trade the riskiest products and at the fastest pace, according to an analysis of new filings from nine brokerage firms by the research firm Alphacution for The New York Times.
In the first three months of 2020, Robinhood users traded nine times as many shares as E-Trade customers, and 40 times as many shares as Charles Schwab customers, per dollar in the average customer account in the most recent quarter. They also bought and sold 88 times as many risky options contracts as Schwab customers, relative to the average account size, according to the analysis.
The more often small investors trade stocks, the worse their returns are likely to be, studies have shown. The returns are even worse when they get involved with options, research has found.
This kind of trading, where a few minutes can mean the difference between winning and losing, was particularly hazardous on Robinhood because the firm has experienced an unusual number of technology issues, public records show. Some Robinhood employees, who declined to be identified for fear of retaliation, said the company failed to provide adequate guardrails and technology to support its customers.
Those dangers came into focus last month when Alex Kearns, 20, a college student in Nebraska, killed himself after he logged into the app and saw that his balance had dropped to negative $730,000. The figure was high partly because of some incomplete trades.
“There was no intention to be assigned this much and take this much risk,” Mr. Kearns wrote in his suicide note, which a family member posted on Twitter.
Like Mr. Kearns, Robinhood’s average customer is young and lacks investing know-how. The average age is 31, the company said, and half of its customers had never invested before.
Some have visited Robinhood’s headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., in recent years to confront the staff about their losses, said four employees who witnessed the incidents. This year, they said, the start-up installed bulletproof glass at the front entrance.
“They encourage people to go from training wheels to driving motorcycles,” Scott Smith, who tracks brokerage firms at the financial consulting firm Cerulli, said of Robinhood. “Over the long term, it’s like trying to beat the casino.”
At the core of Robinhood’s business is an incentive to encourage more trading. It does not charge fees for trading, but it is still paid more if its customers trade more.
That’s because it makes money through a complex practice known as “payment for order flow.” Each time a Robinhood customer trades, Wall Street firms actually buy or sell the shares and determine what price the customer gets. These firms pay Robinhood for the right to do this, because they then engage in a form of arbitrage by trying to buy or sell the stock for a profit over what they give the Robinhood customer.
This practice is not new, and retail brokers such as E-Trade and Schwab also do it. But Robinhood makes significantly more than they do for each stock share and options contract sent to the professional trading firms, the filings show.
For each share of stock traded, Robinhood made four to 15 times more than Schwab in the most recent quarter, according to the filings. In total, Robinhood got $18,955 from the trading firms for every dollar in the average customer account, while Schwab made $195, the Alphacution analysis shows. Industry experts said this was most likely because the trading firms believed they could score the easiest profits from Robinhood customers.
Vlad Tenev, a founder and co-chief executive of Robinhood, said in an interview that even with some of its customers losing money, young Americans risked greater losses by not investing in stocks at all. Not participating in the markets “ultimately contributed to the sort of the massive inequalities that we’re seeing in society,” he said.
Mr. Tenev said only 12 percent of the traders active on Robinhood each month used options, which allow people to bet on where the price of a specific stock will be on a specific day and multiply that by 100. He said the company had added educational content on how to invest safely.
He declined to comment on why Robinhood makes more than its competitors from the Wall Street firms. The company also declined to comment on Mr. Dobatse or provide data on its customers’ performance.
Robinhood does not force people to trade, of course. But its success at getting them do so has been highlighted internally. In June, the actor Ashton Kutcher, who has invested in Robinhood, attended one of the company’s weekly staff meetings on Zoom and celebrated its success by comparing it to gambling websites, said three people who were on the call.
Mr. Kutcher said in a statement that his comment “was not intended to be a comparison of business models nor the experience Robinhood provides its customers” and that it referred “to the current growth metrics.” He added that he was “absolutely not insinuating that Robinhood was a gambling platform.”
ImageRobinhood’s co-founders and co-chief executives, Baiju Bhatt, left, and Vlad Tenev, created the company to make investing accessible to everyone. Robinhood’s co-founders and co-chief executives, Baiju Bhatt, left, and Vlad Tenev, created the company to make investing accessible to everyone.Credit...via Reuters Robinhood was founded by Mr. Tenev and Baiju Bhatt, two children of immigrants who met at Stanford University in 2005. After teaming up on several ventures, including a high-speed trading firm, they were inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement to create a company that would make finance more accessible, they said. They named the start-up Robinhood after the English outlaw who stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
Robinhood eliminated trading fees while most brokerage firms charged $10 or more for a trade. It also added features to make investing more like a game. New members were given a free share of stock, but only after they scratched off images that looked like a lottery ticket.
The app is simple to use. The home screen has a list of trendy stocks. If a customer touches one of them, a green button pops up with the word “trade,” skipping many of the steps that other firms require.
Robinhood initially offered only stock trading. Over time, it added options trading and margin loans, which make it possible to turbocharge investment gains — and to supersize losses.
The app advertises options with the tagline “quick, straightforward & free.” Customers who want to trade options answer just a few multiple-choice questions. Beginners are legally barred from trading options, but those who click that they have no investing experience are coached by the app on how to change the answer to “not much” experience. Then people can immediately begin trading.
Before Robinhood added options trading in 2017, Mr. Bhatt scoffed at the idea that the company was letting investors take uninformed risks.
“The best thing we can say to those people is ‘Just do it,’” he told Business Insider at the time.
In May, Robinhood said it had 13 million accounts, up from 10 million at the end of 2019. Schwab said it had 12.7 million brokerage accounts in its latest filings; E-Trade reported 5.5 million.
That growth has kept the money flowing in from venture capitalists. Sequoia Capital and New Enterprise Associates are among those that have poured $1.3 billion into Robinhood. In May, the company received a fresh $280 million.
“Robinhood has made the financial markets accessible to the masses and, in turn, revolutionized the decades-old brokerage industry,” Andrew Reed, a partner at Sequoia, said after last month’s fund-raising.
Image Robinhood shows users that its options trading is free of commissions. Robinhood shows users that its options trading is free of commissions. Mr. Tenev has said Robinhood has invested in the best technology in the industry. But the risks of trading through the app have been compounded by its tech glitches.
In 2018, Robinhood released software that accidentally reversed the direction of options trades, giving customers the opposite outcome from what they expected. Last year, it mistakenly allowed people to borrow infinite money to multiply their bets, leading to some enormous gains and losses.
Robinhood’s website has also gone down more often than those of its rivals — 47 times since March for Robinhood and 10 times for Schwab — according to a Times analysis of data from, which tracks website reliability. In March, the site was down for almost two days, just as stock prices were gyrating because of the coronavirus pandemic. Robinhood’s customers were unable to make trades to blunt the damage to their accounts.
Four Robinhood employees, who declined to be identified, said the outage was rooted in issues with the company’s phone app and servers. They said the start-up had underinvested in technology and moved too quickly rather than carefully.
Mr. Tenev said he could not talk about the outage beyond a company blog post that said it was “not acceptable.” Robinhood had recently made new technology investments, he said.
Plaintiffs who have sued over the outage said Robinhood had done little to respond to their losses. Unlike other brokers, the company has no phone number for customers to call.
Mr. Dobatse suffered his biggest losses in the March outage — $860,000, his records show. Robinhood did not respond to his emails, he said, adding that he planned to take his case to financial regulators for arbitration.
“They make it so easy for people that don’t know anything about stocks,” he said. “Then you go there and you start to lose money.”
submitted by jayatum to investing [link] [comments]

VXX As An Insurance Bet - In Confusion, There Is Profit

VXX As An Insurance Bet - In Confusion, There Is Profit
I know what you're thinking, "Oh great, another douchecanoe typing 'words words words' who adds a crayon drawing because he thinks this is investing." No. Because sirs (and madams), this is a casino!
In this casino there are Robinhood autists YOLOing at the roulette table, or trying to win their YOLOs back at the nickel slots. Then there's theta gang, sitting at the blackjack tables like the card counters they are. They're not as fun, but they're methodical, and can play for hours at a sitting. Your loss porn is their gain. They know the House doesn't always have to win if they bet more when the odds are in their favor.
In blackjack, if the dealer shows an ace, you can buy insurance. It's almost always a bad bet, because in multideck blackjack it's really hard to count cards. But if you could count the cards, you would know that sometimes, an insurance bet is a good play.
For the hand we're all holding right now, the cards that will be dealt next can be (mostly) counted. Your portfolio insurance doesn't have to be SPY puts. You don't have to be a bear right now, but if you're at least bear curious, VXX is a decent play at the moment.
For a detailed explainer on what VXX is, click here. For those of you who don't care about messy details just understand that VXX is an ETN trading on current and future month VIX (market volatility) futures. Presuming you're buying calls/selling puts because that's all some of you do, you're buying calls on futures of an volatility index. That's a lot of crystal balls to be juggling in one ticker symbol.
Now let's look at the chart of VXX since January 2018, giving us almost three years of history:

VXX Jan 18 through Oct 20
For the two of you who have ever read the disclosure on your broker's investment pitches, you know "past performance doesn't guarantee future results". How could it? We're looking at futures here, not pasts. But...
Note that in the last three years, VXX has only been below $20 from late October 2019 to mid February 2020 - when Covid decided it was going to wreck our fully employed, stable, almost nirvana of an economy.
Since Late March, we've been working off that excess peak as stonks have only been able to go up. That last little spike, however, came in September when election uncertainty coupled with Washington gridlock/Stimulus failure/JPow saying the Feds needed to help his printer go BRRRR.
The VIX popped back to 30 after the first "Presidential" (air quotes) debate raised uncertainty over the outcome of the election/transfer of power and then the President was diagnosed with Covid. As the polls started to shift toward a sweep for the democrats, however, the removal of election uncertainty and the likelihood of even bigger stimulus after the election started to outweigh the fears of additional taxes/regulation on businesses, along with Congress and the White House continuing to play Lucy & The Football with us over stimulus before the election goosed the market. Stonks resumed their "only go up" posture, and the VXX has been creeping back down.
That's the past. What's actually going to happen here?
(NOTE: I'm well aware of WSB's NO POLITICAL BULLSHIT! rule. You should be too - look to the right if unfamiliar. The following items are about illustrating how uncertainty will lead to volatility so we can make green, not to talk about how red or blue you are.)
1) Polls always, always close before an election. It's still hard to put together the electoral map where President Trump wins, but there are late polls showing states that were clearly in Biden's column moving back to toss up. Narrowing polls, by definition, will increase election uncertainty.
2) The greater use of vote by mail increases the likelihood that we won't know who won - especially control of the Senate - on election night...or maybe a day or three after.
3) Individual Senate seats are less guaranteed to flip than the White House. In addition, there are possible runoffs. In Georgia, where a candidate must get 50% plus one vote to win, there are two seats currently in the toss-up category, and their runoffs are NINE WEEKS LONG. It's possible the next Congress will only have 98 Senators when they are sworn in, with Georgia getting around to sending Senators a week or so later.
4) Late this week or next, The White House/Nancy Pelosi/Mitch McConnell are probably going to have to say definitely/out loud that there will be no stimulus agreement before Nov 3rd.
5) Half the country is not prepared to accept the outcome of the election, regardless who wins.
6) If you think partisans are bitter and unable to reach an agreement now, wait until they're lame ducks. I don't see how all of these problems get magically solved in November or December.
7) Sometime in November, the market will quit worrying about just getting November 3rd over with and will start focusing on policy changes. A Republican Senate that refuses to pass anything for a Democratic President? A Democratic Senate that decides to get rid of the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court, Green New Deal, resume soaking the rich?
8) The Pandemic? That old thing? Newsrooms are working overtime to turn ensure we're all preparing for new lockdowns as winter approaches.
Again, taking political opinions - mine or yours - out of this, the market got way too comfortable too quickly with what is about to happen November - January, and the open questions should lead to quite a bit of additional volatility. Bringing this home to that crayon drawing from CNBC above, does this environment look like it should have a VXX trading at the same levels from last fall, when unemployment was 3.5% with no inflation in sight, and reasonably stable DC politics? I don't think so.
But here's the bonus thing. I may be wrong about any and all of the 8 catalysts above. They lend themselves to shorter term calls, but at least once per year, the market gets caught offsides, and VXX spikes. The ETN appears to be worthy of a core trading position below $20, in addition to calls at times like now when the market seems to be too comfortable with the discomfort that is coming.
If you're counting cards with me, you see a lot of 10's left in the deck and the dealer is holding an ace. I'm buying the insurance. Not so much as a hedge against the negative, but because in confusion, there is profit.
Counter-argument/caution: I've skimmed several articles noting that the VIX was pricing the election as the single biggest risk event ever. Clearly, I'm not the first to suggest this play and some will argue that it's priced in. But as this article from Forbes points out, the VIX/VXX is back to all time historical norms just a couple of weeks out. My argument is that people sold their event profits too soon, and that I expect a rising VXX into the election and possibly after.
TL;DR - The market is underpricing the uncertainty coming around and after the election, and VXX calls will help play the volatility spike as nervousness returns over the next few weeks.
10 Nov 20 $24 calls
Likely adding new Nov or Dec calls Monday after writing this and convincing myself of my own BS.
submitted by One_Eyed_Man_King to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: RedditDayOf top posts from 2019-12-16 to 2020-12-14 20:53 PDT

Period: 364.24 days
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Total 1000 3498
Rate (per day) 2.75 9.53
Unique Redditors 239 1369
Combined Score 44704 12314

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

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    1. What do you mean we, paleface? (125 points, 4 comments)
    2. Fragment of a Queen's Face, possibly either Queen Nefertiti or Tiye, Egypt, New Kingdom, Amarna period, ca. 1353-1336 B.C. (97 points, 4 comments)
    3. Pumpkin Spice Latte Tiramisu (83 points, 17 comments)
    4. The garbage pickup on my street, before covid, was always sometimes a minute before 8 am, sometimes a couple of minutes after. Sitting in the house, drinking my coffee on Monday and Thursday mornings, I'd always know what time it was when I'd hear the truck. (76 points, 3 comments)
    5. 1970s Key West (73 points, 12 comments)
    6. Trojan Horse clip from "Troy" (72 points, 5 comments)
    7. Color Aid Paper, used in art school to teach Josef Albers' theory of color (68 points, 5 comments)
    8. How to make spaetzel, a pasta made with fresh eggs (68 points, 6 comments)
    9. The Doctor who Gave Himself an Ulcer & Solved a Medical Mystery - an old advance in medicine, but a really great one (67 points, 1 comment)
    10. Not a lizard nor a dinosaur, tuatara is the sole survivor of a once-widespread reptile group (61 points, 1 comment)
  7. 1076 points, 22 submissions: gorditasimpatica
    1. “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” (127 points, 3 comments)
    2. The First Labor Strike in History: In 1159 BCE, the tomb-builders and artisans at Set-Ma’at refused to wait any longer for their wages and marched toward the city shouting “We are hungry!” (121 points, 2 comments)
    3. Get the feel of a winner, 1978 Sears Catalog (100 points, 6 comments)
    4. Polls are not always right (92 points, 38 comments)
    5. "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism..." (86 points, 4 comments)
    6. They took away our land, our language, and our religion; but they could never harness our tongues..." Brendan Behan (80 points, 6 comments)
    7. The Sonoran Desert is thought to have the greatest species diversity of any desert in North America, including 60 species of mammals, 350 bird species, 20 amphibians, 100 reptiles, 30 species of native fish and more than 2,000 species of plants (78 points, 5 comments)
    8. "Lafayette We Are Here" (61 points, 2 comments)
    9. The Wuppertal Suspension Railway is the oldest electric elevated railway with hanging cars in the world. Designed by Eugen Langen, it opened in 1901 and is still in use as public transport, moving 25 million passengers annually. (52 points, 2 comments)
    10. Mugshot model Jeremy Meeks continues his topless runway streak (44 points, 1 comment)
  8. 1039 points, 18 submissions: eladarling
    1. Ways the Great Lakes try to Murder Ships - illustrated (212 points, 17 comments)
    2. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: the least competent are more likely to overestimate their ability (122 points, 4 comments)
    3. Before video games, Nintendo sold a variety of other products including playing cards depicting nude women, and by-the-hour sex hotels. Their first big customer was the Yakuza, who used their cards in illegal casinos. (104 points, 6 comments)
    4. Earl Grey tea is black tea flavored with oil of bergamot, a green citrus fruit grown mostly in Italy (104 points, 9 comments)
    5. "At Last," Etta James's signature song that most people today associate with her (77 points, 3 comments)
    6. One of the largest piñatas on record was a 65 ft tall donkey filled with 8000 lb of candy. It was smashed open with a wrecking ball to release the sweets inside. (69 points, 3 comments)
    7. World Islands, a cluster of man-made islands in Dubai, was supposed to be a lavish multicultural paradise. Most are still undeveloped or abandoned due to economic, climate, and construction issues. (67 points, 3 comments)
    8. What If God Was One of Us - Joan Osborne (52 points, 2 comments)
    9. GonzoVR was a short lived VR app where users could drive an rc car around my living room and buy treats for my dog Gonzo (44 points, 4 comments)
    10. Hysteria High: How Demons Destroyed a Florida School (36 points, 1 comment)
  9. 989 points, 24 submissions: coiso
    1. a high school football coach got half the fans of his own team to cheer for the other team, because the other team was from a maximum-security juvenile correctional facility and didn't have any fans of their own (158 points, 5 comments)
    2. Animals see more colours than humans. Here's a chart. (135 points, 16 comments)
    3. If a beta male mandrill wins a fight, it physically morphs into an alpha male over time, gaining facial coloration, bigger testicles, and the ability to breed.) (93 points, 6 comments)
    4. Urinetown - a 3 times tony award winner musical about a town where private toilets are outlawed... (68 points, 5 comments)
    5. the longest single set at the laugh factory lasted 7h and 34m (by Dane Cook in 2008). (64 points, 64 comments)
    6. Stormtrooper hits his head (63 points, 4 comments)
    7. 5 Ways to Spot Greenwashing (52 points, 1 comment)
    8. Jeffrey Dahmer’s Childhood Friend Talks About His Graphic Novel "My Friend Dahmer" and Its Movie Adaptation (40 points, 3 comments)
    9. Daily life in Russia – gallery by The Guardian readers (38 points, 1 comment)
    10. List of retired Atlantic hurricane names (33 points, 0 comments)
  10. 965 points, 19 submissions: ShimataDominquez
    1. The head of a tapeworm under an electron microscope (256 points, 19 comments)
    2. What happens when you have heated tile flooring (149 points, 4 comments)
    3. Jon Stewart Deep Dish Rant (83 points, 14 comments)
    4. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida The Simpsons take on a Psychedelic Rock classic (82 points, 4 comments)
    5. Ewoks should have met a terrible fate, scientists say (48 points, 0 comments)
    6. Robocop Commercials (37 points, 2 comments)
    7. Why is smiling being frowned upon in the Russian culture? (33 points, 11 comments)
    8. The Jetsons! (31 points, 0 comments)
    9. Green Onions (30 points, 1 comment)
    10. How Milwaukee Got The Nickname 'Cream City' (28 points, 3 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. 0and18 (666 points, 467 comments)
  2. jostler57 (141 points, 39 comments)
  3. Otterfan (139 points, 20 comments)
  4. Superbuddhapunk (132 points, 44 comments)
  5. astronoob (109 points, 7 comments)
  6. anotherkeebler (101 points, 23 comments)
  7. Goyteamsix (91 points, 20 comments)
  8. thespaceghetto (87 points, 20 comments)
  9. goofballl (84 points, 13 comments)
  10. swizzler (83 points, 21 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. The head of a tapeworm under an electron microscope by ShimataDominquez (256 points, 19 comments)
  2. Margaret Hamilton, NASA's lead software engineer for the Apollo Program, stands next to the code she wrote by hand that took Humanity to the moon in 1969. by Superbuddhapunk (250 points, 15 comments)
  3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Geocache in Northern Italy by Superbuddhapunk (242 points, 10 comments)
  4. Diane's NPR ringtones [Bojack Horseman] by Mr_Caterpillar (228 points, 15 comments)
  5. It's Dangerous to go Alone... by yankee4357 (228 points, 11 comments)
  6. My immigrant Chinese parents make tamales every year. by bigtcm (222 points, 25 comments)
  7. How a deep sea blobfish looks with and without the extreme water pressure by Imaginary-Cow (214 points, 10 comments)
  8. Ways the Great Lakes try to Murder Ships - illustrated by eladarling (212 points, 17 comments)
  9. How to Talk Minnesotan: The Power of the Negative by SteelWool (205 points, 5 comments)
  10. Cleaning tips from CleaningTips by Superbuddhapunk (195 points, 3 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 49 points: jesseaknight's comment in In the show St. Elsewhere, a character in the finale is shown to have thought of the whole series, which means he also made up all the shows that had crossovers with St. Elsewhere. This expands into the shows that were mentioned in the shows. There is at this point 419 shows in this universe
  2. 45 points: Derosa6037's comment in the longest single set at the laugh factory lasted 7h and 34m (by Dane Cook in 2008).
  3. 42 points: astronoob's comment in Margaret Hamilton, NASA's lead software engineer for the Apollo Program, stands next to the code she wrote by hand that took Humanity to the moon in 1969.
  4. 42 points: thejesiah's comment in Close Encounters of the Third Kind Geocache in Northern Italy
  5. 41 points: rus_reddit's comment in Rand Paul was the national debt for halloween in 2015. He said it was a very scary costume.
  6. 38 points: srone's comment in The New BMW X6 Has Light-Absorbing 'Vantablack' Paint
  7. 37 points: SlideNERD's comment in The head of a tapeworm under an electron microscope
  8. 37 points: wtfisthisnoise's comment in Is U.S. income tax invalid because Ohio wasn’t legally a state when the 16th amendment was ratified?
  9. 36 points: _Foy's comment in Ways the Great Lakes try to Murder Ships - illustrated
  10. 36 points: bigtcm's comment in My immigrant Chinese parents make tamales every year.
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MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223

MAME 0.223 has finally arrived, and what a release it is – there’s definitely something for everyone! Starting with some of the more esoteric additions, Linus Åkesson’s AVR-based hardware chiptune project and Power Ninja Action Challenge demos are now supported. These demos use minimal hardware to generate sound and/or video, relying on precise CPU timings to work. With this release, every hand-held LCD game from Nintendo’s Game & Watch and related lines is supported in MAME, with Donkey Kong Hockey bringing up the rear. Also of note is the Bassmate Computer fishing aid, made by Nintendo and marketed by Telko and other companies, which is clearly based on the dual-screen Game & Watch design. The steady stream of TV games hasn’t stopped, with a number of French releases from Conny/VideoJet among this month’s batch.
For the first time ever, games running on the Barcrest MPU4 video system are emulated well enough to be playable. Titles that are now working include several games based on the popular British TV game show The Crystal Maze, Adders and Ladders, The Mating Game, and Prize Tetris. In a clear win for MAME’s modular architecture, the breakthrough came through the discovery of a significant flaw in our Motorola MC6840 Programmable Timer Module emulation that was causing issues for the Fairlight CMI IIx synthesiser. In the same manner, the Busicom 141-PF desk calculator is now working, thanks to improvements made to Intel 4004 CPU emulation that came out of emulating the INTELLEC 4 development system and the prototype 4004-based controller board for Flicker pinball. The Busicom 141-PF is historically significant, being the first application of Intel’s first microprocessor.
Fans of classic vector arcade games are in for a treat this month. Former project coordinator Aaron Giles has contributed netlist-based sound emulation for thirteen Cinematronics vector games: Space War, Barrier, Star Hawk, Speed Freak, Star Castle, War of the Worlds, Sundance, Tail Gunner, Rip Off, Armor Attack, Warrior, Solar Quest and Boxing Bugs. This resolves long-standing issues with the previous simulation based on playing recorded samples. Colin Howell has also refined the sound emulation for Midway’s 280-ZZZAP and Gun Fight.
V.Smile joystick inputs are now working for all dumped cartridges, and with fixes for ROM bank selection the V.Smile Motion software is also usable. The accelerometer-based V.Smile Motion controller is not emulated, but the software can all be used with the standard V.Smile joystick controller. Another pair of systems with inputs that now work is the original Macintosh (128K/512K/512Ke) and Macintosh Plus. These systems’ keyboards are now fully emulated, including the separate numeric keypad available for the original Macintosh, the Macintosh Plus keyboard with integrated numeric keypad, and a few European ISO layout keyboards for the original Macintosh. There are still some emulation issues, but you can play Beyond Dark Castle with MAME’s Macintosh Plus emulation again.
In other home computer emulation news, MAME’s SAM Coupé driver now supports a number of peripherals that connect to the rear expansion port, a software list containing IRIX hard disk installations for SGI MIPS workstations has been added, and tape loading now works for the Specialist system (a DIY computer designed in the USSR).
Of course, there’s far more to enjoy, and you can read all about it in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page. (For brevity, promoted V.Smile software list entries and new Barcrest MPU4 clones made up from existing dumps have been omitted here.)

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Merged pull requests

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