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Non-Combat Sea and Underwater Encounters

Your party is sailing or traveling in a submersible (like the Apparatus of Kwalish) and interesting things besides combat happen!
  1. A storm blows in and something strange is washed aboard the ship. You decide! (1d4):
    1. Treasure.
    2. A mermaid.
    3. A strange, half drowned bird.
    4. A dead deep sea fish.
  2. Your submersible travels through a dense forest of Kelp and the propeller gets tangled and the party has to figure out how to dislodge without getting the bends/while under the immense atmospheric pressure under the sea.
  3. The sounds of unearthly singing reach your ears from across the water. You find the remains of ships and sirens (mermaid like tricksters), but the sirens appear to have left.
  4. A whirlpool full of teeth opens up just ahead of your ship and you have to sail to avoid it (think Scylla and Charybdis).
  5. The seagulls are joined by other types of birds in the sky - perhaps something has gone awry on the land (perhaps a major forest fire).
  6. Bio-luminescent jelly fish bloom at night, lighting up the water around you, creating a romantic and breathtaking atmosphere.
  7. You find a dingy afloat all alone on the sea with a child/NPC with a story hook aboard.
  8. The stowaway is revealed after someone finally took inventory of the stowed supplies below deck when the chocolate was disappearing in larger quantities than expected.
  9. Seasoned sailors get seasick as you realize maybe something is wrong with the food.
  10. You see a gargantuan entity on the horizon and the sailors start to tell tales. You decide! (1d4)
    1. Uk'otoa.
    2. Dragon Turtles.
    3. Giant Hermit Crabs.
    4. Sea Serpents.
  11. You hit the doldrums. There is no wind and no current. The ship you are on has to wait until the wind starts again. Escape?
    1. The wind only starts on a natural 20 roll on a d20.
    2. Every day that passes uses up rations and fresh water.
    3. Once the food runs out, and the PCs begin to starve (failed CON roll with increaseing daily DC starting at 10) they may well begin to go insane.
    4. Cannibalism will resolve any hunger issues.
  12. You find a message in a bottle floating near the ship. It's from a father to his children, writing to tell them how much he misses them while he's on the high seas. Optional bonus quest to find the children and deliver the letter.
  13. One of the crew members caught a magical talking fish. The fish claims that if you set him free, he'll grant you a wish.
  14. A dolphin has been following the ship for three days. A. If treated kindly, the dolphin shows the way to a hidden lagoon with treasure. B. Treated badly, the dolphin and its friends make a large hole in the bottom of the ship.
  15. Things are going missing from the deck of the ship. If investigated, it's a bird. The bird has built a nest and is clearly trying to impress a potential mate with its newfound collection.
  16. A strange formation of rocks appears a ways off the shoreline of an island. Closer inspection reveals that these are not rocks, but bones from an ancient dragon. Perhaps the hoard is somewhere nearby?
  17. A sea witch happens upon the ship. She gives the party the "gift of communication" and casts a friendly spell before going on her way. The enchantment is aimed at the ship. For the next 14 days, the ship is sentient and can communicate with the crew. And boy oh boy, does this ship have some opinions!
  18. A wave washes a large shell onto the deck of the ship. It's a instrument, and the first person to pick it up gains proficiency in playing the shell. The shell can lull any baby in a 10 foot radius into a peaceful slumber.
  19. Fair wind: you arrive sooner
  20. Shitty wind: you are forced to sail around your destination to gain favorable wind. Arrive later. Tacking negates this somewhat
  21. A storm rolls in, but is just rain
  22. A storm rolls in and creates fog, travel is slowed, but less than bad winds. A measure of a few hours, not days.
  23. Two ships are fighting
  24. A ship is fighting a kraken
  25. A storm rolls in. Its a maelstrom
  26. A traveling sea merchant rolls by.
  27. Come across ship wreckage
  28. Come across a patch of darker water that slows the ship
  29. Ghost ship arises on the new moon is empty
  30. Ghost ship arises on the full moon and is crewed by skeletons
  31. Smaller ship tries to square up
  32. Bigger ship bullies you until you pay a toll or tax, fights if you refuse
  33. An island is sighted, but is not there when you arrive
  34. An island appears on the horizon where you JUST checked (its an island turtle)
  35. A rock appears where you swear there was nothing beforw (its a Gargantuan hermit crab)
  36. You see an undersea fight that causes the sea to roll and boil, sometimes popping up above water
  37. Coral reef! On a failed perception roll, boat takes damage and must be repaired. On a 1 it must be repaired 2x, once to stop it from sinking, and then again at port. A giant serpent surfaces and eyes the boat, eventually moving on
  38. An empty ship rolls by, slowly. (Mimic ship with oozes below)
  39. The sounds of unearthly singing reach your ears from across the water. You consider going after them, but decide not to (wis save)
  40. Your rowboat ropes start to snap! Make a dex save, mending check, strength saving throw to save it.
  41. A comet streaks across the sky
  42. Aurora Borealis
  43. You hear rumbling off in the distance. A volcanic island is erupting!
  44. Seals follow the boat for a while.
  45. A giant koi fish (river) or whale shark (sea) lazily circles the boat, then flips down to the depths
    1. Takes a chunk of the boat
    2. Bumps the boat off course
    3. leaps over the boat and hits the mast on its way
    4. smacks the boat with its tail doing damage
  47. The waves grow choppy and the wind picks up. Unless intentionally slowing the boat, you get to your destination faster, but your boat might take damage
  48. The bard begins to play a sea shanty. You all join in and have a great time
  49. A massive, huge, giant, monsterous shark fin is seen. It then disappears without a trace
  50. A Blue Whale (100+ feet long) breaks the water and bumps the boat
  51. A Megalodon bites the stern of the boat, requiring repairs 2x. Trip is delayed by a few hours.
  52. The sea grows calm. No magic works. Then, just as suddenly, the wind picks up, magic starts up, everything is normal
  53. You see something sparkling on the beach of a small uncharted island.
  54. You see something sparkling on an uncharted island. Its a message in a bottle
  55. You pass by an uncharted island and see a fire. Its a marooned pirate, someone lost, nothing.
  56. An albatross takes a rest on your boat for a while, then flies off
  57. You see circling seagulls off in the distance. When you arrive there, there are some floating barrels with a dead body lashed to it, rum inside, food inside, repair supplies inside, cannonballs inside, treasure inside, an animal inside, barely clinging to life, a castaway bobbing in a barrel. You see a crate in the water. It has cannons, wood, food, ale, plants, silks, spices, sugar, a note atop showing a delivery island that is where you came from, the island you're going to, an island near it, an island you've never heard of, an island that Nobody has ever heard of.
  58. A giant squid comes near the surface near the boat to warm up in the sun. Curious about your presence, it follows your ship for several hours before disappearing back into the depths.
  59. A dragon swoops by, catching a ton of fish in its mouth, then flying away
  60. A dragon attacks the ship, but is shown to be an illusion. You dont know from where it came.
  61. Baba yaga, but it's an outpost on a rock
  62. Giant hippocampus swims next to the boat and tries to get the party to throw it treats.
  63. You fall off the ship! Before you can cry out the ship is already sailing on its way and you are lost overboard. Just as you begin to despair, a friendly merfolk swims up and asks if you need help. If you explain what happened, they kindly offer to return you to the ship.
  64. As you keep watch, you look over the side. Roll a percentage dice. (1-10, 90-100 its real) you see a small creature tearing out boards to the side of the ship! Then as you look they vanish, and you hear a commotion from the other side of the boat.
  65. A group of sea elves herding whales ask for help locating a missing calf
  66. While sailing at night, the ship passes through a patch of bioluminescent algae
  67. The ship gets lost in a magnetic field anomaly which causes their compass to spin wildly. A DC 17 survival check will get them out but off course. A 20 or higher will get them out while maintaining the proper course
  68. A merchant vessel: a vessel that is a small market place, stocking rope, lantern oil, medical supplies, preserved foods, and other ship-borne essentials, maybe weapon maintenance, potions of healing and water breathing, that kind of thing. put some guards on it: a blackguard, a champion, and a warlord.
  69. You encounter a Kelp Forest, a portion of the sea where the Kelp stalks stretch high above the waves, at least 40 to 50 feet. Who knows what kind of beasts might linger in the fog, nesting amongst the broad leaves and seed pods.
  70. A pod of whales swims along side the submersible, a sudden wave lunges the sub to one side as a Roc dives into the water and grabs a whale. The roc's flapping and thw whales panic make for extremly difficult seas and the crew of the sub will needs to sucseed in a skill challenge to prevent catostophic failure of the machine.
  71. An Iceberg that has been carved to be an Ice lich fortress on its underside sawrms with undead such as Merpires and Great Wight Sharks. The Party will have to find ways to make their vessal steathy or face a dire situation. (If in warmer climes, the Iceberg can be replaced with a floating coral fortress and the Ice Lich with a Merpire (Merfolk Vampire) Lord.)
  72. The Party see a lake of dark liquid on the bottom of th sea bed. The substance is "Brine" super salty water that is low in oxygen, only the most hard bacteria can survive in it. it is used by many subnautical peoples as a holy sight to entomb their dead. . . Often with gold and pearls. When the Party are down in the lake, somethng knocks on the hatch.
  73. The party comes across an abandoned ship, it’s in perfect condition and the party can’t tell why it’s been abandoned
  74. You come across a huge abyssal plane of downed airships on the ocean floor after a dogfight. The ghosts all come to you to help them get home.
    1. home (denial)
    2. travel
    3. ascend
    4. seize (haunt/poltergeist)
  75. A methane vent on the ocean floor causes anything in the area to sink at 10’ per round.
  76. The lookout can see multiple sources of light below the water. If the party investigates they find a small village of sea people living in bubbles 100 meters below the surface. The bubbles contain oxygen and are possible to move through but also stand on.
  77. You meet another ship, a merchant ship. However, you are informed that this particular ship used to be quite known for his crew and their deals … Until they sank 2 years ago
  78. The ship is run aground on a sandbank (more plausible in archipelagos/shallow waters), so the players must find a way to dig the ship out or use enough force to push off from the bank (but not too much force to break the ship!)
  79. You pass ovearound an island recently submerged underwater by rising sea levels (natural or otherwise). The tops of trees and buildings peak over the lapping waves, and if you glance down and squint you can make out the signs of a civilisation eradicated; fish swimming about abandoned hovels, overturned carts floating by, and even the occasional ghost wandering down dead roads.
  80. Far in the distance, you can make out a naval battle raging. The distant thunder of cannons and a faint smell of brimstone linger in the air. Eventually one ship keels over, sinking beneath the waves.
  81. A half-sunken ship containing a hag. She'll promise them anything they want in exchange for safe passage back. Obviously a monkeys paw scenario, helps a lot with the overtly good paladins etc
  82. Found a floating city made from various buoyant materials.
  83. Found a Djinn in a bottle.
  84. Meet a trading Merfolk, selling anything they found on the seabed.
  85. A dormant ship floating on the sea during the day. When checked, all the ship's crew are vampires, sleeping.
  86. Your ship sails into a big area of thick, sticky gloop, stopping the ship's motion, trapping any oars submerged into the gloppy mass, and clogging up any rudders. How are you going to get out of this one? gargantuan sea-gelatinous cube!?
  87. A Triton appears before your submersible anf flashes a big message, word by word, using Minor Illusion: "STOP!" "MIGRATING" "KRAKEN!" "TURN" "BACK" "NOW!"
  88. A long riverboat is seen at the mouth of a river pouring into the sea. A closer investigation reveals it is a casino boat!
  89. A ship rolls up on you, but it's someone going where you are and they challenge you to a race to get there. No magic can be used, some magic, all bets are off. They wager gold, a piece of information, a magic item. They are true to their word, they sail away, they attempt to destroy the ship, they vanish as you approach the island (they're ghosts) and you find the reward in the captains quarters.
  90. You come across a large bed of giant clams/shellfish. They make for good eating and have several big pearls in them.
  91. One foggy night you hear ghostly pirate shanties being sung over the waves. In the fog you can barely make out the black shape of a ghost ship before it disappears.
  92. You spot a large kraken corpse with massive bite marks on it. Who could possibly do this damage?
  93. While traveling through a kelp forest you see a raft of giant sea otters. Killing them for their fur will net you a ton of money at a market but is it worth earning the ire of a local sea goddess for doing it?
  94. In the distance you sea a newly form volcano spewing out fire elementals to battle water elementals rising from the sea to snuff out the volcano.
  95. A giant Octopus is tending their coral garden. They offer gold in exchange for seaweeds from far off places to put in their garden.
  96. Has anyone featured an encounter with black smokers yet? Vents from the planets mantel spewing out pressurized boiling gas, causing pillars of what looks like black smoke underwater and a huge diversity of life that is strange and alien. You could combine that with a giant Bobbit worm made of smoke poking out of a portal to the elemental plane of fire. this is a vague idea.
  97. Maybe come across some merfolk torturing a sapient giant electric eel, they are doing so to capture electricity that powers a magic artifact that keeps a merfolk child alive. free the eel and the child dies. leave it and a living thinking creature is tortured slowly to death.
  98. While you observe the sea you notice a big shadow appear under the boat. A BIG shadow. A massive sea creature appears.
  99. While sailing, suddenly it gets more and more foggy till you can barely see anything anymore. Suddenly you see a hazy ship coming out of the water and getting closer to you. The crew doesn't look normal (Black Pearl inspired)
  100. You travel a long time on a boat with only a few passenger, you eat regularly together in the small tavern style restaurant on the boat and basically know all passengers by face. One day one of them disappears. Next day another one, and another one. The rest passengers get suspicious. The persons are nowhere to be found. The PCs try to investigate. In the end turns out a vampire is on the boat coming out when its cloudy or raining. (Dracula Series on Netflix, Second Episode)
Bonus: Combat Encounters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Edit 1: General comment about struggling with sub-lists. This got deleted in the great silliness of 11:30p on 7/11/2020 (see edit 2).
Edit 2: Well. Dang. That will teach me to edit and post only on a web form without a back up copy I had 78 things with complex lists for some of them and accidentally saved over them and lost all of that data. I'll have to redo it. Please don't down vote me in the meantime. I spent like 5 hours on it this afternoon and I'm devastated that I lost it all...
Edit 3: I've made a simple redo of the 5 hours of work and saved it elsewhere. It does not reflect the synthesizing of comments and repeats, the separating of combat from non-combat in people's suggestions, the removing of cuss words, the grammatical edits, or the embellishing that I did. I plan to do that in the next couple of days, but here is something in case you were counting on this list like tomorrow or something. Please note that the numbers may change on entries and if you comment on a specific entry, you may want to quote some of the content too. There are 20 of these that were originally combined, moved into combat, or otherwise not included in version 1.
Edit 4: the list says 100 but there are combat encounters in there. I still want to re-synthesize the list when I have a couple hours. I want to break out combat separate from non-combat, and possibly separate on the ocean vs. underwater.
submitted by SheriffPanic to d100 [link] [comments]

Ultimate Skin Contest (+ theme list)

I'm a big fan of the Skin Contest mode but most of them are using quite boring theme's and feel just lame. Added a special theme list at the end, it has some weird one's but its better than 'RED' or 'MOIRA' everytime. This version is the most advanced because the judge has many different options. If you have a good judge it's really fun because you can have a whole contest where not only the skin matters. In my version voice line, spray and emotes also can help you win the game. Each round can give points.
  1. Skin: pick a skin that fits the theme
  2. Voice Line Contest: when it's your turn use one line that fits the theme
  3. Spray: pick one spray that fits the theme
  4. Emote: show off your emotes
  5. Conversation: last 2 players make a conversation by using voice lines to eachother
Every round you can score points (judge crouch near). I usually give 3 points for a perfect fit, 2 points for a good one and 1 point if it's okay. Judge can deceide. If you don't receive enough points you'll be dead. This points show up in the HUD but are kinda imaginary and just helpful for determing a winner, so you don't have to use it at all.
CONTROLS: Put the judge in SLOT 11
Amusement Park - Wizard - Factory/Industry - Village - Television Star - Time Traveler - Religious - Mountain people - Nuclear Energy - Colosseum - Garden - Fairy Tale - Sleepy - Traders - Illuminati - Afterlife - Traveler - Guillotine - Cursed - Secret Agent - Sacrifice - Prison - World War 2 - Helicopter - Necromancy - Bounty Hunter - Cult - Preacher - Haunted Building - Alchemist - Kobolds - Dungeon - Dinosaurs - Silence - Mushrooms - Celestial - Traps - Guard - Miner - Hallucination - Shooting Stars - Spiritual Temple - Stone Statue - Blood Sucker - Tomb of Death - Tavern - Doomsday - Dyed Hair - Abuse of Power - Stuck in Tower - Muscular - Confetti - Welcome Home - Picnic - Dream - Nightmare - Promised Land - Nostalgia - Treasure Chest - Invisible - Fresh - Vitamin - Wild West - Communism - Potions - Fortune Teller - 420 Chill - Bear - Drunk Robot - Easter - Druid - Election - Mutant - Sushi - Relaxing - Crossing a dangerous road - Gem Stones - Portal - Aliens - Shadows - Fabulous - Crystal - Magical - Insect - Zombie - Tiki - Mayan - Fancy - Mummy - Sand/Desert - Dragon - Extinct - Spider - Godslayer - Love - Ancient - Troll - Medieval - Cave - Jewel - Rebel - Shield - Amulet - Hacker - Spikes - Olympus - Spear - Leather - Claws - Slime/Slimy - Monster Hunt - Fruit - Teacher - Rainy Day - Music - Twitch Streamer - 10 IQ - Thief - Escaped from the Zoo - Garbage - Medieval - Isolated - Book writer - Harry Potter - Pokemon - Yugioh - Test Subject - Earth/Fire/WateAir - Avatar - Magical Boots - Maiden - Rotting Corpse - Clouds - Pirate Ship - Hunting - Baron - Parallel Universe - Wormhole - Radioactive - Crashed spaceship - Cloning - Agriculture - Pandemic - Birds - Howling - Mystery Machine - Story Teller - Meteorites - Dreamcatcher - Defiant - Shaman - Witchdoctor - Rituals - Galactic Invader - Infernal/Volcanic - Jungle King - Battle Bard - Toxic - Stalker - Peace Keeper - Blood moon - Death Machine - Chocolate - Spa - New World Order - Before the Fall - Myth - Identity Crisis - Art - From the Underground - Miracle - Market - Chaos - Confusing - Online - Saviour of the World - Umbrella - Kitchen - Quest - Rainbow - Puzzle - Prophet - Castle - Legend - Citizen - Elite - Pharaoh - Ancestor - Knight - Emperor - Spirit - Monarch - Survivor - Fist Fight - Secret - Werewolf - Shopping - Gambler - Creator - Leader - Solar - Disabled - Error - Your Mum - Old Fashion - Iron/Gold/SilveMetal/CoppeWood - Esports - Mechanic - Engineer - Classic - Anime - Ninja - Dangerous - Firework - Life Saver - Flower - Galaxy - Government - Camouflage - Protector - Immortal - Poop - Ugly/Fat/Sad - Money - Casino - Restaurant - Farm - Drug Addict - Wedding - Apocalypse - Angel/Demon - Hell/Heaven - Biggest Weapon - Strongest Fists - Longest Legs - Biggest Head - Smallest Hands - Biggest Belly - Most beautiful eyes - Strongest Armor - Serial Killer - Futuristic - Who is a millionaire - Who is Edible - Who stinks the most - Best Mate in Zombie outbreak - Who wins with Mario Kart - Who can't swim - Karen - Obama - Trump - Who would die first in a war - Most beautiful Dress/Pants/Hat - AntiVaccine - Glowing - Date with (hero) - Interview with (hero) - Graveyard - Your loud neighbour
TEAM THEMES (Spawn the Team rings and find a partner):
Man+Wife - Fitness Couple - Father+Son - Mother+Daughter - Animal+Owner - Death+Life - Poor+Rich - Light+Night - City+Jungle - Ugly+Beauty - Indoor+Outdoor - Western+Eastern - Clean+Dirty - Killer+Victim - Professor+Expirement - King+Queen - Worst Enemies - Colour+Colour - Identical Twins - Friendzone - Dream+Nightmare

I hope you will enjoy a upgraded and extensive skin competition mode!

submitted by chuckyfight to OverwatchCustomGames [link] [comments]

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Season 1 Episode 5 (pt 1)

I know this took a really long time, hope you guys like it.
If you work for Disney, this is a pitch.

Jack Dylan Grazer as Percy Jackson
Cassidy Nugent as Annabeth Chase
Nick Palatas as Grover Underwood
Liv Tyler as the Nereid
Sylvester Stallone as Gabe Ugliano
Barbra Walters as herself
Vin Diesel as Crusty
Idris Elba as Charon
Andy Serkis as Evil Voice
Hugo Weaving as Hades
Dwayne Johnson as Ares

Percy Jackson and the Olympians:
Season one episode five: “And I Thought Airport Security Was Ridiculous” or “Will the Real Lightning Thief Please Stand Up?” screenplay
PERCY, ANNABETH and GROVER get into the back of a taxi cab.
(Bored, uninterested, cigar in mouth)
Where to, kids?
(Calm, confident)
Los Angeles, please.
(Raises eyebrow, puffs on cigar)
Dat’s three hundred miles from here, miss. You’ll have to pay upfront.
Do you take casino debit cards?
Depends. I’ll have to give it a swipe.
ANNABETH hands the cab driver her LotusCash card, and he looks at it skeptically. He rolls his eyes and swipes it, and the meter begins rattling and the lights on it flash. When an infinity symbol appears on the meter, the cabby’s cigar drops out of his mouth in shock.
(Shocked, excited)
W-where in Los Angeles, your highness?
(Sits up a little, smiles)
Santa Monica pier, please. Get us there by evening, and you can keep the change.
The cabby slams down the gas pedal, and several cars honk at him as he flies down the street. As they head through the Mojave desert, PERCY tells ANNABETH and GROVER about the dream he had before they went to the Lotus Hotel and Casino.
… And then the voice in the pit saw me. He showed me my mother… and a black throne carved with faces screaming in agony. And then…
… The undead soldiers put a red robe and a laurel of thorns on me… and then I became one of them.
Well that got dark fast.
There’s something else. The guy in the cloak, the Lightning Thief, called the voice something… The… “Something” One…
(Disappointed, blunt)
Well that’s incredibly unspecific. Was it the Rich One? The Silent One? Those are both nicknames for HADES.
Well, the throne sounds like the way HADES’S throne is described. Black obsidian carved with faces of damnation.
Yeah but… the throne wasn’t the main part of the dream. And the voice in the pit… I dunno, it just doesn’t feel like the voice of a god. It seemed… older.
ANNABETH’S eye get wide with dread.
What? What’s wrong?
(A bit uneasy)
N-nothing. I was just thinking… no. It has to be HADES. He probably sent the Lightning Thief to steal the MASTER BOLT, and something must’ve went wrong-
Like what?
-I don’t know. But to steal something as important as the MASTER BOLT, and the fact that ZEUS has his best trackers on the job, a lot of stuff could go wrong. So, the thief could’ve hidden the bolt, or maybe even lost it. Anyway, the thief failed to deliver the BOLT to HADES, that’s what the voice in your dream said, right? The Lightning Thief failed. That explains what the Furies were looking for when they attacked us on the bus. They probably thought we had the BOLT.
PERCY notices a hint of anxiety in ANNABETH’S eyes, and sees that she seems to be shaking a bit.
(Suspicious, confused)
But… if HADES thinks I already have the BOLT, why would I be coming to the UNDERWORLD?
To blackmail him into giving your mom back.
You know, you have pretty dark thoughts for a goat.
But… the voice said he was waiting for two items. If the MASTER BOLT’S one, what’s the other?
GROVER shrugs.
(Turns to ANNABETH, knowing look in his eyes)
You know what it is, don’t you? The voice in the pit?
(Hesitant, worried)
PERCY, I… let’s not talk about it. It’s probably HADES.
I just… I just feel like there’s something we’re still missing.
Well, I guess we’ll find the answer in the UNDERWORLD.
PERCY forlornly looks out the window at the desert scenery whizzing past.
The kids head to the edge of the surf.
Well? What now?
PERCY stares out over the ocean, and gets a longing look in his eyes. He takes a deep breath, taking in the ocean air, and slowly steps into the water.
(Surprised, worried)
PERCY? What are you-
PERCY ignores her, and continues walking into the water.
Dude, do you have any idea how polluted that water is?
PERCY, get out of there. You’ll grow a third-
Once PERCY gets chest deep into the water, he dives under, disappearing from ANNABETH and GROVER’S view.
PERCY holds his breath at first, then remembers he can breathe underwater, and lets himself breathe normally.
That’s gonna take some getting used to.
He looks around the water, curious, then notices a mako shark right beside him.
(Startled, jumps)
PERCY calms down when he realizes the shark is not trying to harm him, and it nuzzles up against him like a dog. PERCY hesitantly touches the shark’s dorsal fin, and it bucks gently, inviting PERCY to hold on tighter. PERCY grabs onto the shark’s fin, and it takes off, blasting through the water like a rocket, pulling PERCY along.
Whoa, boy!
The shark pulls PERCY deeper and deeper into the ocean.
(Slightly worried)
Where are you taking me?
The shark begins to slow down, and PERCY catches his breath when they come to a huge, gaping, pitch black canyon.
(Quiet, gentle, far away)
PERCY is surprised to hear the voice of the river spirit he spoke to in St. Louis.
PERCY makes out a light in the darkness of the canyon, and it slowly gets bigger until he sees beautiful woman with black hair, her body glowing gently with white light, wearing a flowing, greenish-white silk dress. She dismounts, smiles, and gives PERCY a small bow. Her giant seahorse and the mako shark begin playfully chasing each other.
(Smiling, kind)
You have come far, my hero. Well done.
PERCY awkwardly bows, as she did.
(Small laugh)
You are prince, PERCY JACKSON, you need not bow to me.
You’re the spirit I talked to in the Mississippi River, aren’t you?
Yes, child. I am a Nereid, a spirit of the sea. It was not easy for me to travel so far up river, but my freshwater cousins, the naiads, were able to help me sustain myself. The naiads honor your father, though they do not serve in his court.
And… you do? Serve in his court, I mean?
Indeed. I must say, it has been many long years since a son of the sea god has been born. My sisters and I have watched over you with great interest.
(Confused, a bit resentful)
If my dad’s so interested in me, why doesn’t he come talk to me in person?
A cold current rises out of the canyon, and almost knocks PERCY off his feet.
(Sad, gentle)
Do not judge the Lord of the Sea too harshly. Your father is incredibly busy; he now stands on the brink of an unwanted war. And apart from that, your father is forbidden from helping you directly. Gods mustn’t show favoritism, you know.
(Surprised, a bit sad)
Even to their own children?
Especially to their own children. However, the gods can work through indirect influences, which is why your father has sent me to give you a warning; and a gift.
The Nereid holds out her hand, and shows PERCY three gleaming white pearls.
You journey to the realm of HADES. Few have returned from that place; Orpheus, who possessed great musical skill, Hercules, who possessed great strength, Houdini, who could escape even the depths of TARTARUS. Have you any of these talents?
Um… well… no.
(Kind smile)
But you possess something else, PERCY JACKSON. Gifts you have yet to know. The oracles have foretold great and terrible future for you, should you survive to manhood. Your father would not have you die before your time comes. Therefore, he wishes to give you these pearls. When you are in need, smash them at your feet.
(Tentatively takes the pearls)
… What do they do?
That depends on the manner of your need. But remember this; what belongs to the sea will always return to the sea.
(Stares at the pearls with wonder)
You said you also came to give me a warning. What is it?
(Leans forward)
Listen to your heart, or you shall fail. HADES feeds upon doubt and hopelessness. He will try to trick you into mistrusting yourself. Once you enter the Realm of the Dead, he will never willingly let you leave. You must keep strong, and have faith.
The Nereid mounts her giant seahorse, and slowly descends back into the dark canyon.
Wait! Back in St. Louis, you told me not to trust “the gifts”. What gifts?
(Voice becoming distant)
Farewell, my young hero. Listen to your heart…
The Nereid disappears into the darkness, leaving PERCY alone with the mako shark. PERCY gives the pearls an empty look, then begins swimming back to the surface.
PERCY shows the pearls to his friends.
This can’t be good. No gift ever comes for free.
But… she just gave them to me. No strings attached.
You ever heard the saying, “No such thing as a free lunch”? It’s an Ancient Greek saying that works pretty well in English, especially in America. There will be a price, just wait and see.
PERCY puts the pearls in his pocket, a slightly worried/disappointed look on his face. Later, as night falls, the kids cautiously wander around L.A., police sirens blaring in the back ground. ANNABETH notices a cop car coming, and pulls the boys into an alley. Once the cop car passes, they cautiously leave the alley.
Phew… that was a close-
PERCY stops mid-sentence when he sees a his stepdad GABE, who is sitting with a pretty blonde woman, being interviewed by Barbra Walters on a TV in an appliance store.
(Feigning grief)
Honest, Ms. Walters, if it weren’t for Sugar here, my grief counselor, I… I don’t know what I’d do. My stepson took everything I care about… my wife… my car… I just…
For some reason I don’t think she’s a grief counselor.
(Wipes away fake tear)
I’m sorry, I have a hard time talkin’ bout it.
(Overly dramatic, turns to camera)
There you have it, America. A man torn apart. An adolescent boy with serious issues. Here’s the last known photo of the troubled young fugitive, taken in Denver, Colorado, about a week ago.
A grainy image of PERCY, ANNABETH and GROVER talking to ARES outside the diner in Denver comes up on the screen next to Barbra Walters.
(Over dramatic)
Who are the other children in this photo? Who is the man with them? Is PERCY JACKSON simply a delinquent, a terrorist, or perhaps the brainwashed victim of a frightening new cult? When we come back, we’ll chat with leading child psychologist. Stay tuned, America.
PERCY’S face becomes twisted with fury, and GROVER gently grabs him by the shoulder.
Come on, dude. Let’s get going.
The kids begin wandering around L.A., and become nervous when they notice some shady people hanging around. They past by some people who look like gangbangers, bums, and various other suspicious looking people.
Hey, kid!
PERCY, startled, stops, and a homeless looking man comes out of an alley.
Spare some change?
(Awkward, nervous)
Um… sorry, no.
Several other bums come out of the dark alley, and when the kids try to run, several bums come up from behind them, staring the kids down threateningly. The first bum pulls out a switch blade, and PERCY uncaps Riptide, shocking the bums. PERCY swings his blade at the bum leader, but it passes through him as if he were a hologram.
What the-!?
(Surprised, disappointed)
Oh right, I, uh… I forgot about that.
ANNABETH kicks one of the bums in the crotch, causing him to crumple to the ground in pain.
The kids start running down the sidewalk, the bums chasing after them, shouting at them to come back. The kids rush around a corner, and ANNABETH sees an open shop called “CRUSTY’S WATER BED PALACE”.
The kids run into the shop, hide behind a display bed in the window, and the bums run past.
Phew… I think we lost them.
Lost who?
(Startled, jump)
The kids turn around to see a tall, pale, bald man in a tacky leisure suit and silver chains around his neck, standing right behind them.
(Grinning creepily, showing off yellow teeth)
How ya’ll doin? I’m Crusty.
(Holding back a laugh, quiet)
Yes, you are.
(Raises eyebrow)
(Slightly embarrassed, awkward)
I said, uh… sorry to barge… in.
Hidin’ from them lowlifes, huh? Yeah, they hang around here every night. I get a lotta people comin’ in here cuz of them. So…
(Gestures around shop)
… Can I interest you kids in a water bed?
Um… I mean, uh… I don’t really think I need-
CRUSTY gracefully sweeps up behind PERCY, grabs him by the shoulders, and pushes him deeper into the shop.
Uh, okay, this is weird…
CRUSTY proudly gestures to a vibrating bed with lava lamps and black satin sheets.
Million hand massage. Why don’t you lie down? Hell, take a nap, I don’t care.
Um, no, I think we’ll be leave-
Dude, million hand massage?! No way!
GROVER jumps into the massage bed.
(Voice vibrating)
O-oh d-dude, th-this is s-so s-sweet!
(Disappointed, stroking chin)
Hmm, not quite…
Huh? Not quite what?
(Takes ANNABETH by the shoulder)
Do me a favor, honey, and try this one over here.
I… but…
CRUSTY ushers ANNABETH over to a bed, and tries pushing her into it.
Hey! Get your hands off-
(Snaps fingers)
Ropes grow out from under the bed, and strap ANNABETH down to the mattress.
(Panicking, screaming)
GROVER tries to get out of his bed, but ropes tie him down as well.
I-it’s n-not s-sweet a-anymore, d-dudes!
(Steps back, shocked)
What the hell are you-
(Quickly places hand behind PERCY’S neck)
Whoa, take it easy, kid. I’ll get you your own bed in a sec.
(Assertive, serious)
Let my friends go.
(Calm, friendly)
Oh don’t worry, I will. Soon as I make ‘em fit.
(Confused, angry)
Fit? What do you-
Lemme explain. All the beds are exactly six feet. Your friends are too short, see, so I gotta stretch ‘em out a bit. Can’t stand imperfect measurements…
CRUSTY snaps his fingers again, and more ropes wrap around GROVER and ANNABETH’S feet and arms, and begin slowly stretching them. PERCY watches in horror as his friends scream in pain.
(Angry, shouting)
Let them go, now!
Don’t worry, they only need a few inches. Hell, they might even survive! Now, why don’t we get you set up with a bed you like, huh?
(Screaming in pain)
(Screaming in pain)
Your name’s not really CRUSTY, is it?
Legally, it’s PROCRUSTES.
The Stretcher. The one who tried to kill Theseus with hospitality.
That’s me. But who can pronounce Procrustes? ‘Crusty’ on the other hand, much easier to market.
(Eyes get wide, gets an idea)
Uh… yeah! I totally agree. Has a nice ring to it.
You think so?
Oh, absolutely. And the craftsmanship on these beds is simply fabulous.
I tell my customers that all the time. I mean, how many beds have you seen with lava lamps built into the headboards?
Not too many.
(Angry, confused, screaming in pain)
Don’t mind her. She couldn’t never understand the art of a well crafted bed.
(Sighing, disappointed)
None of my customers do. Never exactly six feet, so inconsiderate. And then they have the nerve to complain about the fittings!
So… what do you do if they’re taller than six feet?
Oh, easy fix. I just center the customer best I can, then grab my trusty friend here-
(Lets go of PERCY’S neck, reaches behind desk, pulls out huge, double sided bronze axe)
- And I lop off whatever hangs off either side!
(Surprised, nervous)
Oh… well, I mean, that’s just perfectly sensible.
Oh, you have no idea what it feels like to finally have an intelligent customer!
PERCY worriedly look over to his friends, ANNABETH gasping for air, struggling against the ropes, GROVER making strangled gurgling sounds.
So… CRUSTY, my man, this bed…
(Gestures to giant heart shaped bed with red satin sheets)
… Does it really have dynamic stabilizers to stop wave motion?
Sure does. Why don’t you give it a try?
(Stroking chin, pretending to be interested)
Yeah, maybe I will. But… would it work even for a big guy like you?
Really? No waves at all?
None. Guaranteed.
(Pretending to be skeptical)
No way.
Prove it.
PROCRUSTES puts his axe down, lies in the bed, and pats the mattress.
See? No waves at all-
(Snaps fingers)
Ropes spring out of the sides of the bed, tying PROCRUSTES down to it, his head hanging off the top.
(Shocked, angry)
What the-?!
(Frowns, feigning disappointment)
Oooh, sorry, man. Looks like you don’t quite fit…
(Uncaps Riptide)
… Let me make a few adjustments.
(Anxious, gulps)
Whoa, uh, y-you drive a hard bargain, kid. Tell you what; let me go, and I, uh… I’ll give you thirty percent off any of the floor models!
(Sarcastic, pretending to consider offer)
Really? Any of the floor models?
Y-yep! A-and no money down. And no interest for six months.
Hm. That’s a pretty tempting offer. But I think I have a better one.
Really? What’s that?
(Raises Riptide, aiming for PROCRUSTES’S neck)
That’s not a-
PERCY swings Riptide down, and chops off PROCRUSTES’S head, turning the giant salesman to yellow dust and black smoke, then quickly cuts GROVER and ANNABETH’S ropes.
You alright?
Define “alright”.
You look taller.
Very funny. Could you maybe be faster saving us next time?
PERCY heads behind CRUSTY’S desk, and begins flipping through papers. He finds a pouch of drachmas, and puts them in his pocket, then finds a map.
So, who’s ready to go to the UNDERWORLD?
Dude, give me a sec…
(Stretches, back makes sickening ‘pop’ sound)
Oooo, that was good. Okay, I’m ready.
(Holds up map he found on CRUSTY’S desk)
Because it’s right around the block.
The kids stand outside of a record store with a sign made of black marble engraved with gold lettering that reads: DOA RECORDING STUDIOS, and stenciled words on the glass door that reads: NO SOLICITING, NO LOITERING, NO LIVING.
Well, this was not what I was expecting.
What were you expecting?
I dunno. Like, a hole by the Hollywood sign that opens when you read some Ancient Greek graffiti?
(Looks directly into the camera)
… Okay, whatever. Anyway, you guys remember the plan?
Yep. The plan. Love the plan.
(Critical, curt)
And what if the plan goes wrong?
(Trying to be reassuring)
Oh come on, don’t be so negative, ANNABETH.
Oh yes, PERCY. We’re about to enter the Land of the Dead, but I’m sure if we don’t think negative, we’ll be just fine.
PERCY takes the Nereid’s pearls out of his pocket, and stares at them glumly.
(Kind, places hand on PERCY’S shoulder)
I’m sorry, PERCY. You’re right. Well make it.
ANNABETH gives GROVER a nudge.
(Nervous, trying to be reassuring)
Y-yeah! I mean, we’ve made it this far, right? We’ll get the BOLT, save your mom, and save the world.
(Smiles, then gets serious)
Alright. Let’s kick some UNDERWORLD ass.
The kids enter DOA, Muzak playing softly. The walls are steel gray, the furniture black leather. There are people hanging about the lobby, but at closer glance, they are slightly see through, as if they were made of smoke. The kids head to the main desk, which is raised up on a podium. The security guard behind the desk has a military style haircut, dyed bleach blonde, wearing tortoiseshell shades and a white silk Italian suit, with a black rose pinned to his lapel, and a silver name tag.
(Leans forwards, reads name tag, bewildered)
Your name is CHIRON?
(Leans over, smiling, soothing voice)
What a precious lad you are. Tell me, do I look like a centaur?
(Slightly embarrassed)
No, sir.
(Gestures to name tag)
Take a closer look, now. It’s C-H-A-R-O-N. Now say it with me, CARE-ON.
(A bit irritated)
Ah-mazing. Now, Mr. CHARON.
(Rolls his eyes)
Well done. I do hate being confused with that old horse. Now, how may I help you little dead ones?
PERCY looks over at ANNABETH.
(A bit uncomfortable)
Well, we uh, wanna go to the UNDERWORLD.
(Blunt, a bit surprised)
Oh. Well, that’s refreshing.
I, uh- it is?
Oh, absolutely. Just straightforward and honest, no screaming, no “Oh, please, Mr. CHARON, please give me another chance!”.
(Grins, clasps hands)
So, how did you loves die?
PERCY clears his throat.
Oh! We uh, we drowned. In a bathtub.
(Raises eyebrow)
All three of you at once?
I-it was a really big bathtub.
Naturally. I don’t suppose you have coins for passage, though. If you were adults, I could charge your American Express, or add the ferry fee to your last cable bill. But children…
(Sighs, sad)
… Alas, they never die prepared, it seems. I’m afraid you’ll have to take a seat for a few centuries.
Oh, we have coins.
(Places three drachmas on the desk)
(Licks lips, excited)
My my… real golden drachmas… I haven’t seen those in…
(Hand hovers over drachmas, becomes suspicious)
Here now, just a minute ago, you read my name tag wrong. Are you dyslexic, mate?
(A bit nervous)
No, I’m dead.
(Leans forward, stares the kids down)
You’re not dead.
(Sniffs the air, disdainful)
Two godlings and a satyr. I should have known.
Okay, first of all, I didn’t want to be a half-blood, and second, we really need to get to the UNDERWORLD.
CHARON makes a strange, growling sound in his throat, and the spirits waiting around the lobby start moving around, restless, lighting cigarettes, fidgeting with their watches, etc.
Why don’t you leave now, and I’ll just forget I saw you.
CHARON starts to reach for the drachmas, but PERCY snatches them away.
(Serious, assertive)
No service, no tip.
CHARON growls again, the spirits start banging on the elevator door.
(Pretending to be disappointed)
It’s really a shame. We had more to offer.
PERCY holds up the pouch of drachmas he took from CRUSTY’S place, pulls out a fistful of the golden coins, and lets them run through his fingers.
(Slightly hungry look on face)
You think I can be bought, godling? Hmmm, just out of curiosity, how much you got there?
A lot. So… what’s your pay like, huh? HADES being good to you, or…?
Ugh, you don’t know the half of it. Babysitting these spirits for eternity, always with “Please don’t let me be dead”, “Please let me go in for free”, all day, everyday. I haven’t had a raise in almost three thousand years. I mean, look at me.
(Gestures to his suit)
… You think dressing this good is cheap?
(Nodding, slowly drops a few drachmas on the desk)
Clearly, you deserve better wages as, uh… compensation for the, um… mentally taxing environment you work in.
PERCY glances over at ANNABETH, who quickly nods approvingly.
You know, mate? I think you might be starting to talk some sense.
(Strokes chin, thinking)
Hm… boat’s almost full anyway… tell you what, lad. While you’re talking to the boss man, if you were to mention something about giving me a raise…
I guess I could drop a subtle hint or two.
(Smiles coldly, grabs drachmas)
Come along, then.
CHARON begins pushing through the spirits of the dead, the kids follow him. As CHARON pushes through the spirits, they whisper and wail incomprehensible gibberish.
CHARON opens the elevator doors, and they get in with several spirits already in the elevator.
(Turns to face the spirits still in the lobby)
No one get any ideas while I’m gone. And if anyone changes the station from easy-listening again, you’ll all be waiting here for another thousand years.
The elevator doors close, and CHARON slides a key card into the slot on the panel, and the elevator begins to descend.
So… what happens to the spirits in the lobby?
Oh… for how long?
Forever. Or until I’m feeling generous.
(Curt, sarcastic)
Well that’s fair.
Nothing about death is fair, love. You’ll find that out for yourself soon enough where you’re heading.
We’ll get out alive.
Suddenly, PERCY becomes a bit woozy, blinks a few times, and sees that CHARON’S Italian suit has been replaced by a gray tunic and a black cloak, and his tortoiseshell shades have disappeared, revealing his eyes to be empty black pits. PERCY notices the modern clothes of the spirits become tattered gray cloaks.
(Realizes he was staring at CHARON’S strange eyes)
CHARON’S face slowly becomes transparent, showing off his grinning skull. The elevator suddenly starts swaying.
(Holds his hand up to his mouth as if about to vomit)
Oh, dude… I’m gonna be sick…
PERCY becomes a bit woozy again, and suddenly the elevator has become a wooden barge, gently drifting down an oily, black river littered with all sorts of things, from college diplomas, dolls, money, and jewelry.
The River Styx… it’s so…
Polluted. For thousands of years, the spirits of the dead have thrown in everything they can’t take with them; hopes, dreams, wishes that never came true. Irresponsible waste management, if you ask me.
Mist begins curling off the river, PERCY glances up to see huge stalactites, and then sees a strange, poison-green light glowing faintly in the distance. PERCY and ANNABETH begin nervously looking around at the spirits around them, and ANNABETH grabs PERCY’S hand. CHARON rows down the river a bit, and soon, they find themselves approaching the shores of the UNDERWORLD, craggy rocks and black volcanic sand, and about a hundred yards up the shore, a huge, stone wall that seems to go on forever in either direction. The kids become more uneasy when they here a deep, powerful howling sound somewhere in the distance.
(His face almost entirely transparent)
Ol’ three face is hungry. Too bad for you, godlings.
The boat slides up onto the black shores, and PERCY sadly watches the spirits shuffle out of the boat. PERCY, ANNABETH and GROVER hesitantly depart the boat.
So long, mates. I’d wish you luck, but there’s none down here.
CHARON begins rowing away.
Oh, and don’t forget to mention my raise.
CHARON eventually disappears from PERCY’S sight, and the kids forlornly trudge up the path with the spirits. As they get closer to the gate, PERCY sees that the gates of the UNDERWORLD seem to be modeled after airport security, with three different entrances with a sign over them that reads: YOU ARE NOW ENTERING EREBUS. Beyond the gates, there are some tollbooth-like structures manned by ghoulish black robed figures like CHARON. PERCY notices lots of spirits moving right along to a gate with a sign over it that reads: EZ DEATH.
(Points to quick moving line)
What do you make of that?
Probably goes to the FIELDS OF ASPHODEL. It’s the place where spirits go if they’re too scared to face judgment in court.
There’s a court for the dead?
Yep. There’s three judges, and HADES switches them around once in a while. King Minos, Thomas Jefferson, Shakespeare, people like that. The judges look at a person’s life, and if they were really good, they get to go to ELYSIUM. If they were really bad, the judges decide on a punishment. But for most people… well, most people never do anything really special in their lives, good or evil, so they go to the FIELDS OF ASPHODEL.
Oh… and… what exactly happens in ASPHODEL?
Imagine wandering around in a wheat field.
Well, that doesn't sound so-
… Oh. I guess that would kinda suck.
(Eyes wide with fear, points to something)
Not as much as that.
PERCY and ANNABETH look where GROVER is pointing, and see two black robed ghouls grab one of the spirits in line, who begins sniffing him down. They ghouls growl angrily, and begin dragging the shrieking spirit away towards one of the gates.
(Worried, a bit scared)
Where are they taking him?
FIELDS OF PUNISHMENT, probably. The Furies will set up whatever punishment the judges decide on.
As the kids slowly approach the gates, they hear the howling sound again, but still can’t see where it is coming from. As they get closer to the gates, a huge, a shadowy figure slowly becomes visible, and starts to form the dark, transparent shape of a massive three-headed dog, towering over them, growling.
H-he’s a rottweiler?
(Slowly turns head towards PERCY)
Wow, PERCY. There is, standing in front of us, a three-headed dog twice the size of an elephant, with teeth the size of cinder blocks, and more than likely wants to make us his midnight snack, and the first thing you think to say is, “He’s a rottweiler”?
I’m just trying to ease the tension.
The kids slowly approach CERBERUS, and notice the giant dog is becoming more visible.
I’m starting to see him better… why?
(Gulps, scared)
Well… it’s probably because we’re becoming closer to death.
CERBERUS stoops one of his heads, and begins sniffing.
He can smell the living.
(Trembling with fear)
Yeah. B-b-but it’s okay, cuz we g-g-gotta plan, right?
(Small, quiet, terrified)
Yeah. Th-th-the plan.
The kids inch closer the CERBERUS, and the three-headed dog barks so loud, the world seems to shake.
GROVER? Translation?
I, uh, don’t think humans have a four letter word that translates exactly.
PERCY reaches into his backpack, pulling out a broken bedpost.
(Nervous, trying to be calm)
H-hey boy, I bet they don’t play with you much down here, huh?
CERBERUS lets out a thunderous bark.
G-good boy…
(Waves the stick around)
Y-you see the stick?
CERBERUS’S middle head follows the stick, the other two heads fixed directly on PERCY.
PERCY throws the bedpost, and CERBERUS watches it, unflinching. The stick disappears into the gloom, and splashes into the River Styx. CERBERUS turns his three heads back onto the kids, and growls menacingly.
Just thought you should know, CERBERUS says we have ten seconds to pray to the god of our choice before we become Cerby snacks.
CERBERUS begins snarling, saliva dripping from his three jaws, and ANNABETH’S eyes get wide.
Wait! I have an idea.
(Start rifling through backpack)
CERBERUS gets into an attack position.
Um, so I’m thinking maybe we should run now?
(Frantically looking through backpack)
Hold on!
CERBERUS roars, and starts to lunge forward when ANNABETH whips a red rubber ball out of her backpack, and the giant dog stops mid lunge, curious.
See the ball, boy? You want the ball? Sit!
CERBERUS cocks his heads, confused.
To PERCY and GROVER’S surprise, CERBERUS sits, crushing several spirits, who pass through him, shouting angrily in some sort of gibberish.
Good boy!
ANNABETH throws the ball, which CERBERUS catches in his middle mouth. The other two heads start snapping at the ball.
Drop it!
CERBERUS whimpers, and gently drops the ball at ANNABETH’S feet, almost bitten in half and covered in slobber.
(Picks up ball)
Good boy.
(Glances back at PERCY and GROVER)
Go. EZ DEATH line, it’s faster.
(Worried, hesitant)
PERCY and GROVER reluctantly start inching forward, CERBERUS growls.
Stay! You want the ball? Then stay!
What about you?
(Slightly nervous)
I know what I’m doing, PERCY. Kinda.
PERCY and GROVER cautiously walk under the giant dog’s legs.
Good dog!
ANNABETH throws the ball to CERBERUS, and quickly walks under him while the three heads fight over the ball.
How’d you do that?
(Catching breath)
Obedience school. When I was really little, my dad got a doberman, and-
Dudes, less talking, more running.
The kids bolt for the EZ DEATH line, and ANNABETH stops when she hears CERBERUS whining behind her. She turns around to face him, and sees the giant dog panting, the ball torn to bits at his feet.
(Shaky voice, sad smile)
Good boy. I’ll bring you another ball soon. Would you like that?
CERBERUS whines, and lower his three heads.
(Petting CERBERUS’S head, holding back tears)
G-good boy. I’ll visit you, okay? I… I promise.
(Sad, hesitant)
ANNABETH… we have to go.
ANNABETH sadly walks away from CERBERUS, and passes through the EZ DEATH line with the boys. As they walk through the metal detector, alarms begin blaring, and CERBERUS starts barking.
Unauthorized possessions! Magic items detected!
The kids run through the gate into the FIELDS OF ASPHODEL, pushing through disgruntled spirits as black robed ghoulish security guards chase after them, shrieking and wailing. The kids scramble down the ridge of a road, and hide in the rotten trunk of a large, black tree. The ghouls run past the tree, still wailing and shrieking. The kids stay in the trunk for a bit to make sure the ghouls are gone.
Your plans suck, dude.
Yeah, well, you’re a donkey.
(Takes quick look around the corner to make sure it’s safe)
Alright, they’re gone. We should-
PERCY stops mid-sentence when he notices ANNABETH sniffing and wiping tears from her eyes, and hears CERBERUS howling mournfully in the distance.
(Gently places hands on ANNABETH’S shoulders)
Come on. We have to get out of here.
ANNABETH nods, wiping the last of the tears from her eyes, and takes PERCY’S hand.

Part 2 will be out soon.
submitted by TheGhostofHomer to camphalfblood [link] [comments]

Some considerations for the death mechanics discussion

With all the discussion around changes to death mechanics, I think it's worth reviewing some of the main arguments put out there. Few mechanics are so fundamental to how the game works, and this deserves a long and robust conversation with the playerbase that so far has not taken place.
So far, proponents for changing death mechanics identify two main problems with the current scheme:
  1. There's not enough of a consequence for dying in pvm scenarios. This tends to skew the risk-reward of bringing high level gear to try out bosses.
  2. There are not enough gold/item sinks for high level items, so once, say, a Bandos Chestplate enters the game, it tends to stay there. This means over time the value of these items will decline since eventually there will be more of a rare item than accounts that need one.
Depending on what one sees as the main problem, two main ideas have been floated:
  1. Return to 2007scape mechanics, where there is a timer to return to the spot where you died. Once the timer expires, items dropped will be available to the people in the area to pick up. Players can extend the amount of time by upgrading gravestones. Presumably some upgrades are locked behind a prayer level, and upgrades are achieved by spending gold.
  2. A system based on Death's Office in RS3, wherein players have to pay a fee in gold to get their items back. The fee can be variable or fixed depending on how much of a gold sink
Each of these proposals comes with a set of considerations that can be dialed up or back (how much time you set the timer for, how high you set the fee). Given how fundamental death mechanics are to the game, my opinion is that Jagex should be extraordinarily cautious in how they roll out any changes.
A few main points:
  1. The current death mechanics came about as a temporary response to the fact that servers were too unreliable/people would get DDoS'ed for items dropped on death. To me, this should absolutely rule out any mechanic where dropped items are available to other players. Based on recent experience, where people took the servers down to double cash stacks, it's not hard to imagine people employing similar attacks at GWD for example. Depending on the mechanics, an attack that kills off a 4-person team could easily be worth 100m. There are simply too many people in the game willing to abuse bugs to ruin the game for the rest of us.
  2. There are lots of alternatives to create item and gold sinks that don't require changes to death mechanics. One possibility could be trading in a certain quantity of an item for a cosmetic upgrade (trading in 5-10 bandos chest plates gets you a cooler looking one). Bumping up the tax at the sand casino would also sink a ton of gold.
  3. People like pvm because it's relatively low risk and they don't have to 3-item like in the wilderness. Introducing new death mechanics that are too punishing could potentially create a chilling effect on trying new content where people die a lot more while they learn the mechanics.
  4. How would untradeables be affected? Would void drop (like how it can go into the death chests at Vorkath)? If so, how would we count its value? What about "buyable" untradeables, like ornamented godswords/amulets, the regular slayer helm, or the volcanic abyssal whip?
  5. Would the changes affect bosses like Vorkath, where there is already a death chest? If not, how might the changed mechanics change the incentives to do a boss with the death chest mechanic, as opposed to a boss with the changed mechanics.
This isn't meant to be a big anti-change post. But given the possible negative consequences of a botched roll-out, we should be super careful. Lots of people could seriously lose their banks with a bad mechanic.
Edit for some suggestions:
  1. Jagex should do a climate survey on what factors the playerbase thinks should drive any changes to death mechanics.
  2. Any changes to death mechanics should happen through polled changes, not integrity fixes, because the fixes really require buy-in from a substantial amount of players.
submitted by ribwomberly to 2007scape [link] [comments]

A propos of nothing, here are some possible upcoming film releases using only words that appear in the titles of James Bond films, complete with short plot outline.

Twice the gun, twice the finger Thriller. Dave sees first his father, then his uncle brutally murdered by members of an organised crime syndicate. Can he keep his resolve not to sink to their level, and continue his quiet defiance?
Not another casino spectre! Comedy-horror. Compulsive gambler Anne and her friends are having a 30th birthday party in an American casino, which unfortunately is haunted. Not only are the ghosts picking off the staff and guests one by one, but they're bringing Anne such bad luck! Will Anne hit the jackpot and leave with her winnings? Or will the ghosts be the first to hit their fatal winning streak?
Doctor on licence Murder mystery. Dr Williams was convicted of a crime she did not commit. Can she clear her name while on day release?
Another world of love Sci-fi. In the future, virtual reality has given everyone their perfect partner, but at what cost to humanity?
You are enough Romcom. Two young imperfect individuals are so keen to find their perfect partner that they overlook how much they mean to each other.
Again, another love ball Forever-single Geoff is boorish, sarcastic and the bane of speed-dating event organisers from Leicester to Lossiemouth. His friends have almost given up on him. Has he finally met his match this time?
Russia is forever Natural documentary. Following the historical movement of tectonic plates against current and historical borders, concluding that Russia probably won't be destroyed by a volcanic eruption anytime soon.
Another doctor to spy on me again Thriller. Distrustful Jane shuns conventional cancer treatment in favour of aromatherapy. As people try to reason with her, she becomes convinced of a plot by the medical establishment against her, and fights to protect her patchouli-scented way of life.
Her Majesty's Diamond Sky Service Drama. In order to save money, the royal family must now use commercial airlines when flying out to international engagements. The monarch schemes to rack up enough airline loyalty points to achieve the level of in-flight service she had previously enjoyed.
Let me spy to-day Inaction. James Bond is sacked for causing too much death and destruction. He refuses to accept this, and goes to a tribunal to fight for his right to spy.
Here's my word list if you'd like to join in: A, Again, And, Another, Are, Ball, Casino, Day, Daylight(s), Diamond(s), Die, Dies, DoctoDr, Enough, Eye, Eyes, Fall, Finger, For, Forever, From, Gold, Golden, Gun, Her, Is, Kill, Let, Licence, Live, Living, Love, Loved, Majesty(s), Man, Me, Moon, Never, No, Not, Octo-/Octopus, Of, On, Only, Pussy, Quantum, Rake(r), Royale, Russia, Say, Secret, Service, Sky, Solace, Spectre, Spy, The, Time, Thunder, To, Tomorrow, Twice, View, Who, With, World, You, Your.
(I admit I've cheated a bit, splitting up Goldfinger, Thunderball, Moonraker, Octopussy, Goldeneye, and Skyfall)
submitted by PM_ME_GARDENING_TIPS to CasualUK [link] [comments]

[Sell][US] Back Again! Prices cut! All NYX BOGO 50% off! Tons of Colourpop, Bite, ABH, Kat Von D, wet n wild and so much more! Make me offers! Motivated to sell!

Hello Everyone!
So the Nitty Gritty Details first as always:
Sale Set Up
Don’t like my prices? Make me an offer
Going to go by timestamps for dibs, and will use the typical NIL system that most sales use. Please don’t ghost me, I really do not mind if you change your mind. And if you cannot commit to an item within 2 hours I will move to the next person- unless we have arrangements made via PM holding time wise.
Shipping Starts at $3 and goes up by weight- depending how heavy or how much you buy we can probably come up with a bundle price for you. And I will try and get the shipping as cheap as possible- even if I have to send stuff separately or get creative lol.
Going to be shipping within the USA, but I have done a few Canada sales, and one to the Netherlands- so if you are International and really don’t mind the $$$ shipping let me know we can work something out. You would be responsible for any and all customs issues that arrive if they were to occur- so you are agreeing to that as well when you purchase internationally from me. Can also insure the package on request- you cover that too.
I take payments through Paypal only please. I prefer Friends and Family Payments, but if you would like Goods and Services Protection, then you would just cover the fees. Please pay promptly so I can package up and get your goodies to you as fast as I can (unless we have agreed to other arrangements in PMs such as holding times and such)
Mods: Verification is tagged in sets of items- like I will tag the first thing out of a list of what the photo contains. Let me know if there are any no no’s in my post and I will fix it promptly.
ON TO THE GOODIES small wishlist on bottom
2/4 New
*¼ of Stratia Liquid Gold Left here Great to Try- I was thinking $5 *Wet n Wild Rose in the Air 10 pan palette (cheap dupe for ABH Ren) BN x2 $10 each *Beauty Blender Solid Cleanser BN x3 $12 each *Bite Beauty Double ended Lipstick in Opal/Jam BN $12 *Bite Beauty Matte Creme Lipstick in Juniper BN $10 *Bite Beauty Lush Fruit Lip Gloss in Cocoa BN $12
1/14 NEW
*ABH Eyeshadow Single Pan in China Rose BN $8
*ABH Eyeshadow Single Pan in Fresh Peach BN $8
*ABH Liquid Lipstick in Vamp BN $12
*ABH Liquid Lipstick in Catnip BN $12 each
*ABH Lip Gloss in Venom BN $12
*Colourpop Take Me Home eyeshadow palette BN $12
*Sonia Kashuk Large Powder Brush BN $16
*Sonia Kashuk Contour Brush BN $14
*Diorshow DS Mascara BN $5
*Purity 3 in 1 Cleanser DS $8
*Colourpop SSS in Cosmic Charge BN $5
*LA Colors LE Eyestruck Smokey Palette BN $8
*LA Colors LE Eyestruck Naked Palette BN $8
1/7 NEW
*ABH Liquid Lipstick in Soft Lilac BN- $12
*ABH Liquid Lipstick in Milkshake BN -$12
*ABH Eyeshadow Single Pan in Truffle BNIB- $8
*BH Cosmetics 10 pan Blush Palette BN $12
*Chilly Penguin Cooling Eye Pads open BN $2
*Que Bella Glitter Peel Off & 2 in 1 Scrub Wash off Mask BN $2
*Real Techniques Limited Edition Mini Medium Sculpting Brush BN $6
*Real Techniques Bold Metals One Sweep Oval Shadow Brush BN $8
*The Masque Bar Penguin Purifying Sheet Mask x9 - $2.50 each
*The Masque Bar Reindeer Calming Sheet Mask x3 - $2.50 each
*The Masque Bar Narwhal Clarifying Sheet Mask -$2.50
*wet n wild New Formula Eyeshadow Quad in Petalette BN $6
*wet n wild New Formula Eyeshadow 10 pan Palette in Not a Basic Peach- BN 1 left- $10
12/31 NEW
side note I forgot a lot of the names on a lot of the drugstore things- I can get shade names if interested in a certain product
bh Cosmetics
*Pride and Prejudice and Zombies LE Palette RIS other person used a few times and so did I $10 closed
*Pressed Single in Double Date BN $4
Etude House
*Any Cushion Refill in Vanilla BN $10
*Any Cushion Cushion Foundation in (?) Petal (have me double check shade) BN $14
Japonesque Brushes All BN
*Cut Crease- $8
Wonder Pencil in Deep BN x2 $2 each *Real Techniques**
*Limited Edition Travel Size Mini Expert Pro Brush with Full Size Head BN x2 $8 each
*Sculpting Sponge BN $8
Too Faced
*DS Chocolate Soleil in medium/deep open Possibly swatched, more than likely not. $4
TZ Cosmetics
*Aurora Borealis Highlighting Palette may have been swatched $15 closed
Wet n Wild
*Limited Edition Geometric Highlighter BN $4
*NYX Brush Cleanser BN $8
*Ecotools Brush Cleanser BN X2 $6
Hollywood Beauty Sweater Saver BN $6 *Drugstore Makeup**
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Blues (don’t remember name) Used 2-3x $2
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Neons BN Sealed $3
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Nudes/Bronze BN Sealed $3
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Purples BN Sealed $3
*CoverGirl True Naked Jewels Eyeshadow Palette used 1-2x $4 Brush not included
*Covergirl Total Eye Look Palette in Blues (forgot name) BN Sealed $3
*Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Gilded Envy BN $3
Nonie Colour Prevails Eye Shimmer Powder in Purple and in Silver both BN *Discontinued $6 each
*Coastal Scents Revealed Smokey Eye Sampler $1 or FWP BN
*ELF Baked Trio Eyeshadow in Purples (man these names are hard to remember) BN Not Sealed $3
*Elf Eye Smudge Brush FWP or $1
*Revlon Photoready Eye Art in Peach Colors BN Sealed $3
*Walgreens x DC comic collab Catwoman Eyeshadow Palette closed BN $5
*JCat Baked Eyeshadow in Creme Brulee BN $5
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss Lipstick in 110 (I believe it is a matte lip) BN $3
12/24 NEW
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in 10k BN x2 -$8 each
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Gem BN -$8
*ABH Metallic Eyeliner in Liquid Silver BN - $14
BITE Beauty
*Lush Fruit Lip Gloss in Spice BN - $12
*Lip Pencil in 038 BN - $10
City Color
*Eyeshadow Single in All Eyes on Me BN - $4
*Tsum TsumAnna & Elsa HYALURONIC ACID Sheet Mask- x4 $2.50 each
*Tsum Tsum Winnie the Pooh & Piglet Honey Sheet Mask- x4 $2.50 each
Marc Jacobs
*Enamored Nail Polish in 116 shocking BN - $8
Real Techniques
*Bold Metals Blush Brush 300 BN x2- $10 each
*DS Always On Gel Eyeliner in Fishnet BN - $8
*DS Juicy Couture Roller Ball Charm usage shown - $3
*Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy perfume BN- 2007 version Hard to Find Bottle Style- $25
*Britney Spears Curious perfume- usage line shown by arrow in picture - $8
*Hilary Duff With Love perfume- usage shown- $15
*Disney A Princess Wish perfume- sprayed 1-4 times Discontinued $12
*GAP Love Shack body spray- Discontinued- usage shown- $7
*Bath and Body Works Signature Vanillas: Coconut body spray- Discontinued Scent- usage shown- $12
*Got2B Kinkier Curl Mousse should be 70-80% full I will double check if interested (price will be adjusted if less) $5
*Tresemme Keratin Smooth Serum usage shown- $3
*Got2B Oil-licious Calm and Shine Styling Oil Discontinued- usage shown $5
*Got2B Smooth Operator Smoothing Luxury Mousse usage line $4
*Travel Size Big Sexy Hair Spritz and Stay BN - $3
*Travel Size Pantene Sheer Volume Foam BN $3
*Juice Beauty Luminous Lip Crayon in: 12 Malibu -BN $6
*Ipsy December Bag - BN $6
*Green Italy Towel BN -$2 each
*Lottie London Nail Polish in Riot! BN -$3
*Nail Inc Floral Decals nail polish- used 2-4 times- $2
*Kiss Gradation Polishes Kit BN - $3
*DS First Aid Beauty Facial Cleanser BN -$6
*DS Avene A - Oxitive BN $8
*DS Korres Rose Facial Sleeping Mask - $7
*Mini Liquid Lips Matte2: all BN $3.50 each
*Times Square
*Love Bug
*Creeper x2
*Bad Habit
*Mini Liquid Satin Lips: all BN $3.50 each
*Mess Around
*Magic Wand
*Ultra Matte Lips FS
*Beeper- Swatched 1x $4
LE GWP Only Take Five x2- BN $6
*Ultra Glossy Lips
All LE - all BN $5 each
*Wishes x2
*Bash (old formula)
*RSVP x2
*Bash (new formula & box- color differr) - BN $5
*MISC Colourpop Lips
*Lippie Stix- LE GWP Only- Fab Five- BN $6
*Lippie Pencil in: Oversized - Swatched 1x $3
*Ultra Satin in Calypso- BNIB $6
Coloured Raine
*Matte Lip Paint in: Sugar x4 - BN $5 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Soul x2- BN $5 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Marshmallow x2- BN $5 each
Dose of Colors
*DOC in: Cotton Candy x2-BN $6
*DOC in: Attitude- BN $6
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Stain in:Pink Petal- swatched 1x - $1
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Super Gloss in: Sunrise - BN $1
*ELF Lip Laquer in Natural- BNIB $3
*Elf Mini DS Lips- all BN $1 each
Pink *(how original)
*Funky Fuchsia
Gerard Cosmetics
*Berry Smoothie Lipstick x3- BN $6 each
*All Dolled Up Lipstick x3-BN $7 each
*Kimchi Doll Lipstick -BN $7
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Pink Tiara- BN $8
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Coral Craze- BN $8
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Butter Cream- BN $8
Hot Makeup
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Bubbly- BN $4
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Casino Night- BN $4
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunset- BN $4
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Runway- BN $4
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Like a Queen- BN $4
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunkissed- BN $4
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Blown Away- BN $4
*Lipstick: Crystal’s Kiss- BN $4
*Lipstick: Take it Off- BN $4
*Lipstick : Voyage- BN $4
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Lovecraft- swatched 1x $8
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Hellbent- BNIB $11
KIKO Cosmetics
*More Colour Lip Liner in: Billowing Peach x4- BN $2 each
*Studio Shine Lip in Jasmine- BN $4
*Studio Shine Lip in Dutchess- BN $4
*LaSplash Liquid Velvet Matte Lip in Red Velvet- BNIB box damaged- $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Saintly- BN $4
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Bitter Berry- BN $4
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Madly Mandarin- BN $4
*Lipland Matte Lip in: Samantha x3- BN $4 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: So Seductive x3- BN $4 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Get Lucky- BN $4
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Olympus- BN $4
*Burts Bee’s Mint Cocoa Chapstick BN $2
*Buxom FS Liquid Lip in: Moonlighter- BN $5
*Carmex Moisture Plus (tint)- swatched 1x $1
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte Lip in: Catoure - BN $2
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte in: Crimson Cat- BN $2
*DS Grande Lips Lip Plumper - x2 BN $5 each
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Jack Skellington- Pumpkin Spice Latte- BNIB- $5 x4
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Sally Peppermint Candy Corn- BNIB- $5 x2 *LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Ursula Wicked Grape- BNIB- $5 x2
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Cruella De Vill Cruel Red Velvet- BNIB- $5 x1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Maleficent Blackberry Magic- BNIB- $5 X1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Halloween Minnie Sour Trick or Treat Candy- BNIB- $5
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Vampire Mickey Spooky Ooky Smores- BNIB- $5 x3
Maybeline Baby Lips in: Purple Container and Pink Container- both swatched 1-2 times *FWP** (can’t find names on them)
*Nivea Shimmer Lip Care- opened but BN $1
*Palladio Herbal Lipstick in: Smokey Rose x4- one opened but all BN $2 each
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss in 113- used lightly x2 $1
*The Lip Bar in: Cosmo- BN $5
*Ulta DS Color Rush Lip Gloss in: Olivia - BN $2
*Ulta Matte Lip Crayon in: Soiree - BN $2
Walgreens x DC comics Collab in “Combat” and “Bravery” - *FWP** (see notes for other info pertaining to these
Nonie Colour Prevails
Liquid Lip with Clear Matte Topper- all BN $3 each *COLORS
*Retro Pink
*Darkest Taupe
NYX Lip Products BOGO 50%
*NYX Round Lipstick in Jupiter BN x2- $3 each
*NYX Round Lipstick in Summer Love BN x3- $3 each
*Suede Matte Lip Liners- all BN $2 each
*Prune x2
*Stockholm x5
*Cannes x7
*Club Hopper
*Foiled Again x7
*Life’s a Beach
*London x3
*Los Angeles x3
*Whipped Caviar x4
*Copenhagen x4
*Milan x2
*Respect the Pink x3
*Pink Lust x2
*Sao Paulo x5
*Kitten Heels x3
*Vintage Red x4
*Aria x4
*Alabama x2
*Nyx Lip Liner in: Dolly Pink- BN $2
Nyx Matte Lipstick- all BN $3 each (a couple are opened but still BN)
*Daydream x3
*Shy x2
*Bloody Mary x2
*Pure Red
*Indie Flick x4
*Pale Pink x2
*Couture x4
Nyx Macaron Matte Lip - all BN $3 each
*Blue Velvet
Nyx Butter Lipstick - all BN $3 each
*Big Cherry
*Sugar Wafer
*Nyx Lingerie in: Satin Ribbon x 5 - all BN $3 each
*Nyx Mega Shine Lipgloss in: Perfect Red x2- all BN $3 each
*Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Cherry Cheesecake
*Sugar Cookie
*Tiramisu x3
*Peaches and Cream x2
*Strawberry Parfait x2
*Red Velvet
*Creme Brulee x4
*Peach Cobbler x2
Nyx Intense Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Spice Cake x2
*Sorbet x2
*Funnel Delight x3
*Orangesicle x2
OCC Cosmetics
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tarin: Digitalis- BN $6
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Anime- BN $6
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $6
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Femme x2- BN $6
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Queen- BN $6
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $6
Tattoo Junkie
*Happy Hour with Sparkle Lip Effect BN- $6
Matte Lip Paint with Effect Toppers- all swatched 1x $3 each
*Minx with Velvety Lip Effect LEFT OFF!!
*Walgreens x DC comics Collab in: Riot with Sparkle Effect Lip topper
*Outcast with Chroma Effect Lip Topper
Too Faced
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Pitch Perfect- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Maneater- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Bachelorette BN $9
*Melted Lip in: Melted Melon-BN $7
*Melted Lip in: Melted Marshmallow- BN $7
*Melted Lip in: Melted Fuchsia-BN $7
*Melted Lip in: Melted Frozen Hot Chocolate- BN $7
Wet n Wild
Fall 2017 LE Catsuit Matte Lip - all BN $6 each *COLORS
*Sleepy Hollow x4
*Boo Blu x4
*Purple Panic
*Terrifying Tangerine
*LE Midnight Mermaid Metallic Matte Catsuit - BN $6
*Sea Seduction
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in : Rebel Rose- swatched x2 $3
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Give Me Mocha- BN $5
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Coral Corruption used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in: Turn’t Orange- used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in” Shelly Shocked- used 1x-$2
*Wet n Wild Gel Lip Liner in: Never Petal Down- used 1x- $1 (or FWP)
*Cushion Matte Lip in: Melon Like it is - BN $4
*Lipstick in: Think Pink- BN FWP
*Gel Lip Liner in: Red The Scene- BN $3
*World Famous Neutrals Palette (open) (closed) - might have swatched each color 1x if that (does not come with eyeshadow look cards)- $14
Coastal Scents
*Hot Pots at Various uses - $1 each
*Fancy Pansy
*Venetian Red
*Volcanic Blast
*Pale Daffodil
*Light Yellow
*Blue Moon
*Gypsy Blue
*Elven Silver
*Snow Pea
*Mellow Yellow
*Sea Lily
Super Shock Shadows - BNIB
*Reversible x2- $5 * Supermodel x3- Discontinued-$6
*The One- Discontinued- $6 right side up
*One by One- DISCONTINUED- $6 (pictured twice, or I may have two- see below)
*Shop- BNIB- $5
*Pressed in:Snake Eyes- swatched 1x $3
*Pressed in: Let’s Do It- used wet x2 for eyeliner- $3
I buy too many doubles...grr, here is what I have with those:
*Pressed in Running Late BNIB $4
*Pressed in Blowfish BNIB $4
*ELF Prism Eyeshadow Palette in Naked- BNIB $5
Kat Von D
*Lighting Liner in: Poe- BN $4 note:(had some color on tip when purchased)
KIKO Cosmetics
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 05 Gold and Teal- BN $3
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 04 Sky Blue and Indigo- BN $3
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 03 Lilac and Plum- BN $3
Looxi Beauty
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Sorbet- has been repress, but now you have to really work at it to get color- FWP if interested
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Firefly- swatched 3x $4
*Makeup Forever DS Shadow in 6RO1 (?) closed - BN $4
[Naked Cosmetics* Loose Pigment]( in: Mother Nature- Swatched 1x- $5
*Revlon Color Exactify Wheel Liquid Liner in black- tried one time on one eye- $4
*Sephora + Pantone Universe Color of the Year Palette (open) (closed) - RIS BNIB- did not use so BNIB- $25
*Vintage Single Shadow - swatched 1x $6
*Tarte DSTarteist Mascara BNIB $10
Too Faced
*Violet Femme Single Shadow - BN $8
Wet n Wild * Unicorn Pigment Collection - BN $7 as a 3 set x2 or $3 each for singles
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Liquid Shadows all BN $6 each
*Moonlight Majesty (purple)
*Mysterious Nights (dark, kinda greyish? Best to look up swatches)
*Lara’s Necklace (green)
Winky Lux
*Winky Lux Kitten Palette - Used only a few colors once, purchased swatched only on MUE open - $13
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: Demi Black x2 BN- $2 each
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: 616 Black x3 BN- $2 each
*Spooky Lashes by Ardell in: Goddess (top and bottom) x2- BN $2 each
*Kiss Lashes Flutterful & Fierce x5 BN $2 each
Want to try Colourpop’s Crystal Spray Primers, but don’t want to buy the bottle? DECANTS AVAILABLE! Great for foiling Eyeshadows!
5ml eye dropper- $1.00 10ml eye dropper- $2.00 10ml Spray Bottle- $3.00 (spray bottles are slightly pricey)
Available in the following:
*[Rose Quartz)[
Face Continued
*Coty Air Spun Powder in Naturally Neutral- BN only opened for pictures- $5
*Makeup Revolution strobing/highlighting duo chrome palette (I used as creme eyeshadows)- each shade at least swatched some lightly used- $10
*LA Girl Face Setting Powder- Used 1-2x $4
*L'oreal Lumi Cushion Foundation in W2 OPEN used lightly, no cushion puff included- $4
*ELF Highlighting Holographic Duo in Siren’s Call- Swatched yellow side 2x- $6
*ELF Shining Facial Whip - BNIB $3
*Wet n Wild Paint Palette Limited Edition in Metallics- x2 BN $4 each
*DS Benefit Watts Up - BN $7
*GlamGlow Glow Starter in Nude Glow - $5
*It cosmetics CC+ DS in Medium- BN $5
Sonia Kashuk Limited Edition SOLD OUT Brush Sets
*4 piece Pop Art Set x2- BNIB $10.50 each
*Smashbox Brush #9 - used, make an offer not sure what to price at
*Kate Spade Makeup Bag flaw opened - Used, Loved, Zipper is cracking other than that still in great shape- I’m thinking $20 but open to offers
*Crown Chisel Brush BN - $5
*Soho The Little Mermaid Makeup Bag opened Used 1-2x Tops Brand New Looking- $6
*Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray By Home Basics -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $8
*Large Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $10
Not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but I have an old vintage perfume bottle for sale, opened closed
*Dr. Brandt Pore Dermabrasion DS- $4
*Scary Pretty Face Mask BN $1 each *Pumpkin Spice x2 *Sugar Cookie
*Stratia Soft Touch AHA Decants| 5ml-$2
Demeter’s Fragrance Library Watermelon Lollipop 15ml only sampled a bit $4
Kat Von D
*Twirl Sample - usages shown: Fuller-$1.50 not so full- $1
*Betsey Johnson Too Too - usage shown $0.50
*JLO Love Glow - usage shown, no cap $4
*Marc Anthony Hydrating Coconut and Shea Butter Travel Size- BN $4
*Briogeo Repair Don’t Despair Deep Conditioning Mask DS- BN $4
*Forever 21 Heart Shaped Curlers - BN never used- $2
*Forever 21 Circle Shaped Curlers - BN never Used- $2
*Hair how-to Barette Roll - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $4 *Hair how-to Barette Perfect Bob - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $3
*E-Pony how to Barrette - Never used only opened- $4 backside
*French Twister Hair how to - probably tried 1x like new $4
*Hair Braider how to NO instructions - BN $2
*Herbal Essences Bio- essence Dry Shampoo - usage line estimated in picture- $3
*TGI Bed Head After Party -70-80% left $5
*DS OUAI Treatment Mask BN $5
*Broadway Nails Press on Glow in the Dark Manicure- BN $3
*ORLY Color Blast in Fly like Flit (orange)- used 1x $1
*ORLY Color Blast in Follow Your Path (blue) - BN never used $2
*Sally Hansen Color Therapy in Reflection Pool - used one time $3
*LE Wet n Wild Holiday 2016 Mega Last in R-U-FREE-2-DANCE - used 1x $3
ISO If the price is right I may buy ONLY the things listed, open to swaps for these items as well
*Demeter Fragrance Library Perfume: Sex on the Beach
*Limited Edition Japanese skincare bottles (empty prefered) with Disney Characters
*Anything Disney try me, excluding the MAC Disney Items
*Decant of Ben Nye Banana Powder
*Anyone in Times Square? REALLLY searching for some Frudia products that only the CVS in Times Square has!!!
So that about wraps it up! I appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end, it’s a lot of stuff! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or if you want more usage detail on anything, or even more pictures!
Have a great day everyone! More to come Stay Tuned :)
submitted by ktlady0225 to makeupexchange [link] [comments]


Hello Everyone!
Hope everyone is having a makeup-tastic day over here at MUE! :)
Here is Part One of my MEGA SWEET DEALS SALE!! There is mostly lip stuff and a few other things that I had typed and ready to go. Let me help you score so killer deals on mostly BN items!
This post will be any lipstick queen’s dream as I have everything from Colourpop to Gerad Cosmetics, Nyx to Lipland. A LOT of stuff to come in and take a peek at!
So the Nitty Gritty Details first as always:
Sale Set Up
Going to go by timestamps for dibs, and will use the typical NIL system that most sales use. Please don’t ghost me, I really do not mind if you change your mind. And if you cannot commit to an item within 2 hours I will move to the next person- unless we have arrangements made via PM holding time wise. I am pretty flexible to a point, no lowballs, but a lot of the prices are a decent percent off retail already, so I may be firmer on some things price wise. REALLY THOUGH TRY ME YOU MAY BE SURPRISED :)
Shipping Starts at $3 and goes up by weight- depending how heavy or how much you buy we can probably come up with a bundle price for you. And I will try and get the shipping as cheap as possible- even if I have to send stuff separately or get creative lol.
Going to be shipping within the USA, but I have done a few Canada sales, and one to the Netherlands- so if you are International and really don’t mind the $$$ shipping let me know we can work something out. You would be responsible for any and all customs issues that arrive if they were to occur- so you are agreeing to that as well when you purchase internationally from me. Can also insure the package on request- you cover that too.
I take payments through Paypall only please. I prefer Friends and Family Payments, but if you would like Goods and Services Protection, then you would just cover the fees. If it is a lot of stuff you are buying and would like G&S I prefer to send you an invoice, you still cover fees. Please pay promptly so I can package up and get your goodies to you as fast as I can (unless we have agreed to other arrangements in PMs such as holding times and such)
I would more than likely mess it up completely so that will be 100% up to the purchaser.
Who is this chick anyway??
I have had two posts on MUE, but I have done at least 100 requests and or sales fulfilled, and have a good set of feedback on Ebay- if you would like to see qualifications let me know :) And if anyone who has bought from me wants to give me a shout out in the comments that would be cool proof too! Lol (I have quite a few regulars hehe) I really enjoy this great community, I haven’t had any problems with anyone and would love to have some new customers to meet more of you :)
Mods: Verification is tagged in sets of items- like I will tag the first thing out of a list of what the photo contains. Let me know if there are any no no’s in my post and I will fix it promptly.
*Mini Liquid Lips Matte2: all BN $3.50 each
~~*Beeper ~~
*More Better
*Times Square
*Love Bug
*Creeper x2
*Bad Habit
*Mini Liquid Satin Lips: all BN $3.50 each
*Mess Around
*Magic Wand
*Too Lips
* Ultra Matte Lips FS
*Beeper- Swatched 1x $4
LE GWP Only Take Five x2- BN $6
*ILUVSARAHII X Colourpop “Mamacita”- BN $5
*Ultra Glossy Lips
All BN, LE, SOLD OUT - all BN $5 each
*Wishes x2
*Bash (old formula)
*RSVP x2
*Bash (new formula & box- color differr) - BN $5
*MISC Colourpop Lips
*Lippie Stix- LE GWP Only- Fab Five- BN $6
*Lippie Pencil in: Oversized - Swatched 1x $3
Coloured Raine
*Matte Lip Paint in: Sugar x4 - BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Soul x2- BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Marshmallow x2- BN $6 each
Dose of Colors
*DOC in: Cotton Candy x2-BN $9
*DOC in: Attitude- BN $9
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Stain in:Pink Petal- swatched 1x - $2
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Super Gloss in: Sunrise - BN $3
*Elf Mini DS Lips- all BN $1 each
Brett 1 *(they both are named Brett but look like completely different colors- see photo)
*Brett 2
Pink *(how original)
*Funky Fuchsia
Gerard Cosmetics
*Berry Smoothie Lipstick x3- BN $7 each
*All Dolled Up Lipstick x3-BN $7 each
*Fire Engine Lipstick -BN $7
*Kimchi Doll Lipstick -BN $7
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Pink Tiara- BN $12
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Coral Craze- BN $12
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Butter Cream- BN $12
Hot Makeup
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Bubbly- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Casino Night- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunset- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Runway- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Like a Queen- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunkissed- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Blown Away- BN $9
*Lipstick: Crystal’s Kiss- BN $9
*Lipstick: Take it Off- BN $9
*Lipstick : Voyage- BN $9
KIKO Cosmetics
*More Colour Lip Liner in: Billowing Peach x4- BN $4 each
Korean Lips
*Peripera Touch Pang in: Brunch with Pink x2 BN-$8
*The Face Shop X Disney Tint Glass Lips in: Joyful Red- BN $10
*The Face Shop X Disney Tint Glass Lips in: (can’t read it) Snow White- BN $10
*Etude House Wonder Fun Park Dear Darling Tint in: BL601- used 2x $4
*Secret Key Chubby Jelly Lips in: Cherry Red- BN $6
*Studio Shine Lip in Jasmine- BN $7
*Studio Shine Lip in Dutchess- BN $7
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Saintly- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Bitter Berry- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Tartle- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Madly Mandarin- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Lip in: Samantha x3- BN $6 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: So Seductive x3- BN $7 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Get Lucky- BN $7
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Olympus- BN $7
*Beauty Treats Cranberry Lip Scrub BN $2
*Burts Bee’s Mint Cocoa Chapstick BN $2
*Buxom DS in: Rose Juelp- BN $4
*Carmex Moisture Plus (tint)- swatched 1x $1
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte Lip in: Catoure - BN $3
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte in: Crimson Cat- BN $3
*Essence Matte Lip - swatched x2 $1
*Fresh Sugar Rose - swatched 1x $3
Maybeline Baby Lips in: Purple Container and Pink Container- both swatched 1-2 times $1 each *(can’t find names on them)
*Nivea Shimmer Lip Care- opened but BN $2
*Palladio Herbal Lipstick in: Smokey Rose x4- one opened but all BN $3 each
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss in 113- used lightly x2 $2
*The Lip Bar in: Cosmo- BN $6
*Ulta DS Color Rush Lip Gloss in: Olivia - BN $2
*Ulta Matte Lip Crayon in: Soiree - BN $2
Walgreens x DC comics Collab in “Combat” and “Bravery” -$1 each *(see notes for other info pertaining to these
Nonie Colour Prevails
Liquid Lip with Clear Matte Topper- all BN $4 each *COLORS
*Retro Pink
*Darkest Taupe
*Suede Matte Lip Liners- all BN $2 each
*Prune x2
*Stockholm x5
*Cannes x7
*Orange County
*Cherry Skies
*Tea & Cookies
*Run the World
*Subversive Socialite
*Club Hopper
*Foiled Again x7
*Life’s a Beach
*London x3
*Los Angeles x2
*Whipped Caviar x4
*Copenhagen x4
*Milan x2
*Respect the Pink x3
*Pink Lust x2
*Sao Paulo x5
*Kitten Heels x3
*Vintage Red x4
*Aria x4
*Alabama x2
*Nyx Lip Liner in: Dolly Pink- BN $2
Nyx Matte Lipstick- all BN $3 each (a couple are opened but still BN)
*Daydream x3
*Shy x2
*Bloody Mary x2
*Pure Red
*Indie Flick x4
*Pale Pink x2
*Couture x4
Nyx Macaron Matte Lip - all BN $3 each
*Blue Velvet
Nyx Butter Lipstick - all BN $3 each
*Big Cherry
*Sugar Wafer
Nyx Creamy Round Lipstick - all BN $3
*[Jupiter]) x2
*Summer Love x 6
*Nyx Lingerie in: Satin Ribbon x 4 - all BN $3 each
*Nyx Mega Shine Lipgloss in: Perfect Red x2- all BN $3 each
*Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Cherry Cheesecake
*Sugar Cookie
*Tiramisu x3
*Peaches and Cream x2
*Strawberry Parfait x2
*Red Velvet
*Creme Brulee x4
*Peach Cobbler x2
Nyx Intense Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Spice Cake x2
*Sorbet x2
*Funnel Delight x3
*Orangesicle x2
OCC Cosmetics
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tarin: Digitalis- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Anime- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Femme x2- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Queen- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
Tattoo Junkie
Matte Lip Paint with Effect Toppers- all swatched 1x $4 each
*Minx with Velvety Lip Effect
*Walgreens x DC comics Collab in: Riot with Sparkle Effect Lip topper
*Outcast with Chroma Effect Lip Topper
Too Faced
*Lip Insurance Glossy- BN $10
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Pitch Perfect- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Maneater- BN $9
*Melted Lip in: Melted Melon-BN $11
*Melted Lip in: Melted Marshmallow- BN $11
*Melted Lip in: Melted Fuchsia-BN $11
*Melted Lip in: Melted Frozen Hot Chocolate- BN $11
Wet n Wild
Fall 2017 LE Catsuit Matte Lip - all BN $7 each *COLORS
*Sleepy Hollow x4
*Boo Blu x4
*Widow’s Peak
*Purple Panic
*Terrifying Tangerine
*Emerald City
*LE Midnight Mermaid Metallic Matte Catsuit -all BN $7 each
*Coral Crown
*Harbor a Crush
*Sea Seduction
*Lara’s Necklace
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in : Rebel Rose- swatched x2 $3
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Give Me Mocha- BN $5
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Coral Corruption used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in: Turn’t Orange- used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in” Shelly Shocked- used 1x-$2
*Wet n Wild Gel Lip Liner in: Never Petal Down- used 1x- $1 (or FWP)
*Cushion Matte Lip in: Melon Like it is - BN $5
*Lipstick in: Think Pink- BN $1
*Gel Lip Liner in: Red The Scene- BN $3
*World Famous Neutrals Palette (open) (closed) - might have swatched each color 1x if that (does not come with eyeshadow look cards)- $16
BH Cosmetics
*28 Color Neutral Eyes Palette(closed) (open) (details/usage notes) - used 5-6x - $7
*Wild Child Palette- Sealed/Shrink wrapped- BN $10
Coastal Scents
*Hot Pots at Various uses - $1 each
*Fancy Pansy
*Venetian Red
*Volcanic Blast
*Deep Merlot
*Miami Spice
*Vintage Burgundy
*Pale Daffodil
*Light Yellow
*Deep Cider
*Blue Moon
*Gypsy Blue
*Elven Silver
*Snow Pea
*Mellow Yellow
*Sea Lily
*Kiwi Green
*I Think I Love You pressed shadow palette- BNIB $16
Super Shock Shadows - BNIB
*Reversible x1- $4
*The One- Discontinued- $6
*One by One- SOLD OUT- $6 (pictured twice, or I may have two- see below)
*Super Shock Shadows - Various Usages
*Kathleenlights- swatched 2-3x- $3
*Sleigh- swatched 2x- $3
*LaLa- BN- $4
*Shop- BNIB- $5
*Glitterati- used 2x- on the dryer side but still useable- $2
*Creme Gel Liner in: DLTA- swatched 1x- $3
*Pressed in: Say I Do- Discontinued- BNIB-$5
*Pressed in:Snake Eyes- swatched 1x $3
*Pressed in: Up & Up - swatched x2 $3
*Pressed in: Let’s Do It- used wet x2 for eyeliner- $3
Kat Von De
*Alchemist Palette open detail closed - bought off of here BN, swatched each shade and used “pink opal” and “ultra-violet amethyst” once each. Basically BN- $25
*High Voltage Eye Primer x2- BN $10 each
*Lighting Liner in: Poe- BN $8 note:(had some color on tip when purchased)
*Tattoo Brow in: Light Brown- BN $10
KIKO Cosmetics
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 05 Gold and Teal- BN $6
Looxi Beauty
*Pressed in: Aquarious- swatched 1x $6
*MUG pressed shadow in: Sandollar- swatched 1x $5
*Sephora + Pantone Universe Color of the Year Palette (open) (closed) - RIS BNIB- did not use so BNIB- $30
*Vintage Single Shadow - swatched 1x $8
Too Faced
*Violet Femme Single Shadow - BN $10
Wet n Wild * Unicorn Pigment Collection - BN $15 as a 3 set x2 or $5 each for singles
Wet n Wild
*Gold Bar Highlighter - all BN x5 $7 each
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Higlighter - all BN $9 each
Sonia Kashuk Limited Edition SOLD OUT Brush Sets
*4 piece Pop Art Set x6- BNIB $15 each
*10 piece Saydee’s Work of Art Set- BNIB $25
*Saydee’s Work of Art Matching Brush Cup x3 $8 each
So that about wraps it up for round one! I appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end, it’s a lot of stuff! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or if you want more usage detail on anything, or even more pictures!
Have a great day everyone!
More to come Stay Tuned :)
Also I should have my Asian Beauty post up in a day or too!
submitted by ktlady0225 to makeupexchange [link] [comments]


Hello Everyone!
So the Nitty Gritty Details first as always:
Sale Set Up
Going to go by timestamps for dibs, and will use the typical NIL system that most sales use. Please don’t ghost me, I really do not mind if you change your mind. And if you cannot commit to an item within 2 hours I will move to the next person- unless we have arrangements made via PM holding time wise.Don’t like my prices? Make me an offer, I am pretty flexible to a point, no lowballs, but a lot of the prices are a decent percent off retail already, so I may be firmer on some things price wise. REALLY THOUGH TRY ME YOU MAY BE SURPRISED :) Also it’s a lot of stuff to keep track of, so I apologize if it hasn’t been removed from the list right away if it’s been sold!
Shipping Starts at $3 and goes up by weight- depending how heavy or how much you buy we can probably come up with a bundle price for you. And I will try and get the shipping as cheap as possible- even if I have to send stuff separately or get creative lol.
Going to be shipping within the USA, but I have done a few Canada sales, and one to the Netherlands- so if you are International and really don’t mind the $$$ shipping let me know we can work something out. You would be responsible for any and all customs issues that arrive if they were to occur- so you are agreeing to that as well when you purchase internationally from me. Can also insure the package on request- you cover that too.
I take payments through Paypal only please. I prefer Friends and Family Payments, but if you would like Goods and Services Protection, then you would just cover the fees. If it is a lot of stuff you are buying and would like G&S I prefer to send you an invoice, you still cover fees. Please pay promptly so I can package up and get your goodies to you as fast as I can (unless we have agreed to other arrangements in PMs such as holding times and such)
I would more than likely mess it up completely so that will be 100% up to the purchaser.
Mods: Verification is tagged in sets of items- like I will tag the first thing out of a list of what the photo contains. Let me know if there are any no no’s in my post and I will fix it promptly.
ON TO THE GOODIES small wishlist on bottom
12/10 NEW!
*Drunk Elephant LaLa Retro Cream - BN $12
*Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask DS x2 BN $5 each
*Christophe Robin Cleansing Purifying Scrub DS x2 - BN $8 each
*Makeup Forever DS Shadow in 6RO1 (?) closed - BN $5
*FS UD 24/7 Glide on Velvet Eyeliner in Lush- BN $14
*Colourpop SSS in Posey and Cherries Jubilee - BN $5 each
*Colourpop Yes Please Palette BNIB- just came with powder stains on lid -$14
*Kat Von D Tattoo Brow in Light Brown BNIB- $12
*Bite mini Amuse Buche Lip in Fig and Meringue - $5 each
*Clinique Black Honey DS Lip- BN $6
*DS Grande Lips Lip Plumper - x2 BN $5 each
*Algenist Luminizing Drops in Rose- BN $20
*DS Benefit Watts Up - BN $7
*GlamGlow Glow Starter in Nude Glow - $5
*Milk Blur Stick DS - BN $4
*It cosmetics CC+ DS in Medium- BN $5
*Twirl Sample - usages shown: Fuller-$1.50 not so full- $1
*Chloe Sample - usage shown $0.50
*Betsey Johnson Too Too - usage shown $0.50
*DS Lady Gaga Born This Way - Brand new $4
*JLO Love Glow - usage shown, no cap $4
*BN Sample Size - $2 each
*Black Tulip - Nest Fine Fragrances x2
*California Clementine
*Tory Burch Love Relentlessly
Tools * Etude House LE Wonder Fun Park Face Brush Used a few times, in good shape- $4
*Forever 21 Heart Shaped Curlers - BN never used- $2
*Forever 21 Circle Shaped Curlers - BN never Used- $2
*Conair Mini On the Go Straightener - used only a few times, great condition -$6 close up of paddles
*Hair how-to Barette Roll - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $4 *Hair how-to Barette Perfect Bob - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $3
*E-Pony how to Barrette - Never used only opened- $4 backside
*French Twister Hair how to - probably tried 1x like new $4
*Hair Braider how to NO instructions - BN $2
*Herbal Essences Bio- essence Dry Shampoo - usage line estimated in picture- $3
*TGI Bed Head After Party -70-80% left $5
*DS Living Proof Dry Volume Blast BN -$4
*DS OUAI Treatment Mask BN $5
*Sally Hansen Color Therapy in Reflection Pool - used one time $3
*LE Wet n Wild Holiday 2016 Mega Last in R-U-FREE-2-DANCE - used 1x $5
*ORLY Color Blast in Fly like Flit (orange)- used 1x $2
*ORLY Color Blast in Follow Your Path (blue) - BN never used $3
12/3 New Stuff Added!
Cosmetics & Tools
*Colourpop Element of Surprise Eyeshadow Palette - used a few shades 2x- $14
*Colourpop Single Pan Eyeshadow in On the Fence- BN $4 (I buy to many doubles ahh!)
*ELF Prism Eyeshadow Palette in Naked- BNIB $6
*ELF Highlighting Holographic Duo in Siren’s Call- Swatched yellow side 2x- $6
*ELF Shining Facial Whip - BNIB $3
*ELF Lip Laquer in Natural- BNIB $3
*LaSplash Liquid Velvet Matte Lip in Red Velvet- BNIB box damaged- $7
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Limelight- swatched 3x $4
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Sorbet- has been repress, but now you have to really work at it to get color- FWP if interested
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Firefly- swatched 3x $4
*Smashbox Brush #9 - used, make an offer not sure what to price at
*Tarte DSTarteist Mascara BNIB $12
*Tarte DS Amazonian Clay Blush in Seduce- BNIB $14
11/26 New Stuff Added!
Kat Von D
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Lovecraft- swatched 1x $12
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Hellbent- BNIB $14
Tattoo junkie
*Happy Hour with Sparkle Lip Effect BN- $7
Kat Von D
*Shade and Light Eye Palette in Rust- BNIB $14
[Naked Cosmetics* Loose Pigment]( in: Mother Nature- Swatched 1x- $6
*Revlon Color Exactify Wheel Liquid Liner in black- tried one time on one eye- $5
wet n wild
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Liquid Shadows all BN $7 each
*Moonlight Majesty (purple)
*Mysterious Nights (dark, kinda greyish? Best to look up swatches)
*Lara’s Necklace (green)
Winky Lux
*Winky Lux Kitten Palette - Used only a few colors once, purchased swatched only on MUE open - $14
*Coty Air Spun Powder in Naturally Neutral- BN only opened for pictures- $5 *It Cosmetics Color Correcting Full Coverage & Anti Aging Hydrating Serum DS- BN $5
*Makeup Revolution strobing/highlighting duo chrome palette (I used as creme eyeshadows)- each shade at least swatched some lightly used- $10
*LA Girl Face Setting Powder- Used 1-2x $4
*L'oreal Lumi Cushion Foundation in W2 OPEN used lightly, no cushion puff included- $4
*Wet n Wild Paint Palette Limited Edition in Metallics- x2 BN $4 each
*Mac Brush #159 BN $18
Demeter’s Fragrance Library Watermelon Lollipop 15ml only sampled a bit $4
Kat Von D
*Sinner DS BNIB- $8
*Broadway Nails Press on Glow in the Dark Manicure- BN $3
*Dr. Brandt Pore Dermabrasion DS- $6
*Scary Pretty Face Mask BN $1 each
*Pumpkin Spice x2 *Sugar Cookie
Stratia Soft Touch AHA Decants| 5ml-$2
*Mini Liquid Lips Matte2: all BN $3.50 each
*More Better
*Times Square
*Love Bug
*Creeper x2
*Bad Habit
*Mini Liquid Satin Lips: all BN $3.50 each
*Mess Around
*Magic Wand
* Ultra Matte Lips FS
*Beeper- Swatched 1x $4
LE GWP Only Take Five x2- BN $6
*ILUVSARAHII X Colourpop “Mamacita”- BN $5
*Ultra Glossy Lips
All BN, LE, SOLD OUT - all BN $5 each
*Wishes x2
*Bash (old formula)
*RSVP x2
*Bash (new formula & box- color differr) - BN $5
*MISC Colourpop Lips
*Lippie Stix- LE GWP Only- Fab Five- BN $6
*Lippie Pencil in: Oversized - Swatched 1x $3
*Ultra Satin in Calypso- BNIB $6
Coloured Raine
*Matte Lip Paint in: Sugar x4 - BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Soul x2- BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Marshmallow x2- BN $6 each
Dose of Colors
*DOC in: Cotton Candy x2-BN $9
*DOC in: Attitude- BN $9
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Stain in:Pink Petal- swatched 1x - $2
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Super Gloss in: Sunrise - BN $3
*Elf Mini DS Lips- all BN $1 each
Pink *(how original)
*Funky Fuchsia
Gerard Cosmetics
*Berry Smoothie Lipstick x3- BN $7 each
*All Dolled Up Lipstick x3-BN $7 each
*Fire Engine Lipstick -BN $7
*Kimchi Doll Lipstick -BN $7
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Pink Tiara- BN $12
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Coral Craze- BN $12
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Butter Cream- BN $12
Hot Makeup
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Bubbly- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Casino Night- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunset- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Runway- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Like a Queen- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunkissed- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Blown Away- BN $9
*Lipstick: Crystal’s Kiss- BN $9
*Lipstick: Take it Off- BN $9
*Lipstick : Voyage- BN $9
KIKO Cosmetics
*More Colour Lip Liner in: Billowing Peach x4- BN $4 each
*Studio Shine Lip in Jasmine- BN $7
*Studio Shine Lip in Dutchess- BN $7
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Saintly- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Bitter Berry- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Madly Mandarin- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Lip in: Samantha x3- BN $6 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: So Seductive x3- BN $7 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Get Lucky- BN $7
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Olympus- BN $7
*Burts Bee’s Mint Cocoa Chapstick BN $2
*Buxom DS in: Rose Juelp- BN $4
*Buxom FS Liquid Lip in: Moonlighter- BN $6
*Carmex Moisture Plus (tint)- swatched 1x $1
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte Lip in: Catoure - BN $3
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte in: Crimson Cat- BN $3
*Essence Matte Lip - swatched x2 $1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Jack Skellington- Pumpkin Spice Latte- BNIB- $5 x4
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Sally Peppermint Candy Corn- BNIB- $5 x2 *LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Ursula Wicked Grape- BNIB- $5 x2
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Cruella De Vill Cruel Red Velvet- BNIB- $5 x1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Maleficent Blackberry Magic- BNIB- $5 X1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Halloween Minnie Sour Trick or Treat Candy- BNIB- $5
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Vampire Mickey Spooky Ooky Smores- BNIB- $5 x3
Maybeline Baby Lips in: Purple Container and Pink Container- both swatched 1-2 times $1 each *(can’t find names on them)
*Nivea Shimmer Lip Care- opened but BN $2
*Palladio Herbal Lipstick in: Smokey Rose x4- one opened but all BN $3 each
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss in 113- used lightly x2 $2
*The Lip Bar in: Cosmo- BN $6
*Ulta DS Color Rush Lip Gloss in: Olivia - BN $2
*Ulta Matte Lip Crayon in: Soiree - BN $2
Walgreens x DC comics Collab in “Combat” and “Bravery” -$1 each *(see notes for other info pertaining to these
Nonie Colour Prevails
Liquid Lip with Clear Matte Topper- all BN $4 each *COLORS
*Retro Pink
*Darkest Taupe
*Suede Matte Lip Liners- all BN $2 each
*Prune x2
*Stockholm x5
*Cannes x7
*Orange County
*Cherry Skies
*Tea & Cookies
*Run the World
*Subversive Socialite
*Club Hopper
*Foiled Again x7
*Life’s a Beach
*London x3
*Los Angeles x3
*Whipped Caviar x4
*Copenhagen x4
*Milan x2
*Respect the Pink x3
*Pink Lust x2
*Sao Paulo x5
*Kitten Heels x3
*Vintage Red x4
*Aria x4
*Alabama x2
*Nyx Lip Liner in: Dolly Pink- BN $2
Nyx Matte Lipstick- all BN $3 each (a couple are opened but still BN)
*Daydream x3
*Shy x2
*Bloody Mary x2
*Pure Red
*Indie Flick x4
*Pale Pink x2
*Couture x4
Nyx Macaron Matte Lip - all BN $3 each
*Blue Velvet
Nyx Butter Lipstick - all BN $3 each
*Big Cherry
*Sugar Wafer
*Nyx Lingerie in: Satin Ribbon x 5 - all BN $3 each
*Nyx Mega Shine Lipgloss in: Perfect Red x2- all BN $3 each
*Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Cherry Cheesecake
*Sugar Cookie
*Tiramisu x3
*Peaches and Cream x2
*Strawberry Parfait x2
*Red Velvet
*Creme Brulee x4
*Peach Cobbler x2
Nyx Intense Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Spice Cake x2
*Sorbet x2
*Funnel Delight x3
*Orangesicle x2
OCC Cosmetics
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tarin: Digitalis- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Anime- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Femme x2- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Queen- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
Tattoo Junkie
Matte Lip Paint with Effect Toppers- all swatched 1x $4 each
*Minx with Velvety Lip Effect
*Walgreens x DC comics Collab in: Riot with Sparkle Effect Lip topper
*Outcast with Chroma Effect Lip Topper
Too Faced
*Lip Insurance Glossy- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Pitch Perfect- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Maneater- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Bachelorette BN $9
*Melted Lip in: Melted Melon-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Marshmallow- BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Fuchsia-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Frozen Hot Chocolate- BN $8
Wet n Wild
Fall 2017 LE Catsuit Matte Lip - all BN $7 each *COLORS
*Sleepy Hollow x4
*Boo Blu x4
*Widow’s Peak
*Purple Panic
*Terrifying Tangerine
*Emerald City
*LE Midnight Mermaid Metallic Matte Catsuit -all BN $7 each
*Coral Crown
*Harbor a Crush
*Sea Seduction
*Lara’s Necklace
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in : Rebel Rose- swatched x2 $3
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Give Me Mocha- BN $5
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Coral Corruption used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in: Turn’t Orange- used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in” Shelly Shocked- used 1x-$2
*Wet n Wild Gel Lip Liner in: Never Petal Down- used 1x- $1 (or FWP)
*Cushion Matte Lip in: Melon Like it is - BN $5
*Lipstick in: Think Pink- BN $1
*Gel Lip Liner in: Red The Scene- BN $3
*World Famous Neutrals Palette (open) (closed) - might have swatched each color 1x if that (does not come with eyeshadow look cards)- $16
BH Cosmetics
*28 Color Neutral Eyes Palette(closed) (open) (details/usage notes) - used 5-6x - $6
Coastal Scents
*Hot Pots at Various uses - $1 each
*Fancy Pansy
*Venetian Red
*Volcanic Blast
*Pale Daffodil
*Light Yellow
*Blue Moon
*Gypsy Blue
*Elven Silver
*Snow Pea
*Mellow Yellow
*Sea Lily
*I Think I Love You pressed shadow palette- BNIB $18
Super Shock Shadows - BNIB
*Reversible x2- $4 * Supermodel x3- Discontinued-$6
*The One- Discontinued- $6 right side up
*One by One- SOLD OUT- $6 (pictured twice, or I may have two- see below)
*Shop- BNIB- $5
*Posey BN - $5
*Cherries Jubilee
*Pressed in: Say I Do- Discontinued- BNIB-$5
*Pressed in:Snake Eyes- swatched 1x $3
*Pressed in: Up & Up - swatched x2 $3
*Pressed in: Let’s Do It- used wet x2 for eyeliner- $3
I buy too many doubles...grr, here is what I have with those:
*Pressed in Running Late BNIB $4
*Pressed in On the Fence BN $4 (have box)
*Pressed in Blowfish BNIB $4
Kat Von D
*High Voltage Eye Primer x2- BN $10 each
*Lighting Liner in: Poe- BN $8 note:(had some color on tip when purchased)
*Shade and Light Eye in Smoke - BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 05 Gold and Teal- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 04 Sky Blue and Indigo- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 03 Lilac and Plum- BN $5
*Sephora + Pantone Universe Color of the Year Palette (open) (closed) - RIS BNIB- did not use so BNIB- $30
*Vintage Single Shadow - swatched 1x $8
Too Faced
*Violet Femme Single Shadow - BN $10
*Cat Eyes Palette used $7
Wet n Wild * Unicorn Pigment Collection - BN $15 as a 3 set x2 or $5 each for singles
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: Demi Black x2 BN- $3 each
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: 616 Black x3 BN- $3 each
*Spooky Lashes by Ardell in: Goddess (top and bottom) x2- BN $4 each
*Kiss Lashes Flutterful & Fierce x5 BN $3 each
Want to try Colourpop’s Crystal Spray Primers, but don’t want to buy the bottle? DECANTS AVAILABLE! Great for foiling Eyeshadows!
5ml eye dropper- $1.50 10ml eye dropper- $2.50 10ml Spray Bottle- $3.50 (spray bottles are slightly pricey)
Available in the following:
*[Rose Quartz)[
Face Continued
*YSL Blur Primer DS- BNIB $15
Wet n Wild
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Higlighter - all BN $9 each
Sonia Kashuk Limited Edition SOLD OUT Brush Sets
*4 piece Pop Art Set x4- BNIB $12.50 each
*Saydee’s Work of Art Matching Brush Cup x2 $6 each
*Kate Spade Makeup Bag flaw opened - Used, Loved, Zipper is cracking other than that still in great shape- I’m thinking $25 but open to offers
*Crown Chisel Brush BN - $5
*Mac Pro Palette Insert - Never used for actual purpose, only to hold earrings in a draw- $0.75
*Soho The Little Mermaid Makeup Bag opened Used 1-2x Tops Brand New Looking- $6
*Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray By Home Basics -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $8
*Large Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $10
Not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but I have an old vintage perfume bottle for sale, opened closed
*Marc Anthony Hydrating Coconut and Shea Butter Travel Size- BN $6
*Briogeo Repair Don’t Despair Deep Conditioning Mask DS- BN $4
AB Makeup
Brand Name Shade Usage Price
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Mild Mandarin BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Pink Rabbit BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Real Peach BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Romantic Peach BN $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Honey Pink BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Momo BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pink Skirt BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pure Pink BN $7
Apieu LE Apieu x Rilakkuma Shimmer Eyeshadow GL 101 sealed- 2 Available $5 each
Beauty People Fast 10's Gel Liner Auto Pencil Diamond Brown swatched 2x $6
Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack Pure Pink BN $6
Brow Lash EX LE Minnie Brow Powder and Brow Liner Duo 24hr Waterproof Light Brown only swatched powder side 1x $12
Clio Kill Black Waterproof Eyeliner 01 Black see notes on photo $4
Clio Chic Matte Eyeliner Black swatched 2x $6
Dolly Wink Color Eyeliner Sugar Purple used 1x $7
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Little Bear Star used 2x $3
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Shooting Star sealed $4
Etude House Cookie Blusher "Strawberry Choux" used 2-3x No Puff $4
Etude House Dear Darling Lips Wonder Fun Park BL 601 used lightly 2x $3
Etude House Eyebrow Brush see photo notes $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 805 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 806 sealed-2 available $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest PP 505 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest GR 708 opened light usage $3
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 003 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 005 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 010 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BE 104 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes OR 205 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 303 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 304 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BR 405 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BK 802 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Jewel BE 103 sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 428 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 429 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BL 606 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection GR 709 Opened used 1-2x $3
Etude House LE Ice Cream Pink Makeup Pouch Sealed $5
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 01 White Tear Sealed $4
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 04 Pink Tear swatched 2x $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 05 (brown sparkle not sure on name) sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 06 Olive Peridot sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 07 Carat Diamond used 1x $3
Holika Holika [Jewel Under Eye Maker] Pink used liner end 3x swatched shadow end 1x $4
Holika Holika Magic Pole Liner 2x 01 Black Eyeliner swatched 1x $8
Holika Holika Shimmer Eye Shadow SPP 3 sealed $4
It's Skin Babyface Petit Gel Eyeliner 05 (dark blue-ish teal) used 1x $3
It's Skin Babyface Petit Blusher 04 used 3x no Puff $3
Koji Eye Talk Excellent Double Eyelid Maker Moisturizing BN $10
Koji Spring Heart False Lashes with glue BN $4
Ladykin Shadow Stick Yellow Green swatched 2x $4
Lioele Duo Eyeshadow No.1 Golden Godiva BN $8
Lioele Mix Concealer Palette closed/open Only Comes In This Shade Combo see closed photo caption notes $9
Missha Missha x Line Friends 4D Mascara front back Black Sealed $7
Missha Shimmer Eyeshadow GBE 03 Sealed $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow 5BL 01 see photo notes $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow SGR 01 see photo notes $3
Peripera Touch Pang Lip Brunch With Pink BNIB 2 available $8
Secret Key Chubby Jelly Lips Cherry Red BN $6
Secret Key Twinkle Waterproof Gel Liner Purple Sparkle )not sure of name BN $6
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips Joyful Red- Little Mermaid BN $10
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips can't read name- Snow White BN $10
The Saem Face Lightener CC SPF30 PA++ Green used 1x 90% left $5
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 06 see photo notes $2
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 01 swatched 1x $3
AB Nails US Shipping ONLY
Brand Product Shade Condition Price
Ladykin Gumho Nail Polish Cashmere Purple used 1x $2
The Saem Eco Soul UV Gel Nail see photo BN $4
ISO If the price is right I may buy ONLY the things listed, open to swaps for these items as well
*Demeter Fragrance Library Perfume: Sex on the Beach
*Limited Edition Japanese skincare bottles (empty prefered) with Disney Characters
*Anything Disney try me, excluding the MAC Disney Items
So that about wraps it up! I appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end, it’s a lot of stuff! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or if you want more usage detail on anything, or even more pictures!
Have a great day everyone!
More to come Stay Tuned :)
Also check out my ABX Post for loads of decants and everything AB!
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