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40th anniversary of deadly MGM Grand fire.

On November 21, 1980 - the original MGM Grand (now Bally's) hotel casino was the scene of a terrible fire calamity that killed 85 people. The early morning fire was caused by an electrical ground fault inside a wall-mounted electrical receptacle for a cake display case in a ground floor deli.
The fire could have been brought under control by sprinklers if the hotel had installed them as had been recommended during construction. But they did not due to the additional $192,000 cost and the rationale that the casino floor would be occupied around the clock and any fire would be quickly observed and dealt with by security using fire extinguishers and hoses. Other short sighted design decisions, such as having locking doors on emergency stairwells, faulty smoke dampers in the air conditioning system and gaps in the elevator shafts allowed deadly smoke to rise through the hotel tower and kill scores of guests in their rooms, hallways and stairwells.
It was a grim tragedy for Las Vegas. Other casinos and citizens acted generously to offer whatever help and aid to hotel guests who survived the calamity. The lessons learned from this disaster prompted Nevada legislators to enact what are considered the most stringent fire code regulations for hotels in the country.
Wikipedia article:
Feature article in Review-Journal today:
National Fire Protection Association investigative report on MGM Grand Fire:
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Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Jan. 28, 2002

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
PREVIOUSLY: The Complete Wrestling Observer Rewind 1991-2001
1-7-2002 1-14-2002 1-21-2002
  • NJPW was thrown into chaos this week when Keiji Muto, Satoshi Kojima, and IWGP Jr. Heavyweight champion Kendo Kashin all abruptly quit the company, along with 5 of NJPW's front office employees, and are headed to AJPW. Needless to say, this immediately killed the working relationship between the two companies and NJPW is already attempting to forge a new partnership with NOAH. There's also said to be a significant power struggle within NJPW right now behind the scenes that will likely be straightened out whenever Inoki returns to Japan (he's in Los Angeles right now). Tatsumi Fujinami is NJPW president but in the wake of losing these big stars, and the disappointing TV ratings for the Jan. 4th show, it's rumored his days may be numbered. There's rumors that Inoki may take over the role for the first time since he was forced out of the position back in 1983 (long story, bunch of financial scandals, Google is your friend here). Muto is currently half of the IWGP tag team champions and they were scheduled to defend the titles next month and he volunteered to still work the show, but NJPW wasn't having that so that won't be happening now and the titles will instead be vacated, along with the Jr. title Kashin held. And of course, the IWGP title is also currently vacant due to Fujita's injury, so all of NJPW's top titles are vacant right now (the only other active title is the Jr. tag belts, held by Gedo and Jado).
  • Lots of rumors floating around about how this happened, but the gist appears to be that Hiroshi Hase was the architect (no Seth) behind this whole thing. Reportedly, Muto (and maybe some of the other people who left) may be purchasing a stake of AJPW from Motoko Baba so he'll have some ownership say. The long-term idea is that Mrs. Baba will step down in a few years and Muto, who by then should be ready to retire (lol) will take over the role as AJPW president. Of course, that was the original plan for Misawa after Giant Baba died, but he and Motoko Baba couldn't get along and Misawa eventually left and formed NOAH instead. It's also worth noting that Kashin in particular wasn't thrilled about doing shoot fights while working in NJPW, but felt pressured to by Inoki and he reportedly wanted out of the company even if the AJPW thing hadn't been an option. As for Kojima, he and Tenzan have been the best tag team pro wrestling has seen in years and from an in-ring perspective, may have been the best pure worker in NJPW so his loss is going to hurt a lot too. The office workers who left are mostly accounting and merchandising people who will be doing the same jobs for AJPW.
  • One bummer of a note here is that, before this, Muto had talked of putting together a dream match against Misawa. But as long as Motoko Baba is breathing air, an AJPW star isn't going to work with Misawa, so that's probably a dead issue (yeah, sadly we never did get that match).
  • One final note: Muto also tried to recruit NJPW rising star Hiroshi Tanahashi, who most believe has the most potential of anyone in the entire company, to jump ship with him but Tanahashi decided to stay (oh man, can you imagine how different things would be if he had gone).
  • On Raw this week, Vince McMahon teased the impending arrival of Hall, Nash, and Hogan, saying he's going to do something soon that even he will regret. Vince has reportedly caved on most of Nash's demands, including the reduced schedule. Hall will be making less money than Nash and will be given an even lighter schedule, because he's a single parent with custody of his children (and Dave questions how fucked up Dana Hall must be if SCOTT is the one who has custody). And of course, you gotta figure Hogan ain't working a full schedule, since he hasn't done that in a decade and probably ain't gonna start now. Of course, this puts WWF in the same position WCW was in a few years ago: having all the top stars working TV and not appearing on house shows, which is something WWF used to openly mock WCW for. Now they'll be doing the same thing, with the same guys. It's something that killed WCW's house show business long before the TV ratings started going down. There's also the issue of how they'll get along backstage, since many of the agents (Dave says Gerald Brisco in particular) were very vocally against bringing these guys back. And then there's John Laurinaitis, who has a lot of power backstage now and he and Nash used to butt heads constantly in WCW. So things are gonna be interesting.
  • In a bit of a surprise, Vince has also agreed to let them use the NWO name and gimmick, and that reveal was made later in the week on Smackdown when Vince talked about killing the WWF with the help of the NWO. As of now, there's no plans for Triple H to join the group. X-Pac will probably find his way into it, given his relationship and history with the group. Nash is reportedly pushing for Shawn Michaels to be involved, but Dave has heard that's unlikely because there's still some fences that need to be mended there between Shawn and some in the company. But then again, Nash has gotten his way on everything else he's asked Vince for so far, so who knows? Anyway, Hall and Nash have officially signed, but Hogan still hasn't finalized his deal as of press time, but the office has been told it's inevitable and to start making plans as if he's signed. It's expected all 3 men will probably debut at the No Way Out PPV next month.
WATCH: Vince McMahon announces the arrival of the NWO
  • The Royal Rumble is in the books and was a huge success. Critically, it was an excellent show, nothing MOTY-worthy or anything, but nothing bad at all and was a legit sellout. Coming out of the show, it appears Chris Jericho will be defending the WWF title against Triple H at Wrestlemania, though that can still change. Triple H winning the Rumble was expected but made the most sense. The Rumble match lasted just over 69 minutes (nice), surpassing the 1993 Rumble and, as far as Dave is aware, making it the longest mach in WWF history (a famous Pedro Morales vs. Bruno Sammartino match in 1972 was reported in all the newspapers as lasting 75 minutes, but it was actually only 65 so don't come at Dave with no "well actually..." bullshit)
  • The return of Mr. Perfect and him being put over like a major star (he lasted until the final 4) proves that WWF has no intention of letting any other competitor get off the ground and will nip that in the bud before it ever happens. Hennig has been available for more that a year (WCW released him before they folded) and WWF never seemed interested, but as soon as XWF came along and made him their featured star (with plans to make him the face of the company), suddenly WWF swooped him up. Hennig's appearance was meant to be a one-off but it was known they were likely going to offer him a deal if he was impressive, and they have. It may not be a huge get for WWF, but it's a massive loss for XWF and pretty much renders their entire first set of TV tapings meaningless now, and Dave says that was precisely the point. Vince left the door open for competition once before and it nearly killed him. He won't make that mistake again (not until 2019 anyway). Dave says to let this be a lesson to any new promotion trying to start up: make sure you have people signed.
  • Other notes from Royal Rumble: Goldust, who was also a one-off for the match, is expected to sign a full-time deal as well. FlaiVince street fight was way better than it had any right to be considering it was between two guys over 50, one of whom isn't even a trained wrestler and the other hasn't wrestled in nearly a year since the final Nitro. Jericho retained the title over Rock in an excellent match and Dave notes that no one in the history of wrestling with the kind of main event star power Rock possesses has ever done as many jobs as him. Maven dropkicking Undertaker out of the Rumble match was the biggest pop of the entire show. But then Undertaker spent the next several minutes beating poor Maven nearly to death, lest anyone think Undertaker was actually trying to get this kid over or anything. Overall, Dave thinks it was the best Rumble match in several years.
WATCH: Maven eliminates Undertaker from the 2002 Royal Rumble
  • The tradition of Memphis wrestling on WMC-TV has been revived! Sorta. The show, dating back to the 70s, has been off the air since last spring when the TV station refused to allow them to tape shows in their studio anymore. For the next few months, they aired a bunch of "Best of" shows but those eventually stopped in December and they've been airing infomercials in that time slot ever since. But this week, a show featuring Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher in the main event, taped at a nearby casino in Tunica, MS aired on the channel in the usual Saturday morning time slot. Dave says the production quality was garbage and there was no local publicity for it, so it probably did a terrible rating, but it's something (pretty much just one last dying gasp, this doesn't lead to anything).
  • Carlos Colon said he's going to cut back on being an active wrestler because he wants to spend more time with his kids. Dave points out that most of his kids are wrestlers in his company, so maybe he's actually trying to get away from them.
  • NJPW star Minoru Tanaka announced his engagement to former women's wrestler Yumi Fukawa, who retired last year (did some research and they're still married to this day. Tanaka still wrestles in NOAH and Fukawa is an actress in Japan).
  • Atsushi Onita, who has been issuing grandstand challenges to Antonio Inoki for months with no response, has now challenged Naoya Ogawa for a match and wants it to be a benefit show in Afghanistan for the kids there. Dave says don't hold your breath for that one either. Onita says if he beats Ogawa, he wants the match with Inoki. Again, none of this is happening, just Onita trying to work his own angle. Neither Inoki nor Ogawa want anything to do with him.
  • Goldberg participated in a charity golf tournament this week and while there, he made some comments about going to the WWF. "I personally believe that everything I've stood for when I got into the ring would be compromised and succumbed to the circus-like atmosphere that's out there, and that's putting it mildly. I would be an imbecile if I gave up half my money to work for a company I didn't respect." Dave wonders if his tune will change when that WCW contract money dries up (yup). Also, at the same tournament, they did a funny little angle with Goldberg throwing his caddie into a lake.
WATCH: Goldberg torpedoes his caddie into the lake
  • Superstar Billy Graham has reportedly lost nearly 60 pounds in just 3 weeks, most of it water weight due to edema he's suffering from and all the other liver issues he's currently dealing with.
  • Bruno Sammartino did an interview talking about the role he has in a new low-budget movie called Saloonatics where he plays a mob guy with cancer. Sammartino talked about how uncomfortable he was with all the profanity his character had to say but he eventually got more comfortable with it and was able to put aside his personal feelings and eventually was okay with it. (No idea where the full movie is, but here's a trailer and yeah this shit is LOOOOOOOW budget).
WATCH: Saloonatics trailer
  • Former WCW announcer Mark Madden is in some controversy in Pittsburgh, where he hosts a daily sports talk show on the local ESPN radio station there. A few weeks back, the sports media in the city was swirling with rumors about NFL star Kordell Stewart's sexuality. Madden went on his radio show and criticized people who were spreading those rumors. A writer who works at the radio station then went on the air and accused Madden of being one of the main people who fueled those rumors and claimed Madden had said things in the past on his show implying that Stewart is gay. Madden denied ever saying that, demanded the guy find the tapes to prove he ever said it, and basically felt like the guy ambushed him live on the air with the accusations. The radio station apparently agreed because the writer was fired when he refused to apologize (for what it's worth, several people have made accusations about Stewart being gay over the years and he's always denied them, and even successfully sued someone a few years ago for claiming he had a relationship with him. Who knows and who cares? Not anybody's business anyway).
  • Jake Roberts was on a radio talk show in England recently and said some interesting stuff. Said he plans to stay in the UK for the next 2 years. Said he could walk back into the WWF and have a writing job tomorrow if he wanted it. Dave scoffs at that and says I guess he prefers wrestling in front of empty indie show crowds in England instead of earning a steady paycheck. Jake also talked about the scene in Beyond The Mat where the movie alleges that Roberts asked an indie promoter for crack cocaine as his payoff for working the show. Roberts denied it happened and said he doesn't trust a promoter with anything, so he wouldn't trust one to get him crack. Well okay then. Claimed he left the WWF last time because he wasn't comfortable with the angle he was doing with Jerry Lawler, feeling like they were exploiting his sobriety. Dave pretty much rolls his eyes at all this, because Jake was actually fired for going on a bender and no-showing a bunch of events (I'm glad we all love Jake now, but he was still 1000% full of shit and off the deep end during this period).
  • Iron Shiek missed an appearance on the Opie & Anthony radio show this week because he was detained for several hours at the airport. Turns out he wore his curly toed wrestling boots on the plane and because this is 4 months after 9/11 and only 1 month after the attempted shoe-bomber, and let's be honest, simply because Iron Shiek is Middle Eastern, people freaked out. And when they wanted to examine his boots, he initially refused to let them and, well, you can imagine how well that went over with airport security.
  • If WWA's PPV in Las Vegas happens next month, Bret Hart has agreed to reprise his role as the on-screen commissioner. As best Dave can tell, no one else has really been signed on for the show and the MGM Grand doesn't know anything about this alleged plan to hold the event in their arena and in fact, WWA hasn't even applied with the Nevada commission to get a license to run a show anywhere in the state and it's almost certainly too late to get one by the scheduled date. So Dave is skeptical that this even happens, and if it does, he can't see it being in Las Vegas. (Surprisingly, it does happen and it is in Vegas, but we'll get there.)
  • Speaking of the Nevada athletic commission, XWF brought a bunch of wrestlers and a wrestling ring to the National Association of Television Program Executives conference in Vegas, with hopes of putting on a live show and impressing all the TV execs and trying to secure a TV deal. But the XWF didn't get permission from the Nevada commission, so they weren't allowed to use the ring and do a show. Whoops.
  • Speaking of XWF, morale is in the dumps in that company right now. Losing both Hulk Hogan and Curt Hennig (neither of whom were signed but had been working with them) as well as Sting reportedly not being interested has killed a lot of the excitement about the promotion for people within it.
  • Notes from Raw: Flair cut an emotional promo about his history in wrestling and how he was on the road so much and put wrestling ahead of his family and not seeing his kids and all that stuff. During the promo, Lawler made a sarcastic joke about Flair needing to have his priorities in order, which Dave thinks is pretty rich coming from Lawler, who lived the exact same life and wasn't much of a father to his kids either (which Lawler has admitted, to be fair). They're continuing to tease a Triple H/Stephanie split, with him being annoyed at her nagging. Speaking of Triple H, Dave thinks he needs to lose at least 15 pounds because he's totally slow and lumbering since he came back.
  • Notes from Smackdown: AJ Styles worked a dark match, losing to Rico Constantino, but apparently he looked awesome in the match (yeah he hits an awesome shooting star to the floor late in the match). And the show ended with McMahon doing the big NWO reveal on the back of his chair during his promo.
WATCH: AJ Styles vs. Rico Constantino dark match - 2002
  • Regarding Triple H's match on Smackdown last week, where they gave away his return match on free TV 3 days before the Rumble. Remember how Dave was flabbergasted that they would be so short-sighted? Turns out Triple H felt the same way and fought hard against it, but Vince wouldn't budge.
  • Chris Benoit is telling people he expects to be back in the ring around June (yup).
  • Jim Ross answered some questions at a press thing last week and had lots of interesting stuff to say. He said the criticism WWF was receiving for bringing in Hall, Nash, and Hogan hurts, but they have to do what's best for the company and Vince feels this is it. Doesn't sound like JR loves the idea too much either. They've had no talks with Scott Steiner. When told of Goldberg's recent comments (mentioned above), he said he wanted to believe Goldberg hadn't really said that and thought it was a shame. Said there's heat on Jeff Jarrett for how he left the WWF last time so he probably won't be welcomed back anytime soon. JR also hinted that the brand split will come after Wrestlemania and implied that they will be reviving the cruiserweight division. Dave says he's convinced that Vince will never get behind pushing cruiserweights as major stars so he's not holding out hope for that. Said they may bring in Rey Mysterio if they decided to launch a cruiserweight division. Said they'd love to have Eddie Guerrero back but he has to get his personal issues straightened out first. Same with Shawn Michaels, plus they don't know if he could physically do it.
  • ESPN's Bill Simmons wrote an article reviewing Royal Rumble 2002 and Dave thinks it was great. In one piece, Simmons managed to pretty much sum up all of WWF's recent problems while still acknowledging that the show was entertaining. And the link Dave posted for it in 2002 still works!
WATCH: Bill Simmons reviews the 2002 Royal Rumble
  • Unless things change, Chris Jericho is gonna be in an awkward situation next week. Jericho is scheduled to play in a celebrity hockey game as part of NHL All Star Weekend. Who will his celebrity coach be, you ask? Goldberg. As of press time, most people in WWF don't seem to be aware of it and Dave wouldn't be surprised if Jericho gets pulled from it.
  • Booker T was on the Howard Stern show (after his comments last week saying he wasn't a fan of Stern, go figure) and talked about his time in prison and his plans to write a book. He also said he hopes to retire in 2 years which Dave ain't buying (yeah, still about 10 years away from that). He also said someone is suing him over the term "Spinaroonie" because apparently someone else thinks they own the rights to that name. Booker also mentioned that he's dating former Nitro Girl Sharmell Sullivan. Dave notes that they've been dating since WCW and Booker is the one who helped her get hired by WWF, where she's currently in developmental.
  • DDP has also said he plans to retire in 2 years, to become a motivational speaker. This one actually almost happened. He left WWF just 3 months after this and didn't wrestle at all for several years. Then he had a brief run in TNA but he's been mostly retired other than some one-offs ever since.
  • Randy Orton is moving up to the main roster. In his final OVW match, Orton lost clean to Prototype and Dave says it's clear they're grooming Prototype to be the next OVW champion.
WATCH: Randy Orton vs. Prototype - OVW 2002
WEDNESDAY: More on the impending arrival of the NWO, more on the upcoming brand split, cruiserweight division, and more...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

The MGM Grand Fire aftermath

This is a question for any old timers in the Forum.
After the 1980 fire at the original MGM Grand occurred, what was the Las Vegas community reaction and response to the incident? Was it as vigorous as the community response to the Route 91 aftermath last year?
submitted by nexuscard to vegas [link] [comments]

Lessons learned from my first Vegas trip

Some friends of mine got married in Vegas last weekend. This was my first trip so here are some of the lessons I’ve learned after 6 days 5 nights. This is a long post, but hopefully someone will find it helpful.
Spirit Airlines: this is a cheap way to get to/from Vegas. Expect that they charge a-la-cart for food, drinks, checked bags, overhead bin space, extra legroom and they don’t provide wifi or inflight entertainment. The luggage limit is 40 pounds. If you don’t print your boarding pass at home, it will cost you $10 a ticket to have them do it at the airport. The ticket prices for my wife and I were such that we got the first row upgrade (lots of extra leg room) one checked bag and still came out ahead. If you are tall buy additional leg space or prepare for an uncomfortable flight.
Shuttle from Airport to Hotel: This was $11 per person, if I had it to do over again… I would have just used UbeLyft
Walking: Wow, I walked a lot. My watch and phone both confirm about 60 miles of walking. (Did a lot of exploring on my first trip to Vegas). Wear REALLY comfortable shoes and/or carry flip-flops
Monorail: At one point I just didn’t want to walk back to the hotel and took the monorail to nearby. $5 a person. The view was OK, I am sure it is by far the fastest way to get around, but my hotel was still a bit of a walk from the nearest stop.
Ride Share: I had never used UbeLyft before this trip. This makes your life so much easier. My first trip was with the “GOOGLE_MAPS” code that I got when looking to see how far a walk I had to meetup with some friends. It ended up being a free ride (before tip). I had gotten a Lyft coupon handed to me on the strip for $10 off my first 5 rides…so these all ended up being less than $2 (again before tip, I gave every driver a $5 tip).
I preferred Lyft over Uber mainly because the price was about the same, but a driver that had placards for both said that Lyft took a little less of a commission.
Once I used all of my Lyft rides, I got a code for my wife $5 off 10 rides from a driver (who also gets a little something every time their code is used)
Finally, I sent an Uber invite to my wife… we got a $20 credit on her account and another $20 on mine.
Hotel #1 Circus Circus: This was the cheapest place to stay. Absolutely do not stay here if you are over 6’5” … the light fixtures in the hall are very low hanging. Expect that you will be approached constantly by time share representatives (more on that latter) and good luck not getting offered a free sample of face cream. This hotel just kind of made me feel sad. From parents ignoring their kids to gamble to generally being run down. If you are going to spend time in the heart of the strip, it is a bit of a walk
Hotel #2 Balley’s: We spent the last two nights at Balley’s. Everything was cleaner. This was more centrally located on the strip. I liked it much better than Circus. There were timeshare reps here too, but I think there was only one stand and they were nowhere near as aggressive.
Food My wife had been playing a cell phone game that earned rewards. We ended up with 3 buy-one-get-one on various buffets
Circus Circus Buffet: At par with standard buffet places (Old Country Buffet, Golden Corral, etc…). I might be a bit soured on this because there was a screaming 4 year old for most of the meal.
Aria Buffet: Best buffet by a long shot. The food was amazing (especially the desert bar with the white chocolate mousse cake pops and gelato) and by far the best selection. Don’t bother with the “all you can drink” upgrade, the drinks are so weak I think you would hit water intoxication before you would get tipsy from their rum punch.
MGM Grand buffet: This was better than Circus, but in fairness I was a bit buffet’d out by this point. (But with a BOGO it is hard to beat a good dinner for two for $45)
McDonalds: (OMG I am so lame, I went on vacation and ate at the golden arches)… This was a quick easy breakfast when running out and about for less than $5 for the two of us.
Walgreens/CVS: I keep seeing people complain about $10 bottles of water (which I never saw)… but seriously there is a Walgreens on nearly every block; prices may be slightlyhigher than at home but much cheaper than hotel
Ellis Island: Expect a bit of a wait, this is a great value (probably why it is called out in the FAQ) and everyone knows. I was with a group of 5 that ate their late night and the bill was $35 (including 2 orders of steak and eggs). The food is a bit better than most generic casual dining. (Also, be careful how much money you light on fire in the casino waiting for your table. It can quickly turn an amazing deal into a less than amazing deal)
White Castle: I’d never eaten at a White Castle before… now I have. Perhaps this is better after drinking but I am not a fan
Mexi place in Circus: Chimichanga FTW!
Vince Neil Tatuado at Circus: Nightly karaoke and good appetizers (drinks were quite weak)
Taco Bar in Balley’s: WTF $18 for Nachos!!! Oh crap that is a lot of food. Wow, this was assembled by someone that understands how to make nachos without having you end with a pile of dry chips. Ugggg too full. Huh, that’s all this cost! This was a great deal.
Firefly Tapas: Get the bacon wrapped dates (everything was good but seriously, get the bacon wrapped dates)
Herbs and Rye: Awesome little bar (the first non-watered down drinks I had)
Boarder Grill (at Mandalay Bay): The most expensive meal I had in Vegas… but also the best quality food. The Banh Mi sliders were amazing
Must See: We only made it to one show “Vegas the show” which was amazing. Fountains are the Balagio are great but I almost preferred the very small one by the Wynn (you are right by it, the music is classic Vegas rat pack, if it is hot and windy you get the coolness of mist from the fountains). Freemont at night: this is a $8-12 Lyft from the strip and if you have any promo… it costs little more than the tip to get to/from.
Timeshare: We ended up getting to Vegas about 12 hours earlier than expected, giving us an extra day. The moment (literally) I walked into the hotel I was approached by someone trying to get me to go to a 90 minute timeshare presentation. And offering us two tickets to a show, $100 in dining/gambling vouchers, and about another $100 in various incentives. My thought was for the two of us together, we don’t make $100 an hour… might as well go to augment our experience.
First of all ~90 minutes is more like 4 hours Expect a very hard sell Expect sales people that have been exceptionally well coached on how to overcome any objections Expect that if you are contemplating but can’t buy now (for whatever reason) that there is always another product to sell you
Make sure that you take your phone and look at reviews (and figure out if the product they are selling is worth its value to you).
Several of the hotels/casinos had timeshare representatives looking for customers. They do everything they can to get you to their presentations. They look like hotel employees “welcome to , are you just getting to Vegas? Let me get your welcome kit”
TL;DR Use Sprit Air is cheap… but will nickel and dime you for everything, UbeLyft, Circus Circus is cheap but sad, My Vegas Rewards can save you a little money, watch out for timeshare reps
submitted by skot123 to vegas [link] [comments]

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submitted by courseforgolf to u/courseforgolf [link] [comments]

Things to do in Vegas in October (many links inside)

I'm visiting Las Vegas in October for a conference, but I've made sure that I will have a week on my own as well. I would like to share my current plans with you. If you're a tourist, maybe you can get some ideas for your next trip, and if you are a local, maybe you know of some places or activities that I should add to my itinerary.
Context: I'm 28, work in IT and have visited the US twice so far. I'm interested in technology, science, politics and gaming and I love learning/trying new things. I will probably be staying at Trump International Hotel, then at Best Western Plus Casino Royale, both near or at The Strip.
That's what I have for Vegas for now, are there any other places I should go or activities I should try?
For completeness, the rest of my trip will probably look something like this:
submitted by arex1337 to vegas [link] [comments]

Brock Lesnar wins the UFC heavyweight championship. WON. 24/11/2008

On November 12, 1993, UFC debuted in Denver as an unsanctioned PPV brawl trying to answer the question of, if you put fighters from all sorts of disciplines in a no rules fight, who would win.
At the time, most Americans were conditioned to think a boxer would knock everyone out, or perhaps, some huge muscular guy would overpower everyone. They were shocked when a skinny, 6-1, 175-pounder named Royce Gracie, used ground technique to cut through the competition. They put their family name and business, Gracie Jiu Jitsu, on the map, propagating the myth that in a fight, size doesn’t matter if you have the right technique.
15 years later, UFC was a fully sanctioned sport with worldwide media attention for its 11/15 show at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.
Brock Lesnar, going into the cage at 277 pounds, giving him a 57-pound weight advantage over Randy Couture, knocked the legendary champion down in the second round and nailed him with 40 rapid fire hammer fists to the head before ref Mario Yamasaki stopped the fight and awarded Lesnar the UFC heavyweight championship.
It was an interesting dichotomy, as the general public, and gamblers, looked at the size difference and felt there was no way for Couture to win. Oddsmakers across the board started with Couture as the favorite, but consistently, until the last day, almost all the money came in on Lesnar. Those in the know, like the fighters, smiled knowing that there was no way for Lesnar to win, because a guy with three pro fights, even one as physically impressive as Lesnar, isn’t going to walk into a sport and beat a living legend, even if that legend was 45 years old. Of course, there was the argument that Couture’s main strength in fighting in his wrestling, and he was facing a younger, much larger and stronger man, who was also a very good wrestler. Even if Couture was technically a better wrestler, even those close to the situation gave, due to size, the wrestling edge to Lesnar. But Couture would find a way to win, because he’d defend, cause the big man to tire, and take advantage late. As usual, the truth was probably somewhere in the middle.
There were many different things that could have happened. What did is, Couture moved his head out of the way of a Lesnar punch, but Lesnar’s ridiculous reach, with what Couture tabbed “Inspector Gadget arms,” still clocked him on the side of the ear with enough force to put the champion down. Lesnar didn’t hesitate for a split second in going all out for the finish. Ref Yamasaki tried to give Couture every opportunity to get up, clearly not wanting to give the champion every chance to escape. But after 40 blows, with Couture not moving, he had no choice.
You can always say “What if?” It doesn’t matter and it doesn’t take away what Lesnar accomplished. If that punch missed, how would it have played out? Just as if Lesnar had stepped out of Frank Mir’s submission in February, how would that match have played out? It can be debated forever. Maybe Couture’s strategy would have paid dividends in the late round. Maybe it would have backfired, as Couture, in a battle of wrestling against a bigger man and boxing with a guy who hit much harder, still may have lost.
The finish was a shock to the most vocal hardcore MMA fans, and while Lesnar’s win got a mix of cheers and outright shock, once people recovered and Lesnar did his interview, he was heavily booed by the crowd that during this fight, lived and died with every move Couture made. Every time he would simply thwart a Lesnar move or get up from the bottom, the place would explode. Even with a fight that could have been promoted better and had a strangely low-key and rushed feeling weigh-in, on the night of the show, the atmosphere was top-notch. Couture and Lesnar followed arguably the company’s best undercard of the year, with spectacular finishes and impressive performances. Lesnar was still the outsider in this morality play, the bully coming into the castle against the white night. They’ve seen it in movies, and seen it in pro wrestling. It was really a unique dynamic, because when they did the staredown, it was ridiculous. But they saw Couture staredown with Tim Sylvia and how did that end up?
Lesnar was billed at 6-3 and Couture at 6-2, but next to each other, it was clear those numbers were ridiculous. Lesnar had no less than four inches on Couture.
Couture got the first psychological edge because Lesnar at first couldn’t take him down. But finally, at the 2:10 mark, Couture fell victim to a double leg and was on his back. Couture quickly reversed and had Lesnar’s back, but Lesnar reversed back into the top position. Lesnar did some offense from the top, but nothing terribly significant, and Couture would always get up. Couture, from his specialty, the Greco-Roman clinch, was even able to turn Lesnar against the cage and came close to a takedown, as Lesnar, instinctively, grabbed the cage to avoid it, an illegal move that caused Yamasaki to warn him. Still, with the takedowns and some damage from the top, all three judges gave it to Lesnar, but it was close.
Even though he was down on the cards, the fight was going more the way Couture would have wanted it. Joe Rogan noted between rounds that Lesnar was getting tired. Those at ringside noted to me after the fight that they couldn’t believe the amount Lesnar was sweating by the end of the first round, also indicating they believed he was gassing, but not realizing Lesnar naturally sweats a ton. That’s just his make-up, and actually, going forward in his career, it could be a problem for opponents because it’ll allow him to perhaps slip out of submissions late in fights if he does tire. Also noted (here comes the small calves story) by people after the fight was the nature of Lesnar’s takedowns, that he never went low or used his quickness to shoot, and instead tried to rely on upper body power alone. Perhaps this was in response to rumors that Couture had knocked a major name fighter out in training while practicing timing throwing knees on a low shot that he expected to come from Lesnar. Perhaps there was something to the rumored hamstring injury that his camp denied a couple of months back. Perhaps he just didn’t see the opening. The fight was over before late round conditioning came into play. Before the fight, Lesnar appeared confident the late rounds would favor him because of Couture having to push around a guy so much larger.
Rogan didn’t note that it appeared Couture, having to wrestle such a huge man, was also getting tired and breathing heavy between rounds (partially because his corner told him to do so to get as much oxygen in for the next round). It was noted after, that people who go in “knowing” that Couture is going to gas Lesnar and finish him in the championship rounds, are going to see what they know is going to happen. Don’t get me wrong, I expected Couture to win because it’s his sport, but also knew that Couture winning depended upon Lesnar either tiring, which I didn’t expect, or making a mental error, which I figured in 25 minutes, was likely to happen due to inexperience.
During the second round, they started trading punches. Couture connected more, but Lesnar answered one of his biggest questions. Yes, he can take a punch. He felt it. He wasn’t significantly hurt by it. His punches were doing more damage on Couture. But Couture busted Lesnar’s right eye with a punch.
“It made me a little nervous and it pissed me off,” said Lesnar. “I wanted to get first blood. Something in my head said, `We’ve got to pick this up.’”
And he did, hitting a strong uppercut. But Lesnar was getting out boxed standing, and was looking worried, yet at that moment, connected with the blow that won him the championship.
“I don’t remember the punch (that won the fight),” Lesnar said. “The only thing I remember is I hit him about 40 times (on the ground). I was wondering when the ref would stop it, and wondering if he’d do Superman and get up.”
Couture was clearly frustrated. He, from all accounts, had an amazing camp and was looking better than ever. While facially, yes, he looked old, he did not have an old man’s reflexes and quite frankly, it was amazing the job he was doing in the wrestling exchanges.
Although the age of 45 and 15 months away would lead people to believe Lesnar beat a rusty, washed up fighter, those who trained with Couture were adamant he was handling big wrestlers well and his striking had never been better. Despite the loss, Couture didn’t fight like a washed up guy and while I wouldn’t favor him in a rematch, I also wouldn’t say he had no chance, although with each month, whatever chance he has diminishes. He fought like a guy who simply got caught, which was his explanation after the fight. What he does next is up in the air. At 220 pounds, he was the real size of most light heavyweights today. But there are aspects of his style that are why he’s been successful as a heavyweight. His wrestling knowledge allowed him to neutralize the power guys, and he’s faster than most heavyweights. As a light heavyweight, he’s not as quick in comparison, nor as good a striker as most, although he probably could out wrestle most of them.
For Lesnar, his next move is to face the winner of the Frank Mir vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira fight, which he hopes, for retribution, will be Mir. But most would favor Nogueira in that fight. The timetable, provided the winner of the fight doesn’t get injured, would be March or April.
In many ways, Nogueira would be Lesnar’s current ultimate challenge unless somehow a match with Fedor Emelianenko transpires. Nogueira has quicker hands than Couture, although doesn’t have a lot of knockouts to his credit. He can be knocked down, but unlike Couture, who when he’s been hit hard, that usually ends the fight, Nogueira has never been finished in a fight. But Nogueira has taken so many beatings, that his once incredible reflexes did seem slower in his last fight with Tim Sylvia. But the key is, he’s far more dangerous than Couture on the ground.
Lesnar is a powerful guy who drills like crazy and has a big camp with submission aware people like BJJ champ Comprido and first generation submission fighter Erik Paulsen all geared at making him the best he can be. Whether that’s enough to avoid Nogueira’s submissions on the ground for 25 minutes by next spring is a question. The advantage Lesnar has is that there is no way Nogueira will get him to the ground if he doesn’t want to be there. Nogueira best strategic move may even be the old-time possum playing, of taking a punch and going down, figuring Lesnar will follow him down and then be waiting when he gets there.
Lesnar’s win gives the company something it has never had in the past, a champion who is truly hated. He’s been the company’s top draw of 2008 while climbing the ladder, and now, the idea of the great BJJ hope chasing him and taking the title back from him should make him as big a draw as UFC can have given the times we live in. Plus, the best part of this is everyone has “the hope” because they’ve seen that Lesnar is vulnerable. They saw what Mir did, so they know it’s possible.
There is a natural inclination to hate Lesnar because, if Couture and Lesnar are the same size, even with the age difference, Couture wins. Despite being heavyweight champion, I don’t expect Lesnar to show up in the top ten in the mythical pound-for-pound rankings. But whatever you think of him, he trained his ass off, and the reason he has gotten so far so fast is that is fame open the doors for him, but if he couldn’t fight, those doors would have been closed. And while he did lose to Mir and only had a 1-1 record before getting a title shot, his marketability opened that door, but going in, the people who made this match, while nobody bets against Couture because of history, knew full well as a style match-up, this was going to be tough on him. He was bigger and stronger, making him better in this match, at what Couture’s major strength is. But there are plenty of 280- pound guys in the sport who haven’t gotten as far because they weren’t the athlete he is, but also, because they didn’t train as hard as he did. That training discipline, a throwback to his college wrestling days, was a huge part of his success.
Lesnar passed a few tests. He can take a punch. He doesn’t fold under adversity and when he’s not successful at “bullying” smaller guys around, because Couture did some things to him and he calmly regained control. He was worried, but it worked out in his favor. We don’t know if he can go the distance, but he probably can, and with Nogueira, there is a good chance we’ll find out for sure. Nogueira will also test any weaknesses he may have as a stand-up fighter, and if he does, will test his submission defense like nobody else if he goes to the ground. And Nogueira is hardly the only test.
Waiting in the wings is Shane Carwin, who is just as big, almost as strong (Carwin is stronger lifting wise but that’s because he has shorter arms, I’d guess Lesnar is physically stronger but even that’s not a lock), almost as quick and more experienced with every bit of the same mean strike, and Carwin is at this point a better striker with just as hard a punch.
Also in the wings is the guy most inside the business feel is the future of the heavyweight division in Cain Velasquez, who just underwent knee surgery and isn’t expected back until around April. Velasquez is only slightly behind Lesnar as a credentialed wrestler, but being 25, may be just as good at this point. Velasquez is far better at strikes and submissions, and no matter how good Lesnar’s conditioning is, Velasquez’s is better. Bobby Lashley, who trained with Velasquez recently, just shook his head when asked noting that the guy never gets tired. Velasquez, locally, is a myth all onto himself, as Javier Mendez, who has trained B.J. Penn, Frank Shamrock, Cung Le, Jake Shields, Gilbert Melendez and Josh Koscheck at various times, said Velasquez is the single greatest athlete who ever walked through his doors. Lesnar’s one edge is that he’d go into a fight with a 35- 40 pound weight edge, as Velasquez has to pig out to keep his weight at 240, because he trains so much the weight naturally comes off. The odds are greatly against him beating all three because all pose different types of threats.
For UFC, the key now is to get Carwin and Velasquez in prominent positions on upcoming shows, because nobody outside the hardcores has a clue who they are, and whether they can beat Lesnar or not, if nobody cares about them, there won’t be as much interest in the fights.
As far as this show went, it drew 14,272 fans, which was a few hundred shy of capacity, and a $4.8 million gate. It was the fourth biggest MMA gate in North American history, trailing Liddell vs. Ortiz, Georges St. Pierre vs. Matt Serra and Liddell vs. Wanderlei Silva. We don’t have a paid number, but it was probably around 11,000 to 11,500, and a lot of the paid were late casino package buys. It wasn’t that people didn’t want to see it, as there were more people logged in when tickets went on sale than for any show in history, but the prices and the economy scared people off. If it was scaled lower, it would have sold out immediately.
We don’t even have a preliminary indication of the PPV numbers, although are likely to have something by the end of the week. Our response level was lower than I’d have expected for this show. While Dana White was throwing out a 1.2 million number as his prediction to the media all week, my thought was 750,000 to 800,000 buys based on hype level, and with the economy in the shape it is, people may double up, as in more people going to sports bars or more people per household watching, lowering the total number of buys. White even recognized that and on ESPN, pushed the idea of getting nine or ten of your friends together, split up the cost, buy some pizza and beer and have a great night. We got a lot of reports from sports bars saying it was more packed for this fight than any UFC in history, and normally that would correlate to a record PPV.
Both men’s payday depend on the numbers. Couture’s contract was $250,000 guarantee plus a $250,000 winning bonus that he didn’t collect. He also has a sliding scale PPV cut, which at 750,000 buys would be an additional $1,582,500, or $1.83 million total. At 1 million buys, he’d get$2.58 million total and at 1.2 million buys, would be $3.18 million. Lesnar got a $250,000 guarantee, and $200,000 bonus, and a PPV cut. His cut is undisclosed other than those close to the situation saying it’s “close to” but lower than what Couture got. Considering he got $200,000 more than Couture for winning, his numbers won’t be that far off from Couture’s numbers. With the exception of John Cena because of his merchandise, Lesnar would have had a bigger year than any of the pro wrestlers. If you saw the ESPN piece, you can see he’s got a small inexpensive car, no Internet, a TV only to watch hunting, fishing and sports and doesn’t live anything like he did as a free spender in his WWE days, living in the woods in Alexandria, a city of 11,000 people in Northern Minnesota.
As for the rest of the show, it had everything you’d want from a show, with great finishes, only one match going to a decision, and it was the best match on the show, and history was made in the main event. Many considered it Zuffa’s show of the year, and from top-to-bottom, it would be hard to argue. The main events wouldn’t match up to the 6/1 show in Sacramento (Miguel Torres vs. Yoshiro Maeda and Urijah Faber vs. Jens Pulver were both match of the year candidates, and nothing on this show was in that category), but the prelims here blew that show away.
Both TNA and WWE acknowledged Lesnar’s win on their web sites, but neither did on their television shows. He’s no longer under contract to WWE, and that’s how they are. They acknowledged Dwayne Johnson’s movie openings when he was under contract, but not after, although the studios always heavily advertise his movies on WWE programming. WWE dropped plugging Stacey Keibler midway through “Dancing with the Stars” (after being criticized for it, they did briefly make later mentions) and she was still under contract, just because they realized she wouldn’t be renewing. Certainly, in the old days, every wrestling company would have pointed to it, as an affirmation if not of the legitimacy of pro wrestling itself, but of the legitimacy of wrestlers as tough guys. You could make the argument either way, but I wouldn’t expect they would.
Still, I was surprised WWE ripped the show itself. On their web site in an article noting Lesnar was the first man to capture both the WWE and UFC heavyweight championship (Ken Shamrock stopped at the IC title level; Dan Severn was recognized as NWA champion within WWE), they wrote:
“Critics have noted that many of the fights on the UFC PPV ended in the first round, leaving UFC producers scrambling to fill the three-hour window with content. The dearth of hearty competition left many viewers to watch less prestigious undercard fights and only served to bolster claims that UFC PPV events can often be a `crap shoot’ in regards to filling the full three hours. For his part, Lesnar took the encouragement o the WWE Universe and the hard lessons forged during his fiery time at WWE and showed UFC and the world why he is not only a man of mettle, but also a former three-time WWE champion.”
Clearly, someone recognized by the next day that the company came off poorly with that review. It probably would never come off well, but doing so after what many considered the best show of the year made the timing even worse. The entire article was not only taken off the main page the next day, but completely erased from the site. Interestingly, Shane McMahon was at the show live, but kept a low-key presence as I never saw him, nor was he shown either on television or to the live crowd. No other pro wrestling people were there, unlike Lesnar’s first fight in Las Vegas. Most of the WWE crew was in Europe, although Undertaker was home by the time of the fight. Steve Austin, who was at his first match, was in Vancouver shooting a movie. Dwayne Johnson, who had planned to attend, was also unable to attend as he was needed to shoot scenes that day.
In the heyday of Mike Tyson, when his PPV numbers were killing WWF’s, they did at times rip Tyson PPVs, after a string of early knockouts, with the line that WWF guarantees you three hours of entertainment instead of spending so much money for something that could be over in one round.
submitted by val_weiner to TheDirtsheets [link] [comments]


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November 18 Saturday 7:30PM
The Strip
The Strip Share: The 2.5-mile-long central section of Las Vegas Boulevard, which runs through the city from northeast to southwest, known as The Strip, is lined with huge entertainment palaces, many built with a defining theme and home to performance venues, luxury hotel rooms, and fine dining. The Strip is particularly impressive at night, when the city is illuminated by an endless succession of glittering neon signs. Most visitors enjoy walking along the Strip and taking in the sights. Generally speaking, the Las Vegas Strip runs from the Mandalay Bay Hotel to the Treasure Island Hotel. Many of the hotel complexes have free street side entertainment, from dancing fountains to erupting volcanoes. To truly experience Las Vegas, stay on The Strip, preferably at one of the major resorts. For a look at some of the best accommodation options in a variety of price ranges, see our recommended hotels.
Fremont Street Experience
Fremont Street Experience Allie_Caulfield Share: Off The Strip, in the old downtown Las Vegas, is Fremont Street, a pedestrian only area with all kinds of unique sites. A four block section of Fremont Street has been covered over with a canopy of LED lights which light up the sky in a ray of different colors as you walk below. Known as the Fremont Street Experience, each night a fantastic music and visual show takes place overhead. Street performers and special entertainment acts often perform outdoors in this area. The Fremont Street Experience is in downtown Las Vegas, a few kilometers from the new hotel groupings such as Treasure Island and Caesar's Palace. It is best to take a taxi to reach this area. Official site:
Venetian Hotel and Gondola Rides
Venetian Hotel and Gondola Rides Share: The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas is located on "The Strip" across from Treasure Island. It is one of the city's finest resorts and has many interesting tourist attractions. Visitors can walk through the themed shopping arcade built to resemble the city of Venice, complete with blue skies, canals, and gondoliers. The hotel also features recreations of the main attractions found in Venice such as the Rialto Bridge and the Bridge of Sighs, along with many others. The Venetian Gondola Rides are a fun way to see the complex. Situated out in front of the Venetian Hotel, near the sidewalk, boats await passengers who are then taken on a ride by their personable gondolier through the shopping arcade inside the hotel. Address: 3655 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas Official site:
Paris Hotel and the Eiffel Tower
Paris Hotel and the Eiffel Tower Share: The Paris Hotel on the Strip is one of the most easily recognized resorts in Las Vegas. Out front is a scale model of the Eiffel Tower, and down the way is a recreation of the Paris Opera House. Also on the property is a mock hot air balloon festooned with neon and flashing lights. Located in the "Eiffel Tower" is an upper end restaurant with fine views out over The Strip and across to the dancing fountains of Bellagio. Address: 3655 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas Official site:
Mirage Hotel: Erupting Volcano and Secret Garden
Mirage Hotel: Erupting Volcano and Secret GardenLana Law Share: The Mirage Hotel is easy to identify while walking along the Strip. In front of the resort is a volcano, which erupts at regular intervals. At night, the glowing red fire shooting out is one of the most unique sites visible from the sidewalk. Inside the Mirage is the Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. Here, visitors can see a wide variety of exotic animals in their natural environment including white lions. The Dolphin Habitat contains a large number of trained dolphins in its 2.5-million-gallon pools. Address: 3400 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas Official site:
Bellagio Resort and Fountain Show
Bellagio Resort and Fountain Show Robert Pernett Share: The Bellagio Resort in Las Vegas is considered the city's finest resort and one of the few AAA 5-star-rated hotels. This massive hotel complex has a wide variety of attractions including an Art Gallery, Botanical Gardens, Spa and Salon, coupled with some of the finest restaurants in Las Vegas. Beyond the lobby is a showroom area with changing themes that range from spring botanical displays to fascinating shows of art. The most impressive and famous feature is the fountain show. In front of the Bellagio, along the strip, the dancing fountains perform a beautiful display of water set to music. From the sidewalk, visitors have a ringside view. This is often described as the best free attraction in Las Vegas. Address: 3600 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas Official site:
Caesar's Palace and The Colosseum
Shops at Ceasar's Palace Lana Law Share: Perhaps one of the best known of all the Las Vegas hotel resorts, Caesar's Palace continues to evolve. Currently Caesar's Palace is a massive complex in the middle of the Strip, complete with every imaginable entertainment option. The hotel is closely associated with shows held in its huge concert venue known as "The Colosseum." Top performers (which have included Celine Dione and Elton John) perform here for extended periods and shows are often booked out well in advance. Visitors planning a trip and hoping to see a performance here will want to check out dates and ticket availability as early as possible. Address: 3570 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas Official site:
MGM Grand Hotel and CSI: The Experience
MGM Grand Hotel and CSI: The Experience Share: The MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas is across the street from the New York-New York Hotel and kitty corner to the Excalibur Resort Hotel. The MGM Grand Hotel has all the amenities visitors would expect to find at a luxury hotel including above average accommodations, an exceptional pool area, a multitude of restaurants, and plenty of entertainment options. One of the hotels popular activities is CSI: The Experience, based on the popular CSI TV series, where participants can test out their detective skills. Address: 3799 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas Official site:
submitted by Flkmeyer to u/Flkmeyer [link] [comments]

Things to do in Vegas in October (many links inside)

I'm visiting Las Vegas in October for a conference, but I've made sure that I will have a week on my own as well. I would like to share my current plans with you. If you're a tourist, maybe you can get some ideas for your next trip, and if you are a local, maybe you know of some places or activities that I should add to my itinerary.
Context: I'm 28, work in IT and have visited the US twice so far. I'm interested in technology, science, politics and gaming and I love learning/trying new things. I will probably be staying at Trump International Hotel, then at Best Western Plus Casino Royale, both near or at The Strip.
That's what I have for Vegas for now, are there any other places I should go or activities I should try?
For completeness, the rest of my trip will probably look something like this:
submitted by arex1337 to LasVegas [link] [comments]

mgm grand casino las vegas reviews video

MGM Grand Hotel - Las Vegas 4K - YouTube MGM Grand Las Vegas 2019 - YouTube MGM Grand Las Vegas Reopening Review - Jun 10, 2020 - YouTube Exploring MGM Grand Hotel & Casino - YouTube Grand King Strip View Room Tour  MGM Grand Las Vegas ... Room Review for the MGM Grand Las Vegas

Additional property amenities include a casino, 24 hour room service and a concierge desk. MGM Grand Las Vegas earned an impressive 4-Key rating in the Green Key Eco-Certification Program in May 2010. Guestrooms. 5,000 air-conditioned guestrooms at MGM Grand Hotel and Casino feature minibars and safes. Bathrooms feature complimentary toiletries The Casino – MGM Grand Las Vegas The heart of any Vegas casino is, well, the casino. While there is plenty else to keep you busy in the MGM Grand, it is no secret that the main attraction is their 171,500 square foot gaming floor. The MGM Grand offers table games, slots, a sportsbook, video poker style machines, and live poker action. Das MGM Grand Hotel and Casino ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für Reisende, die Las Vegas näher kennenlernen möchten. Es bietet ein trendiges Umfeld und viele Annehmlichkeiten, die ihren Aufenthalt noch angenehmer machen werden. The MGM Grand Las Vegas is a hotel casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. The MGM Grand is the second largest hotel in the world by number of rooms and the largest hotel resort complex in the United States.… MGM Grand is located at about the midpoint of the southern half of the three-and-a-half-mile-long stretch of hotel-casinos known as the Las Vegas Strip.Hotels near MGM Grand Las Vegas include New York, New York Hotel and Casino across the street and the Tropicana just to the south. Most Las Vegas visitors want to explore all of the big properties along the Strip. MGM Grand Hotel and Casino is an excellent choice for travelers visiting Las Vegas, offering a trendy environment alongside many helpful amenities designed to enhance your stay. Guest rooms offer amenities such as a minibar, a flat screen TV, and air conditioning. Das MGM Grand ist sicherlich aufgrund seiner Größe sehr imposant. Der große goldene Löwe vor dem Casino ist auch ein tolles Fotomotiv. Ein Besuch gehört zu einem Las Vegas Besuch dazu. Letztendlich ist es aber ein Casino, wie jedes andere, vielleicht nur etwas größer. Located on The Strip, MGM Grand Hotel and Casino is one of the most well known and grandest of hotels in Las Vegas. Featuring exclusive lounges, world-class entertainment, and delightful dining, MGM Grand Hotel and Casino has everything you need for a complete Las Vegas experience all under one roof! Guests have access to the expansive pool complex, Grand Spa, Grand Salon, and fitness center. Stay in the heart of Las Vegas – Great location - show map Located on the Las Vegas Strip, this elegant resort features a large casino with a gaming floor, tropical-inspired pools and a selection of dining options are also available. McCarran International Airport is 10 minutes’ drive away. MGM Grand Hotel and Casino is an excellent choice for travelers visiting Las Vegas, offering a trendy environment alongside many helpful amenities designed to enhance your stay. Guest rooms offer amenities such as a minibar, a flat screen TV, and air conditioning.

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MGM Grand Hotel - Las Vegas 4K - YouTube

Today we explored the largest resort on the Las Vegas Strip. The MGM Grand is an exciting spot with so much to do inside. There are tons of options for food ... MGM Grand Hotel - Las Vegas 4KGreat Hotel, Great Location, Book here for best price: Captured ... Walk with us and explore MGM Grand Hotel & Casino.Camera link ... #LiLV - Living in Las VegasPlease subscribe for ... Walk with us and explore MGM Grand Hotel & Casino.Camera link ... MGM Grand Las Vegas Reopening Review - Jun 10, 2020Tonight's Las Vegas Strip Casino Reopening Review is no other than the MGM Grand. The MGM is coming back s... MGM Grand west wing king room review and Walkthru. ... Inside The M Resort Spa Casino Las Vegas - Duration: 2:44. Erik The Travel Guy 22,260 views. 2:44. My last stay in Las Vegas was at MGM Grand. I had booked the Grand King Strip View room when there was an offer. I was happy with my choice. The ambience of ...

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